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07-18-2012, 10:08 AM
Gildo has derailed the union and now is back in full power. Now he will destroy more of you.

07-18-2012, 11:53 AM
Gildo has derailed the union and now is back in full power. Now he will destroy more of you.

No, actually it was impatience that derailed the Sgt's. union. Because we live and work in the "split second decision" world and are used to immediate results we were impatient when union progress was not fast enough to meet our expectations. And those of us that are part of the "generation X/generation Y" "what's in it for me" subculture didn't help things either. The fact still remains that the damage is done to M.S. ego. The fact still remains that there were enough of us fed up with the unprofessional way in which this sheriff's office is being managed that we voted in a union to get us back to the professional standards that we swore an oath to uphold. The fact still remains that a union is the best way to derail the arbitrary and capricious "standards" used by the administration to hand out discipline, raises, promotions, and assignments. And the fact still remains that while this union was unsuccessful there are others, F.O.P./P.B.A., to mention a few, that are ready to come to our aid. If we give up that easily on looking for a solution to our problems what makes us think that we could ever put in the effort required to solve a crime problem?

07-18-2012, 09:18 PM
I was PBA for 12 years and I saw them do NOTHING for us where I worked...keep your $$$$....PBA equals BS in Florida.

07-29-2012, 09:55 AM
oh well
rd and ts and kf are in the hallway. guildo calls the shots *****es

07-29-2012, 10:05 AM
we shall overcome. MS will complete 2 years and turn it over to Guildo. We will have our first gay sheriff in florida history

07-29-2012, 12:23 PM
I bet he isnt the first. I bet there have been a LOT more if truth were known.

07-31-2012, 11:28 AM
Will TF let Guildo stay if he gets in? I wonder because he's religious but then again he accepted his pedofile brother so maybe he has tolerance?

07-31-2012, 11:54 PM
So why is the sheriff so loyal to Guildo? He got rid of cf and people closer. Guildo has hurt him more than anything and turned the agency against him from major on down

08-05-2012, 05:40 PM
Guildo for chief
Guildo for sheriff

08-05-2012, 09:08 PM
:snicker: Dear All,

Bite me!

Love Mike

08-22-2012, 08:43 PM
Guildo best be smart in who he pushes for promotion. He already looks bad for pushing tricky ricky who had his family and friends sign at least 9 cards at mango mania. i was there and already told #1 what i saw

10-26-2012, 11:55 AM
WAAAAAAAAAAHH! Not fair!!! I don't wanna go South! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! :x :x :x
I need to live close to home so I can keep having kids :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

10-27-2012, 02:03 AM
ya'll need to quit hatin folks
changes are a comin
the colonel will lead us to the promised land

10-29-2012, 12:10 PM
Guildo best be smart in who he pushes for promotion. He already looks bad for pushing tricky ricky who had his family and friends sign at least 9 cards at mango mania. i was there and already told #1 what i saw
Well I guess since Mike signed a card and bragged about it he should get rid of himself.

10-30-2012, 02:21 AM
Guildo best be smart in who he pushes for promotion. He already looks bad for pushing tricky ricky who had his family and friends sign at least 9 cards at mango mania. i was there and already told #1 what i saw
Sad all the rats that work here.

10-30-2012, 04:43 PM
Gildo has derailed the union and now is back in full power. Now he will destroy more of you.

No, actually it was impatience that derailed the Sgt's. union. Because we live and work in the "split second decision" world and are used to immediate results we were impatient when union progress was not fast enough to meet our expectations. And those of us that are part of the "generation X/generation Y" "what's in it for me" subculture didn't help things either. The fact still remains that the damage is done to M.S. ego. The fact still remains that there were enough of us fed up with the unprofessional way in which this sheriff's office is being managed that we voted in a union to get us back to the professional standards that we swore an oath to uphold. The fact still remains that a union is the best way to derail the arbitrary and capricious "standards" used by the administration to hand out discipline, raises, promotions, and assignments. And the fact still remains that while this union was unsuccessful there are others, F.O.P./P.B.A., to mention a few, that are ready to come to our aid. If we give up that easily on looking for a solution to our problems what makes us think that we could ever put in the effort required to solve a crime problem?

Dark day you are so correct! I have been saying the same thing. No patience whatsoever around here. Look at the Sgts...really. One would think they would be smarter thatn that. Also, look at the moron who sends out the anti union emails..really. That guy would probaly sell out his mother to get ahead. He must be working in IA I bet. What a twit that one is. The Code...yes the code has been forgotten in LCSO.

11-01-2012, 01:54 AM
Guildo best be smart in who he pushes for promotion. He already looks bad for pushing tricky ricky who had his family and friends sign at least 9 cards at mango mania. i was there and already told #1 what i saw

Is this Eric the rat who also went to Timmy?

11-01-2012, 09:28 AM
The colonel knows what he is doing and this is the best place to work, so know your role and shut your hole :snicker: :snicker:

11-09-2012, 01:24 PM
Many Many POSITIVE moves and transfers. I have feel the agency growing closer and healing. Not ONE bad move or transfer. Those who moved forward - congradulations brothers and sisters! For those who are not so happy - there is a reason for your moves caused by either your action or inaction. You CAN bounce back - BE POSITIVE THIS TIME! learn from your mistakes. If your a supervisor then BE one

11-09-2012, 01:58 PM
Many Many POSITIVE moves and transfers. I have feel the agency growing closer and healing. Not ONE bad move or transfer. Those who moved forward - congradulations brothers and sisters! For those who are not so happy - there is a reason for your moves caused by either your action or inaction. You CAN bounce back - BE POSITIVE THIS TIME! learn from your mistakes. If your a supervisor then BE one

Mistakes like exercising your First Amendment rights? Silly citizenry!

11-10-2012, 08:54 AM
Many Many POSITIVE moves and transfers. I have feel the agency growing closer and healing. Not ONE bad move or transfer. Those who moved forward - congradulations brothers and sisters! For those who are not so happy - there is a reason for your moves caused by either your action or inaction. You CAN bounce back - BE POSITIVE THIS TIME! learn from your mistakes. If your a supervisor then BE one

You, my friend, have defined the term IDIOT.

11-10-2012, 02:59 PM
Many Many POSITIVE moves and transfers. I have feel the agency growing closer and healing. Not ONE bad move or transfer. Those who moved forward - congradulations brothers and sisters! For those who are not so happy - there is a reason for your moves caused by either your action or inaction. You CAN bounce back - BE POSITIVE THIS TIME! learn from your mistakes. If your a supervisor then BE one
Did you mean bowel movements?

11-10-2012, 03:31 PM
I guess if you don't like the moves you can complain to your union reps if you can find them.......

11-10-2012, 07:32 PM
I guess if you don't like the moves you can complain to your union reps if you can find them.......
That is too too funny. And true. Dial 1800 shut the hell up and move on
I see morale skyrocketing already. Best hallway in many many years. Thank you Sheriff!

11-11-2012, 02:39 AM
I guess if you don't like the moves you can complain to your union reps if you can find them.......
That is too too funny. And true. Dial 1800 shut the hell up and move on
I see morale skyrocketing already. Best hallway in many many years. Thank you Sheriff!

Nothing funny about having a spiteful sheriff who is willing to ruin people's careers over HIS employees exercising their first amendment rights.

11-11-2012, 04:54 AM
The colonel knows what he is doing and this is the best place to work, so know your role and shut your hole :snicker: :snicker:

Yessa Masta! Please don't hit me wit the whip, I want say it again Masta... :D

11-11-2012, 12:59 PM
I guess if you don't like the moves you can complain to your union reps if you can find them.......
WOW look at alpha district, boy did RD get it stuck in his rear. Funny RD was really a true loyal Mike guy, but I guess he didn't donate as much as someone else. I guess its not what you know its (fill in your own word). WOW how many new LT and Capts and whatever made up positions there are now? Boy wonder if the media is going to figure that one out. Mike also F@#$ed all the Union Reps hopefully the Union gets some balls and does something. If not then everyone is right on how useless the IUPA is. Well Mike is a smart politician and played to his base while we all cut each other throats. Got to love it. Must give Mike credit where credits due he may be a lousy sheriff but he is definetley a great politicain.

11-12-2012, 11:39 PM
Looking at all the promotions you have to laugh. What a joke 99%should be embarrassed they were promoted this way. I guess back stabbing and ass kissing is the way to go in the department. What ever happened to merit and earning something. I guess if you have no morals who cares.

11-13-2012, 12:15 AM
Muah muah muah! Eat your heart out Chaaaaaaaarrrrrrrlllleeeeeeeyyyyyy! Ha

11-13-2012, 02:00 PM
Who was moved/transferred?

11-13-2012, 08:18 PM
This place is a joke, we even have to rely on collier county to catch our burglars.

http://www.news-press.com/article/20121 ... |text|Home (http://www.news-press.com/article/20121113/CRIME/121113037/Burglary-suspect-leads-Collier-County-deputy-chase-ends-up-hospital?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Home)

A burglary suspect has been hospitalized after leading a Collier County deputy on a chase down Interstate 75.

