View Full Version : MS screwing us again!

06-08-2012, 06:25 PM
Next week, you will begin receiving very important updates regarding another Voluntary Separation Package (Buyout) being offered to those members who meet the criteria based on the County Ordinance. This endeavor will permit our agency to reduce the requested budget for Fiscal Year ‘12-’13 which takes effect on October 1, 2012.

You will also receive information toward the end of this Fiscal Year ’11-‘12 on the issuance of a one (1) time Bonus Check in recognition of your extra hard work and exemplary performance. This Bonus will be issued at the end of September 2012 for all full time members with the following exception:

Members represented by a Collective Bargaining Unit (Union). These groups have demanded that a Status Quo Doctrine be invoked and recognized while contract negotiations take place. This means that everything stays the same for these members until they negotiate a contract.

Personnel vacancies and good fiscal management have enabled us to reduce our budget once again this year in the face of a struggling economy and at the same time support the Buyout as well as the Fiscal Year-end Bonus.

As I have shared with you many times before, I regret that the last three (3) years did not include a salary increase; however, we remain as one of the very few organizations that did not cut pay, did not reduce benefits, and did not furlough or lay people off. Additionally, you and your families have access to a free wellness clinic that is unique among any other law enforcement agency and was designed for you and your family during this ongoing, national crisis in health care. Whether you realize it or not, maintaining what we have while adding Star Care has been a significant accomplishment given that these have been the worst economic challenges of our lifetime.

Thank you for your commitment to excellence!


I will make sure that everyone I know, family or not, will be voting for anyone but you. You are a true turd bag!

06-08-2012, 06:40 PM
No, funk you, you Union funk tards. This will be your fault. Those of us who didn't vote for this piece of shit union will be screwed because of you. Brother. It's a right to work state you moron. Funk you. Good job looking out for everyone's best interest.

06-08-2012, 06:47 PM
I agree, that's how we get him out, bring votes with you! Keep your $300.00 check, it's an insult you Ahole. Its a thin attempt to buy the Sgt's union veto vote. As a Sgt I am sickened by it! (and you).

Come voting time, I will vote for a step plan, I will vote for a raise and a real Sheriff that gives a F%$#, and so will my family, my neighborhood, my mailman, the cashier at the grocery store and everyone else I can tell my story too.

06-08-2012, 07:01 PM
No, funk you, you Union funk tards. This wil be your fault. Those of us who didn't vote for this piece of shit union will be screwed because of you. Brother. It's a right to work state you moron. Funk you. Good job looking out for everyone's best interest.

@ F Union,

When was the last time MS gave us a "Bonus Check?" Like the prior post says, the only reason he is doing this is because he wants us to drop the union.

Why would he want us to drop the union? You don't have to be to smart to figure that out.

MS can keep the check and shove it up his ass. The "bonus check" isn't going to do anyone any good compared to a raise. Do you think he was going to give us a raise this year? I don't think so. And if you think he was going to, then ask yourself why he won't bargain with the union?

How much do you think this "bonus check" is going to be? $300? $500? $1000?

I would rather keep the union and get fair pay and have a voice.

Again FUNK YOU MS!!!!!

06-08-2012, 07:21 PM
Cool down and think about it. We just got the notice about the election. Who wanted the Union gone? Why wasn't a bonus given out before? Why wasn't the bonus offered at the table? As a matter of FACT the Sheriff didn't even counter. Why wasn't raises given instead of returning it to the County? It is way to divided the vote. I believe in his Email he question solidarity in the Union. Who is the one the is dividing the department? MS is the biggest sorry shortest cry baby. Instead of making the department better he is tearing it apart. Can't who see what he is doing. If the Union gets voted out it is back to the same old thing. NO raises. unfair discipline. Do you really think he would give us a raise.

06-08-2012, 07:49 PM
To F Union

Why are you blaming the union who is trying to get you better pay, benefits and working conditions? Maybe if you came to a meeting and educate yourself on what was going on at the table and see who were the people not willing to talk. It is called gave and take. Have you every asked your self why Ft. Myers and the Cape are better off than us? This is not rocket science.

06-08-2012, 09:05 PM
How MS violates the law. This comes directly from the National Labors Relation Board
http://www.nlrb.gov/sites/default/files ... ts_fnl.pdf (http://www.nlrb.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1562/employee_rights_fnl.pdf)

Since no one on the union board has the guts to file a complaint against this low-life POS; I have decided to do it myself. I am willing to put it all on the line and file a complaint. It will be done by this coming Monday, June 11th.

It is said that a coward dies a thousand times but a brave man just once; It is time to stop this Sucker Sheriff. To all you traitors, your day will come too! You know who you are!

06-08-2012, 11:44 PM
No, funk you, you Union funk tards. This wil be your fault. Those of us who didn't vote for this piece of shit union will be screwed because of you. Brother. It's a right to work state you moron. Funk you. Good job looking out for everyone's best interest.

Hey numbskull. Do you actually think that you will not get the bonus? Do you actually think that he can do that legally? If you do...then you are possible the dumbest SOB that ever walked earth or you are just trying to stir crap up. Go back to your swamp buggy.

06-08-2012, 11:56 PM
For those that hate the union, ask yourself, what happened to the millions of dollars MS gave back to the county without giving us a raise or a "bonus check"? Why weren't you out there demanding a pay raise? Because you would've lost your job, that's why!

For once we have a union representing the members where one voice can be heard through many! Stick together and let's get paid what our brothers and sisters are making. Would you rather have a $1000 bonus check or $60k+ top out pay that would actually affect your bottom line and retirement?

06-09-2012, 02:00 AM
Opps, it appears that the union authorized us to get the "one time bonus" and Mikey decided not to allow it!

So what's the deal Sheriff, are you trying to use it as a punishment? I think so. I also think it is time to replace you.

06-09-2012, 02:04 AM
For those that hate the union, ask yourself, what happened to the millions of dollars MS gave back to the county without giving us a raise or a "bonus check"? Why weren't you out there demanding a pay raise? Because you would've lost your job, that's why!

For once we have a union representing the members where one voice can be heard through many! Stick together and let's get paid what our brothers and sisters are making. Would you rather have a $1000 bonus check or $60k+ top out pay that would actually affect your bottom line and retirement?
Well, I don't think anybody, besides the Sheriff, really "hates" the union. but I don't think too many are so far very impressed with it. What genius at the union let it endorse against the Sheriff while active negotiations were under way? The union gave up that little sliver of leverage for nothing, endorsing a hopeless candidate who is publicly invisible. Do they really think they have a chance to knock off the most popular office holder in the County? So after doing this, everybody is surprised that our naturally very combative Sheriff decides to stick it in and break it off in the union with this sly maneuver right before a union decertification vote? What, you figured he would be so hurt by the Fisher endorsement he would just roll over and surrender? It's big boy politics boys and girls...this union is just not up to it.

06-09-2012, 02:29 AM
But if he wasn't scared of losing power then he wouldn't even bother with all of this. We will see when impass happens next month, that will be the test. He knows we will get a contract, and will do whatever it takes to stop it.

He wouldn't be screwing with Bushong and Fisher if he didn't think they had a chance. He is not the Sheriff that he was 4 or 8 years ago in the eyes of the public, I hear it every day. He knows this, and it scares him. He will continue to do and say stupid shit until the election, just sit back and watch.

Remember to register to vote by July 16th people.

06-09-2012, 02:38 AM
For those that hate the union, ask yourself, what happened to the millions of dollars MS gave back to the county without giving us a raise or a "bonus check"? Why weren't you out there demanding a pay raise? Because you would've lost your job, that's why!

For once we have a union representing the members where one voice can be heard through many! Stick together and let's get paid what our brothers and sisters are making. Would you rather have a $1000 bonus check or $60k+ top out pay that would actually affect your bottom line and retirement?
Well, I don't think anybody, besides the Sheriff, really "hates" the union. but I don't think too many are so far very impressed with it. What genius at the union let it endorse against the Sheriff while active negotiations were under way? The union gave up that little sliver of leverage for nothing, endorsing a hopeless candidate who is publicly invisible. Do they really think they have a chance to knock off the most popular office holder in the County? So after doing this, everybody is surprised that our naturally very combative Sheriff decides to stick it in and break it off in the union with this sly maneuver right before a union decertification vote? What, you figured he would be so hurt by the Fisher endorsement he would just roll over and surrender? It's big boy politics boys and girls...this union is just not up to it.

Whether or not anyone actually hates the union one thing is for sure: Any LE deputy or Sergeant who got that e-mail and sees what Mike thinks of them, hates Mike. Every one of us knows people in the community who vote. I am asked on an almost daily basis who I support and how Mike is to work for. I'll not hold back. You shouldn't either.

06-09-2012, 03:00 AM
But if he wasn't scared of losing power then he wouldn't even bother with all of this. We will see when impass happens next month, that will be the test. He knows we will get a contract, and will do whatever it takes to stop it.

He wouldn't be screwing with Bushong and Fisher if he didn't think they had a chance. He is not the Sheriff that he was 4 or 8 years ago in the eyes of the public, I hear it every day. He knows this, and it scares him. He will continue to do and say stupid shit until the election, just sit back and watch.

Remember to register to vote by July 16th people.

When are we going to realize that we hold the power in this election. If each and everyone of us stepped up and convinced 10-15 people to vote for either Tim or Lee, this election would be over. Do you think Mike doesn't know this? This is why he is running around very concerned about this election. Don't let Mike detract us from what we need to do, his goal is divide and conquer. This is why he has offered a few traitors promotions to help him trash the union. We have to stick together, we just all need to understand that. Tell him to keep his measly bonus; this man has no shame, he even allowed his retarded looking brother Gov. Rick Scott to enter our headquarters. Rick Scott, the man who screwed with our pension while MS just stood by and did nothing.

06-09-2012, 02:37 PM
No worries Sergeants, your vote will be tallied by the end of July, which is about a 90 Percent chance that there will be no more Sergeants Union. The bonus check won't be cut until the end of September. YOUR SAFE! As for us deputies, 20 percent of the total work force for LCSO, we must rely on people like Moose to come to an agreement. I don't want this damn union stuff around anymore. PS- the bonus is rumored to be around seven times higher than your stupid 300 quote!!! Thanks for nothing you disgruntled know it alls!

06-09-2012, 02:53 PM
No worries Sergeants, your vote will be tallied by the end of July, which is about a 90 Percent chance that there will be no more Sergeants Union. The bonus check won't be cut until the end of September. YOUR SAFE! As for us deputies, 20 percent of the total work force for LCSO, we must rely on people like Moose to come to an agreement. I don't want this damn union stuff around anymore. PS- the bonus is rumored to be around seven times higher than your stupid 300 quote!!! Thanks for nothing you disgruntled know it alls!

So even if it is $2100.00. Is that enough to make up for the last four years without a raise? $2100.00 seems high in the first place. I have heard $1,500.

I'll take my chances with the union and getting a raise that will effect the rest of my time here, and also my retirement.

Do you even thing for a second that if the Union wasn't around that MS would be giving this "bonus check?" This is just his way to divide us, and you are falling for it.

06-09-2012, 09:07 PM
Stupid is as stupid does! You fell for it, I will get a bonus and you won't. Good luck!!!

06-09-2012, 11:28 PM
Run Forrest Run!!!!!! No seriously, if you think that anyone is getting any kind of bonus that leaves out anyone who is represented by a union then your kinda dumb. Just like the character of your username.

06-10-2012, 12:46 PM
No worries Sergeants, your vote will be tallied by the end of July, which is about a 90 Percent chance that there will be no more Sergeants Union. The bonus check won't be cut until the end of September. YOUR SAFE! As for us deputies, 20 percent of the total work force for LCSO, we must rely on people like Moose to come to an agreement. I don't want this damn union stuff around anymore. PS- the bonus is rumored to be around seven times higher than your stupid 300 quote!!! Thanks for nothing you disgruntled know it alls!
I can assure you the union will not be voted out. I can also assure you that every member of this agency will receive that bonus. I can also assure you that if everyone does not the Sheriff will wind up in court. He certainly does not think things through.

06-11-2012, 10:52 AM
[quote="Sergeants no worry":3aq69usb]No worries Sergeants, your vote will be tallied by the end of July, which is about a 90 Percent chance that there will be no more Sergeants Union. The bonus check won't be cut until the end of September. YOUR SAFE! As for us deputies, 20 percent of the total work force for LCSO, we must rely on people like Moose to come to an agreement. I don't want this damn union stuff around anymore. PS- the bonus is rumored to be around seven times higher than your stupid 300 quote!!! Thanks for nothing you disgruntled know it alls!
I can assure you the union will not be voted out. I can also assure you that every member of this agency will receive that bonus. I can also assure you that if everyone does not the Sheriff will wind up in court. He certainly does not think things through.[/quote:3aq69usb]

06-11-2012, 01:19 PM
Who do i contact to file a complaint about this bonus check thing? There is no way that he can do this.

06-11-2012, 09:40 PM
[quote="Sergeants no worry":3hxzyoi1]No worries Sergeants, your vote will be tallied by the end of July, which is about a 90 Percent chance that there will be no more Sergeants Union. The bonus check won't be cut until the end of September. YOUR SAFE! As for us deputies, 20 percent of the total work force for LCSO, we must rely on people like Moose to come to an agreement. I don't want this damn union stuff around anymore. PS- the bonus is rumored to be around seven times higher than your stupid 300 quote!!! Thanks for nothing you disgruntled know it alls!
I can assure you the union will not be voted out. I can also assure you that every member of this agency will receive that bonus. I can also assure you that if everyone does not the Sheriff will wind up in court. He certainly does not think things through.[/quote:3hxzyoi1]

I heard M.S. felt bad and is going to give us all $5000.00!!! And he is just doing out of the kindness of his heart! I also heard there was a 90% chance (see graph below) that M.S. will be f^CKing us in the butt.

crazy butt Fing
Butt Fing /

06-11-2012, 10:04 PM
How MS violates the law. This comes directly from the National Labors Relation Board
http://www.nlrb.gov/sites/default/files ... ts_fnl.pdf (http://www.nlrb.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1562/employee_rights_fnl.pdf)

Since no one on the union board has the guts to file a complaint against this low-life POS; I have decided to do it myself. I am willing to put it all on the line and file a complaint. It will be done by this coming Monday, June 11th.

It is said that a coward dies a thousand times but a brave man just once; It is time to stop this Sucker Sheriff. To all you traitors, your day will come too! You know who you are!

Well butterbean, which I assume is your real name as you are a self-proclaimed man of exemplary courage willing to do what others are not, Monday has come and gone; did you lay it all on the line and get that complaint filed?

06-11-2012, 11:32 PM
Deputies wonder why they MIGHT not get the bonus. You have put your future in some redneck union leaders that can't even put a paragraph together! I will be spending my bonus at a nice resort with the family. If they don't give it to the whiners, my bonus will bigger and I'll go out for nicer dinners. Please don't reach an agreement, I need it more than you!!! Thanks MS.

06-12-2012, 04:49 AM
How MS violates the law. This comes directly from the National Labors Relation Board
http://www.nlrb.gov/sites/default/files ... ts_fnl.pdf (http://www.nlrb.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1562/employee_rights_fnl.pdf)

Since no one on the union board has the guts to file a complaint against this low-life POS; I have decided to do it myself. I am willing to put it all on the line and file a complaint. It will be done by this coming Monday, June 11th.

It is said that a coward dies a thousand times but a brave man just once; It is time to stop this Sucker Sheriff. To all you traitors, your day will come too! You know who you are!

Well butterbean, which I assume is your real name as you are a self-proclaimed man of exemplary courage willing to do what others are not, Monday has come and gone; did you lay it all on the line and get that complaint filed?

Well yes I did, but I had to do it directly through IUPA in Sarasota. I had to do it this way because I was told by the Labor Relations board that it is the representative union that has to do it or else I would have filed myself. The union in Sarasota also told me that it is illegal what MS is trying to do because whether you joined the union or not; the union is still the representative of all the deputies because it was voted on by a majority. So whether you are union or not; everyone has to get the same. The IUPA lawyers should have a field day with this one. So stand by big boy, I'm doing for others what others won't do for themselves!

06-12-2012, 05:27 AM
Deputies wonder why they MIGHT not get the bonus. You have put your future in some redneck union leaders that can't even put a paragraph together! I will be spending my bonus at a nice resort with the family. If they don't give it to the whiners, my bonus will bigger and I'll go out for nicer dinners. Please don't reach an agreement, I need it more than you!!! Thanks MS.

The board was elected and you could have voted for whoever you like. I believe they only serve 2 year terms.

06-12-2012, 05:49 AM
The bottom line is we have a group of guys that risked their jobs to bring the union in. Then they further risk their jobs by trying to protect our rights and bring us a contract so we can get paid. These people are not making a dime for all their time researching and writing the contract. If you question how much time is spent, go to a meeting and ask them.

Honestly, am I willing to step up and risk my job, no. Am I a union member, yes. So at the very least, we can give them the respect of backing them as much as possible while the contract is completed and impass happens.

We need to see the Sheriffs barrage of B.S. for what it is. Stand together and face the enemy, that is what they are afraid of. It is important that we are divided.

06-12-2012, 11:46 AM
Next week, you will begin receiving very important updates regarding another Voluntary Separation Package (Buyout) being offered to those members who meet the criteria based on the County Ordinance. This endeavor will permit our agency to reduce the requested budget for Fiscal Year ‘12-’13 which takes effect on October 1, 2012.

You will also receive information toward the end of this Fiscal Year ’11-‘12 on the issuance of a one (1) time Bonus Check in recognition of your extra hard work and exemplary performance. This Bonus will be issued at the end of September 2012 for all full time members with the following exception:

Members represented by a Collective Bargaining Unit (Union). These groups have demanded that a Status Quo Doctrine be invoked and recognized while contract negotiations take place. This means that everything stays the same for these members until they negotiate a contract.

Personnel vacancies and good fiscal management have enabled us to reduce our budget once again this year in the face of a struggling economy and at the same time support the Buyout as well as the Fiscal Year-end Bonus.

As I have shared with you many times before, I regret that the last three (3) years did not include a salary increase; however, we remain as one of the very few organizations that did not cut pay, did not reduce benefits, and did not furlough or lay people off. Additionally, you and your families have access to a free wellness clinic that is unique among any other law enforcement agency and was designed for you and your family during this ongoing, national crisis in health care. Whether you realize it or not, maintaining what we have while adding Star Care has been a significant accomplishment given that these have been the worst economic challenges of our lifetime.

Thank you for your commitment to excellence!


I will make sure that everyone I know, family or not, will be voting for anyone but you. You are a true turd bag!

While the sheriff may do anything he wants to he may not "legally" do anything that he wants to. The sheriff has already submitted, and the County Commissioners have approved, his annual budget for FY 11-12. Nothing in that approved budget mentions approations for "bonus payments". There is currently no existing S.O. policy providing for the payment of bonuses and there is no existing County ordinance approving the sheriff's office payment of bonuses (unlike the payment of voluntary seperation). Absent an established policy, County ordinance, or State law providing for the payment of one time bonus the sheriff is prohibited by law from paying such bonuses. Fss. 215.425 prohibits the payment of extra compensation after services have been rendered and prohibits the payment of retroactive compensation (bonuses). While the statute does provide for the payment of some bonuses under certain conditions (a clothing and maintenance allowance for plain clothes deputies) the sheriff must "base the award of a bonus on performance standards, must describe the standards and evaluation process, must notify all employes of the policy before the beginning of the evaluation period, and must consider all employees for any bonus program." Unless the County Commissioners are willing to adopt a properly developed (legal) lump sum bonus payment program specifically designed for the sheriff's office the payment of bonuses from the sheriff's budget (tax revenue) is illegal as is the payment of bonuses from forfeiture funds as they may not be used to pay regular operating expenses (salaries). Anyone who sees this effort by the sheriff as anything less than a "union busting" tactic is out of touch with reality. Trying to force the union out of the sheriff's office by with holding bonus payments from members of. or who are represented by the union is probably contrary to laws that provide for the establishment of unions.

06-12-2012, 12:16 PM
Deputies wonder why they MIGHT not get the bonus. You have put your future in some redneck union leaders that can't even put a paragraph together! I will be spending my bonus at a nice resort with the family. If they don't give it to the whiners, my bonus will bigger and I'll go out for nicer dinners. Please don't reach an agreement, I need it more than you!!! Thanks MS.

The board was elected and you could have voted for whoever you like. I believe they only serve 2 year terms.

You could have voted for whoever you like, as long as you coming off the greenbacks. You got to pay to have a voice!

06-12-2012, 12:24 PM
How MS violates the law. This comes directly from the National Labors Relation Board
http://www.nlrb.gov/sites/default/files ... ts_fnl.pdf (http://www.nlrb.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1562/employee_rights_fnl.pdf)

Since no one on the union board has the guts to file a complaint against this low-life POS; I have decided to do it myself. I am willing to put it all on the line and file a complaint. It will be done by this coming Monday, June 11th.

It is said that a coward dies a thousand times but a brave man just once; It is time to stop this Sucker Sheriff. To all you traitors, your day will come too! You know who you are!

