View Full Version : Three way?

05-11-2012, 10:18 AM
I want you all to consider this. There are currently four candidates for Sheriff. They are Meister, Bushong, Fisher, and the incumbent. Two are competing in the primary in August. But who knows what might happen.

Maybe Fisher will go NPA. If he does, the election is a four way race. If he does not, it is a three way race. Now look at the last election. Christian Meister received about 30 % of the votes. He did this without even trying. So considering this, you could guess that the votes will once more be divided.

Could you imagine having any one of the four candidates as your sheriff without a union contract? Could you imagine not having a contract after the next election period? The Sheriff has already said that he wants to take away or alter take home cars, make you pay for health insurance, end tuition reimbursement, and continue to give you no raise whatsoever. This is a fact. What else does he want to take away from you? What do the other candidates want to do? What will they do? A contract protects all of these benefits for you. None of these can be taken away if you have a contract and the Union will fight for a raise for you. Think about it.

05-11-2012, 12:23 PM
I thought you were full of crap about meister but then

http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2008/nov ... ts-171-17/ (http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2008/nov/05/election-2008-lee-county-unofficial-results-171-17/)

so yeah, there is a chance that ms could lose..

05-11-2012, 05:34 PM
I want you all to consider this. There are currently four candidates for Sheriff. They are Meister, Bushong, Fisher, and the incumbent. Two are competing in the primary in August. But who knows what might happen.

Maybe Fisher will go NPA. If he does, the election is a four way race. If he does not, it is a three way race. Now look at the last election. Christian Meister received about 30 % of the votes. He did this without even trying. So considering this, you could guess that the votes will once more be divided.

Could you imagine having any one of the four candidates as your sheriff without a union contract? Could you imagine not having a contract after the next election period? The Sheriff has already said that he wants to take away or alter take home cars, make you pay for health insurance, end tuition reimbursement, and continue to give you no raise whatsoever. This is a fact. What else does he want to take away from you? What do the other candidates want to do? What will they do? A contract protects all of these benefits for you. None of these can be taken away if you have a contract and the Union will fight for a raise for you. Think about it.

If Fisher goes NPA, he is assuring a Scott victory. Fisher's team cried that Bushong should get out of the race when Bushong was still in as a Republican. Fisher should have considered this before throwing his hat into the race, after all Bushong had declared long before Fisher did. Bushong gave Fisher his wish of facing Scott one on one. I hope its just rumor and that Fisher is not considering going NPA and guarantee another 4 years of Mike Scott.

05-11-2012, 11:27 PM
All i am saying is that this election is a crapshoot. It would be crazy not to have a contract and a union. Absolutely positively crazy

05-12-2012, 12:21 AM
So true, just three weeks ago one of the highest paid departs voted 80% for a Union. Yes Miami Gardens, they are fearing benfits being taken away. 46 sheriffs offices are Union represented, we are now in the majority. Vote it out your crazy, this is the only way to secure what we have. Put the hands of our benefits in a politician, no thanks.

05-12-2012, 01:23 PM
So true, just three weeks ago one of the highest paid departs voted 80% for a Union. Yes Miami Gardens, they are fearing benfits being taken away. 46 sheriffs offices are Union represented, we are now in the majority. Vote it out your crazy, this is the only way to secure what we have. Put the hands of our benefits in a politician, no thanks.

Union departments are 30% higher paid than non union see the stats

05-12-2012, 03:19 PM
I want you all to consider this. There are currently four candidates for Sheriff. They are Meister, Bushong, Fisher, and the incumbent. Two are competing in the primary in August. But who knows what might happen.

Maybe Fisher will go NPA. If he does, the election is a four way race. If he does not, it is a three way race. Now look at the last election. Christian Meister received about 30 % of the votes. He did this without even trying. So considering this, you could guess that the votes will once more be divided.

Could you imagine having any one of the four candidates as your sheriff without a union contract? Could you imagine not having a contract after the next election period? The Sheriff has already said that he wants to take away or alter take home cars, make you pay for health insurance, end tuition reimbursement, and continue to give you no raise whatsoever. This is a fact. What else does he want to take away from you? What do the other candidates want to do? What will they do? A contract protects all of these benefits for you. None of these can be taken away if you have a contract and the Union will fight for a raise for you. Think about it.

If Fisher goes NPA, he is assuring a Scott victory. Fisher's team cried that Bushong should get out of the race when Bushong was still in as a Republican. Fisher should have considered this before throwing his hat into the race, after all Bushong had declared long before Fisher did. Bushong gave Fisher his wish of facing Scott one on one. I hope its just rumor and that Fisher is not considering going NPA and guarantee another 4 years of Mike Scott.
I don’t care what fisher should or should not have done. I don’t care what Bushong, Meister or Scott should have done. Their political aspirations are meaningless. What has meaning is how we are treated. What is important is how we’re compensated. What is most important is that we have contract that includes provisions to protect our safety both personally and financially. None of us know who the sheriff will be or what they will do.

Scott wins= No raises, lose cars, lose insurance, be forced to use star care, lose tuition, guess at how you will be promoted, culture of fear

Tim Fisher= He’s is new. Could be good and could be bad. Everyone seems shocked that Mike Scott has changed. You don’t think that this will happen to Fisher too? You are kidding yourself.

Bushong= Ferrante and Ferrante, brothers at law. Nuff said on that.

Meister= The guy seems to have some personal issues that need to be resolved. I could only imagine the outcome here.

Any one of the four possibilities are very foreboding. We have big problems without a contract and a union. Without a contract you are guaranteed four more years of uncertainty and damage to your retirement, stifled chances for advancement, and risks to your personal and financial security.

05-15-2012, 12:19 AM
Consider this. Say that your annual Salary is 42,000 a year. Some are making more and others less. But that number seems to keep popping up. Now let’s look at two scenarios. The first is that you are going to work for twenty years and the second considers twenty-five years. The factor for law enforcement high risk is 3 percent per year. So at the end of twenty years you are going to bank 60% of your average and 75% if you work twenty-five. Let’s use 42K as the average.

42000 X .75 = 31500.00
42000 X .60 = 25200.00

That is your pension. Pretty Scary isn’t it? I hope that you are putting about 500 bucks a pay into deferred comp. to offset the loss.

Now look at a local agency like the Cape Coral Police Department. They have a union that negotiated a fair wage for them. On average, a Patrolman, after ten years, there is making about 70k SGTS about 90k after overtime, shift dif, longevity pay, incentives, etc. This is a rough number but it’s about right. If you were getting paid what every other cop in the area is getting paid, this is how it adds up.

70000 X .75 = 52500.00
70000 X .60 = 42000.00

They are making more in retirement that you are making putting your life on the line every day.

So if in each of those scenarios you live for another 25 years from the first day of retirement, and you had the 75%, NOT including COLA, the cop from the unionized agency makes $525,000.00 more in retirement alone than a LCSO Deputy. Good for them but is it fair for you? Consider just fifteen years of the twenty five years at the increased rate and the Cape cop has just made $945000.00 more than you in the last fifteen years of employment and 25 years of retirement. That is because they have a great contract.

This is why we need a union. Who else is fighting for you? Can you go four more years without a raise? Do you want to be forced to work in retirement just to survive? Isn't about time we start moving forward instead of backward?

05-15-2012, 10:53 PM
screwed again. i hope the union can actualy win the battle.

05-16-2012, 10:36 PM
I have too be honest. I clicked on this thread because I thought it was about something else :devil: ... You have to admit with this agency's track record it's only a matter of time before an IA about a "three way" is on the system :snicker:

But on topic: I hope the union wins one soon too, because I really don't think they know that MS and his boys are just stalling until after the elections are over. Once MS wins this one, watch out union pushers he's a come'n....
I really would like to believe that TF and LB had a real shot, but I just can't. When I see MS in public, these people love him!!!! I just don't see how (at this point) the other two guys stand any sort of chance ( and I am cheering for them)

05-18-2012, 10:08 AM
Still we have civilians getting raises and cops getting shot and the admin trying to take benefits away. And you you are voting for who?

05-23-2012, 09:53 AM
Consider this. Say that your annual Salary is 42,000 a year. Some are making more and others less. But that number seems to keep popping up. Now let’s look at two scenarios. The first is that you are going to work for twenty years and the second considers twenty-five years. The factor for law enforcement high risk is 3 percent per year. So at the end of twenty years you are going to bank 60% of your average and 75% if you work twenty-five. Let’s use 42K as the average.

42000 X .75 = 31500.00
42000 X .60 = 25200.00

That is your pension. Pretty Scary isn’t it? I hope that you are putting about 500 bucks a pay into deferred comp. to offset the loss.

Now look at a local agency like the Cape Coral Police Department. They have a union that negotiated a fair wage for them. On average, a Patrolman, after ten years, there is making about 70k SGTS about 90k after overtime, shift dif, longevity pay, incentives, etc. This is a rough number but it’s about right. If you were getting paid what every other cop in the area is getting paid, this is how it adds up.

70000 X .75 = 52500.00
70000 X .60 = 42000.00

They are making more in retirement that you are making putting your life on the line every day.

So if in each of those scenarios you live for another 25 years from the first day of retirement, and you had the 75%, NOT including COLA, the cop from the unionized agency makes $525,000.00 more in retirement alone than a LCSO Deputy. Good for them but is it fair for you? Consider just fifteen years of the twenty five years at the increased rate and the Cape cop has just made $945000.00 more than you in the last fifteen years of employment and 25 years of retirement. That is because they have a great contract.

This is why we need a union. Who else is fighting for you? Can you go four more years without a raise? Do you want to be forced to work in retirement just to survive? Isn't about time we start moving forward instead of backward?
Its time we all come together and stand for what is right. This is just wrong. More retirement pay than active duty pay? In the same County?

05-24-2012, 03:21 AM
Crazy isn't it? CCPD and FMPD make more money in retirement than a 10 year deputy with LCSO. :cry:

05-24-2012, 03:39 AM
Let's Make It Right!

06-08-2012, 06:08 AM
Crazy isn't it? CCPD and FMPD make more money in retirement than a 10 year deputy with LCSO. :cry:
yea the good life

06-11-2012, 11:24 AM
Crazy isn't it? CCPD and FMPD make more money in retirement than a 10 year deputy with LCSO. :cry:
yea the good life