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05-20-2012, 12:41 PM
So is the deputy who killed the guy in lehigh going to be ok? a lot of talk in the news papers and in the streets. Some say it was clean others say why was there even a chase. Family is spent about the dogs attacking Coleman. Didn't LCSO kill a Coleman not to long ago? Now they attack another one and kill the half brother. The deputy who killed the guy, what does he do? What kind of cop is he? I wonder if he is a cowboy or something. Word on the streets is he is a swat guy. So does that mean he has a license too kill!!!! Then how about those dog handlers who attacked Coleman. Beat him and let the dog bite him. Crazy if you ask me. :evil: just want to get the facts out there.

05-20-2012, 01:29 PM
So is the deputy who killed the guy in lehigh going to be ok? a lot of talk in the news papers and in the streets. Some say it was clean others say why was there even a chase. Family is spent about the dogs attacking Coleman. Didn't LCSO kill a Coleman not to long ago? Now they attack another one and kill the half brother. The deputy who killed the guy, what does he do? What kind of cop is he? I wonder if he is a cowboy or something. Word on the streets is he is a swat guy. So does that mean he has a license too kill!!!! Then how about those dog handlers who attacked Coleman. Beat him and let the dog bite him. Crazy if you ask me. :evil: just want to get the facts out there.

Get the f*8k out

05-20-2012, 03:09 PM
Hey, gangster boy, just because some of us get cranky on this site doesn't mean you'll get inside info on an active investigation. Go fish somewhere else.

05-20-2012, 06:10 PM
fishing? Ain't nobody doing none of that and who you calling gangster boy. I'm just asking some questions about what happened. Just wondering why the dogs bit the guy and why was he beat, plus just trying to find out what this other cop is all about. Just let some of us in in the guy.

05-21-2012, 12:53 AM
Here's what I know about him: He's a good cop who makes good decisions, and he's not a racist. If you want information, here's some questions you should ask: Why did they run instead of just pulling over. Once the vehicle stopped, why did they run on foot? When running didn't work, why did Jimmie turn and fight and try to take a cop's gun? Why is no one in the black community asking these questions?

Had they simply pulled over none of this would have happened. Had mister Coleman not run on foot he would not have been beaten or dog bit (if in fact he was). Had Matthews not run and then fought he would cerainly be alive today. There were two others who remained in the van and they were fine the next morning. As far as LCSO killing another Coleman a few years ago, why don't you have your convicted felon, NAACP leader ask the Coleman family why they can't stay on the right side of the law?

The sooner NAACP stops standing for Never Acknowledge the Accountability of Colored People, the sooner your people will advance.

05-21-2012, 11:38 AM
fishing? Ain't nobody doing none of that and who you calling gangster boy. I'm just asking some questions about what happened. Just wondering why the dogs bit the guy and why was he beat, plus just trying to find out what this other cop is all about. Just let some of us in in the guy.

The idiots elected Obama because of his skin color and his status as a celebrity. If you support him, you have the IQ score of a tree branch and the ethics of a baby-raper. Go away, sissy.

05-21-2012, 07:46 PM
Here's what I know about him: He's a good cop who makes good decisions, and he's not a racist. If you want information, here's some questions you should ask: Why did they run instead of just pulling over. Once the vehicle stopped, why did they run on foot? When running didn't work, why did Jimmie turn and fight and try to take a cop's gun? Why is no one in the black community asking these questions?

Had they simply pulled over none of this would have happened. Had mister Coleman not run on foot he would not have been beaten or dog bit (if in fact he was). Had Matthews not run and then fought he would cerainly be alive today. There were two others who remained in the van and they were fine the next morning. As far as LCSO killing another Coleman a few years ago, why don't you have your convicted felon, NAACP leader ask the Coleman family why they can't stay on the right side of the law?

The sooner NAACP stops standing for Never Acknowledge the Accountability of Colored People, the sooner your people will advance.

Once the truth comes out about this shooting, watch how all you tough guys run for cover. The rumor is that Coleman was face down after being tasered. At that point he was shot in the back. The Medical Examiners report will tell all. I love your comment, Jimmie ran, so what, he is a bad guy and that's what bad guys do; they run from the police. The NAACP, prior felons, are all irrelevant in this case. The question is simple, was it a good shoot? Look out for Mike Mason from Fox-4, he is looking into this incident. Make sure you din-wits get your stories straight before Mason shows up.

