View Full Version : Sheriff Mike Scott Using Mob Tactics

07-06-2012, 01:47 AM
Word is that Sheriff Mike Scott is calling contributors to Lee Bushong and asking them why they donated to his campaign (businesses and residents). Probably doing the same against Tim. He is running scared. His money can't buy him votes. And he knows it. The sources are reliable. There is no reason to believe they are incorrect.

If we (yes there is more than one of me on the inside, closer than you think Mike) find that this is true for even one case, You will find yourself engaged in the largest lawsuit you have ever encountered, along with a federal investigation (D.C. feds) into multiple civil rights violations and abuse of office among others. We are investigating. You better hope none of these businesses or people speak up. Perhaps you threatened them? We'll see. Mr. Scott, you are running scared, everyone knows it. You will loose your job and the office that you "think" is yours, but really belongs to everyone in Lee County. The office and its personnel that you have abused and neglected are tired, sick and tired of you and your failed leadership. If it weren't against the law, we would have walked off the job already.

Your cartel boy can't save you now. All the money in the world will not keep you from loosing this election. You are done as Sheriff. Do you undersand? You are finished. I also guarantee you everyone that walks along side you like puppets hanging from their master's strings, wearing their badge to bully others, will be included in the lawsuit and the federal investigation. You are a coward. Calling people up; who does that? A coward. That's who.

07-06-2012, 02:25 AM
Mike just drop out and move on with life, there is no need to **** with us for four more years. Let it go.

07-06-2012, 06:11 AM
Word is that Sheriff Mike Scott is calling contributors to Lee Bushong and asking them why they donated to his campaign (businesses and residents). Probably doing the same against Tim. He is running scared. His money can't buy him votes. And he knows it. The sources are reliable. There is no reason to believe they are incorrect.

If we (yes there is more than one of me on the inside, closer than you think Mike) find that this is true for even one case, You will find yourself engaged in the largest lawsuit you have ever encountered, along with a federal investigation (D.C. feds) into multiple civil rights violations and abuse of office among others. We are investigating. You better hope none of these businesses or people speak up. Perhaps you threatened them? We'll see. Mr. Scott, you are running scared, everyone knows it. You will loose your job and the office that you "think" is yours, but really belongs to everyone in Lee County. The office and its personnel that you have abused and neglected are tired, sick and tired of you and your failed leadership. If it weren't against the law, we would have walked off the job already.

Your cartel boy can't save you now. All the money in the world will not keep you from loosing this election. You are done as Sheriff. Do you undersand? You are finished. I also guarantee you everyone that walks along side you like puppets hanging from their master's strings, wearing their badge to bully others, will be included in the lawsuit and the federal investigation. You are a coward. Calling people up; who does that? A coward. That's who.

Turk, you are absolutely correct. I know for a fact that Scott called a local attorney who is running for a judgeship and berated her for donating to Bushong. I believe her name is Margaret Miller.

Also, did anyone see him at the cape coral 4th of July event. Word has it as he walked around, he was surrounded by his cronies and was being led by the biggest one Schmitt himself. What a bunch prostitutes! A total disgrace to the uniform. Word also has it from people in the crowd that Bushong get right in his face and Scott said, lee what are you doing? Bushong supposedly responded, I'm coming after you Mike! Mike then said, what, with a one man army? lee then told him, this one man army is going to ambush you like you have never seen and hang you by the balls!

07-06-2012, 11:29 AM
Come on, guys...anybody in politics or marketing knows when you lose a customer or a previous supporter, you ask them why they left. You might learn something. If you are losing a lot of them, you might learn a lot. If you notice a trend, you might actually change what you are doing to lose those people. If you are too stubborn to change...well it's a free market. You will eventually go out of business.

Stop raging about federal investigations and lawsuits. You are dreaming if you think an elected official calling up politically involved people and expressing anger or asking questions about who they support is somehow illegal.

07-06-2012, 04:43 PM
Turk, you are absolutely correct. I know for a fact that Scott called a local attorney who is running for a judgeship and berated her for donating to Bushong. I believe her name is Margaret Miller.

Also, did anyone see him at the cape coral 4th of July event. Word has it as he walked around, he was surrounded by his cronies and was being led by the biggest one Schmitt himself. What a bunch prostitutes! A total disgrace to the uniform. Word also has it from people in the crowd that Bushong get right in his face and Scott said, lee what are you doing? Bushong supposedly responded, I'm coming after you Mike! Mike with a one man army? lee then told him, this one man army is going to ambush you like you have never seen and hang you by the balls!

