View Full Version : Your Next Florida State FOP President?

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Mod 100
04-10-2012, 05:11 AM
The following posts are taken from message boards and pertain to candidates for Florida State FOP President. The candidates are the current State FOP President Jim Preston and the Miami Police Department FOP President Armando Aquilar.

This thread will be updated as we find posts and new posts are made about the candidates on the various boards.

Mod 100
04-10-2012, 05:20 AM

Unread postby Guest » 04/09/12 22:38:14
The fop is completely broken all that fuzz about the insurance is another scare tactics for people to stay with the fop. Faith has been lost because Armando eagerness to poison, ruin people career and have his own son promoted under a scandal of favoritism to the new chief and the mayor. Not even could the fop bring the members together for a rally at the marlin stadium.....turn off lights and bring the PBA....

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:13 AM
Pension Stabilization

Unread postby The Voice » 09/17/08 07:54:47
Thank you Armando for the recent letter addressing the deadline of the Pension stabilization ( Deadline date September 30,2008 ) Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't i say that we had until the end of the fiscal year ending September 30,2008 to develop and implement the pension stabilization. I guess you forgot to read the FOP Contract Article 44 page 81. Wait!... I remember, you called me a liar on all my allegations. Now the City is asking for a 180 days extension. If not the deal will fall through and we will NOT get our retro raises.

Ok.. What's in it for us? ( i know whats in it for you ). If we don't give the extension.. NO MONEY!
If we vote YES on the extension we don't have any guarantees that they won't ask for another 180 days.

Brothers and Sister's the Pension Stabilization was accomplished per contract with in the time frame as agreed.. Its the Citys fault that they haven't agreed to implement said article.

If we don't Vote for an extension we lose due to a faulty writing contract! Thank you State FOP President Armando. Keep the fight within the Department your doing a hell of a job!

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:21 AM
Re: Pension Stabilization

Unread postby Guest » 09/17/08 16:33:51

You don't know how right you are. The deadline is September 30, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Mr President Armando? What are you doing for us brothers and sisters? Where is are money?????????? For a year we have waited patiently and all you tell us is to wait. We are tired of waiting. GIVE US OUR RAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have spoken to some of the executive board members and they are clueless. If they don't get it by September 30, 2008, we won't get it. Show me that I am wrong Mr FOP President! Do your job


Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:23 AM
Re: Pension Stabilization

Unread postby Guest » 09/17/08 23:39:41

Goddamn liar! I say we start marhing on city hall again. Another bad faith contract to screw the working man. Armando you need to prove your not a headless ass real soon!


Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:25 AM
Unread postby Too many issues » 09/20/08 10:54:30
There is always the option of voting no. Which would shock city hall because the cost to the city will be enormous in the coming year or two considering the state of the stock market. But don't fret, we will get it. It will probably be pushed through, amazingly, right before the FOP elections. Then Armando will go out and crow about what an outstanding job he did. He may still win but we need change. Avila will be heading out after the next election. He should just go ahead and put a bid in now. He has enough time to get an A shift slot. Someone needs to explain the NET zones to him and the new signal changes but he'll be alright.

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:26 AM
Re: Pension Stabilization

Unread postby I know its u » 09/20/08 18:44:45
You can always tell when Avila or Sergio come on here to post. You guys are so easy. And funny. By the way Sergio how is the union doing in getting your position upstairs? Not very good huh? I bet you can figure out why. Think really, really hard. Avila, you will be out soon my friend. Try and get the FOP vote to come up along the same time as a bid so at least you can stay south. Read all the posts from earlier. The time for change is coming. The most important thing here for most of us is our money. And it's not coming any time soon. By the way, instead of trying to drum up support here, do you think Armando or Avila could actually come to a rollcall once in a while instead of only when its election time. How about letting us know face to face whats going on? And don't tell me to go to meetings. I have other things going on. The FOP works for us. We do not work for them. Maybe you sh1ouldn270't forget that.

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:27 AM
Re: Pension Stabilization

Unread postby Pissed at Armando » 09/24/08 19:14:09
Armando is so busy worrying about T$'s Lexus and BK's stupidities, that he forgot about fighting for what really matters: us and our money and our retirement. I frankly don't give a rat's ass about T$ and BK. I want to protect what's rightfully mine. Thanks for losing sight of the big picture, Armando. You're worse than the rest of them.

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:30 AM

Postby The Voice » 09/18/08 13:56:12
last meeting FOP topic! How Armando is going to save us from a bad faith contract. He stated that he feels confident that in less than 180 days the negotiations will be finalize. That means Brother and Sister 6 more month of waiting... The retro is ONLY on your base salary... City is saving millions on NOT paying for overtime salary increase. City a cost effective plan so does Armando.

Armando please stop the scams...

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:34 AM
Lack of Confidence

Unread postby Pissed at Armando » 09/24/08 19:16:34
Who wants to do a Lack of Confidence vote in Armando?? Just post a reply of YES and your vote will be counted!

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:36 AM

Unread postby The Voice » 10/09/08 21:01:09
Armando you lied to us! Even in your own words to the commissioners you stated you only met with the city 3 times and two of those times was last week! What an asshole! After almost a year of waiting you come with this shit!

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:37 AM
Re: As If You Needed One

Unread postby Hey Armando » 10/06/08 14:50:27
Hey Armando how about the FOP having Carte Blanche with our union dues? Where is all the money going? 32,000 a month in members dues. Where is it at?

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:39 AM
Sgt Test Result Canceled

Unread postby Guest » 10/09/08 20:45:37
The Sgt test result has been postponed due to the FOP unwilling to review the challenge questions.. Whats the problem now? The FOP sat down with the City last Sgt test to review question. Isn't this incredible that we have to learn new information on this web. Armando my friend you got to go!

The city is NOT going to delay the Oral boards! If they do im suing!

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 04:40 AM
Re: Sgt Test Result Canceled

Unread postby Guest » 10/10/08 07:00:46
You forgot incident command! You better start studing... The oral boards are not going to be delay....

Why didn't they delay the results last time? Whats so different now? Didn't the FOP know this before the test was given that they had to sit with the City and review the exam?

Armando! Please just resign..................................

Maybe they were to busy fighting the Chief or working on the pension.

