View Full Version : The Union fights off the Boogeyman

07-13-2012, 05:24 PM
I read these threads for the comedic value. Let’s be honest, some of this stuff is just funny and has high entertainment value. I have noticed in my readings a fairly common theme, the IUPA supporters often portray the board members as white knights, come to protect the ignorant villagers (that village being LCSO) from the depravations of the Boogeyman, as the light place on MS often portrays him to be. And honestly, they have done a fairly good job of painting this picture as many seem to fear the boogeyman and think they need the Knights of the Cop Shop to protect them. As these examples show, the Knights have kept the boogeyman from raiding the village and taking our take home cars, tuition, and health care:

by halitosis henry » 07/02/12 15:34:14

What about all of the good things they did? They stopped every deputy in this agency from paying for insurance. They stopped you from paying for tuition. They kept your use of take home cars.

viewtopic.php?f=309&t=135748&start=30 (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?f=309&t=135748&start=30)

by Wanting change » 07/06/12 16:36:23
Just a hypothetical question. If MB is able to get the union voted out, what is there to prevent the Sheriff of taking the cars away, changing our insurance or making us pay for it. From taking what incentives there is now.

viewtopic.php?f=309&t=135748&start=45 (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?f=309&t=135748&start=45)

Thank the Maker for the Knights! Were it not for them, the boogeyman would have been able to rampage and take everything and us poor villagers would have been powerless to stop him. Well, at least that is the picture painted in the above statements. We have now a picture of MS on a rampage, wanting to take things away from the poor deputies on a whim and IUPA stepped in and showed how strong their pimp hand was and put a stop to that mess. Is that how it really went down? Let’s look at some other examples……..

by Adam 12 » 07/06/12 17:35:35

Too bad for him that part of the contract is over, so there will be no further negotiations about take home cars. But rest assured without a lawyer present we would have lost our cars (for personal use). And we would be paying into health insurance. This was mentioned by the clowns and shot down by our lawyers.
viewtopic.php?f=309&t=135748&start=60 (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?f=309&t=135748&start=60)

by Guest2121 » 07/06/12 12:52:26

MS hasn't given anything to any of us (except civilians), but he has taken things away and has tried to take more things away. Remember that the union has fought for us and by doing so we still have certain perks that would have otherwise been taken away. The Sheriff, or I should say his board since he doesn't go to the negotiations, attempted to take our cars away. The union fought for it and now it is tentatively agreed on.

viewtopic.php?f=309&t=135748&start=45 (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?f=309&t=135748&start=45)

So, if we look at these examples, we see the things that MS supposedly wanted to just take were actually things brought up in negotiations. I will acknowledge that I am not in on the negotiations, but these individuals appear to be privy to what is occurring. So when we pull the lights back and take a closer look at the picture we see that MS is not actually trying to actively take away benefits. What is actually occurring is that the Knights have stepped forward and said:

“The villagers want raises” (raises used for illustrative purposes only) and in response they are told “well, if you want raises for the villagers, are you willing to agree to pay into your health care?”

“No!” exclaimed the Knights.

“Very well, then we can’t agree to give the villagers raises.”

The Knights left the table, nodding sagely to each other. “We saved the villagers from increased health care costs!”

“Here, here! We shall tell the villagers that we have saved them.”

So just remember, while some of what has been posted is accurate, there is often more to the story.

07-13-2012, 11:22 PM
I bet you play Dungeons and Dragons and watch Star Trek also. Your a tool.

07-14-2012, 01:54 AM
Yet you feel the need to post on every thread. If you put as much focus into your job as you do on this site you might have been promoted already and wouldn't need to rely on the union so much.

07-14-2012, 02:24 AM
Yet you feel the need to post on every thread. If you put as much focus into your job as you do on this site you might have been promoted already and wouldn't need to rely on the union so much.

Yet, you feel the need to post on every thread. If you put as much focus into your job, as you do on this site, you might have been promoted already. Maybe then, you wouldn't need to rely on the union so much.

I think you need to work on punctuation, before you can slight others.posting.php?mode=quote&f=309&t=136617&p=928488# (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/posting.php?mode=quote&f=309&t=136617&p=928488#)

07-14-2012, 11:28 AM
Take a look at the forum for Jacksonville Sheriffs Office (Duval County). Sheriff Rutherford is proposing elimination more positions that to date since last year have amounted to over 300 total in all so far. He is being pressured by the Commissioners to reduce his budget (heard that before) and he is being left to reduce the footprint of the agency.