Yes, LB showed what a true professional he is. Anyone that thinks they work for a bully has a rude awakening coming if LB somehow wins, even though a independent candidate has never won an election in Lee County.

07-06-2012, 06:50 PM
Linbacker, if your analogy was correct Mike Scott would have done that in the wrath of TWO UNIONS being voted in. He didn't then and the ego manic will not do it this time. He is out of touch with what people want and need from the head law enforcement officer. They need a COP NOT A POLITICIAN. Next question, school is out, the fat lady has sung.

07-07-2012, 06:17 AM
Turk, you are absolutely correct. I know for a fact that Scott called a local attorney who is running for a judgeship and berated her for donating to Bushong. I believe her name is Margaret Miller.

Also, did anyone see him at the cape coral 4th of July event. Word has it as he walked around, he was surrounded by his cronies and was being led by the biggest one Schmitt himself. What a bunch prostitutes! A total disgrace to the uniform. Word also has it from people in the crowd that Bushong get right in his face and Scott said, lee what are you doing? Bushong supposedly responded, I'm coming after you Mike! Mike with a one man army? lee then told him, this one man army is going to ambush you like you have never seen and hang you by the balls!

Yes, LB showed what a true professional he is. Anyone that thinks they work for a bully has a rude awakening coming if LB somehow wins, even though a independent candidate has never won an election in Lee County.

A bully? Would you please grow a pair of balls or go back to the girl scouts. He is such a bully, omg!

07-07-2012, 10:29 AM
I'm not gonna tolerate anyone talking to me that way simply because they have rank and if you think it's OK for a supervisor to talk to you like that maybe you're the one that has testicular issues. Bushong already showed the agency his true colors as a leiutenant, that was enough for me.

07-07-2012, 12:43 PM
Why is Lee Bushong being made a hero on this site? Im no politician by any means but In my opinion I want a Sheriff who will be respectful and have class and integrity. If this actually occured then I see it as a major negative for a campaign. I agree that the Numerous brown nosers in the current Administration all need to go but if you show me a politician Ill show you a liar.

07-09-2012, 01:52 AM
Have any of you naysayers ever worked under extreme hostile working conditions before? I am talking about from a lowly sergeant or lietunant either, I am talking about the Sheriff and his posse. Years of dedication gone out the window if you dare go up against someone who thinks he is a god. I admire LB's bravery and understand what working under those conditions does to ones mentality while they are figuring out which way to move.

07-09-2012, 04:23 AM
Have any of you naysayers ever worked under extreme hostile working conditions before? I am talking about from a lowly sergeant or lietunant either, I am talking about the Sheriff and his posse. Years of dedication gone out the window if you dare go up against someone who thinks he is a god. I admire LB's bravery and understand what working under those conditions does to ones mentality while they are figuring out which way to move.

If THAT was "extreme hostile working conditions" then you might need a good tampon.

07-09-2012, 06:29 AM
A man who draws the line in the sand for what is good and right is somehow made out to be a bully.
You must be a little beyotch. I mean really... You make life and death decisions. You are accountable for taking away someone's rights, yet when you are held accountable, you want to make Bushong out to be a bully?
I see him as a steward of what is right and good. If you really are concerned about him being sheriff, it is because you are a little slug and pretentious little princess.
Maybe go home and play with your My Little Pony dolls. Let us men do cop's work. Bushong is the only one who is man enough to stand and provide for you and your family. If you are one of those who vote for someone else, then you deserve the misery and discrimination and neglect you got coming.
For me, I take a stand for what is right. I vote for bushong (yes, yes, yes, Tim in the primary, but Bushong in the general).

07-09-2012, 10:10 AM
circa 1970's: LEO armed with revolver. choice of 357 or 41 magnum 24,000 a yr.

circa 2010: LEO armed with semi automatic, Taser, Portable Radio, Pepperspray, Vest, Take home car, everything but underwear furnished..

Bunch of whiney, crybaby, weak, individuals whom would rather stay home and have a check sent to them. Turns my stomach.

Yes I worked back then. So yes I have the right to compare.

07-09-2012, 01:05 PM
circa 1970's: LEO armed with revolver. choice of 357 or 41 magnum 24,000 a yr.

circa 2010: LEO armed with semi automatic, Taser, Portable Radio, Pepperspray, Vest, Take home car, everything but underwear furnished..

Bunch of whiney, crybaby, weak, individuals whom would rather stay home and have a check sent to them. Turns my stomach.