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 05:07 AM
Re: Marlins Stadium Updates

Unread postby The Voice » 10/15/08 13:15:29
I wonder whos pockets are filled with green? We don't care for sports when you can pay your bills much less your rent. Armando please! Do the right thing and leave! Just say you have a medical problem. Thats good enough for me!

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 05:10 AM
Sgt Test Result

Unread postby The Voice » 10/16/08 22:40:27
The Sgt exam test result will not be Posted tomorrow! Official bulletin announcement on this Friday CANCELING ORAL BOARDS. Any question call Dr Kraus 305-416-2104 at the MRC 7th floor. If you wounder what happen... ask Armando at the FOP.! Its called playing with the numbers and names. The City and the FOP can never do anything correct. Something so simple! At least those who took the test are starting to have grounds for a excellent Lawsuit! Good luck maybe all who took the test will be part of the lawsuit scam. But remember, if you are not part of the A team in the FOP you will not be part of the lawsuit. For exsample, the 94 sgt exam lawsuit the Fop only supported a small percent of loyal fop members the rest got the finger. Thats a Fact and True! Armando Please stop screwing your members. Please do the right thing and leave.

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 05:11 AM
Re: Sgt Test Result

Unread postby Guest » 10/17/08 07:17:43
Hey admin guy! Eres un estupido. What the hell are you talking about you idiot. If the FOP and administration wanted to get it right they would do it like the County. Maybe since your head is up someone ass to keep your admin job let me tell you. As soon as you take your Sgt exam at the County they grade your test within one hour! THATS ONE HOUR! YOU HAVE THE RESULT PASS OR FAILED! NOT 3 WEEKS LATER AND THEY ARE GOING TO STILL MAKE YOU WAIT MORE WEEKS!

Brother's and Sister's just admit it. You love it here at MPD taking it in the rear.

You have a FOP union that only worries about themself. God only knows what the hell they are doing.

I heard some people came late to the Sgt exam! Hey stupit to bad! 730am is not 805am. Your late!

Maybe next time Armando would be at the test location making sure your union rights are protected,instead of drinking coffee en la calle ocho! What a good scam that loser has.

Mod 100
04-11-2012, 05:13 AM
Re: A Good Cop

Unread postby Guest » 10/18/08 07:15:14
Maybe he lost his temper cause all the bills! Armando can't you see you are letting alot of people down! I bet your not letting your family down, If you know what i mean.

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:05 AM
Re: Whats the FOP Doing now

Unread postby Guest » 10/26/08 10:01:16
Your saying that Armando and Carlos administration is any better! I'm still waiting to check the books! Please

Where is the annuel $400,000 Dollars a year dues going toooooooooo! Why don't they send the members a annuel budget report?

Why? Cause they want to keep you in the dark.

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:07 AM

Postby Guest » 10/29/08 10:25:02
What about people like Armando! Hard working to gain personal satisfaction for himself.
Why did he get so scared when IA started investigating him. Crying to everyone..
What do you fear.. Are you cooking the books.. Please inform the members. Whats the problem?

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:09 AM
Re: FOP Annuel Dinner

Unread postby Guest » 10/31/08 08:29:42
So you are saying the Money went to pay for Contract Negotiations! You Know this place is incredible.. Where is the $400,000 a year of members union dues going to.. Members Please file a complaint!!!!!!!!!!

Your telling me that you spend $400,000 Dollars on Contract Negotiations. Are you crazy.. FOP send Annuel Budget Reports in the mail to your Members so we can see it for ourself.

What about the 7,000 hours the City gives the Fop for City Business? What happens to that money.




Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:11 AM

Unread postby The Voice » 11/01/08 19:45:59
You do work for us... so act like it! Plus, We pay you and your board montly compensation on top of your salary to inform and protect our rights!

If my Homeowners Association can provide me with an Annuel Budget report (Yearly) why can't you?....

Armando unless for some reason you don't want me and the members to see what exactly you are doing with our $400,000 dollars a year.. :idea:

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:13 AM
Re: President Who ?

Unread postby Guest » 11/03/08 03:41:36
You are right! Lets talk about the FOP and the lack of job performance they are doing.. Armando got to go!

We need Change!

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:15 AM
Who would you Vote for the New FOP president

Unread postby Guest » 11/04/08 11:34:49
A person asked me that other day who would you vote for the next FOP president..I and a great number of members stated, "We would vote for Ortiz" That person said, "You would not vote for Armando"? Several people replied Armando, Who is Armando..
We looked around the roll call room 9 out of 10 people didn't know who he was. But we all knew Ortiz. I guess that the line you are using...Come to the meetings if you want to informed is not working anymore. So, Mr. Armando i think your going to have your hands full in Nov.

Ortiz we heard that Armando was teaching you the ropes. Don't get misguided! The laugh might be on you if you don't run.

We need change! So Run, Please include an Annuel Budget Report at the end or start of the year.

PS! Armando you work for us. So it's your job to keep your members informed not the other way around. Next election in 2010 maybe if you would come to the roll calls and station informing your members you might get re elected.

Your member The Voice! :devil:

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:16 AM
Re: Who would you Vote for the New FOP president

Postby Guest » 11/04/08 13:47:55
I think Armondo and the others have to go. He is not a fighter! Empty promises with the last contract.

We need change!.. FOP Stop collecting our money for nothing. I went twice last week to the FOP office to find NO ONE! 8am till 5pm my assssss!

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:18 AM
Re: Restaurants Accused Of Mislabeling Cheaper Ingredients As Pr

Postby The Voice » 11/08/08 21:24:13
Let me give you some more 411 under the table...Brothers and sister! The Cafeteria was sub contract to an outside vendor years ago. Its not a City facility... AGREEMENT THAT WAS MADE WITH A MAJOR M...WAS THEY WOULD NOT PAY RENT!
NOT A CENT IN RENT, KEEP THE COST DOWN, AND THE QUALITY OF THE FOOD GREAT. In other words brother and sister, we that are the so sophisticated smart ones are getting fooled right under are kitchen table (AGAIN). I told this to Armando years ago to do something about it....IM STILL WAITING...JUST LIKE THE PAY RAISES.
Thanks Armando for being to top of things..

NO RENT nor overhead cost = alot of profit!!!