A deputy traveling southbound near mile marker 97 on I-75 today spotted a vehicle that matched the description of a vehicle driven by a wanted man. The suspect is wanted in connection with several Lee County burglaries, according to Collier County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Michelle Batten. The deputy attempted to conduct a traffic stop around 1:30 p.m., but the suspect fled.

The deputy then engaged in a pursuit of the suspect, which ended when the two vehicles crashed at mile marker 86.

11-14-2012, 12:55 AM
Fun we just caught 6 of Collier's bad guys last night. I think that called partnership. Something you obviously know nothing about.

11-17-2012, 02:40 PM
The news flash IS there are many many fools who received an education. This is FLORIDA people. You chose to move HERE. We dont care how you did it up North. We dont care about your unions. The sheriff's office hasn't changed in 125 years. The sheriff is and always has been a political entity. The one thing every sheriff is Florida demands is loyalty - LCSO has more transplants in the last 10 years than ever before. This is your wake up call. Fall in line or find another agency. Sorry to be blunt but those are the cold hard facts. As you can see at ALL sheriff offices across Florida - loyalty is rewarded as with these promotions. Always has always will be
The NEW administration has set the tone for the next four years - Fall in line. Cease the union nonesense. Be happy your employed. Work hard and improve yourself instead of brooding on jealousy

11-27-2012, 11:05 AM
The news flash IS there are many many fools who received an education. This is FLORIDA people. You chose to move HERE. We dont care how you did it up North. We dont care about your unions. The sheriff's office hasn't changed in 125 years. The sheriff is and always has been a political entity. The one thing every sheriff is Florida demands is loyalty - LCSO has more transplants in the last 10 years than ever before. This is your wake up call. Fall in line or find another agency. Sorry to be blunt but those are the cold hard facts. As you can see at ALL sheriff offices across Florida - loyalty is rewarded as with these promotions. Always has always will be
The NEW administration has set the tone for the next four years - Fall in line. Cease the union nonesense. Be happy your employed. Work hard and improve yourself instead of brooding on jealousy

Who would write this crap? Loyalty? If this was a fact you would never have a new Sheriff. What the Sheriff does require is a $500 donation and do as I say not as I do. What is sad is what ever kiss ass who wrote this probably is another worthless none earning promoted loser. Maybe if the Sheriff had at least given a cost of living raises or any raise (as the Sheriff did receive and through his Sheriff's Union) there would not be so many disgruntled employees. Why are there any deputies on food stamps? Something is very wrong with this picture and the attitude of someone like you. Look back to the Sheriff's first term - he was allegedly pro Union and for the deputies or was he lying? Isnt lying a fireable offense in the Sheriff's dept?

11-28-2012, 02:42 AM
I guess if you don't like the moves you can complain to your union reps if you can find them.......
That is too too funny. And true. Dial 1800 shut the hell up and move on
I see morale skyrocketing already. Best hallway in many many years. Thank you Sheriff!Your welcome Lt. Rakestraw, and thank you for all the union busting work you did....Oh, I shouldn't leave out "Lt" Snyder or "Lt" Petracca either.

11-29-2012, 10:22 AM
and you can add Lt Payne and if you don't like it there is two things you can do about it, nothing and like it :snicker: :snicker:

11-29-2012, 02:01 PM
The news flash IS there are many many fools who received an education. Cease the union nonesense.

The news flash is that the union is not going anywhere. We suggest all you anti-union thugs and crybabys get used to reality. Like 99% of Florida Sheriff and Police Departments you are a UNION agency.

11-30-2012, 11:49 AM
I would agree the union may not be going anywhere right now, however after the BOCC rips IUPA apart you will be wishing you followed us " the Sergeants " once again. Does anyone know when IUPA goes in front of the BOCC? I want to be there to see some reality faces.

11-02-2013, 03:12 AM
thanksgiving is coming gildo - who's stuffing your turkey?
All joking aside love the boss for supporting our rights by putting us in the hallway - cant say he's against minorities when he supports us
just wish they would come out strong and make us proud

11-02-2013, 05:57 PM
Now that's some special stuffing.

11-03-2013, 01:37 PM
Lay off the Chief. That didn't sound right. He wants the best for LCSO and it's employees.

11-03-2013, 06:49 PM
Lay off the Chief. That didn't sound right. He wants the best for LCSO and it's employees.
He wants what's best for the the south cronies and any member of the LGB community. I voted in a N Ft Myers redneck I mean WTF

11-03-2013, 10:52 PM
Is the chief Gay? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

11-09-2013, 02:17 PM
Congrats to the Chief on his retirement!!

11-09-2013, 05:39 PM
Is he really? If this is true we could rebuild a better administration. Allen,Sims, Kalstrom gone will be a start.

11-11-2013, 12:07 AM
so who would everyone prefer for #2 and why is this one so bad?

11-11-2013, 03:04 AM
new car 2, sgt. P.H. the best choice

11-13-2013, 09:37 PM
OMG, changes everywhere. If it is true I think Col. E is the only choice

11-14-2013, 01:55 AM
Col E never did a day on the road lol

11-14-2013, 10:59 AM
Why didn't Rick get promoted if we're going on road experience etc.

11-14-2013, 12:06 PM
Col. E has been in that position for a very long time. He is good to us and doesn't need to have that experience. How much experience does Chief A have in Corrections? Where does most of the budget get spent, CORRECTIONS.

11-15-2013, 12:25 AM

P.H. for Sheriff.

Okay, Paul Harvey...

11-15-2013, 08:14 PM
Fuccillo for Sheriff. That would be HUGE!!!!

11-15-2013, 10:44 PM
Col. E has been in that position for a very long time. He is good to us and doesn't need to have that experience. How much experience does Chief A have in Corrections? Where does most of the budget get spent, CORRECTIONS.

Dummy how do you think they get in jail ? Walk in and say here Iam

11-15-2013, 11:17 PM
You obviously don't know me.


11-16-2013, 03:17 AM
Okay so now Sims is a colonel and retiring in January. Well deserved promotion by the way. So does thst mean Olive Oil makes colonel? Does the new cmdr make major or will the real sheriff(#2) make 10 deep blondie or Rick(who actually deserves it) make major? Guess we'll Guildo tells Michael what he can do

11-16-2013, 04:34 AM
Most agencies, police and SO bump a guy up when he/she gets ready to retire. Don't know if GS is getting run out as most people usually give a 4-6 month notice so someone else can get groomed for the position.Bottom line the man did 33 years and deserves a great second life Yep some strange promotions especially for those who had no time in grade. jimmy Hoffa would not have allowed crazy stuff like this to occur

11-16-2013, 06:55 AM
I just keep buying lottery tickets two times a week hoping to get away from this mess.

11-16-2013, 02:55 PM
Okay so now Sims is a colonel and retiring in January. Well deserved promotion by the way. So does thst mean Olive Oil makes colonel? Does the new cmdr make major or will the real sheriff(#2) make 10 deep blondie or Rick(who actually deserves it) make major? Guess we'll Guildo tells Michael what he can do

Go back to bed RB.

11-17-2013, 02:26 PM
This is the best agency I could ever hope to work for. Outstanding promotions putting the best and brightest in leadership positions to take us into the future. More diversity now amongst the ranks. Stellar cops leading the way. A sheriff who truly cares for the agency and it's members and a strong manly chief who is a pillar of trust of strength. As opposed to past administrations we have more boots on the street, less civilian control, no favoritism or nepotism and we no longer have fear or intimidation. Go team green and be proud to serve!

11-17-2013, 03:03 PM
This is the best agency I could ever hope to work for. Outstanding promotions putting the best and brightest in leadership positions to take us into the future. More diversity now amongst the ranks. Stellar cops leading the way. A sheriff who truly cares for the agency and it's members and a strong manly chief who is a pillar of trust of strength. As opposed to past administrations we have more boots on the street, less civilian control, no favoritism or nepotism and we no longer have fear or intimidation. Go team green and be proud to serve!

Sarcasm is strong with this one.

11-23-2013, 11:04 AM
So if Michael run for the congressional seat and Gil becomes the sheriff what will his hallway and the agency look like?

11-23-2013, 12:14 PM
So if Michael run for the congressional seat and Gil becomes the sheriff what will his hallway and the agency look like?

Pretty much like any other gay bar. But at least the Major could have non-threatening male colleagues that only wish to dance and nothing more.

11-24-2013, 11:13 AM
So if Michael run for the congressional seat and Gil becomes the sheriff what will his hallway and the agency look like?
Dont be so naive and foolish. Michael likes to surround himself with weak soft people and allows them to manipulate him into their decisions. Name ONE REAL cop or person you respect who the sheriff associates with or is in his circle
Cant think of one? What does this pattern say about the man?

11-24-2013, 01:56 PM
So if Michael run for the congressional seat and Gil becomes the sheriff what will his hallway and the agency look like?
Dont be so naive and foolish. Michael likes to surround himself with weak soft people and allows them to manipulate him into their decisions. Name ONE REAL cop or person you respect who the sheriff associates with or is in his circle
Cant think of one? What does this pattern say about the man?

He doesn't run for that office. He can't be a congressman from his fishin' hole in the mountains. He knows that his 7th grade speeches wouldn't pass the test in Washington where **** and his uncle's influence means nothing. Face it he's a big fish in our little pond, so we're stuck with him until he thinks he has enough taxpayer money in his bank to fund his retirement.