Here is what is really interesting. The union a while back starts *****ing about pay to officers, and benefits (heard that too) to the Sheriff. So much so they end up filing a Harrassment and Intimidation / Unfair Labor Actions with the State against the Sheriff. On goes the fight.

In the end result up to date, the complaint filed with the state now has been dismissed. (imagine that) stating all agencies are facing budget issues. So on goes the union pressure from its attorney. Now several commissioners say "HEY lets stop the take home car program!" So far the Sheriff has resisted that and proposed a millage increase in taxes. (YAY SHERIFF for standing up to everyone! Everyone besides the Commissioners love us and they wont mind paying up!) After getting his nutsack racked across the coals and resulting backlash from the "love us" community which all of the sudden "Dont love us as much as we thought" he is now suggesting elimination of more positions.

Meanwhile aggressive and focused the union attorney now steps up and says "we think there is a large amount of unnecessary spending in other areas that could be eliminated first before the officer reduction" Okay maybe so. But guess what?

Nope we are not eliminating anything more but positions. Now the union attorney is puzzled and has not issued anything lately. Perhaps the plan failed?

Bet your ass it did. Now before it is over, mark my thoughts here, they will lose those additional positions, and they will eventually lose those take home cars.

Because "we are not loved as much as we think we are" and can be replaced. Oh and his method of choosing who goes is by seniority. Lowest first out the door.

So the point here is Be careful for what you wish for. You just might NOT get it.

07-14-2012, 11:42 AM
i can remember when lcso had no take home car program. well they did but it for liuetenants and above. they never suffered.

07-14-2012, 01:02 PM
:devil: These newbies do t know what it was like to pick up a pool car from a district and load and unload for your shift. Stop your *****ing or go find another job, oh that right there are no other jobs!!!

07-14-2012, 01:40 PM
:devil: These newbies do t know what it was like to pick up a pool car from a district and load and unload for your shift. Stop your *****ing or go find another job, oh that right there are no other jobs!!!

This is the fallacy in the anti-union thinking. Just because things sucked years ago doesn't mean that things can't be improved upon now. If you guys remember what they said at the meeting, the contract is mostly just locking in what we have already. How does that hurt you? Also, we hate to bust your bubble, but the union movement at LCSO is not made up of a bunch of "newbies" who don't know how good they've got it.

07-14-2012, 02:09 PM
[quote="Hail to boogeyman":3qb3m0dc]:devil: These newbies do t know what it was like to pick up a pool car from a district and load and unload for your shift. Stop your *****ing or go find another job, oh that right there are no other jobs!!!

This is the fallacy in the anti-union thinking. Just because things sucked years ago doesn't mean that things can't be improved upon now. If you guys remember what they said at the meeting, the contract is mostly just locking in what we have already. How does that hurt you? Also, we hate to bust your bubble, but the union movement at LCSO is not made up of a bunch of "newbies" who don't know how good they've got it.[/quote:3qb3m0dc]

Right. It is made up of tenured individuals because of their whiney ass attitudes, shallow thinking, and "me syndrome" that cannot be promoted, and are constantly overlooked and ignored.

When are you going to realize the union doesn't have a damn thing to do with anything other than demise? It is a separate organization that doesn't have to put up with anything that backfires, (civilian and not certified raises) and an some attorneys who want the greater good for all? Right. Certainly not in it for the money or anything. Hey they still get paid and go out on their boats during the weekends, why would they care whether or not it passed or not? On paper it looks great.

I wonder how that Jacksonville union attorney(s) feel about their demands now? Or those who are out of jobs and having to relocate in an attempt to just find employment? You say we are butt kissers? You would not say shit if your mouth was packed slam full of it, and the Sheriff asked you if you had a mouthful!!!! Keep dreaming. You may want to buy a set of stripes or bars so you can at least play with them at home during off hours....

Nothing speaks public relations more than seeing an LEO getting out of his / her patrol car, off duty, in shorts, flipflops, and muscle shirt on a weekend at the supermarket with his family in tow. Sure say it doesn't happen. My wife and I must be both blind this morning in Cape Coral. Makes me sick. And guess who was driving? One of the biggest whiney ass heyboys there are. Go figure.

07-14-2012, 07:33 PM
[quote="Hail to boogeyman":2x62rppg]:devil: These newbies do t know what it was like to pick up a pool car from a district and load and unload for your shift. Stop your *****ing or go find another job, oh that right there are no other jobs!!!

