View Full Version : LB joins TF

05-28-2012, 12:28 AM
I can't be alone to think, what if TF wins? First thing is I know a majority of LCSO will not be happy with the new organizational chart. People like JLea, KC, JLaz will be. Who is excited about the return of The Dictators, CF and DF. Fact, TF and LB have cut a deal!!! I know, here comes all the responses of that's crap. It's not and will become apparent in the next two months! Be patient before making a decision, there is only one choice, "Christian"

05-28-2012, 01:26 AM
Give me a break. DF and CF will only return if bushong gets in. It would still be better the bald dictator and his wide load crew. He plans on moving in. Just think all the a holes who were helping Shoap now are sucking Mikey ass. Think about that for a minute. Wonder if Mike ever heard of the words honesty and credibility?

05-28-2012, 02:49 AM
I can't be alone to think, what if TF wins? First thing is I know a majority of LCSO will not be happy with the new organizational chart. People like JLea, KC, JLaz will be. Who is excited about the return of The Dictators, CF and DF. Fact, TF and LB have cut a deal!!! I know, here comes all the responses of that's crap. It's not and will become apparent in the next two months! Be patient before making a decision, there is only one choice, "Christian"

Now I know why Mike Scott was elected in the past; you guys are just plain idiots! There are no deals between Tim and Lee. Lee has openly told Tim that the goal is to get rid of Scott. In fact, Lee has asked his supporters, the ones who are registered Republican to vote for Tim in the primary. Bushong does not care if you like him or not, all he is asking that you carefully listen to what he has to offer to the members of the LCSO as the election nears. One thing is certain, the Ferrantes will never return in a Bushong administration; those days are over so please let go of your stupidity.

05-28-2012, 03:52 PM
You just confirmed what TF Whistle Blower was saying. There is a deal, just ask around! Why don't you ask both of them about the LCSO take home car policy. You better be saving your money for a new/used car, plus gas. There is no real candidates running against anybody this year. "2016"

05-28-2012, 04:19 PM
Who cares, pay what real agencies make and I will go lease a BMW. That way I won't have to 65 a 16V on the way to work anymore. What no cars and no raise, then replace me with a green pea. Who gives a F$@^!

05-28-2012, 05:18 PM
Who cares, pay what real agencies make and I will go lease a BMW. That way I won't have to 65 a 16V on the way to work anymore. What no cars and no raise, then replace me with a green pea. Who gives a F$@^!


05-28-2012, 06:04 PM
I will believe it when I hear it from him. Not some rumored b.s.! Why don't you let these people run on their own merits and not the crap lies you people tell to sway the truth.

05-28-2012, 08:52 PM
Reading all these posts are confusing the crap out of me! So let me get this straight, TF and LB are in bed together. There opponent/incumbent has raised over $200,000 to their combined $5000 left over. The men and women of LCSO will not have take home cars if they pulled out a miracle. So TF wants to give us a 3-5% raise when he doesn't understand a budget! But LCSO members will lose more than that based on the lost of the one privledge we all agree on!!! This entire election year is ridiculous! Have fun with your future, not me anymore!!!

05-28-2012, 10:33 PM
heard today that there will be a buy out, Hom, john and hopefully si m will take advantage and let M.S. bring in some out side the box people, of course there will be those to scared to take it, although it would be to there advantage

05-28-2012, 11:06 PM
I hear that MS and TF have found the hidden gum drop forrest, and are planning to keep all the purple unicorns for themselves. LB has chased all the elf's from their homes, and took away their take home sleds.

who cares, I've got new for you! if you think for one second MS and his boys have not already thought about taking your cars away, think again. This has come up several times over the past year, and if it was not an election year i believe it would have happened already.

dont focus on the stupid stuff like a car. think what you could do if you where payed what all the other LEOs are paid. you could buy your own car, health care and still have $$$$ left over. And bonus, no Admin no matter who wins can hold anything over you.

05-28-2012, 11:53 PM
Where does all this car crap come from? We all have cars beause someone figured out it saves money for us all to have a vehicle and personally make sure it gets it's maintenance done. All our gear is in each car. Take them away and you will either park them all around a sub station or we will all be "hot racking" with the vehicles running 24 hours a day. Get ready for about an hour of cross-over time as the cars are handed over at various shift changes while gear is loaded and unloaded.

Command staff made a deliberate decision to get away from all that. It doesn't make sense to go back.

05-29-2012, 12:47 AM
Where does all this car crap come from? We all have cars beause someone figured out it saves money for us all to have a vehicle and personally make sure it gets it's maintenance done. All our gear is in each car. Take them away and you will either park them all around a sub station or we will all be "hot racking" with the vehicles running 24 hours a day. Get ready for about an hour of cross-over time as the cars are handed over at various shift changes while gear is loaded and unloaded.

Command staff made a deliberate decision to get away from all that. It doesn't make sense to go back.
You are absolutely right. The decision was about dollars and sense. But just ask any one of your union reps. They wanted to take them away. I guess it came up at the last couple of meetings. That is the truth. It would hav ebeen gone already if you did not have a union in place.

I think it might have been less expensive to have take home cars when gas was 1.80 a gallon. Double that and it might not make as much sense.