11-24-2013, 09:34 PM
not sure if they would make it in one of the rough NE cities but the following MS supporters are real cops ,Haberman, Short,Hingson, Garrison, Hamilton, Cummins,Lucia actually there are many more "real" cops that support MS

11-25-2013, 05:09 AM
Garrisons a real cop? Ha ha ha ha ha.

11-25-2013, 05:11 AM
[quote="rainbows bring rain"]not sure if they would make it in one of the rough NE cities but the following MS supporters are real cops ,Haberman, Short,Hingson, Garrison, Hamilton, Cummins,Lucia actually there are many more "real" cops that support MS[/quote

Are you kidding? Except Cumins and Lucia, they are all sell outs.

11-25-2013, 02:07 PM
not sure if they would make it in one of the rough NE cities but the following MS supporters are real cops ,Haberman, Short,Hingson, Garrison, Hamilton, Cummins,Lucia actually there are many more "real" cops that support MS[/quote

Are you kidding? Except Cumins and Lucia, they are all sell outs.

Someone's jealous?

11-25-2013, 02:12 PM
[quote="rainbows bring rain":146m3pt3]not sure if they would make it in one of the rough NE cities but the following MS supporters are real cops ,Haberman, Short,Hingson, Garrison, Hamilton, Cummins,Lucia actually there are many more "real" cops that support MS[/quote

Are you kidding? Except Cumins and Lucia, they are all sell outs.

Someone's jealous?[/quote:146m3pt3]

No.. They are all sellouts. But can you blame them? They have to get ahead for their family and futures. it's all a game anyhow.

11-25-2013, 03:27 PM
Why didnt Michael choose Gramps or Bubba for commanders? Guess he has NO faith in their ability to choose a junior captains over them :oops: might as well retire boys cause ya ll been put out to pasture

11-26-2013, 11:57 AM
Happy Thanksgiving! Headed up North to visit some normal people. Looks like there are more changes coming.

11-27-2013, 03:21 PM
The first chief was hated but respected and Michael was loved. The second chief was a little disliked and a little respected and Michaels leadership was questioned. The third is totally hated with zero respect and Michael is hated and not respected. What up Michael? Get the meds back on track and dont wait till next term to bounce your dead beat chief! He is a reflection on YOU. He is YOU. Maybe we need to know the real YOU
We judge Ye on Ye hallway
Ye a failure

11-28-2013, 04:45 PM
Want Charlie back? This one is ruining his boss and LCSO.

11-29-2013, 10:18 PM
No thanks I'll take Homan!!!!!!!

11-30-2013, 07:21 PM
I will take Matt Powell, he was treated so bad by you know who when he was a major that he gave up the oak leaves. As chief he would ensure that people do not get treated as he was

11-30-2013, 07:24 PM
Oak leafs

11-30-2013, 08:03 PM
[quote="Snow man"]I will take Matt Powell, he was treated so bad by you know who when he was a major that he gave up the oak leaves. As chief he would ensure that people do not get treated as he was[/quote. Your kidding right? He just met a bigger **** than himself!

12-01-2013, 03:40 AM
I will take Matt Powell, he was treated so bad by you know who when he was a major that he gave up the oak leaves. As chief he would ensure that people do not get treated as he was[/quote. Your kidding right? He just met a bigger **** than himself!

This is where I have to jump in and say bullshit! Matt Powell is a good guy and a good Captain. I’m not sure how he and MS get along but Powell runs a tight ship. Just so there is no confusion I am not a MS fan, in fact I wouldn’t piss on his bald head if it were on fire.

12-01-2013, 06:11 AM
Thanks for posting that Matt, you have really cleared that up!

12-01-2013, 04:34 PM
Anyone who criticizes Capt. Powell knows nothing of his district or the agency. He is popular and loved by his people. He ALWAYS does what's right for the guys which is why he didn't fit in the hallway of doom and gloom and shame and disgust. Unlike Olive Oil he doesn't lie or bow down and accept almighty gildo's word. We all know Ciolino should've made captain and cook made lieutenant but they're way too stand up cops to make it in this vile cesspool. AND obviously the watch commanders don't count to anyone as they continually get passed over for promotions and consideration to green horn newly promoted lieutenants. Yes, we are under the REIGN OF GILDO and michael makes a "few" decisions.

12-02-2013, 02:17 PM
KR wouldn't bow down for anyone in the halfway, and why keep referring to her as Oliveoil. I don't get the connection. Matt Powell is the best District Captain we have.

12-16-2013, 04:17 PM
Now i know where term.Chatty Kathy comes from
Now we know why its going this way
Strong rumor the chatters say the sheriff is retiring in 2017 and handing the reigns over to chief

12-17-2013, 09:19 PM
All I know is, I've been here for almost 7 years and have never got a raise until the union came. Since then I've got a 3 percent raise and a $2400 bonus in one year. I'm signing up for the union this week. You can say all the negative things you want but my bank account says otherwise.

12-18-2013, 05:01 PM
All I know is, I've been here for almost 7 years and have never got a raise until the union came. Since then I've got a 3 percent raise and a $2400 bonus in one year. I'm signing up for the union this week. You can say all the negative things you want but my bank account says otherwise.
I cant agree more that everyone needs to join the union
Its the only thing that has challenged the sheriff and FORCED him to do the right thing
Sources from the new professional standards unit have divulged the sheriff is in Drop.
Why would the sheriff go in Drop IF he intends to run for reelection in 2016? Is he turning over the office to the chief? Im sure he wouldnt ask taxpayers to pay a million to buy him out

12-20-2013, 12:50 AM
Sheriff is not in DROP, it's public record who is in the drop, evidently you are too dumb to locate the site and its not the myfrs site. I feel bad for your family as you appear to be a very sad man or woman. Go to Palm Beach SO if you are not happy they are hiring and start off at 11,000 a year more.

12-20-2013, 03:03 PM
Sheriff is not in DROP, it's public record who is in the drop, evidently you are too dumb to locate the site and its not the myfrs site. I feel bad for your family as you appear to be a very sad man or woman. Go to Palm Beach SO if you are not happy they are hiring and start off at 11,000 a year more.
Nice try but IUPA will uncover thr truth and i hope the whole agency unionizes to to teach you poor excuse for brass losers this is OUR agency
Instead of going somewhere else we will ruin this sheriffs reputation.........Oh sorry, he alresdy did that. BUT we will help a deserving new sheriff him and his poor excude for a hallway of losers
There is not one person in that hallway anyone respects

12-22-2013, 02:10 PM
Speak for yourself because everyone is just YOU. Like it or not the Sheriff is the most popular public official in this County and most of the surrounding Counties. Whether you like it or not, he will be Sheriff for as long as he wants. Don't be a hater and a whiner, do your job or find a department where someone cares about your crying.

Mod 610
12-25-2013, 03:30 AM
Knock off the crap and you know who I am talking to. It's Christmas and you just can't stop.

12-26-2013, 10:52 AM
Knock off the crap and you know who I am talking to. It's Christmas and you just can't stop.
Okay Mod I know who I are. We're pretty sure we know who you are. You work at LCSO so you KNOW this chief is the most hated disaster the SO has ever seen and has strong Scott supporters wishing Sheriff Shoap had won. You couldve at least left it for Christmas and let a gal have a little fun Mod Scrooge!

Mod 610
12-26-2013, 01:31 PM
A little fun was ok, but that was way over the top.

01-02-2014, 01:20 PM
I didnt give thr sheriff the satisfaction of attending his crappy Christmas party BUT its widely known LESS than 200 attended!! Out of 1600 employees LESS than 200 attended!!
What does that say? This is a forum so lets hear WHY the agencys lowest turn out in history occurred!!!!!???!!
Even the sheriff can figure this one out

01-02-2014, 02:26 PM
Less than 200??? Less than 100 with family members. Was there around 1 and was surprised.

01-06-2014, 02:25 PM
Good luck to the chief and his life partner in his retirement
Sorry to hear of his medical issue
That patch on his head was more than a plug in

01-10-2014, 09:33 PM
You only got half right and your not olive oil but confirmation came outta of the other chickeys new unit. Chief will leave over an alleged unknown issue BUT mikey will really be forcing him out like he did the first chief. So Now the question is 1) who will the sheriff, who is 100 percent in Drop, appoint as his successor 2) will cameron, who almost ran for sheriff in 08, smell blood and know he can likely unseat scott in 16, or is scott, i dont campaign for anyone but now im taking out radel, have plans to replace the shoap regime as lo.g as they dont divulge dirt on him and allow him to go to his new career?
So many possibilties
All worth it to get rid of Osama

01-10-2014, 11:24 PM
Nice try RB!!!!!!!!!!!

02-04-2014, 10:43 AM
Im glad the mod cleaned this site up_the emerald palace hallway was out of control. Its a direct reflection on the chiefs lack of control, lack of respect, and utter incompetence. There is hatred between bureaus and he has turned everyine against each other
Olive Oil is the worst

02-04-2014, 04:35 PM
Dont worry
None will be for the next election. Already confirmed
The man is getting his affairs in order
She will be sent back South or made a cmdr cause she wont want to work with the new cmd staff. Be patient

02-06-2014, 02:13 AM
I would definitely go to the funeral. Should I bring anything, like chips?

