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View Full Version : Get a sense of humor

05-12-2012, 02:44 PM
Many officers have made the mistake of leaving their computers on and easily accessible to practical joke emails. Those that have been the brunt of such jokes have taken it in stride and have even laughed at themselves. That is until now. A Sergeant and officer were the latest victims and the Sergeant didn't think it was. Instead of laughing about it like all of the victims had done in the past, the Sergeant ran to the Captain to complain. GET A SENSE OF HUMOR!

05-13-2012, 01:14 PM
Yes but remember, since the laptop is city property, the sgt is responsible for all actions pertained to the laptop when he/she is logged in.

So, if any communications or harmful sites are viewed under the log in, that can bring charges or job problems (ch 815 and 817).