Next time you go... Ask... Are you guys renting here free?
Hey Armando AGAIN can you please do something about that... Thank You The Voice! :shock:

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:20 AM
Re: Restaurants AccuseThats the FOP on top of things! Armando got to gooooo!d Of Mislabeling Cheaper Ingredients As Pr

Postby Guest » 11/10/08 07:44:52

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:23 AM

Unread postby Guest » 11/09/08 22:01:50
I say shut the f..k up! Asshoooo T Money has been OK .. BK went a little overboard but after the vote of no confident he kind of chilled out..

All this negative vibes was done by our FOP President Armando who wanted everything. State FOP President, Wife as the City Manager, etc etc

Hey Armando work on the pension and our raises.. Your times is almost up.

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:27 AM
Re: Loving messages to Departing Administration Members

Unread postby Guest » 11/10/08 14:20:32
I like T$? But who is this Armando guy they keep talking about? I've never seen him at Roll Calls.. Is he someone important in the Administration?

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:29 AM
Re: Stabilization Passed?

Postby Guest » 11/14/08 09:54:51

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:30 AM
Re: The Voice is Locke

Unread postby Guest » 11/14/08 14:13:19
Can you say," A vote of No confident on Armando and Carlos!"

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:37 AM
Re: What the Hell Happen To the Sgt Exam?

Unread postby Guest » 11/14/08 14:18:18
Really NO MURDER! jajajaj tell that to the died guy... You guys think your untouchable..

Armando you are leading us to No Where! Only in this Country you can get away with a Killing........................................... ...................

I bet your pockets are full!

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:39 AM
Re: Rumor-Mayor Diaz to take job of Housing Sec.

Unread postby Guest » 11/14/08 23:20:41

old man wrote:This administration has to go,,,in all of my years here , i have never seen such ineptitude disguised as leadership.

You are so right! The Fop administration has to go! Armando and Carlos are so ineptitude.. They think they are untouchable..

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:40 AM
Re: Rudy Giuliani New candidate for Miami Mayor?

Unread postby Guest » 11/16/08 09:09:34
Guiliani is going to clean up the corrupt FOP thanks God! Its about time.

Armando you can't leave here fast enough! Loser...............

Not to mention the BIG Scam you got going!

Mod 100
04-12-2012, 04:41 AM
Re: FOP hiding Union Funds!

Unread postby The idea » 11/16/08 12:52:44
The idea is not to resign from the FOP but to have some accountability. We need a strong police union. But people wanna know where the money is going. By reading the posts here and listening to officers on the street its easy to tell that people are not happy with Armando and Carlos. Our last contract was owed more to MGPD than to their work. The stabilization is a mess. The 7 year drop was a back-room deal. And the arrogance of Carlos is sickening. Some of them actually can't fathom the idea that they work for us. If you can't make a meeting you still should be informed. A newsletter or a basic website would be nice. Being able to call the FOP and talk to someone that speaks English would also be nice. The union takes in 30000 or so a month. People need to know where the money is going. Then we can stand together strong as a union.

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 01:32 AM
Re: FOP hiding Union Funds!

Unread postby Guest » 11/17/08 10:16:30
Who the hell was that fool.. Please, i can see you don't work patrol ( What an Idiot ). My friend patrol doesn't let anyone go to the meetings. So sh.t the .uck up!

Hey Armando just provide information and budget reports! You are starting to look very suspicious my friend.

$400,000 Dollars is Alot of Money! I hope you don't plan to buy a Gold Rolex with our money like the last president have done........ :cop:

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 01:37 AM

Unread postby Nobody cares » 11/21/08 01:39:35
Nobody showed up because nobody ever shows up. Apathy is rampant. Nobody cares anymore. What, 5 or 6 people had enough meetings to run for office? Doesnt this concern anyone? People are so fed up with the FOP that nobody shows up anymore. Stop all this BS about if you wanna know, show up. Each and every member should be notified of everything going on within the union, whether or not they show up. How about a decent website, newsletter, or mass email? Anything. When was the last time you saw Armando or Carlos at a rollcall? The rookies in the South End don't even know who they are. Its embarrassing already. The purpose of the union is to make things better for the members. Not get into personal fights with the administration. Now the union can do nothing for members when they need something. The Sgts test would be complete if the union and the city could work together. Nobody wants to work with our union.

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:03 AM
Re: officer bribe judge for stats

Unread postby Guest » 11/23/08 16:48:43
What about the bribes and allegations against the FOP! Why don't they look at that?
Why did Armando take over the President of the State of Fl Fop? Aren't tey in charge of investigating corruption and mis use of FOP funds. :devil:


Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:04 AM
Re: Post your Christmas and Holiday greetings for our staff

Unread postby Guest » 11/24/08 23:20:30
Yes! But lets not forget the greedy FOP board as well. Thank you Armando for all the great pay raises that you promised at the start of the year that we stil haven't got. Also, thank you for the unity you have created for all your members.....May the IRS check your books.

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:08 AM

Unread postby Guest » 11/30/08 22:26:08
What is the FOP doing for us lately? Times are rough. We need raises and information as to what is going on.. Why do they keep us so much in the dark? Why don't they lower our unions dues. Why did we stop getting News Letters at home! Wh.t the .uck is going on here!

Where is Armando!

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:18 AM
Re: Brotherhood

Unread postby Guest » 01/06/09 17:40:31
The FOP president is too busy lobbying Regalado for a Staff Position in the next administration to give a crap about the troops. Why do you think that the stabilization hasn't happened yet? Armando hasn't gotten his assurances yet.

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:21 AM
Re: Stabilization ???

Unread postby Guest » 01/12/09 17:13:52
Vote NO for the next extention that the FOP is going to be asking you in the near future to approve. Send Armando a message that WE, the hard working men and women of this department are sick and tired of the game playing being done by the FOP with our money. Rumor has it that Armando is stalling because he wants a STAFF POSITION in the next administration. Tell the FOP that we want stabilization and we want it NOW!

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:23 AM
Re: Stabilization ???

Unread postby Guest » 04/18/09 15:42:09
Armando, you and your band of Gypsies need to be arrested :snicker:

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:25 AM
Re: Stabilization ???

Unread postby Guest » 05/25/09 09:06:12
Please! the bottom line is that our President Armando screwed up. The fire Dept got everything with a lock contract (Plus retro). Once again our President let us down. Keep thinking and dreaming that your wife is going to get hired.

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:37 AM
Where is the Money?