02-06-2014, 03:34 AM
I think enough recently retired people have talked to the sheriff about this persons "ways" if the Sheriff wants to take action he will, if he is happy with the way things are he will not You have 3 options if you are not happy .talk to the sheriff which will make you feel better, quit or run for sheriff, other then that stop stressing out or your armor will start getting "chinks" in it and you will die young from too much stress.

02-07-2014, 02:38 AM
WOW MOD, all I wrote was that " I also do not care for this individual " and you deleted that . Time to send MOD 1 a note. Sir you are letting your emotions over ride what ever common sense you have.

02-07-2014, 04:59 AM
WOW MOD, all I wrote was that " I also do not care for this individual " and you deleted that . Time to send MOD 1 a note. Sir you are letting your emotions over ride what ever common sense you have.

I know, right? The MOD here is OFF THE CHAIN! This is BY FAR the most boring thread of all of them . . . AND I WORK HERE! I'm sure he's going to take this post off and maybe spank me, but someone has to say something. All the other threads are way more interesting and get 1/10 of the interference. It's ridiculous. This is America, not North Korea! Ok MOD, I'm ready to be grounded.

Mod 610
02-07-2014, 11:35 AM
WOW MOD, all I wrote was that " I also do not care for this individual " and you deleted that . Time to send MOD 1 a note. Sir you are letting your emotions over ride what ever common sense you have.

That was not what all you wrote, I took some of yours out and it had nothing to do with you, it was due to another post I deleted and it went with that. Due to that one being a TOU issue, I had to edit yours to fit since it was a reply to that. If I left it, then the post that I deleted would still be implied and anyone could figure it out.

As for your comment of letting my emotions over ride common sense, well let me let you in on a little secret. I don't have a dog in this fight and have no feelings about this topic. If you have a questions about why I did something, feel free to register and send me a PM. I will answer it to explain my actions instead of causing issues here that do not need to be. Many of people have sent me PM's and I answer them. No issues from anyone once I explain it. Remember what ASSUME means. :oops:

02-12-2014, 11:27 AM
Im glad the mod cleaned this site up_the emerald palace hallway was out of control. Its a direct reflection on the chiefs lack of control, lack of respect, and utter incompetence. There is hatred between bureaus and he has turned everyine against each other
Olive Oil is the worst

Ryan go hit golf balls, you will feel better :mrgreen:

02-14-2014, 04:49 PM
Who is the half white goofy hairy grandpa commander from that public servives unit snooping around the district? Dumb@$$ comes around asking if we need anything and asking what we think of the captain and major. I mean really gramps? Like we're gonna tell your fat lazy blimp @$$! I cant stand a snitch especially some fake suck up making 6 figures and serving since "1973". My pops was born in 73 you overpaid dough boy.

02-14-2014, 05:43 PM
Dude I know! He's got more hair growing out of his ears than i got on my face? =-O :D :D
Be careful buddy. Thats olive oils snitch. Anything you tell him goes back to her and once an IA rat always a rat. Nothing but snitches in that AARP unit. I heard the white haired grandpa who thinks he is Fonzie is in his 70s and his only job is to get senior citizens to the polling booth. We didnt get thr bonus so long cause they all got raises to 100k plus

02-14-2014, 08:25 PM
Shut up hater. You wish you made their money and had half the knowledge they have as LEO's. You will be golfing with Ryan soon. :evil:

03-03-2014, 02:52 AM

03-14-2014, 01:59 AM
Can someone please let us know what promotions actually happened?????? MCU, Delta, Gulf??????

03-14-2014, 03:53 PM
Dude you dont want to know. Mickey Doodle is off his meds again and letting Guildo call the shots. ño matter how much time in grade you have or who is better qualified POOF FAIRY DUST Guildo sayeth you be promoted. Ño matter your your imcompetent POOF FAIRY DUST Guildo sayeth your promoted. This place has become a disgusting pathetic excuse . uote="Guysgonewild"]Can someone please let us know what promotions actually happened?????? MCU, Delta, Gulf??????[/quote]

03-14-2014, 04:56 PM
Doing a good job means nothing around here. Many watch commanders work hard and represent the mentally unstable bent nose well but he could care less. Lets take the lasiest wc *Edited* and promote him over narcotics. Wish i could *Edited* and get bumped. Hey Olive Oil, take your speeches to the WCs and shove them where only Gildo shines. You are the biggest wo faced poor excusé for a Liar. Go ahead and keep promoting all the losers from South cause you just keep narrowing the vote

03-16-2014, 02:06 PM
The one in the hallway who most criticised the corporal sheriff and praised the union has again spit on her sergeants and lieutenants in the next round of promotions. Its all fun and games while she lives vicariosly thru her young assistant *Edited by Mod 610*. They will keep passing over tenured experienced sergeants and lieutenants until we unionize . How much more will it take?

03-17-2014, 12:28 PM
Don't be mad cause he's got game and she turned you down. We don't care who gets promoted give us raises. Last one broke us even from three % taken by FRS.

03-18-2014, 04:38 PM
Doing a good job means nothing around here. Many watch commanders work hard and represent the mentally unstable bent nose well but he could care less. Lets take the lasiest wc who spends half his shift at home and the rest doing martial arts with his kid and promote him over narcotics. Wish i could tap the IA Ho and get bumped. Hey Olive Oil, take your speeches to the WCs and shove them where only Gildo shines. You are the biggest wo faced poor excusé for a Liar. Go ahead and keep promoting all the losers from South cause you just keep narrowing the vote

This is funny olive oil and ia ho I pissed my pants laughing

03-18-2014, 09:36 PM
Who is the half white goofy hairy grandpa commander from that public servives unit snooping around the district? Dumb@$$ comes around asking if we need anything and asking what we think of the captain and major. I mean really gramps? Like we're gonna tell your fat lazy blimp @$$! I cant stand a snitch especially some fake suck up making 6 figures and serving since "1973". My pops was born in 73 you overpaid dough boy.

Dude please take fat bast@$& back to south. That old fat freddy flinstone fake *Edited* was out east with the same. Yeah buddy Im gonna tell you how i feel a about my commanders compared to the north district commanders. Dumba&& donf know anything about being a cop. He compares things to his hay days in the 70s. Hey sheriff you can keep next years raise to buy depends for your political services unit or should we call it the senior senile services unit.

03-19-2014, 01:49 PM
Largemarge more like Pee Wee. Get your facts straights before spewing sh!t from your keyboard.

03-20-2014, 02:04 AM
Why you gotta be picking on freddy flintstone when he worked? The blob from bocca lies and smoozes but never work unless hed braiding the hair growing out his ears
He tells the tall dumn silvrr hair
Hst to do

03-22-2014, 11:15 AM
Im appalled at the lack of diversity at the sheriffs office when it comes to color. The sheriff masks this with his promotions for women and the LGBT community but that doesnt excuse the lack of promotions for blacks and Hispanics. *Edited* Ive heard if we unite and unionize we can addresses this and pressure the sheriff into quit ignoring us.

03-22-2014, 03:26 PM
Im appalled at the lack of diversity at the sheriffs office when it comes to color. The sheriff masks this with his promotions for women and the LGBT community but that doesnt excuse the lack of promotions for blacks and Hispanics. *Edited* Ive heard if we unite and unionize we can addresses this and pressure the sheriff into quit ignoring us.

Dude what the hell are you talking about? Just look at the unit Olive Oil calls the Political Services Unit. I dont know what that 70sish commander is but it ain't white and they got 2 Africa American lieutenants. The only white one in the unit is that goofy really old white haired guy. Get your facts straight before starting trouble. This comment must be from the hallway like all that ignorant anti Hispanic rhetoric on here that sounded just like Olive Oil

03-23-2014, 02:43 AM
Go to bed RB. Move on with your life and concentrate on your new job. Bragging to friends about this is so childish.

03-23-2014, 03:37 PM
My bad . I guess that wc didnt get moved to Narcs. Guess he wasnt taking car of IA as well as he said he was. IA is so out of control. *Edited* This place is disgusting. Sheriff your father must be so proud of you

03-25-2014, 12:32 PM
Dyke wrote

"My bad . I guess that wc didnt get moved to Narcs. Guess he wasnt taking car of IA as well as he said he was. IA is so out of control. *Edited* This place is disgusting. Sheriff your father must be so proud of you"

Just how is I.A. "out of control" ??? And a W/C taking care of I.A. isn't there a male captain in I.A. what are you talking about??

Mod 610
03-25-2014, 02:55 PM
to Who45
I edited it and there will be no answer to that.

03-25-2014, 04:03 PM
Cant IUPA do anything about these scandals? The whole agency knows IA is corrupt. There was a gross amount of money spent poorly on this Spillman program that is causing massive frustration and s work slowdown.