Yes I worked back then. So yes I have the right to compare.

Did you have a point in there somewhere, grampa?

07-09-2012, 01:59 PM
If you missed it then you are as stupid as we think you are. Toddler

07-09-2012, 06:17 PM
If you missed it then you are as stupid as we think you are. Toddler

Sober up before posting next time.

07-09-2012, 06:24 PM
If you missed it then you are as stupid as we think you are. Toddler

Sober up before posting next time.
One day you might need "gramps" and when he see's you need help I hope he drives right on by...that's what I would do. Yep, look over there at that,wait, I didn't see any thing. :devil:

07-09-2012, 08:30 PM
circa 1970's: LEO armed with revolver. choice of 357 or 41 magnum 24,000 a yr.

circa 2010: LEO armed with semi automatic, Taser, Portable Radio, Pepperspray, Vest, Take home car, everything but underwear furnished..

Bunch of whiney, crybaby, weak, individuals whom would rather stay home and have a check sent to them. Turns my stomach.

Yes I worked back then. So yes I have the right to compare.

Since you have a right to compare so do I. Lets take your dumb ass comment and break it down. In 1970, you don't state where you work so I'll have presume its Lee County. In 1970, cocaine had yet to hit the streets of America and Lee County like certain parts are still today, was and is a cow pasture. How many people resided in Lee County in 1970? You had no clue as to the complexity of today's law or how to deal with the violent drug crazed criminal of today. It seems that you are jealous that police officer technology has come this far. Do you still have an outhouse where you live? Do me a favor and go back to picking up cow chips, the year is 2012! Also its interesting to note that in 1970 the salary was 24,000 per year. In 42 years there has been a lousy 11,000 increase and we answer 20 times the amount of calls that you answered. Mooooooo.

07-09-2012, 09:30 PM
circa 1970's: LEO armed with revolver. choice of 357 or 41 magnum 24,000 a yr.

circa 2010: LEO armed with semi automatic, Taser, Portable Radio, Pepperspray, Vest, Take home car, everything but underwear furnished..

Bunch of whiney, crybaby, weak, individuals whom would rather stay home and have a check sent to them. Turns my stomach.

Yes I worked back then. So yes I have the right to compare.

Since you have a right to compare so do I. Lets take your dumb ass comment and break it down. In 1970, you don't state where you work so I'll have presume its Lee County. In 1970, cocaine had yet to hit the streets of America and Lee County like certain parts are still today, was and is a cow pasture. How many people resided in Lee County in 1970? You had no clue as to the complexity of today's law or how to deal with the violent drug crazed criminal of today. It seems that you are jealous that police officer technology has come this far. Do you still have an outhouse where you live? Do me a favor and go back to picking up cow chips, the year is 2012! Also its interesting to note that in 1970 the salary was 24,000 per year. In 42 years there has been a lousy 11,000 increase and we answer 20 times the amount of calls that you answered. Mooooooo.

Actually in the early 70's the starting salary for a Lee County Deputy Sheriff was about $8,500.00 per year before taxes (and before something called family plan health insurance) out of that you bought your own sidearm, boots, ammunition, flashlight, raingear, pens, paper and cameras among many other things (in the earliest years some deputies even had to purchase their own patrol cars on a buy-back program). You worked 5 days a week, changed shifts every 28 days, drove your own car to and from work and had a shift of about 14 uniforms and 4-5 detectives (including supervisors) to cover the entire county 24/7. While coke was not widely available, pot, quaaludes, heroin and some LSD was. All of that came into the County by the shrimp boat and DC 10 plane load. It was not unusual to have to take the pot to the Farmers market to weigh it on the truck scales. While it is true that there were only about 200K full time residents here, there were a lot more migrant farm workers and shrimpers raising hell all over the County then there are gangs doing it today. You haven't lived until you had to wade into a shrimper or migrant bar in the middle of a machette fight between 10 or 15 guys by yourself, it was like being in the octogan without the cage and without the referee. More ofter than not you had to be your own back-up as you were more often than not the only law for miles around. You may be better educated today, you may be better equipped today, and you may be more tech. savy today but don't presume that you are superior to those of us that walked the same streets of Lee County long before you did. We went out every day and did our job just like you, we took some lumps and gave some lumps but we never divided ourselves from each other, not by assignment, not by rank and not by petty back biting or *****ing. We had one common goal, at the end of the shift it was to get the bad guys into the jail and ourselves home to our families. When one of us hurt we all hurt, when one of us need help we all helped regardless of how we felt individually if a guy wore the uniform that was the only validation that he needed. I think what turns Guest's stomach is how far we have fallen into this pit that the LCSO has become. We have gone from a rock solid group to a bunch of little factions that seem to be more interested in how we can break each other down than how we can build each other up.