Unread postby Show me the Money » 01/29/09 16:36:23
Armando why don't you come to roll calls on a regular basis to let us know what is going with the pension stabilzation? I get the nasty feeling the longer this drags on, the more difficult it will be to get our retro from the city. When they see the bill for the retro they are to complain they are broke.

Talk to us, update us! You are supposed to represent us, and you are doing a piss poor job!

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:43 AM
2009 and stabalization?

Unread postby fooled » 01/31/09 17:48:04

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 02:46 AM
Re: 2009 and stabalization?

Unread postby Oye caballo » 02/02/09 07:39:21

It's not about being a man. It's about empty promises. Our future contracts are going to be rough. Thats why we need to make sure the city abides by the terms of the contract we signed. People are getting fed up with the FOP and the leadership. Look around. Come to roll calls. Nothing has been done. Armando gambled in his bid to take out the Deputy and lost. And now we are all paying the price.

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 03:01 AM
Re: 2008 Sgt exam

Unread postby Guest » 02/23/09 23:07:03
Isn't it funny! that our President lied to 240+ people that took the Sgt test and we are attacking the accusers. Carlos and Armando get your stories correct.. 5 Months went buy lie after lie.

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 03:04 AM
Re: 2008 Sgt exam

Unread postby Guest » 02/24/09 20:28:23
Screw over the members to get one guy eligible for the Lt. Exam. Armando just leave!

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 03:07 AM
Re: Emergecy FOP Meeting today 03-09-09

Unread postby Shocked » 03/09/09 22:14:00
Vote was passed to wait for abritration which is in two weeks. Nestor you did a great job! Cook and Kerr thanks for standing behind the truth. Fact; Cook, Nestor and Kerr all heard Armando give conflicting statements, what his motive is, is unclear. The last three exams have all been the same in structure and contested questions but, for some reason Armando decided not to sit on this review board even though he NEVER met with the MEMBER OFFICERS WHO TOOK THE EXAM. Yes, Ortiz and Armando you make decisions everyday but, when it affects 300 officers attempting to get promoted you should give them a VALID reason why this time you decide not to sit. Folks you HAVE to get involved in YOUR union otherwise politics will.

Ortiz your comment to Nestor of whos side he was on was stupid and expected from you, the board lost credibility today.


Mod 100
04-13-2012, 03:08 AM
Re: Emergecy FOP Meeting today 03-09-09

Unread postby Nestor » 03/10/09 07:26:47
Armando is Bill Clinton! " What i said is that I never sat in a Challenge Review Committee ", Didn't you think it was important to discuss or mention the fact that Scarola did! ( A designee acting on your behalf ). Thank you for correcting yourself after 6 month..

Brothers and Sister alot of back tracking. "Oh, i didn't say that etc etc", President Armando, I know what you said and especially why you did it. The bottom line is that this could have been all avoided. Our President took a sole action base on the recommendation of the F.O.P. Attorney. The exam was in motion already and it affected alot of people directly and indirectly. Alot of wasted time and money. Armando, if you had these concerns it could have easily been address prior the exam.

Our Union fought for the right to participate in the review committee and now we are going to give up that benefit.

Scarola your a piece of SHIT! and i will see you again at the next Civil Service Meeting!

Carlito my brother, that was Funny as shit what you did! I didn't know if i was going to fall laughing or run. ( Were you trying to attack me or going to the bathroom ) Either way, i already contacted Jeff to put us down for the next fight.

I would like to thank everyone who attended and participate last night at the meeting! At the end if we unite in everything we will win. Armando and Excutive board I got my eye on you!

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 03:15 AM

Postby All the hate » 03/12/09 12:07:27
All the anger is understandable. But what is really sad is the damage that is being done to our union. Its the only union we have or will have and these people are running it into the ground. The current FOP leadership will leave a legacy of destruction. Bill and Armando should do the honorable thing and resign. But that won't happen. It's embarrassing.

Mod 100
04-13-2012, 03:16 AM

Postby Two Cents » 03/13/09 20:21:22
It's time to say good by to the FOP and it's shitty leadership. PBA, PBA, PBA, PBaaaaaaaaaaaa ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Cas is at my door. Holy Shi( he's braking in and burning down my home. Armondo is with him HELPpppppppppppppppp :evil:

Mod 100
04-15-2012, 05:49 PM

Postby QSM? » 03/30/09 10:56:40

The economy caused Armando to lie about the SGTs test? You're gonna have to explain that one.

Mod 100
04-15-2012, 05:51 PM

Postby ACTIVE FOP MEMBER » 03/30/09 12:13:46

All they have to do is whats right! and that means, Whats right for the membership, not the board and the board only. This also means that they shouldn't decieve the membership by making false statements. You must be an old timer and a friend of Armando's. Open your eyes jacka$$! they are lying to you too. Remember when they pushed this contract on us and they said the stablization was a "Done Deal". I'll never forget those words. Where are we now. This FOP board has spent there entire tenure lying, pushing the members to do things we really don't want to and not asking us for our opinions. They must all have college degrees and be smarter than us.


Mod 100
04-15-2012, 05:52 PM

Unread postby Guest » 03/30/09 13:57:19
Why are they keep attacking Nestor? Its the FOP at fault! They lied to us in our face. I could read for myself!
Not even a "We are sorry from the FOP". They caught you guys with the hand in the cookie jar. Folks do be mislead by this tactics. They are guilty! And i heard the same words. The Pension is a DONE DEAL! What Armando you are going to say you didn't say that also. :devil:

Mod 100
04-15-2012, 05:56 PM
Re: Insurance

Unread postby Guest » 04/08/09 19:12:38
What about the done deal contract 3 years ago. Are we still going to trust Armando...


Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:31 AM
Re: $640 million Island Gardens

Unread postby Guest » 04/16/09 12:09:34
armando and our money is where! Done deal shit.

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:32 AM
Re: When is the next Lt's exam??

Unread postby Guest » 04/19/09 11:15:26
When Armando Jr. and Ortiz are elighble to take it. Smart going on the part of the FOP TO DELAY IT.

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:34 AM
FOP Endorsing Regalado

Unread postby Guest » 04/19/09 19:42:09
Why is Armando and the FOP endorsing Regalado without having its members vote on it? Attention all members... This was not taken into a vote at the monthly FOP meetings.The FOP should be concentrating on FOP businesses, members rights, and benifits. NOT POLITICS!
Armando you are at it again. This is not just about you. Who do you think you are?