03-26-2014, 10:08 PM
If you idiots can get your president sober long enough and work for the agency and not mske everything a war against the administration you might get a little solidarity. What have you guys done for anybody? They slapped you in the face by not promoting the former presidents wife then scattered all the officers and union promoters to the four winds. They promoted everyone sho openly opposed the union. They continue to promote with no regard to,experience or time in grade MAINLY just to spite the union. They keep taking more from the road without replacing them. You union guys have done more damage than ANYONE

03-27-2014, 01:23 AM
If you idiots can get your president sober long enough and work for the agency and not mske everything a war against the administration you might get a little solidarity. What have you guys done for anybody? They slapped you in the face by not promoting the former presidents wife then scattered all the officers and union promoters to the four winds. They promoted everyone sho openly opposed the union. They continue to promote with no regard to,experience or time in grade MAINLY just to spite the union. They keep taking more from the road without replacing them. You union guys have done more damage than ANYONE

First of all I don’t know the president well enough to even know if he drinks or how much and don’t care. Secondly, are you drunk? I have been a silent disgruntle employee for a long time. I don’t go to union meeting often or really tell anyone what I think. I pay dues. The way I see it is I need to take care of me and *****ing does nothing. So, I just go to work, do my job, and weigh my options. In my eyes the union is a good thing for LCSO. In the beginning they got started off on the wrong foot but I think they are really going to hang in there and make improvements. It is still up in the air if I am going to hang around but the outcome of the negotiations will have an impact on my decision.

03-27-2014, 10:32 AM
First, what negotiations??? Second, if you don't know your President you may want to do a little investigating to make a sound decision next time his position comes available. He can't have a conversation without bad talking a majority of the department. Third, why have someone represent you that quits and comes back, then quit and comes back. See a trend???

03-28-2014, 12:48 PM
You boys sure screwed the pooch. You elect presidents and officers that are known as derelicts and disgruntled losers nobody in this agency respects. The last president was known as Gildos lackey who played both sides spoke out of both sides of his mouth and only cared about getting promoted. Hes so active now right? Exactly! Everyone knew you elected guys main priority was using tbe union to get promoted. You losers then used the union for your personal agendas a.d vendetta s. Instead of trying to work with the sheriff you kept insulting and challenging. This agency was ripe for mass unionization from lieutenant down and you losers blew it

03-31-2014, 09:07 PM
So is there going to be an investigation into how union people got test answers? Tims too dumb to pass a test and its not a coincidence tracy and Leslie scored at the top

04-01-2014, 12:41 AM
Someone had to have the questions. Some of the people saying they are moving on are not the brightest people. Sharing the test after people took it is so unfair. Why do I even try anymore.

04-01-2014, 02:54 AM
Asking questions and doing research is a basic function of being an LEO if you didn't ask questions before you took the test then you failed yourself brother! Next time dig deep and ask others! It's all part of the process

04-01-2014, 05:31 AM
I hope Tracy got all the answers she is the only person ever skipped on a Sgts list. I have been here since the early 90's and no one has ever been skipped. I hope she filed a Lawsuit for discrimination, because that's what it is pure and simple. I hope she gets $$$$$. This administration will continue to get sued for poor decisions all based on emotions not common since. GOOD LUCK TRACY.

04-01-2014, 10:17 AM
Just more examples of corruption and incompetence. Just when things are going good they change it again. I hear a big shake up in about to happen in south district. Why would you mess with your best run district?

04-01-2014, 11:07 AM
Stop your whining. It could be worse , you could be working West with Captain Stormtrooper and his goofy sidekick that only knows how to follow orders and act like a robot RTD2

04-01-2014, 04:20 PM
We're just fine in West District FatMan. Stay out of our district. Youll find more fatman food down South

04-02-2014, 09:31 AM
Is there a reason we all kinds of visitors including IA in south district in the last month and now disappeared? Is there a large IA? I wish they would just let us know of all the changes down here and let us get back to work! Its really starting to affect morale and productivity. I know theres politics but let people just do their jobs and work without all this drama. They take any little issue and blow it up and try to pit people against each other.

04-03-2014, 01:24 AM
Not sure if Fatman is the same that is snooping all over East. Asking questions and lying to deputies.

04-04-2014, 06:33 PM
So is Fat Bast@$& going to be the new chief? I knew Gildo was very sick and looks terrible but im surprised the sheriff would ask him to leave like Gene. The replacements keep getting worse and worse. At least tne new one can say hey sheriff get in my belly!

04-05-2014, 03:36 PM
That guy just told someone in south he knows the chief is on the outs. What is going on with this place?

04-06-2014, 03:14 PM
Looking forward to the positive upcoming moves
Congratulations to Detkas and Herterick and Baer .
All great people and great moves

04-06-2014, 04:08 PM
Old news! Fatman told us that two weeks ago in the district

04-06-2014, 04:12 PM
What dirt does Fatman have on the sheriff to make all these moves happen? Can somebody ask him to make Gildo get in his belly?

04-06-2014, 04:35 PM

04-06-2014, 04:38 PM
Who is this man they call Fatman?

04-06-2014, 04:42 PM
From the posts it seems to be the senior citizen in pubic services. He has been right about his info.

04-06-2014, 04:49 PM

04-06-2014, 04:52 PM
I like turtles
Really who doesnt like turtles
Can we make the turtle our official LCSO mascot?
That would be cool
Deputy Turtle is Proud to Serve

04-06-2014, 05:08 PM
I like turtles
Really who doesnt like turtles
Can we make the turtle our official LCSO mascot?
That would be cool
Deputy Turtle is Proud to Serve
Gildo loves turtles . He likes playing peekaboo with turtlex
But Fatmañ hates turtles
Bad Fatman

04-06-2014, 06:27 PM
Looking forward to the positive upcoming moves
Congratulations to Detkas and Herterick and Baer .
All great people and great moves

I'm not in the loop...where are they going?

04-06-2014, 06:48 PM
Looking forward to the positive upcoming moves
Congratulations to Detkas and Herterick and Baer .
All great people and great moves

I'm not in the loop...where are they going?
Theyre going upward
And Fatman says the sheriff is definitely running again in 16
Sorry Ryan
Sorry Shawn
Sorry Randy :devil:

04-06-2014, 08:35 PM
iknow, you are way out of sync. Most people knew the Sheriff was going to run again about 8-10 month ago. Randy knows he is about as far as he will get and continues to do a good job. Ramsey will run in 20 if the Sheriff decides not to run again. Who ever the Sheriff endorses in 2020 will most likely win. RB has no desire to run as he has no $$$ backing. G.A. will stay around another 2-3 years and will be set age wise and $$$ wise.(it is what it is Sheriff will continue to put up with him) The agency is progressing slowly but its a heck of a lot better then in 1999.Oh AND Spillman ,its here ,its bad ,cant get out of it ,NOT enough LE input when it was needed TOO late now,, SO we need to work together and make it work AND yes K.M. needs to be gone or demoted.

04-06-2014, 10:57 PM
The first ever 10 pages of POST on one topic. This GILDO must be an amazing person with lots of friends. This celebration deserves some of his favorite things in the world, 3 dancing devil wieners :devil: :devil: :devil:

04-07-2014, 09:22 AM
This chief must be a great man for your sheriff to pick him and choose him to be him in his absence. Your sheriff must have grest respect for this man and trust his family and friends in his care. This man must remind the sheriff of his father and be someone the sheriff wants others to see as a reflection of him. The sheriff must have a lot of esteem for this man and hold him in high regard and highly value his opinion and direction as a cop. This chief must be a man the sheriff believes brings much to the table or he wouldnt be there

04-07-2014, 11:04 PM
The first ever 10 pages of POST on one topic. This GILDO must be an amazing person with lots of friends. This celebration deserves some of his favorite things in the world, 3 dancing devil wieners :devil: :devil: :devil:
its funny cause its true
He likes turtles and weiners

04-08-2014, 09:27 AM
Leave the poor man alone. He is leaving in the next round of moves. Its been confirmed by southern sources so you know its true. We go thru chiefs like rolls of toilet paper around here

04-08-2014, 04:37 PM
Yet another chief will sail off into the sun set; with bags of treasure, a breast full of medals, FBI ring on his hand. And who knows what else, in a secret separation package.
Not one of the “sons” have ever paid for any of their bad behavior, cruelty, bullying, and forced labor practices that created hostile work environments. So either EEOC or just straight criminal charges, somehow some way at least an attempt should have been made to take these dirt bags to a courtroom and take their benefits and or freedom. So they could feel what it is like to have a foot at the back of your neck holding you down, giving just enough air to do your job, not enough to excel. Unless of course your family and or friend of family.
You can be for a union or against the union, either way you have a right to speak, write, and communicate your opinion, any way you want. But, and this is important; if your opinion is generated from years of mental and emotional programing, and you are merely echoing the opinion of your heroes and or mentors. You should be honest enough to share that within your post. There is a reason the good old boy system has lasted as long as it has. I mean no insult by that, at all. The good old boy system brought us the way it was back in the day, people never got fired for being injured. Lying to the boss was about the only thing, other than breaking the law that could get you fired.
Sorry for rant…. :oops:

04-09-2014, 01:29 AM
Wait. Yo Michael grow up . You only get the old lady as long as your sheriff. She will know a real man again when your gone . If you would just be a good boy and mind your chief you wont look so stupid. You promote demote and repromote and force your chief to teach you your a dummy and listen to him. He controls you like the little manipulative ***** you are. Ruin another msn you wanted promoted . Just makes you look like the total dipshit you are and why you listen to soft lgbt chiefs you do. The truth is your chiefs remind you of your daddy and you have daddy issues Mickey Doodle
Just let Gil and your mamma live happily in Tennessee