07-09-2012, 09:36 PM
You are causing me to cry. Since you reference 11% I assume you are within 8 yrs from your start date at LCSO. Lots of experience there. 1175 squares miles is 1175 miles of county. Actually we ran six officers a night. 2 north, 2 east and the Hill, 2 South. Yep it has grown huge. But we didnt have take home cars, we had to drive to a substation regardless where you lived it didnt matter. Our radio system consisted of a mobile radio in the car. PERIOD. No portable. When we had a resisting case, the suspect usually went to the ER or worse depending on circumstances. We had no vests. I can think of a couple officers who died that would have benefited from them. We all wore white shirts. The list goes on. We stayed and worked OT without having OT. Never got paid that. Nor time off due to shortage.

Our committment was to the position and title of Deputy Sheriff. We chose to stay employed, and to put up with all the BS and poor conditions. My point here is everyone has a choice.

But to sit back and ***** and moan and groan like a broken record (go back in this forum and the same crap was being discussed and *****ed about then too to no avail) one has a choice to move on or deal with it.

Getting employed, and then *****ing moaning and groaning about it and whining for the agency to change its ways is like getting married and expecting your better half to change. It isnt going to work.

We used to have shift parties every month. the rotating shift upon their turn hosted it out at the old gunrange on SR 82. Some fond memories from those. Weird part was, not only were we there, but so was the SAO employees, EMS, PD's the whole lot. We were family. We stood in unison. Not fragmented all over the place like the current situation is. Not once except in a few cases on this forum did someone actually get the comment and realize what it was about.

If we wanted better money or conditions, we would submit to the feds, or in certain areas of state government although they too had their issues. I would imagine that most of the whining on here, consists of some individuals who know they will never be able to apply at a higher entity. They are locked in.

But the real sad part of this is there is no common glue to bind everyone together. It is all about me me me today. But that isnt just in this job, its todays society. And it sucks.

I wouldnt want to work today period.

But hey why doesnt everyone band together and fight a common cause? Union, no union, pay, insurance, the list goes on. And I seriously hope that IF either Bushong or Fisher make it which I really do not see happening, (sorry been through too much in this area) I really hope that there is not such a huge disappointment when they are not very successful in obtaining all these things that you guys want. Because they have to depend on higher authorities to fund it. And that is part of the rub, that higher authority also are politicians who want back in, so they are there to please constituents and not raise taxes. Same for the cabinets at the state level.

I have been in those election years where everyone thought wow this is it, the dude is done for this time around. Everyone talked about it, word on the street confirmed it, it was a done deal. And damned if they didnt stay in office.

Good luck in your endeavors. But I wouldnt be surprised in the next few years to come, stuff is going to start being taken away rather than supplemented, Cars, etc)

07-09-2012, 11:22 PM
You are causing me to cry. Since you reference 11% I assume you are within 8 yrs from your start date at LCSO. Lots of experience there. 1175 squares miles is 1175 miles of county. Actually we ran six officers a night. 2 north, 2 east and the Hill, 2 South. Yep it has grown huge. But we didnt have take home cars, we had to drive to a substation regardless where you lived it didnt matter. Our radio system consisted of a mobile radio in the car. PERIOD. No portable. When we had a resisting case, the suspect usually went to the ER or worse depending on circumstances. We had no vests. I can think of a couple officers who died that would have benefited from them. We all wore white shirts. The list goes on. We stayed and worked OT without having OT. Never got paid that. Nor time off due to shortage.

Our committment was to the position and title of Deputy Sheriff. We chose to stay employed, and to put up with all the BS and poor conditions. My point here is everyone has a choice.

But to sit back and ***** and moan and groan like a broken record (go back in this forum and the same crap was being discussed and *****ed about then too to no avail) one has a choice to move on or deal with it.

Getting employed, and then *****ing moaning and groaning about it and whining for the agency to change its ways is like getting married and expecting your better half to change. It isnt going to work.

We used to have shift parties every month. the rotating shift upon their turn hosted it out at the old gunrange on SR 82. Some fond memories from those. Weird part was, not only were we there, but so was the SAO employees, EMS, PD's the whole lot. We were family. We stood in unison. Not fragmented all over the place like the current situation is. Not once except in a few cases on this forum did someone actually get the comment and realize what it was about.