What happens if Regalado doesn't win? Another fight with the mayor. Plus Armando is pushing for Burdan to become our next Chief and Regalado wants Exposito!

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:36 AM
Re: Letter from Union

Unread postby Totally Wrong! » 04/21/09 08:47:15
Why MOD did you moved this? It's a totally new different topic. Armando and the Mafia are at it again.. Who the hell are you guys that keeps taking sole action without notifying the members. We DID NOT vote or even discuss this on any past meeting.( Play the tapes...) (Approx 900 FOP members x $30 =$27,000). Brothers and Sister this is wrong. If you want to contribute to Regalado pass an envelope at Roll Calls and or at the Fop meetings but not from our monthly general dues!

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:39 AM
Re: Mirabile Cutting our Pay?

Unread postby Thresh » 04/22/09 13:09:20
I don't see where the Fire Dept. can have a problem with Hector Mirabile; check out their contract. They have a heck of a lot more benefits than the FOP got for us.

As an example, Fire Dept. has a handfull of captains (equivalent to Lt. on the Police Dept.) that made more money than Timoney, the highest paid employee on the Police Dept. in 2008.

In addition,in the Fire Dept., all the extra pay (equivalent to our FTO, CIT, SWAT, etc.) do not have a set number of slots as we do (If you are certified EMT, SWAT Medic, driver, etc., you get the pay even if you aren't performing those duties at that time.) We only have a set number of CIT slots even if you are certified and actually do CIT work.

The FOP sold us a bill of goods by telling us that breaking parity with the Fire Dept. would get us increased pay. It worked the other way around.

Thanks for nothing Armando, Carlos and Hector.

Wow, they played us for patsies!

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:41 AM
Re: Who is the biggest brown noser at MPD?

Unread postby Guest » 04/30/09 08:54:53
Armando! Thinks regalado is going to hook him up.

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:45 AM
Re: Who is the biggest brown noser at MPD?

Unread postby Guest » 04/30/09 21:35:18
It's a shame seeing our union President brown nosing a man that talked so much shit about us. Hey Armando they are using you my friend.
You better see the writing on the wall cause you sure didn't see it in our contract. You idiot! you lets us down.

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:45 AM

Unread postby Guest » 05/24/09 10:27:07
You are right about the freeze. But the list will be extended for as long as the freeze is in place. That means if the list comes out in Sept 2009 it will be good for two years. Scheduling the next Sgt exam Sept 2011. If the freeze conts you are looking at the next Sgt exam in 2012. In other words this is going to be an excellent list to be on. Thank the fop for the delay scam they pulled for Armandito. If it wasnt for them the next Sgt exam was going to be in Dec 2010. :devil: Keep screwing your members

Armando get your head out of Regalados ass. Brown noser!

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 04:48 AM
Re: PSA's working our off duty jobs

Unread postby Guest » 06/01/09 21:03:32
Hey Armando is this another example of your ineptness? I think Dade County PBA John Rivera needs to take over as we have lost EVERYTHING under your lack of leadership.

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 05:04 AM

Unread postby Guest » 06/06/09 08:17:37
Yeah! Correct me if i'm wrong, but weren't we going to invite both candidates to the Fop meeting to discuss and vote AS A UNION who we were going to endorse.

What happen to that?
Who told Armando that we wanted Regalado?

Once again the Sneaky FOP Tactics! Folks if you can't see that something is going on under the table you are blind.

If Joe Sanchez wins he will be another union enemy just cause we didn't do things fair.

Thank you Mr. President.

PS your wife is not going to be City Manager

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 05:11 AM
Re: Chief out front

Unread postby Guest » 06/12/09 14:29:27
I disagree with you guys! I respect T Money now Armando is a different story. That guy screwed all of us for his personal gain. Hey Armando when are you going to speak from the White house. As O!

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 05:12 AM
Re: Chief out front

Unread postby Guest » 06/13/09 18:28:53
Well thats not what Armando and his mafia group promises us. Remember is a done deal! That ass o was just to busy trying to get his family hook up.

U Guys are Crooooooooks and Liarsssssss!

Plus who the hell told Armando to run for State FOP President! We lost big time cause of him.

Mod 100
04-16-2012, 05:21 AM
Re: Today's Miami Herald (7/1/09)

Unread postby Guest » 07/01/09 09:37:01
The City has money! We just approved a $300 million deal remember and don't forget the port.. So it doesn't seem like we are cutting back. Unless President Armando sells us out again for his families personal gain.

Mod 100
04-17-2012, 03:43 AM

Unread postby Guest » 07/12/09 15:43:20
If the 3% falls through like stabilization, then be warned. There will be a motion made for impeachment against Armando!

Mod 100
04-17-2012, 03:46 AM
Re: Chief Cleared, YES, In your face Haters

Unread postby Issues » 07/20/09 20:17:57
Our union is supposed to be used to better our working conditions, not pursue the personal agenda of the FOP president. Stabilization (done deal right Armando?), the baseball stadium, Timoney's Lexus. Important issues that were put on the backburner while you went after F.F. because of your personal hatred of the man. You lost. And as a result we all lost. Have some pride and step down. And take Carlos with you.

Mod 100
04-17-2012, 03:47 AM
Re: Chief Cleared, YES, In your face Haters

Unread postby Rogelio » 07/20/09 22:31:07
Armando is the one that needs to be investigated for making false accusations. IA needs to get right on it.

Mod 100
04-17-2012, 03:58 AM
Re: Chief Cleared, YES, In your face Haters

Unread postby FOPdefeat » 07/21/09 11:27:00
Armando you and Carlos got ur behind kicked and slapped by Tmoney for the 5th time ( FBI cleared tmoney, FDLE, State certification committee,etc). You two r Embarrasing and garbarge for putting fellow officers at risk of going to jail for ur own Personal agendas of getting tmoney and boycrap. U both need to be impeached and investigated. How do u feel this morning knowing that you are failares. You both have waisted years trying to get timoney fired and have let the membership down with our contract, stadium were we have to work the exterior, past sergeants exam, etc. It's pathetic that we have to read in the paper that firemen are making $300,000. Year because there contracts are well negotiated. Brothers and sisters we have enough to impeach. The City mayor and manager are now comming after our job and salaries as revenge for the FOPs stupid, selfish actions.