04-09-2014, 09:10 AM
Is some of that true? I heard the sheriff and chief are distantly related and the chief actually mentored him as a cop although you can only do so much with a spud potato and thats why the sheriff picked terrible chiefs until the family insisted he pick family so the sheriff didnt screw it all up. I must say that makes the most sense in explaining all his moves and promotions for years now. Just a shame insanity and ineptness run rampant in the family

04-10-2014, 09:30 AM
Thats a nasty incestuous arrangement. It does explain why the sheriff has allowed the agency to be ruined.
Fatman says theyre promoting new lieutenant s into the districts because they want some promoted and noy happy with the current pool of wCs. So 5 new lieutenants and 5 new sergeants.
You want to know whats coming just ask Daddy Matt or the Fatman when you come West. We knew the last moves weeks ahead of time. Were just hoping one or two of our sergeants make it

04-10-2014, 09:31 AM
Thats a nasty incestuous arrangement. It does explain why the sheriff has allowed the agency to be ruined.
Fatman says theyre promoting new lieutenant s into the districts because they want some promoted and noy happy with the current pool of wCs. So 5 new lieutenants and 5 new sergeants.
You want to know whats coming just ask Daddy Matt or the Fatman when you come West. We knew the last moves weeks ahead of time. Were just hoping one or two of our sergeants make it

04-10-2014, 10:00 AM
I agree. If they make some overdue promotions from west and north districts it will calm things oht on the road and show everything doesnt come from South. Hopefully they will do the right thing

04-10-2014, 10:51 AM
Whoever you are you just freaked me out. Go to Ancestry.com and research it. OMG

04-10-2014, 01:19 PM
Getting sick of this entire BS cop hating thing. Go any place on line and read about the millions of people who hate us and want to hurt us.
This site and these threads are for blowing off steam, and venting. (once and a while a little secret truth) If you agree with the other person fine, if you disagree that is fine too. You don’t have to start calling each other out. The next thing you know one of you will snatch the others cell phone.
Does anybody know if gildo gets to keep his phone for life or give it up? What rank are the promoting him to for the last few weeks he is here. GENERAL, COMENDANT, SHERIFF? :devil:

04-10-2014, 08:09 PM
This is not funny. The Chief is going for personal reasons and has done a fine job. Let him go in peace. This topic has 11-pages, WOW.........

04-10-2014, 08:17 PM
11 pages = 11 dancing wieners :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

04-11-2014, 08:31 AM
11 pages = 11 dancing wieners :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
11 dancing weiners !!!!!!!!! Thats more than a send off. Thats Gildo Heaven if you could just add the golden blonde IA harp
His god already has his head in the clouds
All joking aside that geneology thing floating around confirms he isnt going anywhere. I just cant tell if he's like a cousin or Mikey s illegit half brother? Sure explains the family history of mental illness and all the eratic MOVES

04-12-2014, 03:54 AM
This is not funny. The Chief is going for personal reasons and has done a fine job. Let him go in peace. This topic has 11-pages, WOW.........
Done a good job doing what? Please name just ONE thing the great and almighty Gildo has ever done in his career? The sheriffs own majors on down to sergeant HATE Gildo and now equally HATE the sheriff for allowing his soft half brother to run this agency into the ground
Incest is a ***** and big money like Joe D can cover up ANYTHING

04-12-2014, 11:29 AM
Its not that anybody dislikes these big promotions coming. RD and MH and JD and MB and MC are all good cops although some are still wet behind the ear with their last recent promotion. BUT we are creating such an angry hostile toxic agency by continually passing over seasoned lieutenants who have spent careers in the trenches doing the job and everything asked for what? Our families suffered for what? We did things the right way for what? I understand the union is finding difficulty establishing the link, genetic or otherwise, between the sheriff and chief but I was originalky opposed to the union and now believe the watch commanders and other lieutenants should ban together and unionize to make a statement. What ould that say if the SO s own lieutenants unionize? What other voice do we have? The current way just makes no sense and rank and tenure mean nothing. Sooner or later we have to be responsible for ourselves

04-12-2014, 12:17 PM
OMG! You say your cops and cant find the genealogical link between the chief and sheriff?!?!?
A detective first grade could connect the dots!! Joe D is the sheriffs uncle and led the SAO and this county for decades! He is the sheriffs mother brother. We've heard over and over how the sheriff is VERY close to hus mother and even his campaign manager. Before my time but all the old timers say Joe D won the election for his sisters SON. Not to mention nobody knoes anything about the sheriffs dad. Joe D has ALWAYS helped the chief rise thru thr ranks before Mike and especially after. And now nobody knows why the chief is allowed to does e everything he does?!?!?!! All the old timers know

04-12-2014, 12:37 PM
Okay then explain how the imcompetent two faced liar over patrol can support the man running against the sheriff and preen around emerald palace like a giddy Ellen DGeneres? Its not a man Its not a woman

04-12-2014, 02:14 PM
Here we go again. Captain Stormtrooper and the beach boys blowing up the site again. Fatman is right about you fake a$$ bit(&+$
Leave it alone and stop your woman hating just because you couldnt hack the job and shes making the position look effortless. You losers cant even run a district and you guys are the laughing stock of patrol. You good ole boys were good at keeping women down for decades. Just retire please!!! West needs a COMPLETE over hall!!
Just say NO to sexism!¡

04-12-2014, 04:22 PM
if I were admin...or any part thereof...I would ask myself what (besides the obvious raise) would boost morale? listen up...promote those, just a few, actually based on work performance and seniority. just show us a few good promotions other than the ones that keep getting regurgitated. North and Central are long overdue. enough of south already!!!! what message are u sending to new hires, that if u don't start in south from day 1 you're screwed?

04-13-2014, 01:42 PM
Thats a very good point but Pat wont allow it. She loathes the watch commanders and always talks bad behind their backs. She HATES the South and Central command although she will be nice to them
She has been heard saying its her life mission to see SR.get fired and leave in shame to make daddy Gildo proud of his little baby

04-13-2014, 11:40 PM
Thats a very good point but Pat wont allow it. She loathes the watch commanders and always talks bad behind their backs. She HATES the South and Central command although she will be nice to them
She has been heard saying its her life mission to see SR.get fired and leave in shame to make daddy Gildo proud of his little baby
Obviously you're unemployed. She is the only one who fights for the WCs and the she and the Central Commander get along great. You are right about one thing she will hold SR accountable. I know the Master's is over but find a new hobby.

04-14-2014, 12:14 AM
I am what Kathy eats and Gildo hates. Dont act like she likes the WCs
She always talks about how useless they are

04-14-2014, 01:39 AM
I am what Kathy eats and Gildo hates. Dont act like she likes the WCs
She always talks about how useless they are

I see you are confused. They both must have turn you down at some point. I know life can be confusing but obsessing about what you can not obtain is just unhealthy. FORE

04-14-2014, 09:30 AM
Can we please stay on topic?!
The topic is turtles
The official mascot of LCSO

04-14-2014, 09:48 AM
There are snakes for brass in central and east
But as long as your turtle is green and not black and doesnt do hip hop the sheriff wont mind. And definitely no black turtles who chase cars.mkay token

04-14-2014, 02:42 PM
Ryan i hear Waste Pro is hiring. Go spend our energy there has been. Your "friends" told us you were blowing the site up. You are the most disgruntled watch commander we had. Must hurt to know a woman bested
You so go away boy

04-14-2014, 10:05 PM
Ryan i hear Waste Pro is hiring. Go spend our energy there has been. Your "friends" told us you were blowing the site up. You are the most disgruntled watch commander we had. Must hurt to know a woman bested
You so go away boy

At least they pay more.

04-15-2014, 10:26 AM
Postby DIKE » 04/12/14 07:37:10

"Okay then explain how the imcompetent two faced liar over patrol can support the man running against the sheriff and preen around emerald palace like a giddy Ellen DGeneres? Its not a man Its not a woman

RB just go away, try hitting more golf balls, I'm sure that will help. :devil: :devil:

04-15-2014, 10:38 PM
Ryan i hear Waste Pro is hiring. Go spend our energy there has been. Your "friends" told us you were blowing the site up. You are the most disgruntled watch commander we had. Must hurt to know a woman bested
You so go away boy

I dont know anything at all about Ryan. But i do know that working for waste-pro is probably better than working for LCSO as long as you're not slinging trash. I hope that this link works. It Shows the salaries for waste-pro. Average is 53K. Just saying.


04-16-2014, 10:11 AM
Then go and don't let the door hit your azz on way out :devil: :cop: :evil:

04-16-2014, 11:01 AM
Nice response from an average supervisor. They are going dumbazz!!!!!! Have you even talked with a deputy in the past two years, probably not.............

04-17-2014, 08:01 PM
Stop saying he is sick. He is not sick just looks sick.

04-17-2014, 08:40 PM
Then go and don't let the door hit your azz on way out :devil: :cop: :evil:

And yet another reason why an educational requirement should be federally mandated for all law enforcement agencies. Wow. What a total moron. It actually must burn calories being that dumb.

