View Full Version : Will KERR subsidize your insurance ? LMAO !

04-23-2012, 07:02 AM
If this stupid move to go from the FOP to the county PBA should happen, will Kerr be subsidizing our medical insurance, when we all will be paying $500-$700 more each month,becuse the insurance trust will disappear and we will have to go to "Mayor Retardos" general insurance , with the sanitation dept and others ? Oh YES my friends that WILL happen ! Gee, Thanks Kerr :roll:

04-23-2012, 01:20 PM
If this stupid move to go from the FOP to the county PBA should happen, will Kerr be subsidizing our medical insurance, when we all will be paying $500-$700 more each month,becuse the insurance trust will disappear and we will have to go to "Mayor Retardos" general insurance , with the sanitation dept and others ? Oh YES my friends that WILL happen ! Gee, Thanks Kerr :roll:
Javi is this the best you can do besides insulting blacks?

04-23-2012, 01:52 PM
This is the biggest gamle of his life time just another day at the poker table right sir

04-23-2012, 02:40 PM
STop making this about Kerr and giving false information if the FLOP truely cared about the membership and not just their friends and family plan they would state their case in a special meeting with the PBA giving their facts.

Everything else the FLOP wants to post here is just scare tactics to continue riding the gravy train

04-23-2012, 06:13 PM
Once again you idiots need to read this letter carefully ! This is not a scare tactic ,this is a FACT ! We will ALL pay much more for our insurance if this change should ever occur "God help us all" We will go broke paying THOUSANDS more for insurance, Again , I tell you all,this is not a scare tactic READ >>: http://mpd-vets.org/FOP/FOPInsuranceTrust.pdf

04-23-2012, 09:18 PM
Once again you idiots need to read this letter carefully ! This is not a scare tactic ,this is a FACT ! We will ALL pay much more for our insurance if this change should ever occur "God help us all" We will go broke paying THOUSANDS more for insurance, Again , I tell you all,this is not a scare tactic READ >>: http://mpd-vets.org/FOP/FOPInsuranceTrust.pdf

So all of you retirees who are worried about your insurance should be calling Armando every day to have him step down before its too late.

04-23-2012, 10:32 PM
and all the actives who will be paying 80/20 that is 20 percent of the bill and a 3000 dollar deductible, increased premiums, increased prescription costs and whatever else will be increased should do the same!!!!!!!!

oh yea... and the great representation that several other police agencies throughout dade that went with pba already have already stated that the county takes care of their own and has done very little if anything for their departments...

I am not saying to keep the current board but what I am saying is use your head and common sense and don't make decisions without thinking of the consequences.

04-23-2012, 11:28 PM
I'm not a retiree. I'm 31, been on 7 years, married with two little kids, and the last thing I need is a huge insurance increase $$$$ (with a BIG deductible 20 % WOW !) with super high premiums every month (I understand for someone like me it will be $500 to $720.00 a month more) and worse insurance ,than what I now have with the FOP insurance trust !

And all because a few people have an axe to grind with Armando ,and some others ? Are you kidding, does the cost of this "payback" mean that much to some of you ? This is NOT a scare tactic,it's the TRUTH ! This is what will happen, if we go to the PBA. Vote those guys out ,and lets get on with our lives. BTW the PBA, wont look out for us either, look what has happened to numerous agencies in the area that did,and now regret it, and want to join the FOP , don't you guys read LEO affairs elsewhere ? I think some of you guys should have your heads examined :roll:

04-23-2012, 11:55 PM
An axe to grind? You must be kidding, or your full of BS.

You have either bought into the scare tactics, or your really a retiree.

Either way, you must be okay with your current pay and benefits. You must not care that your future pension has been destroyed. You must be a Regalado supporter and you are happy with the friends and family program. You don't care that sgt at arms continue to get pay raises while the rest get pay cuts.

This isn't about Kerr, it's not even about Armando, it's about the fact that close to two thirds of the department feel that the FOP is in bed with city hall and that they refuse to change their ways.

The fact that the blue cards were even collected means the FOP has failed the membership.

04-24-2012, 02:49 AM
Once again you idiots need to read this letter carefully ! This is not a scare tactic ,this is a FACT ! We will ALL pay much more for our insurance if this change should ever occur "God help us all" We will go broke paying THOUSANDS more for insurance, Again , I tell you all,this is not a scare tactic READ >>: http://mpd-vets.org/FOP/FOPInsuranceTrust.pdf

So all of you retirees who are worried about your insurance should be calling Armando every day to have him step down before its too late.

Listen puppy, all the retired 65 and older, have Medicare , and the trust only pays the part Medicare doesn't't. So they pay little in insurance payments . And most of the retired are 65 and over. Now, you add up the extra 600 a month for a sinle person for a year, you have $7,200.00. Now add $150 to $200 per kid, per month, plus the spouse. Your going to be talking an extra 10 grand a year for a family of four and that is lowball. Times that for the duration of your time to retirement. And the general insurance sucks. And why aen't YOU CALLING THE MAN YOURSELF? Seriously ,grow a pair and man up and call him yourself. Naw, you would have to have balls and that is never going to happen is it puppy.

04-24-2012, 02:56 AM
An axe to grind? You must be kidding, or your full of BS.

You have either bought into the scare tactics, or your really a retiree.

Either way, you must be okay with your current pay and benefits. You must not care that your future pension has been destroyed. You must be a Regalado supporter and you are happy with the friends and family program. You don't care that sgt at arms continue to get pay raises while the rest get pay cuts.

This isn't about Kerr, it's not even about Armando, it's about the fact that close to two thirds of the department feel that the FOP is in bed with city hall and that they refuse to change their ways.

The fact that the blue cards were even collected means the FOP has failed the membership.

And you have attended how many meeting trying effect a change? Tells us please, how many times have you to taken to the floor at a meeting and said these things to the board ? Go on, TELL US HOW MANY MEETINGS YOU HAVE ATTENED AND MADE THESE CHARGES IN PERSON TO THE BOARD?

04-25-2012, 04:21 PM
Stop into any city fire station and ask a fire guy with the same dependents,or situation as you, and see how much they are paying each month/ year you will be shocked :roll:

If we were to go to the county PBA ,they would allegedly "represent" us ? (Well thats questionable ?) But we would HAVE to join the City of Miami "General employee health insurance" which is no where near as good as our current FOP health trust, and is MUCH more expensive, with very high deductibles. We would have NO other choice !

04-25-2012, 04:24 PM
No doubt about it ! Read this > : http://mpd-vets.org/FOP/FOPInsuranceTrust.pdf

04-26-2012, 12:27 AM
ok, so keep paying jr salary, avila, stipen and supporting families and friends, plus keep getting cuts without true representation, youve lost your arses, so go ahead, lose your final arse, more cuts coming, but not for families and friends

04-29-2012, 06:33 PM
Just read the letter ,this says it ALL --- http://mpd-vets.org/FOP/FOPInsuranceTrust.pdf

05-01-2012, 10:10 PM
ok, so keep paying jr salary, avila, stipen and supporting families and friends, plus keep getting cuts without true representation, youve lost your arses, so go ahead, lose your final arse, more cuts coming, but not for families and friends

Isn't Avila retired your retard?