Mod 100
04-17-2012, 04:03 AM

Postby Guest » 07/22/09 08:03:38
Armando and Carlos you guys are the worst embarrassment i have ever seen in this organization. You guys thought you were going to use your position to move you, your wife and son ahead. Your priorities to your members are pay raises,benefits,unity, and moral. What you have created has been the opposite. What happen parity with the fire dept. Concentrate on what is important not what car the chief drives you idiot.

The Chief can get a brand new rental everyday if he wants. What a waste of time that was.
and cooking the books, looks like we did, not the Chief. ( more training for us )

You, your board, and your lieing piece of shit attorney should be looked at for theft.

Its true what the previous post said,

Mod 100
04-17-2012, 04:04 AM

Unread postby Buckey » 07/22/09 09:57:31
Apparently Armando has been diverting all of his attention and resources to his personal vendetta against Timoney and has neglected his duties and responsibilities to the membership and it's contractual concerns. Does anyone know how to get a recall drive started so we can get someone in there that has our interests as opposed personal interests to in mind?


Mod 100
04-17-2012, 04:07 AM

Unread postby Rogelio » 07/22/09 11:59:25
Armando, lay off Buckey and answer the question.What do we have to do to get you and your "lap dog" Carlos out of there? It's obvious that you have used your FOP position to try to further your personal agenda and since the membership is confident that you will not do the manly thing and resign we need to initiate steps to have you and your "yes men" removed. So please stay off this board unless you have something of value to contribute like how we can remove you so we can get a leader in the FOP that will concentrate on issues that pertain to the welfare of the membership.

Mod 100
04-17-2012, 04:07 AM

Unread postby Why not » 07/22/09 15:22:25
How do we start a vote of no confidence in Armando, Carlos, and frank casanovas?

Mod 100
04-17-2012, 04:12 AM
Re: Entire FDLE Report

Unread postby Funny stuff » 07/23/09 16:52:04
Brother, the people post bashing the FOP because they are fed up. Nobody likes Timoney but Armando is just as hated. Get your head out of the sand.

Mod 100
04-18-2012, 02:54 AM

Unread postby WONDERING » 08/01/09 10:22:29

Mod 100
04-18-2012, 02:54 AM

Unread postby Warden » 08/01/09 16:56:34
Impeachment is the least of there problems try jail and pin stripes very very soon.

Mod 100
04-18-2012, 02:57 AM
mod why did you delete me?

Unread postby Guest » 08/30/09 20:58:07
Miami officers, I am tired of Amando, Javi, Kerr and the fop not answering my question!
So i have decided to give you an example of how a question is asked and answered.

1." Armando, are we going to get our stabilization money in checks or our pension?" "No, it will never happen."

2. "Armando, are we going to get our stabilization money in checks or our pension?" " Yes."

See, thats how someone who is not pretending to be a LAWYER, POLITICIAN OR PROMOTED would answere the question. Can you please answere the question as a cop or a normal person?

MOD STOP DELETING THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

Mod 100
04-18-2012, 02:59 AM
Re: mod why did you delete me?

Unread postby Nestor » 08/31/09 08:44:41
Kerr, what the guy is trying to say is that we can never get a straight answer from this people.. i for one totally agree with him. NO INFORMATION! Armando, we as a union are still waiting for the fop web page that you promised us 9 month ago. Thank you for keeping us in the dark.

And for the brown nose Javi I did go to the meeting! and the bullshit excuse that the web page is still being worked on is not cutting it anymore.

Mod 100
04-18-2012, 03:02 AM
Re: Is the Roman Empire coming to an end?

Unread postby Nestor » 08/31/09 15:55:50
Finally a few post that i agree with! Thats exactly how i and many of the ground troops feel. Brothers and Sisters time has change and what ever happens in Nov we have to support what ever chief takes place.

In 21 years i have seen these same attacks on every administration.. But i have never seen an Fop President hand up its members in a criminal investigation. To me thats called snitching.. We will always have haters and people that would like to take over for power or money.

The next change will be the FOP! Armando that means you! The clock is running out for you as well.

Mod 100
04-18-2012, 03:25 AM
Re: Miami Commission votes to look into changing pension plan

Unread postby Guest » 09/10/09 21:10:08
Armando was called a lier by the city manager..... Something we already know. Armando out of all of the union presidents you looked and acted like a criminal. Trying to work on a side deal for your benefit.


Mod 100
04-18-2012, 03:34 AM

Unread postby Guest » 09/16/09 21:16:12
Wow, I hope you guys are happy. Armando's personal battle with the Chief has resulted in 100 officers losing their job. Aguilar has ZERO pull with the comissioners and the Mayor. There is the problem my friends. So much time spent on crying about the chief and less time preparing for this monumental event.

Mod 100
04-18-2012, 03:34 AM

Unread postby wow dude » 09/16/09 21:25:12
I want to know what kind of "back door" deal Armando made this time. Once again HE has DIVIDED US. Once again HE has failed us.

Mod 100
04-18-2012, 03:38 AM
Re: the dance machine

Unread postby retired captain » 09/17/09 09:30:45
This is so funny and so SAD. Armando, do the manly thing retire because you are no longer an effective leader and besides you were never able to be a real COMMANDER. THE TROOPS DONT RESPECT YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE A LOSER!

Mod 100
04-20-2012, 06:00 AM
Re: City to spend another $50 million for tunnel

Unread postby The Good Samaritan » 09/25/09 14:36:04
Next year the fOP members will have to give more concessions because the money they City had or they borrowed for the tunnel will put us in a bigger hole. Commissioner Spence-Jones will convince all you as-holes that you have to give a little more.

Go ahead Armando, go to the back room and continue to give up some more!

