View Full Version : Cohen

05-17-2012, 03:17 PM
I was watching the "Today Show" and Cohen's incident made national headlines, scrolling across the bottom of the screen. I didn't know much about the incident but I am disgusted that she was able to maintain her employment as long as she did. I am happy that Graham came in when he did and addressed this situation, terminating her employment.

This is a huge tarnish on our department along with Vail's case making the paper recently. I know that these things happen and I am not shocked by anything like this. I would like to say that we represent ourselves and the City of Ocala, along with Chief Graham. He is doing a lot for us right now and working hard to do more. Lets represent him, ourselves, and the City of Ocala a little better than what we have to this point.

Chief thank you for what you are doing, the seasoned guys around here realize that right now there is a struggle and we are being patient. Know this, for the first time in a very very long time there is support for your position (A-1) that has not been here in a long while. :D