View Full Version : SURPRISE

06-18-2012, 07:20 PM
This question is directly for Steve Whidden,

"Do you wish sometimes that we (as your former friends) were working side by side with you now................Instead of working AGAINST YOU 150%?"

The amount of us has grown enough to ensure you will lose this time.

All that horsepower, intelligence, and experience that enabled you to get elected the first time, is now going to get you thrown out once and for all.

It will be a wonderful day indeed when it comes. So very soon.

Think LONG and hard about this buddy boy. You had it and threw it away.

06-18-2012, 09:15 PM
WS still has his REAL friends--- He still has the ones Super D tells him its OK for him to have..... WS makes us all want to puke the way he is strutting around pretending he's not worried about this election, spreading childish rumors about other candidates as he smiles. For someone that many of us believed in WS sure turned out to be MORE OF THE SAME in a long list of politicans we regret supporting! Walking Small, you are nothing but a puppet led by an arrogant egotistical jerk who probably tells as many lies as you do on a daily basis, and you are a dancing monkey on his leash. Hey, BTW, is it true Super D admitted using hard drugs like cocaine while being a certified LEO when he applied to Lee SO? This why they turned him down before you hired him? Just wondering, the way you hero-worship your buddy. This is the story his former do-boy is telling, anyway. The BEST part about your defeat is that no matter who beats you, your "friends" will of a certainty follow you self right out the door. You hear what you want to hear. (and your people tell you what you want to hear) You take great pains to avoid what you should hear, and if by some fluke you get pinned down... you LIE and DENY, or just run away! You are a disappointment to those who believed in you. You betrayed those who trusted you. You stabbed loyal people in the back at the behest of your arrogant "handler", and surrounded yourself with backstabbing vermin just like yourself. Your little moniker certainly fits, and I applaud whomever hung it on you, for it is how you will ALWAYS be remembered. I am sure you are having difficulty holding back on your next round of betrayals you have planned following your imagined re-election or your realized fears of a resounding defeat; and all the while lying to those you plan to disembowel as soon as you have the opportunity. You know... the ones Super D tells you to get rid of because they are in his way, or have him figured out... and you'll do becaue Super D told you to! The money's on Mumbles being his next target. You munchkin idiot, continue to live in denial. We don't know yet who's gonna kick your fat @$$ out of that fart-smelling chair of yours... But one of your opposition surely will. Some of your henchmen are already jumping ship, trying to peddle information in exchange for employment or immunity, depending on the individual. Just ask Ballsac, Goose, and Lt. Cueball to name a few. Of course, they will lie, but we really can't wait to see your little Howdy-Doody face when all the votes are counted. PS- In case you were wondering.... yes, you really are a JOKE! Good bye, little fat man. You and your hand-picked team of losers WILL NOT be missed!

06-19-2012, 02:43 PM
TRUE!! WS feels that all these negative posts, here and in NewsZap and any elsewhere are attributed to 3-5 former employees he fired, and one former employee he didn't rehire after promising to do so. He refuses to believe that he really has anymore than this small group of dissenters, because people always tell him he is doing a great job. His deputies all tell him they are happy and everything is wonderful, so all is good and he is politically safe and assured of re-election. Broken promises, back-stabbings, lies and selective memories aside, he refuses to believe he may have problems with votes. People telling him what he wants to hear in order to avoid conflict and to keep working is beyond his understanding. Fear of reprisals is huge. The snakes among the ranks are well known, as is the ruthlessness of Super D , Lt. Man-Hands and Sgt's Goose and Ballsac. Lt. Cueball has now joined in and had become a member. According to WS, all of these negative posts are the same people using different names. He managed to identity some of them using NewsZap, and is probably trying to do, or has done the same thing here if it is possible. Mumbles's well-paid common-law son in law is pretty sharp with the keyboard, and no one knows who the moderator is, so if you are working here you should be careful. People are already being pulled aside by high ranking staff due to "rumors" of supporting other candidates, even though that is a legal and ethical no-no.

Understand that as employees, you are dealing with someone whose first and ONLY concern is HIS job, not yours, and those of his small circle of equally treacherous staff. Any of you will be certainly sacrificed to the political guillotine if he feels your lack of support will cost him a single vote. Yes, some of his former "henchmen" are playing both sides, either due to broken promises or having otherwise fallen from grace, or simple ambition. DO NOT make the mistake of trusting any one of these snakes, and you know who they are. The matter is a simple one to the casual observer: Look at those he has fired, demoted, or otherwise forced out. Look at those he has kept in, or placed in power - power over YOUR chosen career. Can you really feel safe there knowing what he has done in the past? Are you needlessly put at risk because of stupid field decisions by your supervisors? How many of you are confident in the ability, experience, knowledge, and integrity of your sergeant? How many feel your road lieutenants and CID lieutenant have the skills that should accompany these positions? How many deputies are incompetent to the point that they place your life in danger simply by the fact that work beside you? How many "protected" people can you identify inside the agency? How many get paid to essentially do NOTHING? Do look at them with pride because they lead you? Or are you ashamed of them?

If you answered honestly, get this incompetent man OUT! Get rid of his goon squad. You may be saving your own life somewhere down the road, or that of another LEO. Any ONE of the other candidates is a better choice than allowing this joke-on-all-of us to remain in office. Look around. See who is gone. See who is still there. Who gets all the special details, the OT, the new equipment when YOU get passed over time and again? Ask yourself why? Is it fair? Do remotely think that YOU really matter to WS? :snicker:

06-21-2012, 12:05 AM
HCSO employees, you have a tremendous opportunity to impact your own futures by virtue of your employment and daily contacts as well as your friends and associates. The simple truth is the fact that nobody in Hendry County is more effected by the election of a sheriff than you! You will come out of the next sheriff's term either better or worse off than you are now, no doubt about it.

A previous poster mentioned that "ANY" of the current candidates would be better than SW and there's some truth to that, but who will be the BEST candidate for your futures and Hendry County at large? That is the $108,000 question. Each candidate has a website and each candidate's phone number is listed either on their site or on the Supervisor of Elections candidate sheet on their website. Contact these guys, conduct your own "screening," ask questions, look at their experience and qualifications, and then get behind the man who has your best interests over his own. Get involved, it costs you nothing, on the flip side, doing nothing may cost you dearly in the next 4 1/2 years.