View Full Version : Sgt IUPA sends message

04-17-2012, 10:19 PM
Sgt. Scott Thompson sent this email today.

Today a Petition to Revoke Certification of the Local 6070 IUPA Sergeant’s Union was filed with the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC). Florida State Statute 447.308(1) requires that the petition include dated statements signed by at least 30 percent of the employees in the bargaining unit, indicating that such employees no longer desire to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by the certified bargaining agent. With the Lee County Sheriff’s Office having 86 Sergeants in the bargaining unit, the law required the petition to have 26 signatures. We’re pleased to report that we received 52 signatures. For legal reasons, the petition was sent with 40 signatures attached.

The Sergeants group putting forth this petition is comprised of anti-union members, pro-union members and current and former paying members of IUPA. Although some members of the group have been tasked with taking responsibility for certain aspects of the petition, the group is operated as a collection of equals, without any formal leadership. The group has had no direct communication with Sheriff Scott or his Command Staff.

From the beginning, the group has been unified in the belief that the current certified bargaining unit has not lived up to the promises made prior to the vote to certify them. A primary concern of the group has been not having a voice in any matters of the Union without paying monthly dues. This lack of input from all members has resulted in the Union and its leadership making decisions that are contrary to the general beliefs of the entire bargaining unit. Recently, the leadership of the Local 6070 IUPA Sergeant’s Union voted to endorse the campaign of Timothy Fisher; however, an informal poll showed a strong possibility that a vote by the entire bargaining unit would not have supported the endorsement.

Once PERC determines the petition is sufficient it shall immediately order an election by secret ballot. If a majority of the employees voting in such election vote against the continuation of representation by the certified bargaining agent, the certification of the employee organization as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees in the bargaining unit shall be revoked. When the vote occurs, we encourage every eligible Sergeant to cast a ballot. By voting to remove the Local 6070 IUPA Sergeant’s Union, you will reclaim your right to have a say in your future without interference from the Union.

If you have any questions regarding the petition, what’s at stake or the voting process, please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the group. We’re not hard to find and will be glad to answer your questions.


The Group

04-17-2012, 11:11 PM
I signed the petition because I felt strongly about the endorsement of Fisher. Let's face it, Bushong was incredibly prepared, had a plan of action and pointedly addressed our needs.
The union saw it fit to endorse a candidate based on affiliation and not on merit or demonstrated leaderahip. Fisher never evn addressed union concerns.
I do not accept thqt type of behavior from a union who is supposed to represnt our needs. Bushong listed career paths, step plans, fair pay, fair discipline, and equal opporunity for all of us. Fisher only talked about ms and bullets. Who had a plan? Bushong. Who has no clue? TF.
I lost faith in the union. It is a self serving organization with its own agenda - not ours.
oh yeah. click here to listen to bushong's speech. [url] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9oJfjTL1k /[url]. Make your own decision.

04-18-2012, 02:46 AM
I signed the petition because I felt strongly about the endorsement of Fisher. Let's face it, Bushong was incredibly prepared, had a plan of action and pointedly addressed our needs.
The union saw it fit to endorse a candidate based on affiliation and not on merit or demonstrated leaderahip. Fisher never evn addressed union concerns.
I do not accept thqt type of behavior from a union who is supposed to represnt our needs. Bushong listed career paths, step plans, fair pay, fair discipline, and equal opporunity for all of us. Fisher only talked about ms and bullets. Who had a plan? Bushong. Who has no clue? TF.
I lost faith in the union. It is a self serving organization with its own agenda - not ours.
oh yeah. click here to listen to bushong's speech. [url] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9oJfjTL1k /[url]. Make your own decision.

Did you lose faith in spell check, too?

04-18-2012, 02:53 AM
I signed the petition because I felt strongly about the endorsement of Fisher. Let's face it, Bushong was incredibly prepared, had a plan of action and pointedly addressed our needs.
The union saw it fit to endorse a candidate based on affiliation and not on merit or demonstrated leaderahip. Fisher never evn addressed union concerns.
I do not accept thqt type of behavior from a union who is supposed to represnt our needs. Bushong listed career paths, step plans, fair pay, fair discipline, and equal opporunity for all of us. Fisher only talked about ms and bullets. Who had a plan? Bushong. Who has no clue? TF.
I lost faith in the union. It is a self serving organization with its own agenda - not ours.
oh yeah. click here to listen to bushong's speech. [url] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9oJfjTL1k /[url]. Make your own decision.

Lee Bushong not one working member has ever stated they will vote for you. You were (and still are) an egomaniac when you were here, and you only made it to LT. You're freaking crazy! You're posting on here every few minutes under different names.

04-18-2012, 03:43 AM
I will admit I signed the petition, however myself and everyone I have spoken to have no intention of voting the union out.

04-18-2012, 05:26 AM
I signed the petition because I felt strongly about the endorsement of Fisher. Let's face it, Bushong was incredibly prepared, had a plan of action and pointedly addressed our needs.
The union saw it fit to endorse a candidate based on affiliation and not on merit or demonstrated leaderahip. Fisher never evn addressed union concerns.
I do not accept thqt type of behavior from a union who is supposed to represnt our needs. Bushong listed career paths, step plans, fair pay, fair discipline, and equal opporunity for all of us. Fisher only talked about ms and bullets. Who had a plan? Bushong. Who has no clue? TF.
I lost faith in the union. It is a self serving organization with its own agenda - not ours.
oh yeah. click here to listen to bushong's speech. [url] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9oJfjTL1k /[url]. Make your own decision.

Lee Bushong not one working member has ever stated they will vote for you. You were (and still are) an egomaniac when you were here, and you only made it to LT. You're freaking crazy! You're posting on here every few minutes under different names.

You are one sad individual. Notice that all you did was attack Bushong for personal reasons and never once addressed the concerns that have been brought forward by the membership. You are a typical idiot who is just full of hate and stupidity. Your comment, you only made it to LT. shows your intelligence. Now go get your janitors mop and finish what you were doing.

04-18-2012, 11:01 AM
I signed the petition because I felt strongly about the endorsement of Fisher. Let's face it, Bushong was incredibly prepared, had a plan of action and pointedly addressed our needs.
The union saw it fit to endorse a candidate based on affiliation and not on merit or demonstrated leaderahip. Fisher never evn addressed union concerns.
I do not accept thqt type of behavior from a union who is supposed to represnt our needs. Bushong listed career paths, step plans, fair pay, fair discipline, and equal opporunity for all of us. Fisher only talked about ms and bullets. Who had a plan? Bushong. Who has no clue? TF.
I lost faith in the union. It is a self serving organization with its own agenda - not ours.
oh yeah. click here to listen to bushong's speech. [url] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9oJfjTL1k /[url]. Make your own decision.

Lee Bushong not one working member has ever stated they will vote for you. You were (and still are) an egomaniac when you were here, and you only made it to LT. You're freaking crazy! You're posting on here every few minutes under different names.

You are one sad individual. Notice that all you did was attack Bushong for personal reasons and never once addressed the concerns that have been brought forward by the membership. You are a typical idiot who is just full of hate and stupidity. Your comment, you only made it to LT. shows your intelligence. Now go get your janitors mop and finish what you were doing.

How about this? The best way to guess what someone will do in the future is to look at what they did in he past. Lee was an out of control ego-maniac when he was here as an LT. Why should we think it will be different if he becomes sheriff? The union leadership obviously saw through his facade. They were right in not selecting someone based on a single polished performance.

Now get YOUR janitors mop and put it back where you usually have it.

04-18-2012, 11:36 AM
I signed the petition because I felt strongly about the endorsement of Fisher. Let's face it, Bushong was incredibly prepared, had a plan of action and pointedly addressed our needs.
The union saw it fit to endorse a candidate based on affiliation and not on merit or demonstrated leaderahip. Fisher never evn addressed union concerns.
I do not accept thqt type of behavior from a union who is supposed to represnt our needs. Bushong listed career paths, step plans, fair pay, fair discipline, and equal opporunity for all of us. Fisher only talked about ms and bullets. Who had a plan? Bushong. Who has no clue? TF.
I lost faith in the union. It is a self serving organization with its own agenda - not ours.
oh yeah. click here to listen to bushong's speech. [url] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9oJfjTL1k /[url]. Make your own decision.

Lee Bushong not one working member has ever stated they will vote for you. You were (and still are) an egomaniac when you were here, and you only made it to LT. You're freaking crazy! You're posting on here every few minutes under different names.

You are one sad individual. Notice that all you did was attack Bushong for personal reasons and never once addressed the concerns that have been brought forward by the membership. You are a typical idiot who is just full of hate and stupidity. Your comment, you only made it to LT. shows your intelligence. Now go get your janitors mop and finish what you were doing.

How about this? The best way to guess what someone will do in the future is to look at what they did in he past. Lee was an out of control ego-maniac when he was here as an LT. Why should we think it will be different if he becomes sheriff? The union leadership obviously saw through his facade. They were right in not selecting someone based on a single polished performance.

Now get YOUR janitors mop and put it back where you usually have it.

Perhaps his ego is big enough to actually make him do what he promises unlike the current ego-maniac-in-residence who did nothing to honor HIS many promises to us.

04-19-2012, 12:16 AM
I signed the petition because I felt strongly about the endorsement of Fisher. Let's face it, Bushong was incredibly prepared, had a plan of action and pointedly addressed our needs.
The union saw it fit to endorse a candidate based on affiliation and not on merit or demonstrated leaderahip. Fisher never evn addressed union concerns.
I do not accept thqt type of behavior from a union who is supposed to represnt our needs. Bushong listed career paths, step plans, fair pay, fair discipline, and equal opporunity for all of us. Fisher only talked about ms and bullets. Who had a plan? Bushong. Who has no clue? TF.
I lost faith in the union. It is a self serving organization with its own agenda - not ours.
oh yeah. click here to listen to bushong's speech. [url] http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9oJfjTL1k /[url]. Make your own decision.

Lee Bushong not one working member has ever stated they will vote for you. You were (and still are) an egomaniac when you were here, and you only made it to LT. You're freaking crazy! You're posting on here every few minutes under different names.

You are one sad individual. Notice that all you did was attack Bushong for personal reasons and never once addressed the concerns that have been brought forward by the membership. You are a typical idiot who is just full of hate and stupidity. Your comment, you only made it to LT. shows your intelligence. Now go get your janitors mop and finish what you were doing.

How about this? The best way to guess what someone will do in the future is to look at what they did in he past. Lee was an out of control ego-maniac when he was here as an LT. Why should we think it will be different if he becomes sheriff? The union leadership obviously saw through his facade. They were right in not selecting someone based on a single polished performance.

Now get YOUR janitors mop and put it back where you usually have it.

So you are saying that if a man makes a mistake in life or that he maybe didn't have the level of maturity at the time, that he can't learn from his mistakes? You are one self-righteous dude, my friend.

04-19-2012, 01:24 AM
Sgt. Scott Thompson sent this email today.

By voting to remove the Local 6070 IUPA Sergeant’s Union, you will reclaim your right to have a say in your future without interference from the Union.

This is the biggest crock of shit I have ever read. Sergeants, you have to be patient and give the union time to work. If you get rid of the union, your job position will be based on the direction of the wind at headquarters. You must stay united and work on securing a contract. A contract that will spell out working conditions for you and promotional process. A promotional process that will bring this agency into the new age of policing and not based on how worn your knee pads are. Be proud of yourself. Be proud of your agency. Be proud to wear the green, but do not let Mike Scott fool you that your "promotion" is based on whether you support the union. A man that uses fear and intimidation to lead this agency may one day turn against you, as he has before the county commission by giving back your raises! Who is going to stand up for you? (answer: not Santa).

I know the road is tough and long, but you can't turn your back on the future of this agency by getting rid of the union. Answer this, who is going to look after you when the wind blows in the "other" direction and you find yourself on the outside of the good old boy network?

Educate yourselves. Attend the meetings and understand both sides of the issue. You cannot truly make an informed decision without showing up at the meetings. To do otherwise is just ignorant.

04-19-2012, 11:35 AM
Remember Scott Thompson is a stand up comic on weekends. So anything he says is funny and full of shitz!!!

04-20-2012, 01:11 AM

Mitchell K Sergeant - DLE $85,031.56 $84,374.30 $7,706.10 $159,447.93
Michael M Sergeant - DLE $85,031.56 $86,298.42 $7,701.09 $156,720.61
Ronnie D Sergeant - DLE $85,031.56 $85,172.84 $1,989.90 $141,798.48
Bruce M Sergeant - DLE/CC $85,031.56 $85,345.92 $19,445.05 $139,130.97
Jay L Sergeant - DLE $85,031.56 $84,056.77 $28,837.12 $130,246.48
John N Sergeant - DLE $85,031.56 $102,512.02 $13,206.08 $129,525.28
Paul M Sergeant - DLE $85,031.56 $86,060.32 $11,941.01 $128,953.82

04-20-2012, 01:25 AM


S, E District 8 - Wellington Sergeant Law Enforcement $91,675 $50,604 $192,792
P, A, District 8 - Wellington Sergeant Law Enforcement $94,859 $19,559 $154,353
D, RE District 10 - Lake Park Sergeant Law Enforcement $75,978 $20,060 $143,461
S, J District 7 - Boca Sergeant Law Enforcement $95,149 $16,895 $139,531
H, J Jr District 1 Wt Palm Beach Sergeant Law Enforcement $95,149 $11,270 $137,634
S, D A Airport Sergeant Law Enforcement $95,149 $11,945 $136,433
S, W Violent Crimes Sergeant Law Enforcement $95,149 $21,722 $136,217
R, Parks Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement $95,149 $18,408 $135,340
O, C L District 4 - Delray Sergeant Law Enforcement $95,149 $1,516 $129,703
O, Training Sergeant Law Enforcement $95,149 $10,067 $128,895

04-20-2012, 01:35 AM
Yea we all need to get rid of the only person (s) to call bull shitz. Bye the way LCSO completed a wage study in 2008 that showed guess what were the lowest paid. The study was ordered by BOCC and sent to them. Just ask they can share. I head there's some interesting stuff coming so Sheriff Scott can stop beating that Star Care drum.

04-20-2012, 01:37 AM
There are sixty-seven counties in Florida, six of which are in the top 100 richest counties in the country.

1 Collier County $31,195
2 Martin County $29,584
3 Palm Beach County $28,801
4 St. Johns County $28,674
5 Sarasota County $28,326
6 Indian River County $27,227
7 Monroe County $26,102
8 Seminole County $24,591
9 Lee County $24,542
10 Pinellas County $23,497
11 Broward County $23,170
12 Nassau County $22,836

04-20-2012, 12:39 PM
There are sixty-seven counties in Florida, six of which are in the top 100 richest counties in the country.

1 Collier County $31,195
2 Martin County $29,584
3 Palm Beach County $28,801
4 St. Johns County $28,674
5 Sarasota County $28,326
6 Indian River County $27,227
7 Monroe County $26,102
8 Seminole County $24,591
9 Lee County $24,542
10 Pinellas County $23,497
11 Broward County $23,170
12 Nassau County $22,836

Ummm, you need to recheck your numbers Bro! These are ten years old. One of our own Brovo deputies just left in the past month and he started in palm beach county over double than what you quoted.

04-20-2012, 01:23 PM
There are sixty-seven counties in Florida, six of which are in the top 100 richest counties in the country. THIS MEANS LEE COUNTY IS ONE OF THE WEALTHIEST COUNTIES NOT DEPUTIES PAY. THIS PER CITIZEN INCOME

1 Collier County $31,195
2 Martin County $29,584
3 Palm Beach County $28,801
4 St. Johns County $28,674
5 Sarasota County $28,326
6 Indian River County $27,227
7 Monroe County $26,102
8 Seminole County $24,591
9 Lee County $24,542
10 Pinellas County $23,497
11 Broward County $23,170
12 Nassau County $22,836

Ummm, you need to recheck your numbers Bro! These are ten years old. One of our own Brovo deputies just left in the past month and he started in palm beach county over double than what you quoted.

04-20-2012, 01:53 PM
Nice try, you really need to get your salaries update to 2012, the figures quoted are back in the 80's.

04-22-2012, 10:32 PM
These posts are unbelievable. Everyone of these posts are all about personal agendas rather then fact. M.R. and his bunch are obviously trying to fill there own personal agenda's and has manipulated everyone to join there cause. Did everyone read S.T. email? Hey Scott, sometimes it's better to sit there quietly and let people wonder if your an idiot then open your mouth and remove all doubt. No wonder your a failure as a cop and a comedian. Maybe that should be your opening act, you trying to be a cop. Now that’s funny!!!! Come on folks, stop creating such hostility. The union backed T.F. because he is the best man for the job. M.S. was invited by his own people and told them no. The union definitely can't endorse him. L.B. did speak well but you have to take his past into consideration. Two IA's where he was demoted and terminated and walked out on his shift in the middle of the night. Sending emails to his subordinate’s threatening them. Then, calling one subordinate on the telephone on several different occasions, yelling and screaming that he was going to kill him and hurt his family. Really!!! This is who you want the union to support? LCSO employees are a JOKE. You couldn't stand together as one if you wanted to. Well, let me rephrase that, you would stand together if all of you were promised promotions. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.