If we wanted better money or conditions, we would submit to the feds, or in certain areas of state government although they too had their issues. I would imagine that most of the whining on here, consists of some individuals who know they will never be able to apply at a higher entity. They are locked in.

But the real sad part of this is there is no common glue to bind everyone together. It is all about me me me today. But that isnt just in this job, its todays society. And it sucks.

I wouldnt want to work today period.

But hey why doesnt everyone band together and fight a common cause? Union, no union, pay, insurance, the list goes on. And I seriously hope that IF either Bushong or Fisher make it which I really do not see happening, (sorry been through too much in this area) I really hope that there is not such a huge disappointment when they are not very successful in obtaining all these things that you guys want. Because they have to depend on higher authorities to fund it. And that is part of the rub, that higher authority also are politicians who want back in, so they are there to please constituents and not raise taxes. Same for the cabinets at the state level.

I have been in those election years where everyone thought wow this is it, the dude is done for this time around. Everyone talked about it, word on the street confirmed it, it was a done deal. And damned if they didnt stay in office.

Good luck in your endeavors. But I wouldnt be surprised in the next few years to come, stuff is going to start being taken away rather than supplemented, Cars, etc)

****ing right on! The majority that I work with today are clueless. There loyalty only extends to them, there only interest is what can someone do for them, and from the posts on here you can see, they have no respect for those that came before us. There is no common bond, there is no sense of duty, there is nothing but "ME".

07-10-2012, 12:49 AM
Grampa left out 2012 $34,000.00 starting pay!!!
And no rise in 6 yrs. What wrong with this? $10,000.00 from 1970 to 2012!!

circa 1970's: LEO armed with revolver. choice of 357 or 41 magnum 24,000 a yr.

circa 2010: LEO armed with semi automatic, Taser, Portable Radio, Pepperspray, Vest, Take home car, everything but underwear furnished..

Bunch of whiney, crybaby, weak, individuals whom would rather stay home and have a check sent to them. Turns my stomach.

Yes I worked back then. So yes I have the right to compare.

Did you have a point in there somewhere, grampa?

07-10-2012, 01:55 AM
This conversation has greatly deteriorated. I did a little research on some vehicles that were available in the early 1970s and are still available today just for the comparison of the buying power your salary has lost.

In 1972 a well equiped Camaro with a V8 retailed for about $3,500 compared to a deputy's starting salary of $8500 before taxes. By comparison a 2012 Camaro SS $35,888 while a deputy sheriff starts at $35,294. Just some food for thought for the old timers who say they had it so rough.

07-10-2012, 03:09 AM
circa 1970's: LEO armed with revolver. choice of 357 or 41 magnum 24,000 a yr.

circa 2010: LEO armed with semi automatic, Taser, Portable Radio, Pepperspray, Vest, Take home car, everything but underwear furnished..

Bunch of whiney, crybaby, weak, individuals whom would rather stay home and have a check sent to them. Turns my stomach.

Yes I worked back then. So yes I have the right to compare.

You can have the take-home, taser, spray, and all the bullshit. Just give me a map and a skateboard to patrol, just pay me a living wage and we'll call it even.

07-10-2012, 03:19 AM
You are causing me to cry. Since you reference 11% I assume you are within 8 yrs from your start date at LCSO. Lots of experience there. 1175 squares miles is 1175 miles of county. Actually we ran six officers a night. 2 north, 2 east and the Hill, 2 South. Yep it has grown huge. But we didnt have take home cars, we had to drive to a substation regardless where you lived it didnt matter. Our radio system consisted of a mobile radio in the car. PERIOD. No portable. When we had a resisting case, the suspect usually went to the ER or worse depending on circumstances. We had no vests. I can think of a couple officers who died that would have benefited from them. We all wore white shirts. The list goes on. We stayed and worked OT without having OT. Never got paid that. Nor time off due to shortage.

Our committment was to the position and title of Deputy Sheriff. We chose to stay employed, and to put up with all the BS and poor conditions. My point here is everyone has a choice.

But to sit back and ***** and moan and groan like a broken record (go back in this forum and the same crap was being discussed and *****ed about then too to no avail) one has a choice to move on or deal with it.

Getting employed, and then *****ing moaning and groaning about it and whining for the agency to change its ways is like getting married and expecting your better half to change. It isnt going to work.