04-20-2014, 02:07 PM
Happy Easter.

04-24-2014, 01:52 AM
Just returned from a vacation. Did the moves happen yet?

04-26-2014, 04:53 PM
Was told it will be this week.

04-26-2014, 05:37 PM
It's starting - the Chief is retiring for health reasons but will be heavily praised for doing a great job and having a successful career. SR is our new colonel. RD is our new major. The rest to follow

04-26-2014, 10:54 PM
IT IS ABOUT TO BEGIN Tampa and Hillsborough start out at 9,000 more then us ,you need to be on your way as nobody wants to hear your BS .I think your mom and grandmom are not happy with you. And if you think you are all that apply with Miami Gardens

04-26-2014, 10:58 PM
the above message was meant for now it begins

05-01-2014, 10:41 AM
I think our pay is getting closer to other agencies :roll:. Just ask ANY supervisor and get their reaction. They all cannot stand what is happening to us and know the top does not care.

05-02-2014, 05:30 PM
Moves next Wednesday

Major Haberman
Commander Ramsey
Commander Dobson
Captain Herterick
Lt C. Lalor
Lt. T. Lalor
Lt. M . Cook
Lt. B Faccilonga
Lt. C. Nyce
Total of six new Sergeants not discovered yet
Four or more moves in Corrections. Finding more info out from the sea men and will post soon

05-02-2014, 09:53 PM
Heard some of those being talked about by my supervisors in Gulf. Really interested in the new Sergeants???

05-02-2014, 10:13 PM
Far overdue for RD and BF...good luck gentleman

05-03-2014, 03:01 AM
I say congrats to MC. After quitting us twice he will be promoted tithe elite. Who are the Sergeants?

05-03-2014, 03:04 AM
I say a new rank is in order.

05-03-2014, 03:50 AM
All I hear is rumor and speculation. All the guys on the list would be good choices if they happen. Again, all rumor.

05-03-2014, 09:25 AM
Just where on earth do they plan on putting this many LT's, heard the two dist LT position was a no go? And their missing a district. Hopefully it's true for those listed anyway.

05-03-2014, 12:45 PM
You left out Captain Detkas.

05-03-2014, 03:18 PM
This is to sooooooo, let's see how many are correct? I'm saying its got to be close, half of them have already told people they have been promised or told by the Chief or lower.

05-03-2014, 03:25 PM
This place has no hope for us at the bottom. No matter how much education you get and how hard you work, it does not matter to this hallway. They just don't care.

05-03-2014, 05:33 PM
in response to "who cares""...
obviously you do, or you wouldn't be on this site in the first place, secondly a couple of those above quoted positions were deserved and were EARNED (if true). SOME of those names should give you hope as they are all not treated specially by admin and have been in their current position for YEARS!. Get over it or get off the site.

05-03-2014, 09:11 PM
in response to "who cares""...
obviously you do, or you wouldn't be on this site in the first place, secondly a couple of those above quoted positions were deserved and were EARNED (if true). SOME of those names should give you hope as they are all not treated specially by admin and have been in their current position for YEARS!. Get over it or get off the site.

"Waiting", why don't you slob this knob and go F yourself before you get smacked? You're no one to tell anyone to "get over it or get off the site." This is a public forum, douche. You're probably one of those fairies who used to run around saying we're lucky to have jobs and if we don't like it leave. Here's an idea. You leave. If you don't people with different opinions from yours and your administration masters why don't you leave, because we aren't.

05-04-2014, 03:36 PM
Obviously your in the hallway "waiting" and don't realize how hard some of the troops are working for you. How disgusting it is to have no standard for promotions. Yes I do care and give a shit for the people I work with and there safety. Obviously you don't care or you would not have brought in Spillman which will ultimately hurt one of our finest someday. It's slower and I can't wait while calling out a traffic stop any longer. This program will get LCSO sued someday and hopefully you and your big office now will too. Not all of the names are bad on the list but some will make some BIG mistakes. One of the new captains is scared and nervous about everything. Life moves on but hopefully you won't take one our lives while we are trying to protect OUR county.

05-04-2014, 07:25 PM
Don't say scared it's probably just because he hasn't been with our agency long. Lots of time up north, he will do fine.

05-04-2014, 11:35 PM
The other one that is a paranoid mess. Detkas is great

05-04-2014, 11:58 PM
No clue then... No issue with any

05-05-2014, 02:20 AM
I don't have any issue with any of those guys getting more money and more responsibility since most of those guys are great cops. We are just so freaking top heavy we don't need it. The climate for a deputy here is horrible.

05-05-2014, 10:02 AM
If this list is true then here we go again. Seniority means nothing.

05-05-2014, 11:16 AM
Heard many of the same but your missing a few key ones.

05-05-2014, 01:14 PM
Obviously your in the hallway "waiting" and don't realize how hard some of the troops are working for you. How disgusting it is to have no standard for promotions. Yes I do care and give a shit for the people I work with and there safety. Obviously you don't care or you would not have brought in Spillman which will ultimately hurt one of our finest someday. It's slower and I can't wait while calling out a traffic stop any longer. This program will get LCSO sued someday and hopefully you and your big office now will too. Not all of the names are bad on the list but some will make some BIG mistakes. One of the new captains is scared and nervous about everything. Life moves on but hopefully you won't take one our lives while we are trying to protect OUR county.

Spillman was bought by an administration that most aren't even here any more. The only two in the hallway that had anything to do with buying Spillman that are still here are #1and #2. The current hallway has made very little to no decisions on the system, they just get to deal with the fallout.

05-05-2014, 02:09 PM
When are these promotions supposed happen. What the heck are they waiting for?

05-05-2014, 04:02 PM
[quote="PHUQ Waiting":1kitgj4n]Obviously your in the hallway "waiting" and don't realize how hard some of the troops are working for you. How disgusting it is to have no standard for promotions. Yes I do care and give a shit for the people I work with and there safety. Obviously you don't care or you would not have brought in Spillman which will ultimately hurt one of our finest someday. It's slower and I can't wait while calling out a traffic stop any longer. This program will get LCSO sued someday and hopefully you and your big office now will too. Not all of the names are bad on the list but some will make some BIG mistakes. One of the new captains is scared and nervous about everything. Life moves on but hopefully you won't take one our lives while we are trying to protect OUR county.

Spillman was bought by an administration that most aren't even here any more. The only two in the hallway that had anything to do with buying Spillman that are still here are #1and #2. The current hallway has made very little to no decisions on the system, they just get to deal with the fallout.[/quote:1kitgj4n]

The guy responsible has stripes and he works in the Civil building but if you want to talk to him, you must go to a Red Sox game, he worked them all.

05-05-2014, 08:19 PM
Sheriff Allen which is running this department will promote who he wants or cry about who he needs. Chief Scott will just sit back and have to agree.

05-06-2014, 10:31 AM
Moves are today according to the hallway.

05-06-2014, 02:05 PM
Moves are today according to the hallway.

Benny Mardones says he hasn't heard anything, but he stepped out of the office a few minutes ago to take an urgent call and he's been walking on air with a big smile ever since. Sounds like it's going down, boys.

Like Nappy Roots said: "We're gonna have a good day. All my homies gonna ride today! And all these mommies look fly today. Save that drama for another day!" "

05-06-2014, 02:25 PM
For those of you who don't know who Benny is. Little help?

05-06-2014, 08:10 PM
According to Bing Benny Mardones is a singer from the 1980's??? What does that have to do with LCSO???

05-06-2014, 10:42 PM
Wow, are you guys really this stupid? He's trolling you. Random sarcastic comments so you search for the name at LCSO and they track who did. You can't be this stupid.......


05-07-2014, 01:13 AM
If you don't know Benny Mardones, maybe its time to log off LEO Affairs and pay attention to your FTO because you've obviously been here for 10 minutes.

05-07-2014, 11:07 AM
How many Watch Commamders are there on the road? Have a friend that needs the info for a special report. Ps- Miami Gardens rocks!

05-09-2014, 09:55 AM
According to hallway other moves on hold until further notice . Big changes coming after budget is cleared . BIG

05-09-2014, 04:11 PM
It's not fair that hairy ears can influence the hallway not to promote us. He is bragging he stopped certain moves because he didn't get his moves. Why are you trying to ruin us out here we deserved that opportunity. I do agree with the promotions that were made except one.

05-09-2014, 07:50 PM
ju exactly which promotion do you not agree with????

05-09-2014, 11:09 PM
Can someone post all the moves and promotions. Trying to see if any of my people are moving on up!!