05-29-2012, 01:22 AM
You just confirmed what TF Whistle Blower was saying. There is a deal, just ask around! Why don't you ask both of them about the LCSO take home car policy. You better be saving your money for a new/used car, plus gas. There is no real candidates running against anybody this year. "2016"

To the idiot that started this rumor and to the bigger idiots for believing it, I can't speak for Fisher, but after the primary, Bushong will release a comprehensive list of where he plans on taking the LCSO. When Bushong releases his plan, please do come back on here and tell me where he is taking the cars away. Instead of worrying about such BS what you should take notice of will be Bushong's step-plan and career path for every deputy. For once in your life you will know where you will start and where you will end. Unlike Fisher, who has admitted time and time again that Bushong knows the budget better than anyone else, Bushong will provide you with realistic, honest numbers and not just throw some figures out at you to make you happy. Now you can go back to your idiotic rumors.

05-29-2012, 02:07 AM
Where does all this car crap come from? We all have cars beause someone figured out it saves money for us all to have a vehicle and personally make sure it gets it's maintenance done. All our gear is in each car. Take them away and you will either park them all around a sub station or we will all be "hot racking" with the vehicles running 24 hours a day. Get ready for about an hour of cross-over time as the cars are handed over at various shift changes while gear is loaded and unloaded.

Command staff made a deliberate decision to get away from all that. It doesn't make sense to go back.
You are absolutely right. The decision was about dollars and sense. But just ask any one of your union reps. They wanted to take them away. I guess it came up at the last couple of meetings. That is the truth. It would hav ebeen gone already if you did not have a union in place.

I think it might have been less expensive to have take home cars when gas was 1.80 a gallon. Double that and it might not make as much sense.
Well, that is the price you pay when you collectively bargain: absolutely everything is on the table. Cars are a winner for the deputies and admin but using it to gain leverage in negotiations is an easy call. It throws the other side into confusion and they can get something in return for keeping them. I don't think the gas prices change anything. I would bet 95%-98% of the gas burned is on duty in those 12 hour shifts, not the occasional off duty trip to Bass Pro Shop.

05-29-2012, 10:31 AM
Where does all this car crap come from? We all have cars beause someone figured out it saves money for us all to have a vehicle and personally make sure it gets it's maintenance done. All our gear is in each car. Take them away and you will either park them all around a sub station or we will all be "hot racking" with the vehicles running 24 hours a day. Get ready for about an hour of cross-over time as the cars are handed over at various shift changes while gear is loaded and unloaded.

Command staff made a deliberate decision to get away from all that. It doesn't make sense to go back.
You are absolutely right. The decision was about dollars and sense. But just ask any one of your union reps. They wanted to take them away. I guess it came up at the last couple of meetings. That is the truth. It would hav ebeen gone already if you did not have a union in place.

I think it might have been less expensive to have take home cars when gas was 1.80 a gallon. Double that and it might not make as much sense.
Well, that is the price you pay when you collectively bargain: absolutely everything is on the table. Cars are a winner for the deputies and admin but using it to gain leverage in negotiations is an easy call. It throws the other side into confusion and they can get something in return for keeping them. I don't think the gas prices change anything. I would bet 95%-98% of the gas burned is on duty in those 12 hour shifts, not the occasional off duty trip to Bass Pro Shop.

The price paid was null. The price paid without a union would have been the immediate removal of that benefit. Absolutely everything is not on the table just so you are informed. But if they did want to change that policy it would have to be negotiated. The fed and state statute determine the points that have to be negotiated.

05-30-2012, 03:09 PM
I hear that MS and TF have found the hidden gum drop forrest, and are planning to keep all the purple unicorns for themselves. LB has chased all the elf's from their homes, and took away their take home sleds.

who cares, I've got new for you! if you think for one second MS and his boys have not already thought about taking your cars away, think again. This has come up several times over the past year, and if it was not an election year i believe it would have happened already.

dont focus on the stupid stuff like a car. think what you could do if you where payed what all the other LEOs are paid. you could buy your own car, health care and still have $$$$ left over. And bonus, no Admin no matter who wins can hold anything over you.

I know what YOU should do if you get a raise. Buy a book on grammar, punctuation, and spelling. God damn, I hope you don't write police reports like that!

05-30-2012, 07:03 PM

Listen and tell me where LB is taking away cars? Or cutting deal?

The only deal that was cut is that MS asked TF if he could stay on for 5 months. MS and TF have always been in bed together - licking those gumdrops.

Bushong might be a tough ass but at least he stands on his own.


05-30-2012, 08:16 PM

Listen and tell me where LB is taking away cars? Or cutting deal?

The only deal that was cut is that MS asked TF if he could stay on for 5 months. MS and TF have always been in bed together - licking those gumdrops.

Bushong might be a tough ass but at least he stands on his own.


Why would Bushong cut a deal with a man that knows so little about police work. It is painfully clear that when you watch Fisher and Bushong explain where they will take the LCSO; it really becomes an easy call. It has nothing to do with delivery, it just simply has to do with experience. One knows and the other has no clue...end of story!

06-08-2012, 09:49 AM
I can't be alone to think, what if TF wins? First thing is I know a majority of LCSO will not be happy with the new organizational chart. People like JLea, KC, JLaz will be. Who is excited about the return of The Dictators, CF and DF. Fact, TF and LB have cut a deal!!! I know, here comes all the responses of that's crap. It's not and will become apparent in the next two months! Be patient before making a decision, there is only one choice, "Christian"

06-11-2012, 11:48 AM
[quote="TF Whistle Blower":35smcq61]I can't be alone to think, what if TF wins? First thing is I know a majority of LCSO will not be happy with the new organizational chart. People like JLea, KC, JLaz will be. Who is excited about the return of The Dictators, CF and DF. Fact, TF and LB have cut a deal!!! I know, here comes all the responses of that's crap. It's not and will become apparent in the next two months! Be patient before making a decision, there is only one choice, "Christian"[/quote:35smcq61]