This is the fallacy in the anti-union thinking. Just because things sucked years ago doesn't mean that things can't be improved upon now. If you guys remember what they said at the meeting, the contract is mostly just locking in what we have already. How does that hurt you? Also, we hate to bust your bubble, but the union movement at LCSO is not made up of a bunch of "newbies" who don't know how good they've got it.

Right. It is made up of tenured individuals because of their whiney ass attitudes, shallow thinking, and "me syndrome" that cannot be promoted, and are constantly overlooked and ignored.

When are you going to realize the union doesn't have a damn thing to do with anything other than demise? It is a separate organization that doesn't have to put up with anything that backfires, (civilian and not certified raises) and an some attorneys who want the greater good for all? Right. Certainly not in it for the money or anything. Hey they still get paid and go out on their boats during the weekends, why would they care whether or not it passed or not? On paper it looks great.

I wonder how that Jacksonville union attorney(s) feel about their demands now? Or those who are out of jobs and having to relocate in an attempt to just find employment? You say we are butt kissers? You would not say shit if your mouth was packed slam full of it, and the Sheriff asked you if you had a mouthful!!!! Keep dreaming. You may want to buy a set of stripes or bars so you can at least play with them at home during off hours....

Nothing speaks public relations more than seeing an LEO getting out of his / her patrol car, off duty, in shorts, flipflops, and muscle shirt on a weekend at the supermarket with his family in tow. Sure say it doesn't happen. My wife and I must be both blind this morning in Cape Coral. Makes me sick. And guess who was driving? One of the biggest whiney ass heyboys there are. Go figure.[/quote:2x62rppg]

Umm....what the **** are you talking about? Have you ever heard of proofreading?

I'll try to sort through the alcoholic haze of your post and address your questions. Of course the unions want to make money. So do cops. So does the sheriff. So does everybody. I'm sure what your point there is. Maybe if some charity, non-profit union comes along to help us, we can look into it.

Ok, we get your point about Jacksonville PD. But since almost every agency in Florida is a union agency (that's a clue, skippy) and you think all unions spell demise, surely there must be hundreds or thousands of stories about all the screw ups unions are responsible for in Florida law enforcement agencies. Where are all the PERC votes to decertify all these demise bringing unions? Surely the other tens of thousands of law enforcement officers around the state know this process exists. Are you suggesting that we have the only three disgruntled deputies and five disgruntled sergeants smart enough or informed enough to have figured this out? What seems more likely to you?

07-15-2012, 12:07 AM
Jacks SO also tops out in the 60s! They have a step-plan. Without a union, LCSO will always be a backwoods agency and training ground for new recruits until they find something better.

07-15-2012, 09:47 AM
Well I just read the Jax article and it seems they will not be making 60's any longer cuz the pay is being reduced as well. They are screwed. I also found a copy on the net of I think Alachua SO and Orange County SO union contracts. They are HUGE! I sure would like to see that kind of stuff in ours. They address everything! I would def love to see something like that here. Maybe a better selling point? Ask for the world? and negotiate the remainder that makes it through? Just a thought.

07-15-2012, 11:43 AM
What about the payroll data on the LCSO hires in 2005 at 64,000? There are quite a few too. And others from other years. So whats the statement about Jacksonville being a larger agency with "tops out in the 60's"? Their 60's different from ours?

07-15-2012, 01:41 PM
What about the payroll data on the LCSO hires in 2005 at 64,000? There are quite a few too. And others from other years. So whats the statement about Jacksonville being a larger agency with "tops out in the 60's"? Their 60's different from ours?

07-15-2012, 05:04 PM
What about the payroll data on the LCSO hires in 2005 at 64,000? There are quite a few too. And others from other years. So whats the statement about Jacksonville being a larger agency with "tops out in the 60's"? Their 60's different from ours?

Suck it up, you're still $8k over starting, which some have been stuck at.

07-15-2012, 05:51 PM
Maybe a better selling point? Ask for the world? and negotiate the remainder that makes it through? Just a thought.

The sheriffs office doesn't want to negotiate. The contract is going to an impasse and you can't negotiate with an arbitrator.

07-17-2012, 07:14 PM
well now you don't have to worry about an impass 48-25 bye-bye :D

07-17-2012, 10:38 PM
well now you don't have to worry about an impass 48-25 bye-bye :D

You can't negotiate those results either!