We used to have shift parties every month. the rotating shift upon their turn hosted it out at the old gunrange on SR 82. Some fond memories from those. Weird part was, not only were we there, but so was the SAO employees, EMS, PD's the whole lot. We were family. We stood in unison. Not fragmented all over the place like the current situation is. Not once except in a few cases on this forum did someone actually get the comment and realize what it was about.

If we wanted better money or conditions, we would submit to the feds, or in certain areas of state government although they too had their issues. I would imagine that most of the whining on here, consists of some individuals who know they will never be able to apply at a higher entity. They are locked in.

But the real sad part of this is there is no common glue to bind everyone together. It is all about me me me today. But that isnt just in this job, its todays society. And it sucks.

I wouldnt want to work today period.

But hey why doesnt everyone band together and fight a common cause? Union, no union, pay, insurance, the list goes on. And I seriously hope that IF either Bushong or Fisher make it which I really do not see happening, (sorry been through too much in this area) I really hope that there is not such a huge disappointment when they are not very successful in obtaining all these things that you guys want. Because they have to depend on higher authorities to fund it. And that is part of the rub, that higher authority also are politicians who want back in, so they are there to please constituents and not raise taxes. Same for the cabinets at the state level.

I have been in those election years where everyone thought wow this is it, the dude is done for this time around. Everyone talked about it, word on the street confirmed it, it was a done deal. And damned if they didnt stay in office.

Good luck in your endeavors. But I wouldnt be surprised in the next few years to come, stuff is going to start being taken away rather than supplemented, Cars, etc)

****ing right on! The majority that I work with today are clueless. There loyalty only extends to them, there only interest is what can someone do for them, and from the posts on here you can see, they have no respect for those that came before us. There is no common bond, there is no sense of duty, there is nothing but "ME".

I was not going to mention it but it bothered me...in all of your time at this hack of an agency, the LCSO, you still don't know the difference between "their" and "there". Times have changed old timer.

07-10-2012, 10:24 AM
Ok lets get off the trivial picking apart grammar just for once. In this day and age, spelling, grammar, and the rest have gone by the wayside.

Despite asking in several threads on the forum, NO ONE yet has answered the $64K question. No candidate, candidates camp, or anyone has yet to address it.

SCENARIO: Bushong takes the cake and wins. Now he is Sheriff. WHERE is he going to get the funds necessary to right all of these so called evils in pay? PLEASE tell.

Second, I am not complaining about how BAD it was back then. If it was I would have decided to quit and move on if it was. I am merely saying in comparison.

Third, granted the pay has differed over the years, BUT in your payroll data, which I have a copy of, please tell me (other than a less than 5 year deputy sheriff) where there is this huge payroll discrepancy? I see a bunch of 2005 hires at now salary of 63,099. The list goes on.

The only two major gripes I have gleened off the forum is PAY and UNION. I do not really think any of these posters here have anymore time on than 6 years at most. We are not seeing anyone post advising they are a 10 or 15 year veteran. Why?

But in all seriousness please please please, answer the pay fund source question. I am dying to hear where that pot of money is at. Anyone? Perhaps a candidate (and do not say either of them have not been on here) can generate an answer for us. I seriously doubt that they can. I am doubting they can. Remember talk is cheap. And in this juncture plans should be well detailed by them.

As far as the unions are concerned, they are a non issue. I dont wish to participate in discussion because flat out I think they are a waste. Money soaking, do nothing, do not provide anything since their inception. Funny how each agencies contracts differ so greatly from county to county. Volusia county had at one point even a clause in theirs to pay all uniform dry cleaning. Plus a bunch more. Other agencies have a two page contract. Example of what I saying. Have at it.

07-14-2012, 02:31 PM
Well its been a while and I thought I would check in here to see where the information is? Hello Bushong? Hello Fisher? Meister? SpongeBob?

Yeah I didn't think there honestly would be so much of a glint as to HOW they are going to accomplish all this. Details become so damn hard when all of the sudden that simplicity of how it should work comes to a dead stop due to laws, rules, and such in the State and the County business practices.

Now that none can provide this, what makes everyone so sure that the REST of their plans hold water and can survive or even be implemented?

07-14-2012, 06:09 PM
No one has given their platform and how they will accomplish anything. This TF organizational chart going around is sickening! We're screwed if the little fake Christian gets in, never mind he won't!!!!!!!!

07-14-2012, 06:42 PM
I would LOVE to see that org chart. Bet it is a Fisher-Price special. Let me know where I can obtain it! AHAHAHAHA