05-21-2012, 08:30 PM
"din-wits"? You are a retard. Didn't they teach you anything at Dunbar High?

05-21-2012, 10:00 PM
I love how you say "Jimmie ran, so what, he is a bad guy and that's what bad guys do; they run from the police" just like a normal person would say Jimmy hammered nails, he was a carpenter. Thats what they do. Are you really that warped that "bad guy" is just another career option like accountant or barber? No damn wonder your youth are gunned down in the streets by the thousands!

I'd question the source of that rumor you heard since Coleman was not shot at all. Another reporter asking questions means nothing to us. Internal affairs doesn't take anything implied by an "investigative reporter" into account when they measure the facts, nor are they concerned with ghetto rumor.

05-22-2012, 04:36 AM
If your story about being shot in the back while being tased had any truth to it you better believe Jessie Jackson and his crew would already be here holding rallies while selling ice tea and skittles.

News reporters always put fake facts out to the community hoping to get a reaction from the organization they are "investigating". Either way they get a story

05-22-2012, 11:36 PM
Dogs bite as a reward for catching the bad guy....been that way for years. Lets see how this gets covered up. Some crooked A$$ cops work at the LCSO...seen it first hand. Karma Mother F'ers-KARMA.

05-23-2012, 01:48 AM
We all should be asking is when this piece of shitz was not pulling over from north ft myers and all the way into lehigh, the question should be where in the hell was eveyond else? I will tell you, MS telling lies to the public, giving back money, people leaving and the end result a deputy in a pursuit stopping 4 suspects by himself with no support because of the everyday and every night shortage on the road. NOT the deputy's fault it is the fault of the person who is in charge of the welfare and safety of each and every deputy!!! So have the Fox 4 news guy ask those questions because I want to know!!!

05-23-2012, 03:45 AM
There were plenty of deputies on the road that night. They were all building numbers on a traffic op so mike can show that his guys are out there hustling and insuring their safety. If a deputy gets shot or bludgeoned to death with his own gun so MN can show the boss he's serious about grandmothers going 3 MPH over the limit that's a small price to pay. Show a little team spirit and appreciation. He gave you a vest!

05-23-2012, 03:51 AM
Amen to that. Where was his back up...... He had what five guys or suspects in the van. Then he fights one, with the others in the area???? Must have been a good fight. Sounds like he was bigger then the deputy. Plus those other suspects could have came back and done a number on him. Not a good feeling.

Onto MS, why not get more guys out there. How many guys were working that night with the deputy? Do we not have aviation anymore? He chased from north fort myers into lehigh, there back yard and where were they? MS has todo a better job with this place. Given back money is crazy..... We know why he did, at least can assume why...hope the deputy heals quick.... No one has talked much about him.... I hear he is a good guy, a x8 deputy. God bless the guys who really go out and fight crime.

06-08-2012, 10:11 AM
Amen to that. Where was his back up...... He had what five guys or suspects in the van. Then he fights one, with the others in the area???? Must have been a good fight. Sounds like he was bigger then the deputy. Plus those other suspects could have came back and done a number on him. Not a good feeling.

Onto MS, why not get more guys out there. How many guys were working that night with the deputy? Do we not have aviation anymore? He chased from north fort myers into lehigh, there back yard and where were they? MS has todo a better job with this place. Given back money is crazy..... We know why he did, at least can assume why...hope the deputy heals quick.... No one has talked much about him.... I hear he is a good guy, a x8 deputy. God bless the guys who really go out and fight crime.

06-11-2012, 11:35 AM
Amen to that. Where was his back up...... He had what five guys or suspects in the van. Then he fights one, with the others in the area???? Must have been a good fight. Sounds like he was bigger then the deputy. Plus those other suspects could have came back and done a number on him. Not a good feeling.

Onto MS, why not get more guys out there. How many guys were working that night with the deputy? Do we not have aviation anymore? He chased from north fort myers into lehigh, there back yard and where were they? MS has todo a better job with this place. Given back money is crazy..... We know why he did, at least can assume why...hope the deputy heals quick.... No one has talked much about him.... I hear he is a good guy, a x8 deputy. God bless the guys who really go out and fight crime.