View Full Version : TF Drops Out

05-25-2012, 08:11 PM
I can't believe TF dropped out of the race

05-25-2012, 08:24 PM
I can't believe TF dropped out of the race

Tell me that this is just not true!

05-25-2012, 10:51 PM
Right, and MS is an honest, behind his deputies hates hanging out with criminals leader. Tim did not drop out you dumbass he turned in his letter to the sheriff to give his 2 week notice and the sheriff said nope you are done now! Reminds you of the 2004 days???

05-26-2012, 05:18 AM
I can't believe TF dropped out of the race

God, take your lips away from MS butt for one minute. Tim did not drop out! He is required by law to resign by June 1st. So he put his two weeks in. Some of you guys drike that nasty special sauce MS puts out for you. I know he promised lots of people things to help him but remember he promised deputies promotions and positions the first time he ran too, and there can only be so many Sgt's and LT's

BTW nice email MB

05-26-2012, 11:19 AM
Right, and MS is an honest, behind his deputies hates hanging out with criminals leader. Tim did not drop out you dumbass he turned in his letter to the sheriff to give his 2 week notice and the sheriff said nope you are done now! Reminds you of the 2004 days???

If Fisher submitted a two week notice and the sheriff terminated him immediately then it was a wrongful termination under both the Civil Service Act and under Chapter 30. The sheriff must have "just cause" under Civil Service" and may not terminate for lawful political activity under chapter 30 Fss. Civil Service Board investigate this, union wake up and file a complaint!! Just because Fisher intended to leave anyway doesn't mean that he should go out with a termination on his personnel record or loose two weeks pay and benefits.

05-26-2012, 08:20 PM
Keep trying to push those lies, the sheriff is scared. They even tried to spread a rumor that Tim was fired for abuse of sick time. Lies,lies,lies, they got called on it and then back tracked. Tim turned in his resignation and now it starts. If you want to help change this place get involved, make a donation or get someone you no to make a donation.

05-27-2012, 02:18 AM
KNOW!!!! GET SOMEONE YOU KNOW TO MAKE A DONATION!!! Get someone you KNOW to proofread your posts. Get all your fellow Sgts together and quit quibbling amongst each other about union BS.

That said Fisher is about the only one that has a shot at the title. He's got my vote and my money. It's time for someone new in the post and now we will see what fisher really thinks and wants to do now that he doesn't have to worry about getting fired for actually speaking out. Just please no more talk about .308 bullets or drones.

05-27-2012, 12:39 PM
Unfortunately 50 percent of that story is true! Is there a way to post a picture on this website? You will be shocked on the Pastors past!

05-27-2012, 12:47 PM
Not sure about posting the picture. Is it something from TF and spouse?

05-27-2012, 02:27 PM
Receiving a political head shot with an embarrassing picture from your past is basic hard ball politics. You know it's coming. Even the Sheriff has had all his past embarrassments repeatedly thrown at him by all his opponents. All you can do is own it and make it your friend. An alcoholic who has conquered the addiction is to be admired...the experience can display your strength and determination to overcome and teaches you a lot about human frailty. But I have the feeling the Sheriff is too smart to use this issue...if it really is true...against an opponent. There is too great a chance for a backlash. Besides, Scott is so solid with Lee County Republicans, he can't even see Fisher's dust cloud behind him...assuming Fisher is even moving.

05-27-2012, 03:57 PM
Yes. This will make GW in Key West look like a saint! Can you post a picture???

05-28-2012, 02:56 AM
Unfortunately 50 percent of that story is true! Is there a way to post a picture on this website? You will be shocked on the Pastors past!

right click on the picture if its already on your computer, save as..... and send it to your pictures file or documents on your hard drive. You can attach it to an email...I think, LOL

05-31-2012, 11:19 PM
"Our Future" or should i say TG or RC, you’re so full of Shizzz!! There’s no picture, TF was never an Alcoholic or whatever rumor you might try and start. You guys kill me, LMAO!!! Hey TG and RC, remember when RS was the Sheriff and you guys where calling people who had MS signs in their yards and threatening them. Remember sending the tissues to MS the day of the election thinking MS different have a chance. Now here you are doing it all over again but for MS. All i can say is you better hope your plan works!!! If you got a picture, post it. I bet we will never see one!!!!

06-08-2012, 06:15 AM
I can't believe TF dropped out of the race

any news

06-11-2012, 11:49 AM
I can't believe TF dropped out of the race

any news

06-11-2012, 06:16 PM
Right, and MS is an honest, behind his deputies hates hanging out with criminals leader. Tim did not drop out you dumbass he turned in his letter to the sheriff to give his 2 week notice and the sheriff said nope you are done now! Reminds you of the 2004 days???

If Fisher submitted a two week notice and the sheriff terminated him immediately then it was a wrongful termination under both the Civil Service Act and under Chapter 30. The sheriff must have "just cause" under Civil Service" and may not terminate for lawful political activity under chapter 30 Fss. Civil Service Board investigate this, union wake up and file a complaint!! Just because Fisher intended to leave anyway doesn't mean that he should go out with a termination on his personnel record or loose two weeks pay and benefits.

You are right. The Union did file a complaint, and TF got paid up until his resignation date because of that complaint.