Mod 100
04-20-2012, 06:02 AM
WPLG News Announces we have reached a Deal

Postby guesterino » 09/25/09 20:58:27
Wouldn't it be nice to find out from our FOP rather than from a news source - what gives? Armando it would be nice to let us know what's going on. Is there a vote planned for Monday now that you've reached a deal with Pete? Are we always last to find out. Carago.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:14 AM

Unread postby Guest » 11/11/09 20:55:46
This is a typical response when threatened. The FOP is not looking to take care of its memebers just for personal gain of a few. It was clear as Armando Auguilar paraded his wife during the swearing in, lobbying for a job. They are pushing for Manny Arosa to maintain the status quo and use the union as leverage for personal gain. It is clear that Mr Exposito was not in agreement with keeping files on public officials and I applaude him for that, the only puporse for that would be for blackmail. If there was a violation it should have been addressed as Mr Exposito said, not archived for future use. We need a change in the FOP as well. Lets all remember the Mercado incident and Manny Arosa being involved in a possible cover up. He was relieved of duty but unlike in these times there was some code and he was spared maybe just a reprimand or a spank. Documents in the City are not readily available as has been clear in recent requests for eeoc complaints on Adam Burden. The sad part is he boasts about having a source to block them. Unfortuanatelly for him Federal records are public and the FBI and US attorneys office do play these games they are legit and I commend them for it. The prior administration has demorialized our department lets remoralize it by allowing a real change in Mr Exposito. His background was was not blocked unlike others he is clean as a whistle. Lets hope he comes in and cleans house like the Mayor has promised he would do........

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:16 AM
Re: Miami New Times Comments on New Chief

Unread postby Guest » 11/12/09 13:54:00
Orosa is tight with Fraternal Order of Police president Armando Aguilar, who led the police union's support of Regalado.

Wasn't Manny Orosa and Armando Aguilar involved in that cover up scandle together.
I see a connection :shock:

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:18 AM

Unread postby Guest » 11/12/09 22:13:39
Relieved of duty along with Officer Camacho were Detectives Andy Watson, Tommy Trujillo, Charlie Haynes, Ron Sinclair and Nathaniel Veal, along with the drug squad's leader, Lieut. Michael Christopher, and Sgt. Manuel Orosa. They were accused of violating departmental rules after the confrontation by failing to protect a crime scene and allowing the six detectives to leave the scene.

This is a direct quote from a news source at the time of the incident. This is who the FOP is lobbying for along with Armando's wife for city Manager, and his son for sgt at arms to start. This was after Adam Burdens EEoc complaints came to light. They are out of choices and cannot find a downside with Mr Exposito and niether can the City. I would applaud the Mayor for appointing Mr Exposito. Oh by the way the FOP has never gotten involved in any political campaign but in this case they teamed up with Armando Guitierez at the end of the campaign to have leverage. I hope Mr. Guitierrez as a smart man sees through the smoke and realizes that a change is needed there as well and confers with his candidate. The only honest true supporters were the mebers of the HOA. They have not asked for anything and have acted in a profesional manner to benifit the entire force. The question is maybe the HOA along with the other minority unions are better representation for those risking our lives in Miami. A city that desreves true integrity and real representation and real crime statistics that need to be addressed. Wake up Ladies and gentlemen stand up for yourselves don't be led by a carrot nor intimidated by the administration. The time is at hand and it is up to us.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:24 AM
Re: Exposito new chief

Unread postby Guest » 11/18/09 22:45:08
Hey Major Orosa.... Armando betrayed you! So Sorry. What a brown noser! Hey Armando Please take back all the shit you talked about L.Cabrera now. Soon to be a great staff member.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:27 AM
Re: Exposito new chief

Unread postby Guest » 11/18/09 19:06:08
I am so excited, just seen it on Ch 10 6pm news. The Mayor and Chief Expo getting in a car with our FOP president driving. Great job Armando, we love you...

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:29 AM
Re: Exposito new chief

Unread postby vaselina » 11/18/09 19:27:03

Guest wrote:I am so excited, just seen it on Ch 10 6pm news. The Mayor and Chief Expo getting in a car with our FOP president driving. Great job Armando, we love you...

wow i guess the ky jelly works wonders

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:30 AM
Re: Exposito new chief

Postby Guest » 11/19/09 01:28:15
I could have sworn I saw Armando looking for his contact lens on the Mayors lap as they were driving away. Any one else see this.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:33 AM
Re: Thanks FOP new days ahead

Unread postby Guest » 11/19/09 08:56:00

Yeah Armando just take another vacation using our union money with our Amrican Express card!

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:38 AM
Re: Manny, They're Coming to Get You!

Unread postby Guest » 12/14/09 23:38:56
Armando should stick to driving the Mayor around. He is more than capable to do that job. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:41 AM
Re: Manny, They're Coming to Get You!

Postby Guest » 12/15/09 08:46:17
Finally people are realizing that we have been played by the FOP! AA ( Armando Aguilar ) and Ex Ass to the Chief CA ( Carlos Avila ) They didn't have a clue how to negotiate our union contracts. Remember it was a Done Deal!!! I bet it was. As you can see. It was a done deal....Future promotion Armandito. Know thats Done Deal!


Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:43 AM
Re: New FOP Board????

Unread postby New FOP direction » 12/21/09 15:49:57
Everyone needs a new FOP board that will represent the entire body and not the select few.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:50 AM
SAY "NO" to delays of April Raise

Postby Say NO » 01/31/10 15:47:42
ENOUGh is enough the FOP is keeping quite and they don't tell the members shit when the issues are not in favor of us. We've already given up enough I'm not giving up anything else come april I'm getting my raise. We might have layoffs but that is the monkey on the mayor and fops back. The FOP is failing to address it's members and I think it''s ashame.

Ortiz, Kerr, Armando someone please inform us of whats going on i'm tired of the silence.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:53 AM
Ortiz & Armando Updates?

Unread postby Guest » 01/31/10 15:59:21
Can you please infom us on what's going on it is your responsibility as FOP Prez and VP show us and let us know what is going on. Support your members. We have supported you time to give back

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:56 AM
Re: Ortiz & Armando Updates?

Unread postby Guest » 02/01/10 08:40:05
They will keep you update on who crashed, and what a "great" job Ortiz is doing. We are about to get screwed here and all I can think about is the pictures on the news of Armando going to lunch with the mayor. Prepare to take it in the rear, bring your own vaseline because the city doesn't have enough money for that!

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 04:58 AM
Re: Ortiz & Armando Updates?

Unread postby Guest » 02/01/10 13:21:55
Ex President Al Cotera and the current one A. Aguilar are a bunch of scammers, liars, and thieves. They wanted to keep us in the dark for decades. Did you ever stop and wondered why we didn’t have a union website or monthly news letters in these times of information technology? After years of begging finally we got one.. For sure we are moving in the right direction. Thanks god union elections are at the end of this year.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 05:00 AM
Re: Ortiz & Armando Updates?

