View Full Version : what he really means is....

06-12-2012, 03:06 AM
Following the message I sent “all users” last week regarding an upcoming Buyout and Bonus Check, many of you have expressed confusion regarding which members of our organization are represented by the Union and affected by its decisions. You should recall countless efforts I made from the beginning of the voting process to keep you informed as to the importance of your vote. Many of you voted while some did not bother and in the final tallies, the L/E Sergeants and L/E Deputies elected IUPA as their representative. Soon after doing so, both groups cited a status quo doctrine as a means of ensuring that no changes would be forthcoming in pursuit of a negotiated contract.

Regardless of how (or if) you voted for the Union and whether or not you pay the Union’s dues, you are subject to the Union process.
Ha Ha, only civilians get the bonus. Now i get to blame it on you (i.e. the front line deputies who put your life on the line everyday you come to work. That doesn't matter though, because I don't have to look at you.

You may or may not have a say in matters as evidenced by the recent political endorsement decision made by a few for the majority; a decision that did not include a vote of the entire Union memberships. The union made a stupid decision and now I am going to make you pay for it because my feelings are hurt.

I am concerned that members have contacted me this week who did not realize they were part of the Union. If you have additional questions regarding your status with the Union, I suggest you contact Deputies President Chris Stoddard or Sergeants President Jamison Lazenby. I realize that I have made more people angry than I intended to so now I will try and pass the blame on the above named people.


06-12-2012, 03:15 AM
Mike needs to read the labor laws before he sends out garbage trying to turn people against the union.

06-12-2012, 03:49 AM
Well he has now crossed the line from indifferent to malevolent toward his rank and file. Before any of you decide to abandon the union, remember that Mike was the one who made the majority of us decide we needed a union. We decided we needed a union in part because Mike favored civilians and command staff above us. Now to punish us (even those of us who voted against and are not mmbers of the union) Mike will again toss them a bone over our heads. Remember this any time anyone asks you who you support in the election. Remember this when you go to th pols. Remember this when anyone with a "re-elect Mike" bumper sticker rolls a stop sign.

06-12-2012, 10:07 AM
In regard to status quo

"... For example, if an employer decides to give its employees raises without bargaining for them, labor precedent maintains that such a wage increase is, in essence, a refusal to bargain [a violation of law]. By offering raises without negotiation, the employer undercuts the collective bargaining process and the status of the union. This practice violates the stated policy of national labor relations: "to eliminate the causes of certain substantial obstructions to the free flow of commerce and to mitigate and eliminate these obstructions when they have occurred by encouraging the practice and procedure of collective bargaining ... for the purpose of negotiating the terms and conditions of ... employment."

06-12-2012, 12:30 PM
In regard to status quo

"... For example, if an employer decides to give its employees raises without bargaining for them, labor precedent maintains that such a wage increase is, in essence, a refusal to bargain [a violation of law]. By offering raises without negotiation, the employer undercuts the collective bargaining process and the status of the union. This practice violates the stated policy of national labor relations: "to eliminate the causes of certain substantial obstructions to the free flow of commerce and to mitigate and eliminate these obstructions when they have occurred by encouraging the practice and procedure of collective bargaining ... for the purpose of negotiating the terms and conditions of ... employment."

A one time bonus, is not a wage increase, stupid hick.

06-12-2012, 05:20 PM

06-13-2012, 10:40 AM
In regard to status quo

"... For example, if an employer decides to give its employees raises without bargaining for them, labor precedent maintains that such a wage increase is, in essence, a refusal to bargain [a violation of law]. By offering raises without negotiation, the employer undercuts the collective bargaining process and the status of the union. This practice violates the stated policy of national labor relations: "to eliminate the causes of certain substantial obstructions to the free flow of commerce and to mitigate and eliminate these obstructions when they have occurred by encouraging the practice and procedure of collective bargaining ... for the purpose of negotiating the terms and conditions of ... employment."

A one time bonus, is not a wage increase, stupid hick.

Wages are monies erned in exchnage for labor. He has already stated that the bonus is in exchange for your hard work. Makes them wages in the eyes of the law. Call them what you want. Bonuses are defined by another statute here in Florida and if this is a bonus he has violated the law as the statute stated that he has to make it available to everyone. Either way, if I do not get my check I'll see him in court.

06-13-2012, 10:56 AM
I have a feeling he'll be in court before anyone sees a check.

06-13-2012, 04:10 PM
Hey how is that union working for all of y'all?

06-13-2012, 07:21 PM
Hey how is that union working for all of y'all?

It's working great. Mike's fear of the union is what prompted him to finally cut loose with some money. If the union wasn't scaring him, he wouldn't be trying to hard to get rid of it. He realizes he no longer has total control and has to answer to his troops.

06-13-2012, 08:52 PM
Hey how is that union working for all of y'all?

Better than we expected. Positive changes are occurring. Someones finally standing up to these guys.

06-19-2012, 10:10 AM
[quote="Lifetime Resident":1wfofdew]Hey how is that union working for all of y'all?

Better than we expected. Positive changes are occurring. Someones finally standing up to these guys.[/quote:1wfofdew]

The union for the deputies is doing pretty good. Atleast they are trying to get us a raise.

06-19-2012, 11:31 AM
Have you ever considered losing anything you currently have? Do you realize once the disgruntled employees/ IUPA go in front of the BOCC, they now have the ability to change your benefits! They have wanted them for a long time, now your going to open yourself up, giving them the ability to take from you! Unfortunately your going to learn the hard way, like the bonus. If your going to have a union, get some smarter people to represent you before you lose more!!!

06-19-2012, 11:53 AM
Have you ever considered losing anything you currently have? Do you realize once the disgruntled employees/ IUPA go in front of the BOCC, they now have the ability to change your benefits! They have wanted them for a long time, now your going to open yourself up, giving them the ability to take from you! Unfortunately your going to learn the hard way, like the bonus. If your going to have a union, get some smarter people to represent you before you lose more!!!

Since the union does not negotiate with the BOCC for anything how would they "go in front of the BOCC" and how could the BOCC change anything that relates to salary or benefits in the opertions of the office an independent elected official, especially in the case of a sheriff (see Fss. 30.53). While they may suggest that the sheriff add or eliminate certain benefits they cannot dictate that the sheriff do so. All negotiations for conditions of employment are decided between the members of the union and the sheriff who are supposed to negotiate in good faith. The only part that BOCC plays here is to approve or reject a sheriff's budget proposal, not it's content.

06-20-2012, 02:03 AM
Hey how is that union working for all of y'all?

Lifetime resident is a Scott blowhard who is still banging cows in the backwoods of Lee County. They are afraid of the union, these low-life bullies no longer have complete control. The end of those who married their first cousins is slowly but surely coming to an end!