View Full Version : Question for Tim

07-27-2012, 07:30 PM
Upon reading the email that Tim just sent out, I am wondering why should we vote for someone who writes on a 7th grader's level?

07-27-2012, 07:56 PM
Upon reading the email that Tim just sent out, I am wondering why should we vote for someone who writes on a 7th grader's level?

Judging by the grammar and spelling of many of the posts written here that's about two grade levels above many of this site's posters.

07-28-2012, 01:52 AM
You should vote for him because the other alternatives are;
1. The giant orange dome who hasn't given us a raise in 6 years,
2. An emotionaly unstable dipshit with a well documented history of mistreating subordinates as a staff officer,
3. the guy who thinks the government puts chemicals in soap that make citizens weak and compliant.

07-28-2012, 12:05 PM
There is no way in hell, sorry TF for using that word, that me, my family or neighbors will vote for TF. When someone is already lying about not making promises to his immediate supporters, that's just the beginning of unfilled promises to come. JL was promised Chief, KC was promised Major, Dana B was promised Colonel, etc... Look at the same crew that is always with him! By the way, there are hard workers like me that work in Corrections TF. No words on how your going to make things better there because you never worked in here! Oh that's right you were a detective with investigative skills, you mean you were in IA screwing people over when Ferrante would tell you too! Stop your lies, it's disgusting when you claim to be a Christian Man!!!!

07-28-2012, 08:17 PM
Keep telling stories KC is flying to Hati on the 13 of August. Keep lying maybe someone will bye youre lies, someone's getting nervous.

07-29-2012, 10:13 PM
ROFLMAO!!!! Mikey and crew must be very very nervous to start a rumor such as this one. Come on folks, don't buy in to the MS's cronies who are trying to say they have seen something that doesn't exists as of yet. If you want to know the truth, just call Timmy. There is no organizational chart and there has been no discussion from Timmy to anyone within his camp about his ideas about creating a new administration. Timmy is focused on the primary and nothing else at this moment and time. It is humorous to say the least that TG and ES and crew are so scared they would create up a bold face lie such as this!!! LMAO, how do they come up with this stuff!!! Stay the course folks, change is a coming!! :lol:

07-29-2012, 11:23 PM
If you want to know the truth, just call Timmy. There is no organizational chart and there has been no discussion from Timmy to anyone within his camp about his ideas about creating a new administration.

Looks like there is a whole lot of nothing going on. No Organization Chart and No Ideas of one? His website and No Ideas there either! (just all talk and NO action plans) Yeah sounds like I want in on that!!

As for Bushong HELL NO! Can you say ****-tator!!

Sorry all you haters but I'm not falling for all this trash talk of promises.

07-30-2012, 12:32 AM
If you want to know the truth, just call Timmy. There is no organizational chart and there has been no discussion from Timmy to anyone within his camp about his ideas about creating a new administration.

Looks like there is a whole lot of nothing going on. No Organization Chart and No Ideas of one? His website and No Ideas there either! (just all talk and NO action plans) Yeah sounds like I want in on that!!

As for Bushong HELL NO! Can you say ****-tator!!

Sorry all you haters but I'm not falling for all this trash talk of promises.

Vote for Scott you A-hole chicken Sh*t

07-30-2012, 12:35 AM
@no vote for Tim--Yea because it's evident by your posting, you know whats going on!! LMAO, such an Idiot!!!

07-30-2012, 08:42 PM
Vote for Scott you A-hole chicken Sh*t

@no vote for Tim--Yea because it's evident by your posting, you know whats going on!! LMAO, such an Idiot!!!

You are killing me :lol: Great way of proving my point. Not even his little sheep know what he is doing either. Well Keep up the good work and dont be too upset two weeks from now....LMAO :snicker: