View Full Version : Court

05-30-2012, 07:13 PM
Now we go to court and have to be baby sat by some pathetic I/A moron who has never himself issued a ticket to anyone probably doesn't even know what a ticket looks like. You walk into court and you have to check to see if that idiot is there checking you well at least checking out the males in more ways then one. This guy picks random officers to ask them if they are ready to proceed with there citation i guess he gets a hard on if you tell him no so he can go running back to his men at the dept. and tell them ofc so and so was not ready or dismissed his ticket and then god knows what goes on behind the scenes with those fruity m*****f****Rs. This place is at a all time low i cannot believe how pathetic this place is. As a kid most us dream of being police officers and then once you have finally achieve your goal you end up in such a pathetic low class dept. that everyday you walk in saying to yourself god why the hell am i here. just thought id vent on this matter

05-31-2012, 04:01 PM
Well the PBA has already been informed of this moron doing this spot checks. It is in our job description to testify, Now by standing up in front of the judge and saying you have no independent recollection not only did you just testify (meaning doing your job) but Jackson nor Bidart can tell you crap. No one can force you to remember anything, even if they want you to keep the pink copies no judge will let you testify by reading off the ticket. If Jackson tries to talk to you in court consider it as an IA interview don't tell him crap. If him or Bidart want to start giving you crap contact the PBA and speak with one of the attorney's belive me they are waiting for the phone calls because once again they were made aware of the bs thats going on in Hialeah. If Bidart tells you to write a Memo reply to his email saying that if its a direct order so Garrity kicks in. Anytime you might get written up for anything write a rebuttal (its your right to do so regardless if the command staff gets upset), anytime your facing hrs for whatever reason go with an attorney, Sergio might be might with a pen but when you bring someone to the fight that will fight for your rights and knows what they are doing he backs down like the ***** that he truely is.

06-01-2012, 02:11 AM
Next we will be written up for not witnessing 17s