View Full Version : ByeByeUnion

07-18-2012, 06:40 AM
See. This is what you rookie union a$$holes did to us. We were on the road to something better and you just had to vote for Fisher because you ass was boys. That was the mistake you made, you numbnut union people. You did the good ole boy bs that you preached against.

I was still for the union until you cast your lot with Fishy minutes after the IUPA meeting. That is why I decided to resign from the IUPA. I never would have supported him no matter what, and if we were to ever make a union endorsement then all of the members should have had a say. I guess what pisses me off so much is that you never even consulted the membership. Who the hell you think you were?

Because of that decision, you wrecked my faith in the union concept you preached. Because of that decision you set the ball into motion to screw everyone. Because of that, you will pay. Shoulda took a member-wide vote. Remember what MZ said? You'll be eating those words for a lifetime now - in the unemployment line.

Now, I'll laugh my butt off as people like Sgt. Laze and others who invested time and money into this union ( and later as max contributors to fish-face) pissed it away by pulling a good ole boy trick.

End result? IUPA looks like an idiot. Fishy has turd (kjv turd that is) on his face. Scott looks like a hero to the republican party and will tromp and stomp fishy into the ground. Rightfully so. You get what you reap and you showed you were on same path as Scott.

Our last hope now is Bushy. At least he is still plugging away and mopping this county up. He might not be the most popular but he is the most principled. And, I for one, welcome someone with a backbone to stand ip for what is right.

If Bushy can't pull it off, then I promise you Mike Scott and Lt. Scott Thompston, Lt. Snyder, Lt. Bonsall, Lt. Payne and Lt. Chitwood will all be laughing their a$$es off as Scott finds some small reason to pull your ticket and appointment.

You fools get what you got coming. I will laugh when there is more room for me to get promoted.

Loooooooooooong faces? Yep. All those sergeants who stuck their neck out. Looooooooooooooooooooong face on fishy.

hehehe. Idiots.

07-18-2012, 07:33 AM
You have got to be kidding. chitwood? really? lol.

07-18-2012, 09:57 AM
It's like watching a bad dream. These guys were warned not to bring politics into it but got to caught up in their own interests. They divided this agency. They said they formed because of # 3 and not money and then divided the ranks and made it political. Shame on you for causing all this

07-18-2012, 12:10 PM
true! but thats only part of it. Shame on them is an understatment.

07-18-2012, 03:03 PM
It get a bonus and promotion you sold MS bill of goods and BS. Good luck the FOP, PBA or whoever can't come in for a year. Than it will take 6 months to get an election. Another year and half for contract if the Sheriff will seat at the table and talk. If MS wins that is a long time for MS to do his damage.

07-18-2012, 03:49 PM
When an organization becomes so internally divided and there are mini cliques and groups present that all are out for a piece of the proverbial pie, the real issue that everyone works towards, gets replaced by bantering, bickering, and backstabbing.

All we are going to do is destruct ourselves, and MS will have not to lift a finger. Because we are doing it all by ourselves. History dictates this happening on so many occasions.

We all get what we deserve...............

And it is coming............................

07-19-2012, 12:06 AM
What's funny is all of you who don't see the big picture. What if Fisher of Bushong get in. All of you may need union help because who knows what might happen. So stupid, should have waited till after August, dumb ,dumd, dumb. Think that might put it in perspective.

07-19-2012, 09:13 AM
It's like watching a bad dream. These guys were warned not to bring politics into it but got to caught up in their own interests. They divided this agency. They said they formed because of # 3 and not money and then divided the ranks and made it political. Shame on you for causing all this
So true - I have nothing but total contempt for those self serving jerks on the board. Now #3 is taking total credit for derailing the union. you formed because of him and made him stronger in the end. Idiots

07-19-2012, 11:00 AM
You have got to be kidding. chitwood? really? lol.
Agreed. Probably the biggest farce in the entire agency and was also brought here by the Ferrantes, promoted by the Ferrantes, then abandoned the ferrantes as soon as he got what he wanted. A lot of character there.

07-19-2012, 07:38 PM
This is the problem with this place. Everyone is out for themselves stabbing each other in the back for what nothing. Maybe if everyone would remember we are here to help each other this would not be the issue. As long as all of you act like five year olds fighting over crayons it doesn't matter who is the Sheriff or what union is here. The worst part is these are sgt's doing this. Leadership here is a joke. The bad thing is that rookie deputies see the childish behavior as role models on how they should act as a deputy. Let's work as a team and fix the issues not blame each other.

07-19-2012, 11:12 PM
This is the problem with this place. Everyone is out for themselves stabbing each other in the back for what nothing. Maybe if everyone would remember we are here to help each other this would not be the issue. As long as all of you act like five year olds fighting over crayons it doesn't matter who is the Sheriff or what union is here. The worst part is these are sgt's doing this. Leadership here is a joke. The bad thing is that rookie deputies see the childish behavior as role models on how they should act as a deputy. Let's work as a team and fix the issues not blame each other.

This mentality has been created by our current administration, specifically our CEO. That's not to say that past administrations didn't show favoritism and encourage good ol' boys and opportunists but those who praticed it were in the minority and everyone know who they were (this was prior to the anonymous power of the internet). Today our top executives have created a culture where this kind of behavior is supported and rewarded because they really don't know how to supervise others. This is what they consider as loyality (to them and not the agency or our oath of office). If you want to get ahead at the LCSO all you have to do is give your supervisor someone's head on a platter. We will destroy ourselves from within, the brotherhood is dead and we helped to kill it off!

07-22-2012, 05:47 PM
Don't agree
That's the result of the people who left (one way or another) and their attempts to
undermine the current administration.

Sour grapes for being caught or failures or whatever, but they are the reason for the backstabbing and dissent.

07-22-2012, 10:17 PM
Don't agree
That's the result of the people who left (one way or another) and their attempts to
undermine the current administration.

Sour grapes for being caught or failures or whatever, but they are the reason for the backstabbing and dissent.

How can the "people who left" have any influence, positive or negative, on the culture of the LCSO? Anyone can plainly see that it is the administration itself that has created dissention among the troops with it's arbitrary justice, promotions, and transfers (most recently the "bonuses for non-union members" penalty) and it's failure to follow the CALEA standards that they profess to run this agency by. They might as well put the CALEA manual and the SOP's in the bathrooms, at least we would get some value from all that paper!