View Full Version : Look in the Mirror

07-29-2012, 08:14 PM
Really! Is this the only thing you can bash Tim on is his faith. You want to make fun of him because he believes in God. So you get on this Website and bash him of his faith, yet each and every single one of you, when you were hired and SWORN in to protect, defend, the constitution , and all federal, state and local laws who was it under MS? NO it was under GOD!! The same one that TIM tries to live up to. *Don't make fun of a mans faith in which you are out there to protect that right, don't make fun of the mans faith in God as when you yourself under the most intense critical incident that is happening to you or one of your loved ones are you praying or asking MS to help you or is it to God himself?*

If that is ALL that you can bash him on and you want MS to take you to his promise land then good luck. I would rather follow a man who tries to live by right then follow a man who thinks he does yet continues to only think and do for himself. Tim Fisher has my vote!!!!

07-29-2012, 08:23 PM
Tim has my vote too!

But I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago....Is it normal for a 3 year old to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy? Yes it is!

But if my 20 year old came running with a Christmas wish list in a envelope addressed to Santa.....Well then. We are going to have a talk! Just sayin'.....

07-29-2012, 08:50 PM
Really! Is this the only thing you can bash Tim on is his faith. You want to make fun of him because he believes in God. So you get on this Website and bash him of his faith, yet each and every single one of you, when you were hired and SWORN in to protect, defend, the constitution , and all federal, state and local laws who was it under MS? NO it was under GOD!! The same one that TIM tries to live up to. *Don't make fun of a mans faith in which you are out there to protect that right, don't make fun of the mans faith in God as when you yourself under the most intense critical incident that is happening to you or one of your loved ones are you praying or asking MS to help you or is it to God himself?*

If that is ALL that you can bash him on and you want MS to take you to his promise land then good luck. I would rather follow a man who tries to live by right then follow a man who thinks he does yet continues to only think and do for himself. Tim Fisher has my vote!!!!

I never took an oath "under god" and I never prayed to an invisible man, a zombie savior, or anyone else when me or a family member was in crisis. I support Tim Fisher despite his religion and fain, not because of it.

07-30-2012, 10:49 AM
People have always respected TF's faith, however he is not acting like the same man. He is being so negative towards many! He went to a friend of mines house and began to trash us. No, not as an individual, as the LCSO. I know he was talking about a select few, but he is not coming across that way to the general public. Not a good speaker! Sorry TF, maybe next time, see you in 2016 when you will be crushed by another local!!! :snicker:

07-30-2012, 02:28 PM
TF is an absolute crazy man right now! No thank you. :roll: