View Full Version : Happy Sunday, Apeil 15, 18 th is the meeting

04-15-2012, 10:35 PM
Yes, the third wed. of the month is here. And for those who do not know, it is FOP meeting night. Now, imagine if just 100 of the claimed, what is it now, 600 hundred blue card signers, show up at the meeting, 200 and it will make national news from the traffic jam. But honestly, show up in numbers and take back the lodge, you claim you have lost. Going PBA is a mistake that will cost everyone $$$$$$ and a return to the FOP the city will claim they do not have the funds to restart the insurance trust. But this Wed., man up and show up. The lodge meetings have by-laws, read them. Some say a by-law change to change eligibility for president is in the works? IT HAS TO BE READ AT TWO CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS AND APPROVED BY MAJORITY VOTE OF MEMBERS AT THE MEETINGS'!!!!!! Hello? Anyone there? Anyone of the those wanting change out there reading this? PLEASE SHOW UP THIS COMING WE'D. AND STAND UP OUTSIDE IF YOU HAVE TO. Now is the time to show up and take over the meeting by sheer numbers OF VOTES. 72 hrs to read the by-laws and Robert's Rules of Order. Time kiddies. nothing anyone can do to and not face state charges and fed. Charges.

04-16-2012, 12:21 PM