View Full Version : Cape Police FOP Endorse Tim Fisher

06-20-2012, 02:12 AM
Our brothers and sisters over at the Cape Coral Police department FOP has endorsed Fisher for Sheriff. Standing together!! Pssst, change is acomming!!!!

06-20-2012, 11:21 AM
Just spoke to one of their representatives and good friend. They advised they were remaining neutral. Actually this gentleman said who when asked about TF. He did know who LB was.

06-20-2012, 11:18 PM
Just spoke to one of their representatives and good friend. They advised they were remaining neutral. Actually this gentleman said who when asked about TF. He did know who LB was.

They all know him very well. Quit with trying to save your protein source MS. Accept that big time change is comming and the SO will once again be the respected chief Law Enforcement agency in the area.

06-20-2012, 11:37 PM
They did endorse him. Wow, hopefully they will give him $100,000 to support his efforts. They have deep pockets right??? I'll see you Saturday TF to walk NE Cape. I was told today Sergeants are getting rid of their union, is this true? Don't leave us behind Sergeants!

06-21-2012, 02:03 AM
We all need to support Fisher, at least in the primary. Let he and Bushong battle it out in the General Election. As long is Scott is out we're better off with either!

06-21-2012, 12:55 PM
They did endorse him. Wow, hopefully they will give him $100,000 to support his efforts. They have deep pockets right??? I'll see you Saturday TF to walk NE Cape. I was told today Sergeants are getting rid of their union, is this true? Don't leave us behind Sergeants!

A few disgruntled sergeants are trying to ditch their union behind perceived slights and pipe dreams of promotions and cushy assignments. Hopefully, the majority of sergeants are smart enough to see through the propaganda.

06-21-2012, 01:59 PM
Is this like how IUPA endorsed TF as well, the handful of board members making their selection for the rest or did FOP put it to the members to vote on?

06-22-2012, 01:04 AM
Yes, that is exactly what they did! FACT!!! Talked with many of the CCPD officers. They are not even aware this took place. This would mean so much more if voted by a majority. This is becoming a comedy show! How are any of these candidates going to make an impact if they don't have the $$$$$$! Very little!

06-22-2012, 05:09 AM
Yes, that is exactly what they did! FACT!!! Talked with many of the CCPD officers. They are not even aware this took place. This would mean so much more if voted by a majority. This is becoming a comedy show! How are any of these candidates going to make an impact if they don't have the $$$$$$! Very little!

Completely accurate, most of the rank and file in the CCPD had no idea that their FOP endorsed Fisher. Their board sold out just like the IUPA board. I wonder why they are so afraid to allow a vote of the entire membership. I do hope that Fisher beats Scott, that is the ultimate goal; to get the evil one out. After that, I would love to see a series of debates between Fisher and Bushong as to what their vision is for the LCSO. Something tells me that Bushong will destroy him. I say lets have at least 6 of them .