Well butterbean, which I assume is your real name as you are a self-proclaimed man of exemplary courage willing to do what others are not, Monday has come and gone; did you lay it all on the line and get that complaint filed?

The union in Sarasota also told me that it is illegal what MS is trying to do because whether you joined the union or not; the union is still the representative of all the deputies because it was voted on by a majority. So whether you are union or not; everyone has to get the same.

When the union was voted in, we all "joined the union" whether we liked it or not. Didn't matter if we became "dues paying members" we all became union members last August (one year coming up kiddies, look out for your petition soon), so everyone, based on the info in the email, is getting the same; jack shizz. I also think that it is awesome that you had to go up to IUPA HQ to file a complaint, it demonstrates the lameness of the board elected to look out for our (their) best interests.

06-13-2012, 07:28 PM
Deputies wonder why they MIGHT not get the bonus. You have put your future in some redneck union leaders that can't even put a paragraph together! I will be spending my bonus at a nice resort with the family. If they don't give it to the whiners, my bonus will bigger and I'll go out for nicer dinners. Please don't reach an agreement, I need it more than you!!! Thanks MS.

Please name the "rednecks" on the board.

06-13-2012, 07:54 PM
DG. (Now thats funny)

06-14-2012, 10:32 PM
Next week, you will begin receiving very important updates regarding another Voluntary Separation Package (Buyout) being offered to those members who meet the criteria based on the County Ordinance. This endeavor will permit our agency to reduce the requested budget for Fiscal Year ‘12-’13 which takes effect on October 1, 2012.

You will also receive information toward the end of this Fiscal Year ’11-‘12 on the issuance of a one (1) time Bonus Check in recognition of your extra hard work and exemplary performance. This Bonus will be issued at the end of September 2012 for all full time members with the following exception:

Members represented by a Collective Bargaining Unit (Union). These groups have demanded that a Status Quo Doctrine be invoked and recognized while contract negotiations take place. This means that everything stays the same for these members until they negotiate a contract.

Personnel vacancies and good fiscal management have enabled us to reduce our budget once again this year in the face of a struggling economy and at the same time support the Buyout as well as the Fiscal Year-end Bonus.

As I have shared with you many times before, I regret that the last three (3) years did not include a salary increase; however, we remain as one of the very few organizations that did not cut pay, did not reduce benefits, and did not furlough or lay people off. Additionally, you and your families have access to a free wellness clinic that is unique among any other law enforcement agency and was designed for you and your family during this ongoing, national crisis in health care. Whether you realize it or not, maintaining what we have while adding Star Care has been a significant accomplishment given that these have been the worst economic challenges of our lifetime.

Thank you for your commitment to excellence!


I will make sure that everyone I know, family or not, will be voting for anyone but you. You are a true turd bag!

While the sheriff may do anything he wants to he may not "legally" do anything that he wants to. The sheriff has already submitted, and the County Commissioners have approved, his annual budget for FY 11-12. Nothing in that approved budget mentions approations for "bonus payments". There is currently no existing S.O. policy providing for the payment of bonuses and there is no existing County ordinance approving the sheriff's office payment of bonuses (unlike the payment of voluntary seperation). Absent an established policy, County ordinance, or State law providing for the payment of one time bonus the sheriff is prohibited by law from paying such bonuses. Fss. 215.425 prohibits the payment of extra compensation after services have been rendered and prohibits the payment of retroactive compensation (bonuses). While the statute does provide for the payment of some bonuses under certain conditions (a clothing and maintenance allowance for plain clothes deputies) the sheriff must "base the award of a bonus on performance standards, must describe the standards and evaluation process, must notify all employes of the policy before the beginning of the evaluation period, and must consider all employees for any bonus program." Unless the County Commissioners are willing to adopt a properly developed (legal) lump sum bonus payment program specifically designed for the sheriff's office the payment of bonuses from the sheriff's budget (tax revenue) is illegal as is the payment of bonuses from forfeiture funds as they may not be used to pay regular operating expenses (salaries). Anyone who sees this effort by the sheriff as anything less than a "union busting" tactic is out of touch with reality. Trying to force the union out of the sheriff's office by with holding bonus payments from members of. or who are represented by the union is probably contrary to laws that provide for the establishment of unions.

If so thank you for the input. It is greatly appreciated..