05-16-2014, 07:22 PM
So how long before the new captain that reports directlt fo car one replaces the old ailing chief. Fat gramps with the hairy ears says he will be replacing Gildo before the next election. Who will protect the nymph ia commander? Will her shennanigans finslly cease? Crazy so many get screwed by ia while shes on her next affair and banging in her office

05-16-2014, 07:36 PM
Is it the ninja? That would explain the head scabies. The sheriff better get tested since they spoon while making promotional decisions

05-17-2014, 02:57 PM
So sick of you whiners and haters. Guess what? Women are coming up in the world and this agency. Get over it! So sorry Shawn yoyr little homocide wild card didnt get you promoted after you told everyone it would. Sorry Ricky, Guildo may love you but the sheriff dont. Sorry Matt your whiny ass may be up Olive Oils but 18 mos as lt doesnt cover the pickle tickle
Dont know who this slick new maverick captain from collier is but anybody is better than Guildo

05-17-2014, 11:40 PM
I agree more females need to be higher in the ranks, and NOT just because they're females either, if they're shitty cops then they have no business. There are plenty of intelligent and aggressive women to choose from. We only have maybe 5 or 6 LE female sgt's and their even thinner the higher you go in rank. Women offer a different approach to situations and can offer a different perspective sometimes. Lets get rid of the fat Lazy worms (TL) who believe stroking another mans penis will get u a bar. Again if she sucks leabe her on the road or better yet, get rid of her. I am by no means a feminist but seriously admin.....do the right thing.

05-18-2014, 05:14 PM
I agree more females need to be higher in the ranks, and NOT just because they're females either, if they're shitty cops then they have no business. There are plenty of intelligent and aggressive women to choose from. We only have maybe 5 or 6 LE female sgt's and their even thinner the higher you go in rank. Women offer a different approach to situations and can offer a different perspective sometimes. Lets get rid of the fat Lazy worms (TL) who believe stroking another mans penis will get u a bar. Again if she sucks leabe her on the road or better yet, get rid of her. I am by no means a feminist but seriously admin.....do the right thing.
I call BS
What females have earned it? Gildo s ho heiroom is ruining this place. Professional Standards is a joke run by the loose charleton of pick a cop for flavor of the week. Olive Oil is a wanna be half man half woman. And both have a sick obsession with pleasing daddy Gildo

05-19-2014, 03:12 PM
Who is gramps or the one with hairy ears? Is this the same as the commander MB? He was telling us were getting new commanders North and talked about that new captain in he hallway

05-19-2014, 06:39 PM
No way this guy is gonna be our new chief. Number one he doesnt seem limp wristed. Two hes not feeble and sickly like Mikey Doodle s last two chiefs. Guildo looks like hes on his death bed

05-19-2014, 08:00 PM
Ive heard from several sources the sheriff is hoping his health will last 9 more months. This gives him time to announce. Hope he can hold out that long
Hang in there little buddy

05-19-2014, 08:56 PM
OMG Im sooooooo confused. Captain Todd says the sheriff is gonna hand off the hallway to him and sends him to the FBINA
Captain Shawn says hes our next colonel to replace the ailing chief and goes to the FBINA
NOW we got a one year captain who is going to be our next chief
Can we at LEAST find out whose a$$ were supposed to kiss around here?!?!?!?!!!

05-20-2014, 09:50 AM
According to anonymous sources in IA that cant keep her legs closed the sheriff has a secret medical condition that causes his hyde jekyl mood s and erratic decision making

05-20-2014, 10:17 AM
News Flash the condition is called being a pathological liar and bipolar behavior. Dont take my word for it look it up. He was probably breast fed past 4 years of age and made to dress like a girl. His father isnt in the picture and men like Uncle Joe and half brother Gil define his manhood. Nothing else explains his behavior

05-20-2014, 10:34 AM
We just hope Kathy makes colonel instead of Shawn. The Alva juice and secret homocide may or may not factor in?

05-20-2014, 10:52 AM
by sheatitagain » 05/16/14 14:22:32

"So how long before the new captain that reports directlt fo car one replaces the old ailing chief. Fat gramps with the hairy ears says he will be replacing Gildo before the next election. Who will protect the nymph ia commander? Will her shennanigans finslly cease? Crazy so many get screwed by ia while shes on her next affair and banging in her office"

Really? You piece of monkey crap. Number one learn how to spell or have your momma proof read for you. What shenanigans? If you know something then say it, instead of coming on this site and spreading lies and rumors you coward. And who has gotten screwed by I.A? Remember have your momma proof read before you reply

05-20-2014, 01:42 PM
Maybe if you were half as concerned with cleaning up IA and the skank who runs it instead of the spellcheck police. Im talking about all the good people no longer employed here

05-20-2014, 01:54 PM
by sheatitagain » 05/16/14 14:22:32

"So how long before the new captain that reports directlt fo car one replaces the old ailing chief. Fat gramps with the hairy ears says he will be replacing Gildo before the next election. Who will protect the nymph ia commander? Will her shennanigans finslly cease? Crazy so many get screwed by ia while shes on her next affair and banging in her office"

Really? You piece of monkey crap. Number one learn how to spell or have your momma proof read for you. What shenanigans? If you know something then say it, instead of coming on this site and spreading lies and rumors you coward. And who has gotten screwed by I.A? Remember have your momma proof read before you reply

Uh oh. Sounds like you angered one of the Boy Toys.

05-20-2014, 02:17 PM
Who is going to protect the skank when the ailing chiefton is gone?

05-20-2014, 02:38 PM
by sheatitagain » 05/16/14 14:22:32

"So how long before the new captain that reports directlt fo car one replaces the old ailing chief. Fat gramps with the hairy ears says he will be replacing Gildo before the next election. Who will protect the nymph ia commander? Will her shennanigans finslly cease? Crazy so many get screwed by ia while shes on her next affair and banging in her office"

Really? You piece of monkey crap. Number one learn how to spell or have your momma proof read for you. What shenanigans? If you know something then say it, instead of coming on this site and spreading lies and rumors you coward. And who has gotten screwed by I.A? Remember have your momma proof read before you reply

Uh oh. Sounds like you angered one of the Boy Toys.
Which boytoy? Am i already replaced? I heard the sheriff absolutely didnt want to promote her BUT got sick of Guildos whining and crying about it. Shes even said her job is simple since she just does what daddy Guildo tells her to do. Anybody else would be fired for having sex in their headquarters office. So funny how Gil and his picks makes the sheriff look like a complete idiot

05-20-2014, 06:06 PM
LMFAO dude! My source to the sheriff said they wanted her promoted and he said there was absolutely no way and he had no faith in her and then he promotes her. He also said Guildo was on his way out so im not holding my breath

05-20-2014, 07:02 PM
by sheatitagain » 05/16/14 14:22:32

Anybody else would be fired for having sex in their headquarters office.

I'd hit that in a second!

05-20-2014, 09:53 PM
I disagree. Although were all aware that IA Wench is far over her head and literally cried when the sheriff was going to transfer her East everyone likes her and knows she just follows Guildos orders. Its Pat aka Olive Oil is the one whose screwed over others and be the main target when the sheriff retjres Guildo. Shawn and tbe otbers will fix her rainbow loving attitude. If she thinks Mikey Doodle will be loyal go her zhes crazy

05-20-2014, 11:15 PM
Maybe if you were half as concerned with cleaning up IA and the skank who runs it instead of the spellcheck police. Im talking about all the good people no longer employed here

Correction: employed there. I'm sure you're one of the ones who is no longer employed here. Your hatred of the two females would lead a detective to believe you are either RB or his g-friend. Trying taking some responsibilities for your own actions and stop your obsession with these two. Olive Oyl is doing just fine and has the respect of the troops. So call her a DIKE or whatever else your small mind can come up with, you're not here so your opinion really doesn't matter.

05-21-2014, 09:55 AM
by boytoy » 05/20/14 09:38:46

Charlie Dawg wrote:

what45 wrote:by sheatitagain » 05/16/14 14:22:32

"So how long before the new captain that reports directlt fo car one replaces the old ailing chief. Fat gramps with the hairy ears says he will be replacing Gildo before the next election. Who will protect the nymph ia commander? Will her shennanigans finslly cease? Crazy so many get screwed by ia while shes on her next affair and banging in her office"

Really? You piece of monkey crap. Number one learn how to spell or have your momma proof read for you. What shenanigans? If you know something then say it, instead of coming on this site and spreading lies and rumors you coward. And who has gotten screwed by I.A? Remember have your momma proof read before you reply

Uh oh. Sounds like you angered one of the Boy Toys.
Which boytoy? Am i already replaced? I heard the sheriff absolutely didnt want to promote her BUT got sick of Guildos whining and crying about it. Shes even said her job is simple since she just does what daddy Guildo tells her to do. Anybody else would be fired for having sex in their headquarters office. So funny how Gil and his picks makes the sheriff look like a complete idiotboytoy"

While at least your name fits you, you toad. Sex in her office? Really, prove it or shut the hell up. Its funny you people come on here and bad mouth her and the patrol major and you can't say anything about how they do their job, because their both good at it, so you come on here and talk crap, with nothing to back it up with. You have a hatred of women? Maybe you should seek help, but it won't people like you just got to hate.

05-21-2014, 10:01 AM
yomama » 05/20/14 08:42:34

"Maybe if you were half as concerned with cleaning up IA and the skank who runs it instead of the spellcheck police. Im talking about all the good people no longer employed here"

Another coward comes forward, surprise. Ok, what good people are no longer here and how is that her fault. Maybe you should get your facts correct before you start talking out of your azz. And what needs to be cleaned up in I.A.? Oh by the way maybe if you spend less time on this site talking crap and start doing your job you could make something out of yourself.