View Full Version : The City of Miami Government

07-23-2012, 11:48 AM
The City Of Miami is full of Goons, Thugs, PickPockets, Delinquints, Criminals, Rats, Snakes, Animals, MotherF@ckers, Crooks, Basterds, Abusers, Scum-Bags, Dirt-Bags, Rapist, Burglers, Armed Assailants, Armed Robbers, Killers, Assasins, Preso's Politicos (Political Prisoners) Ex-Fugitives, Ex-Cons, Illegal Immagrants, Snithces,

Santero's, Brujero's, Palero's, Padrino's, Molester's, Villins, Corupt, Crooked, Dirty, Filthy, Wicked, Lawless, Shady, Scandalous, Vicious, Immoral, Disgusting, Cancerous, Culprit's, Hoodlum's, Mobster's, Hooligan's, Hustler's, Felon's, Desperado's, Sinner's, Evil, Law Breakers, and Indecent Human beings,

43's, Barberians, Pirates, Sleezy, Douchebags, Mierda, Feces, Vomit, Urine, Caca, Porqueria, Garbage, Basura, Alcoholics, Coke Heads, Weed Heads, Crack Monsters, Broke, Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, Gamblers, Tricksters, Marimberos, Drug Addicts, Drug Dealers, Racists, Pigs, Cochino's, Sucio's, Cowards, Hookers, Puto's, Puta's, Homosexual's, Peste a Pinga's...

And that's only the Police Department and City Hall, so imagine it's citizens!
Average Joe Citizen

07-23-2012, 12:07 PM
You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful!

07-23-2012, 12:10 PM
Broke and under paid.

07-23-2012, 12:16 PM
The City Of Miami is full of Goons, Thugs, PickPockets, Delinquints, Criminals, Rats, Snakes, Animals, MotherF@ckers, Crooks, Basterds, Abusers, Scum-Bags, Dirt-Bags, Rapist, Burglers, Armed Assailants, Armed Robbers, Killers, Assasins, Preso's Politicos (Political Prisoners) Ex-Fugitives, Ex-Cons, Illegal Immagrants, Snithces,

Santero's, Brujero's, Palero's, Padrino's, Molester's, Villins, Corupt, Crooked, Dirty, Filthy, Wicked, Lawless, Shady, Scandalous, Vicious, Immoral, Disgusting, Cancerous, Culprit's, Hoodlum's, Mobster's, Hooligan's, Hustler's, Felon's, Desperado's, Sinner's, Evil, Law Breakers, and Indecent Human beings,

43's, Barberians, Pirates, Sleezy, Douchebags, Mierda, Feces, Vomit, Urine, Caca, Porqueria, Garbage, Basura, Alcoholics, Coke Heads, Weed Heads, Crack Monsters, Broke, Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, Gamblers, Tricksters, Marimberos, Drug Addicts, Drug Dealers, Racists, Pigs, Cochino's, Sucio's, Cowards, Hookers, Puto's, Puta's, Homosexual's, Peste a Pinga's...

And that's only the Police Department and City Hall, so imagine it's citizens!
Average Joe Citizen
Definitely the problems with the average citizen of the city of miami (Banana Republic) is that they are mostly illegal aliens that can't spell :shock:

07-23-2012, 12:32 PM
No Joe Citizen! What about you?

07-23-2012, 01:52 PM
We have the best city government money can buy.

07-24-2012, 02:38 AM
At least learn to spell,,,, perhaps you should have added ignoramuses that have a high school GED


07-24-2012, 03:23 AM
Predictable post from anal treat. Trying again with the humour? Appears you misspelled your screen name jack@ss. What a duesch...man of science!

07-24-2012, 03:35 AM
Predictable post from anal treat. Trying again with the humour? Appears you misspelled your screen name jack@ss. What a duesch...man of science!
Get off my tip Chester. My name should be scaring you away but for some strange reason it seams to be attracting you. You freakazoid. :shock:

07-24-2012, 04:59 AM
Get off your tip? Nah I don't think so. Your name in itself speaks volumes. You've been the laughing stock of this board lately...and your clueless. Your complaint to MOD showed us how butt-hurt you get over silly posts. Didn't realize you were the sinsitive type. Later sucka!