View Full Version : Huffington Post Article 6/14/12

06-15-2012, 02:54 AM
Showing some balls!!!

A quarterly newsletter for Florida's Police Benevolent Association contained a surprise for Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) and his staff: a column labeling them "shitheads."

Scott's office had been ignoring requests from the local union to contribute a guest article to their newsletter. In response, the editors encouraged their readers to contact the governor and noted that they should look to a column in the newsletter by Executive Director Matt Puckett.

"If you would like to know what we really think of the governor and the staff member who refuses our requests, go back to page four and write down the first letter of each paragraph," the editors wrote. The letters from Puckett's column spell out "shitheads."

Puckett expressed little remorse over the hidden message.

"The governor’s office and the governor, since he ran for that office has closed the door to the PBA," he told the Bradenton Herald. "We’ve reached out to him or his staff and we get no response. His policies have a very important effect on our membership and we get a closed door. Quite frankly, I’m tired of it."

"We want people to look at it and read it," Puckett continued. "The fact that it got some people’s attention that’s good and if it offended some people so be it."

This isn't the first time the PBA has called out Florida's Republican Party. Last year they held a large voter registration drive aimed at dissuading union members -- police officers, firefighters and teachers -- from voting Republican.

"We've been supporting Republican governors for the past 20 years," PBA President Patrick Hanrahan complained to the Broward-Palm Beach New Times last year.

His feelings haven't changed. "We're not behind sending more Republicans to Tallahassee," he told the paper this month.

06-15-2012, 10:22 AM
Who cares about what pba is saying? We kicked thier lazy azz out months ago, And why did most of the dc employees want a new union ( the teamsters )? Because the pba had not done a dam thing for it's members in over seven years! When pba was tossed, they hd lost all thier power. Now we have a real union. It seems like Gil is the only person who wants to hold on to pba. Maybe because he lost that easy money and we are no longer helping him pay that child support.

06-15-2012, 12:12 PM
Phil, we are so tired of your man crush gone bad with Gil. Can you respond to any comment without mentioning him? It is a simple article about the PBA calling out the Gov. You know the PBA still represents law enforcement all across Florida. Get over yourself. People are so tired of the your same crap over and over!

06-15-2012, 01:12 PM
"We've been supporting Republican governors for the past 20 years," PBA President Patrick Hanrahan complained to the Broward-Palm Beach New Times last year.

Over and Over and Over Again its same old story. The buying and selling of our government. "supporting Republican governors...." translates to givng $$$, endorcements, $$$ and $$$ and $$$ to the politicians.

Today, the $$$ has esculated from $30 or $40 thousand dollars to the campaign funds to 100's of thousands of dollars to people like Scott, Alexander and Haridpolos. Detailed and documented money from the Private Prison Lobby and the Private Health Care Lobby.

The Teamsters and PBA do not have a chance more importantly the citizens and employees do not have a chance in Hell.

06-16-2012, 02:20 AM
Phil, we are so tired of your man crush gone bad with Gil. Can you respond to any comment without mentioning him? It is a simple article about the PBA calling out the Gov. You know the PBA still represents law enforcement all across Florida. Get over yourself. People are so tired of the your same crap over and over!

Phil did just what he said was going to be done. When I spoke with him two years ago, he said it was time for pba to be gone and a new union to be brought in. He made this happen. He has no man crush on Gil! He made sure Gil became unemployed. Abd for this fact, many of us want to thank Phil for a job well done. :D