View Full Version : MEIN KAMPF on the "God Particle"

07-13-2012, 02:40 AM
The recently discovery of the so-called “God Particle” has launched the American media in to a new madness. We all know that the Media feeds from sensationalism in order to boost rating and sales.

Now, please bear with me please, that quantum mechanics and the world of physics is by no means my field of expertise. I am just a humble public servant with a bunch of scarce opinions that which worth amounts to a Starbucks’s cup of coffee …(make it strong please) …... Thank You! ;)

The catchy headline “God-Particle” of course is a total misguide. It first it may appear to the average individual, that this refers to a “particular” particle of some kind that comes from God, or even worse, particle of God Himself! Second, this can also suggest that, that the issue of the "Existence of God" can be explained away by means of Scientific enquiery, reducing the discussion to a mere lab particle. In other words, meaning that what that which we call “God” is actually no more than a particle of some sort now discovered (or should I say debunked) by Science. This so called "God Particle" is actual Responsible for the existence of the Universe and Life as we know it.

The reality is that Science can not make any statement about God. Science as such is an Empirical Discipline and thus, its field of expertise is limitted to only those things that can be known Empirically. In other words, Science can only make judgements or produce statements about things that are known through the senses, things that can be observed, touched, smell, things that can be manipulated and measured, hence the “Scientific Method” of observation and repetition.

Science has not authority to make judgments about God, only disciplines such as Philosophy or Theology does, but not Science. This is very difficult to swallow by individuals who lives in an atmosphere were Science is Glorified to the point to be concidered by some as the only vehicle to find Truth.

However, God is not a manipulative phenomenon, cannot be observed, measured or quantified, thus the idea of a “Scientific Judgment” about God is illusory at best.

Example, Science can not make any judgement about the Laws of Logic. Logic falls under the umbrella of Philosophy.The Laws of Logic are immaterial, intangible, invisible and eternal, thus there is nothing that Science can add to it.

Another example would be issues of Moralit which Science can no really make a contribution to this field. Morality falls under the umbrella of Philosophy and Religion through the discipliene of Ethics. Science does not determine what is right or wrong, Ethics does. The point is that that although Science have not saying in these fields, that does not means that Neither Logic nor Ethics lacks support nor importance. Each of these disciplines exist on their own right and they dont need to be validated by Science, nor they should nor they cant.

However, That does not means that Science can not make judgments about “Religious claims” – (but this is different animal altogether)……

For those of you interested in more of this, I recommend to study Epistemology –a field of Philosophy that deals with the issue of how do we know that which we know, in other words, our real justification for knowledge –

*** The Atheist scientist Stephen Hawking, recently published a book “The Grand Design” for which he received a lots of negative criticism by his own professional peers for precisely confusing issues of science with issues of philosophy proper, Mr. Hawking dropped the ball when he attempted to explain in his book what Reality Is, and thus he crossed the line and fell into a philosophical diatribe for which he clearly proved to be unfit***

So, basically the “God Particle” is a phrase that comes from a book published in 1993 by Leon Lederman who at that time theorized that this Particle permeated every mater in the universe. the problem was that this particle was hard to find, but it was there and it was real. (i.e. omnipresent & invisible hence the "God" thing). This particle was recently discovered and by so doing, the "Standard Model" - an Theoretical outlook of Physics - which up to this point was just a simple Theory, has being now confirmed. And this is what it was announced to be found in July 4th.

The function of this particle is to create a “field” in Space in which other particles moves through this field and as they move they acquire mass. Kind of swimmers in a pool, as they moves they get wet...... End of the story.

As you can see the "God particle" has really no bearing for our daily life, nor does have any bearing for theology proper. It is just a Media propaganda.

Serious atheist dont pursue Scientific avenues in their attempts to disprove God's Existance because they know than this cannot be done this way. They rather pursue philosophical argumentations, which could be way more effective.

As you can see by now, here at F.I.U.P.D. we have a vast array of Officers, we have the 59s oriented ones, the 33s oriented ones, the 39s oriented ones, the 19s oriented ones....we also have the political savvies , the sports enthusiasts .....dont forget the philosophical and Theological enthusiasts, with the exeption of the 43s.....we dont have those (43s) yet...we dont want 43s.... lest keep it simple.


Man this Coffee is Good!


07-13-2012, 05:14 AM
I'm sorry, but you serve absolutely no purpose.

07-13-2012, 05:52 AM
Thank you!

Now, coming from somebody from this forum, I admit that I feel kind of proud with myself for what you just have said in relation to me......is always good to hear a complement once in a while.

Love you too, and be safe!



02-25-2013, 07:21 AM