View Full Version : N.A.A.C.P Upset with the Sheriff

07-03-2012, 05:34 AM
What is the hell going on with the sheriff? Even the NAACP is upset with the sheriff's recent comment on the 99% black-on-black crime in the 33916.. Sheriff.. even the people living in the 33916 don't like you. Sheriff what you got to say about that? As always: NO COMMENT!


07-03-2012, 06:00 AM
I don't care how mad at Mike I get, I don't need or want the help of a convicted murderer and his merry band of race baters beating their drums for my candidate. It wouldn't be productive. No matter who the sheriff was those two criminals would still have been shot. No matter who the Sheriff is dirtbags (regardless of race) will continue to kill each other, and no one wil be held accountable because the victim and witnesses are just as rotten as the suspect and the state has no reliable witnesses to put on the stand. No matter who the sheriff is the NAACP will rationalize that whitey is the cause of all the black man's problems. If a cop kills a black man it's because he's a racist and was looking for a reason to kill a black man. If it's a black man that kills another black man it's because the white police don't care enough to stop it.

07-03-2012, 12:00 PM
the whole black and white thingy is old and archaic. no longer will we allow this to continue in this day and age. that ship has long sailed. fox and the naacp needs to find something else that is news worthy because the black and white thingy is long gone and we no longer take notice of it. find something else to report and ***** about.

people across america are finally saying enough. this whole thing is beyond reproach. you will see people shut other people down for even bringing this crap up. this generation is far far ahead to tolerate it.

07-05-2012, 03:45 PM
the whole black and white thingy is old and archaic. no longer will we allow this to continue in this day and age. that ship has long sailed. fox and the naacp needs to find something else that is news worthy because the black and white thingy is long gone and we no longer take notice of it. find something else to report and ***** about.

people across america are finally saying enough. this whole thing is beyond reproach. you will see people shut other people down for even bringing this crap up. this generation is far far ahead to tolerate it.

Will you post a notice for the group when your head pops back out into the light?

07-05-2012, 04:34 PM
Sometimes no comment is a good answer. MS just can't keep his ego out of it. He loves him some him!

07-05-2012, 06:08 PM
Scott knows how to fire up his base.

07-05-2012, 06:11 PM
There are less African-Americans, less white females working at the Sheriff's Office than ever before, let alone holding position of rank. Diversity within the Sheriff's Office has never been an issue with this man, taking care of his base has been.

07-05-2012, 09:01 PM
Scott knows how to fire up his base.

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" Mark Twain No doubt with this guy!