View Full Version : Miami Mayor should have been arrested?

04-25-2012, 03:45 AM
If there was anything even remotely resembling justice, neither Tomas or Raquel Regalado would be holding public office today.

Both of them should have been charged with at least one, and possibly two misdemeanor criminal counts related to their actions in handling the campaign’s financial accounting and reporting during Regalado’s campaign for Mayor of Miami.

But they weren’t. Instead, the Regalado’s were allowed to avoid criminal prosecution and were allowed to get off by paying civil penalties of $5000 each for a case which really did involve a “willful disregard for the law.”

The process by which they were given a free pass reveals one of the ways that Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle’s office deals with high profile, politically connected cases involving individuals who Fernandez-Rundle either wants to protect, or who she does political favors for, expecting no doubt some sort of quid pro quo in return.

In this case, there is no question that Katherine Fernandez-Rundle’s intention was to shield the Regalado’s from any threat of criminal prosecution.

The story that follows is based on information discovered in the investigative reports that became available after the case was closed: reports that were collected and provided to the public ONLY by the Crespo-Gram Report.

Other than one story that originally appeared in El Nuevo Herald before the FDLE made their records available, no other news organization has attempted to obtain or publish any kind of story that included information other than what was in the press release issued by the Miami-Dade Ethics Commission.

Yet, in spite of not knowing, or obviously not bothering to learn about the facts of the case, the Miami Herald was quick to publish an editorial attempting to minimize the Regalado’s actions, focusing heavily on trying to excuse what happened by indirectly referencing a series of personal and family problems, including the death of her mother in February of 2008 and the discovery that her husband was having an affair that lead to a divorce later that year that Raquel Regalado interjected as an excuse during her deposition as to why she supposedly didn’t focus on her responsibilities as campaign treasurer. (See pages 17-22 of her deposition.)

Go to Al Crespo to read the full story

04-25-2012, 01:11 PM

04-25-2012, 02:16 PM
Paraphrasing Richard Nixon: "The citizens of Miami have got to know whether or not their Mayor is a crook. Well, he is not a crook.” He just walks and talks that way!

04-25-2012, 07:03 PM
I still can't believe the Mayor and his daughter walked.. This is a disgrace to the City for having crooked people leading and being part of our community.

04-26-2012, 03:09 AM
Have you noticed how diligently and proactively mayor Regalado’s personally selected (second) police chief Manual Oroso has enforced Florida State Statute 849, Section 849.161? Yes, the Statutory Section that governs the “Maquinita” enterprise? Of course we are being facetious; Oroso has been curiously MIA on the “Maquinitas” front! Maybe former Miami Police Chief Miguel Exposito was right. There is a subtle, but pervasive “organized” criminal cabal behind the “Maquinitas”! The sordid history of these seemingly innocuous “entertainment” machines can be traced back to New Jersey and the Jose Miguel Battle Sr. “Family”! These “Maquinitas” are insidious gambling implements, operating just within the protective “letter” provided by Section 849.161. Statewide, but mostly in Miami-Dade County, and specifically in the City of Miami, these “Maquinitas” are making millions in barely taxed dollars for their purveyors; who in turn appreciatively fill the campaign feeding troughs of supportive venal politicos, like Tomas Regalado. C’mon Miami Herald, follow the money and expose the whole sordid “Maquinitas” affairs. That would be sound investigative journalism or have you forgotten about it?

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/25/2 ... rylink=cpy (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/25/2767793/in-florida-gambling-is-gambling.html#storylink=cpy)

04-26-2012, 03:42 PM
THAT’S HOW how the Regalados got a free pass from their friend Katherine Fernandez-Rundle! By not demanding that the waivers be executed in a timely fashion, Howard Rosen and Joe Centorino purposely allowed the statute of limitations on any criminal charges against the Regalados to run out!

the Herald did their editorial about the campaign charges, they referenced Centorino’s continued sensitivities for Regalados well-being by writing, “According to Joe Centorino, executive director of the ethics commission, the Regalados faulty bookkeeping was tied to personal issues.”

Poor folks by the thousands go to prison from Miami-Dade County every year, and you never hear anyone from the Miami Herald or the State Attorney’s Office commiserate over any of their “personal issues.”

It’s only politicians and the rich and powerful in Miami that get the benefit of solicitous concern for their “personal issues,” before they are slapped gently on the wrist and let go.

WOW just think of the standards your held to as a patrol officer and you lied on sworn financial reports multiple times, what would happen to you?