Unread postby Guest » 02/02/10 00:06:31
Javi, Armando, Carlos and the FOP are Regalado's puppets! They only represent their own interest.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 05:05 AM
Re: Timoney Hired

Unread postby Armando is my hero! ;o) » 02/02/10 00:57:04
Plus the extra bonus and cherry on top is that our very own AA is driving the mayor around and he will make sure we are all taken care of. I know he will, I know he will, I know he will. Armando is the man and the driver.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 05:06 AM
Re: Timoney Hired

Unread postby Guest » 02/02/10 16:51:09
wonderful,,,,,our FOP President is driving the mayor around. Great way to run a union

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 05:13 AM
Re: If April raise doesn't Come I want to remove Board members

Postby Guest » 01/31/10 16:27:38
We lost a lot of money on that bad contract negotiation stabilization deal. All that dead weight on that Executive board as to go. The only one that gives us 100% is Ortiz the rest are just a bunch of milkers, scammers, and liars. We got three full times Sgt assigned to the Fop and the only one you hear fighting for us is Ortiz. The rest are just killing time on the drop. Is time we clean house….. Way over due!

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 05:16 AM
Re: If April raise doesn't Come I want to remove Board members

Postby Guest » 02/06/10 11:24:52
Time for change! Always the same empty promises and lies from the current FOP Board. They are never around at the Office when you need them. What a scam! Why isn't IA following them. They never come to work.

Mod 100
04-24-2012, 05:18 AM
Re: If April raise doesn't Come I want to remove Board members

Unread postby Guest » 02/08/10 08:31:54
If by now you haven't realized that the FOP board is firmly planted in bed with the new administration and the new mayor then you need to go to vision works! The media shows the FOP president and vice president going to lunch with Exposito and Regalado, Carlos Avila appointed (or anointed) to be senior executive assistant, and all the other shennanigans! The FOP will follow their own agenda, and use Javier Ortiz to spoon feed it to us. He will use terms like "Court Liasion Smackdown" (that is unprofessional). Just wait till contract time the FOP is going to hand our ass over to the city. It is not good for your collective bargaining entity to be so lovey dovey with the city administration. There should be a good working relationship, but to be walking around city hall holding hands and playing kissy face is not good! Be prepared to give up the 3% in April, and who knows what else in 2010.


Mod 100
04-24-2012, 05:20 AM
Re: If April raise doesn't Come I want to remove Board members

Unread postby Guest » 02/08/10 09:43:34
Listen mouth breather all you had to do was watch the news and see Armando, Carlos, Regalado, and Exposito pile into a black Impala and drive away. THE UNION IS IN BED WITH THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE END RESULT WILL BE THE SCREW JOB OF THE CENTURY!

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:07 AM
Re: FOP Represetation...

Unread postby Guest » 03/06/10 11:12:14
The FOP is taking care of thier own. Their own not being the membership, but their children and friends. Sons on the health trust. Sons of friends as vice president, always the same delegates, only fighting for the rights of some but not others, officers accepting jobs as staff then continuing to attend meetings.

I heard Armando say that he got rid of Timoney when actually term limits got rid of Timoney . While Armando was palying this game we still do not have stabiliaztion, we lost three paid holidays and other benefits, we have terrible insurance, we will not see our April raise, and the list goes on and on.

The membership must ake back the union. Get involved, run for office, pass a motion that no more absentee ballots will be passed out by executive board members, no more shouting down members at meetings who have concerns, and lets have a tranparent account of where the money is going.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:09 AM
Re: FOP Represetation...

Unread postby Guest » 03/10/10 14:19:33
The only thing that I see that's is going up and benefiting two union member are the $2,500 Bonus we gave Carlos Avila and the $8,000 Bonus that we are going to give Armando for the great job they are doing. :devil: :devil: :devil: Plus all the extra rewards under the table.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:25 AM
Re: Lets Blame the Employees!

Unread postby Guest » 03/09/10 09:01:36
Armando hasnt told the CM jack. Our FOP prez and the maor and CM are getting ready to screw the renk n file good. The FOP already got its payback by supporting the mayor; Timoney, Fernandez, Burden and Cannon are gone, and Avila got promoted. Payback is done, bend over because here it comes.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:34 AM
Re: Lets Blame the Employees!

Unread postby EL CABALLO BLANCO DE WYNWOOD » 03/10/10 18:26:07

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:34 AM
Re: Lets Blame the Employees!

Unread postby Guest » 03/10/10 20:52:56
Boy I've been saying that for years. I guess you just woke up. Hey why don't they just give them self a $20,000 perk bonus. Oh i forgot they did.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:36 AM

Unread postby Guest » 03/11/10 15:36:09
I called the FOP offices and spoke to the nice spanish lady. She said that Armando told her not to worry about it cause we are not in the FRS. Plus that he was retiring soon anyways.
:shock: .

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:38 AM
Re: Ortiz and kerr didnt you say stabilization was a sure thing!

Unread postby Guest » 03/19/10 22:09:37
What does this have to do with anyone being demoted. We are talking future pension benefits and the 1% fund. The expo idiots see a ghost behind every tree. The FOP has to get organized and protect what we have. This board isnt up to it. They are smart enough to get into a financial fight of this type. These bills are a real threat to all law enforcement including those not in FRS.

Armando was so worried about getting rid of timoney and getting regalado elected that stabilization was forgotten about. The window of opportunity has shut and we are screwed.


Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:39 AM
FOP exposing

Postby exposing » 03/27/10 05:36:20
I have a feeling this topic will be deleted because the mod is in the FOP board (hint Hint)

The FOP does not have your back guys and girls! They brag about getting rid of the old adminstration which is fine by me but I see many backdoor deals in the years to come. The FOP board members are not looking out for our best interest they are in bed with the administration/mayor and when contract time comes they won't put up a fight like they did before. Some members on our board have hidden agendas that won't come to light until it's to late. If it doesn't benifit their future they won't do it aka don't piss of big daddy mayor or Adminstrition.

Let's see if I receive my 3% raise in April *Cough* won't be suprised if it's delayed unfortunately.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:41 AM
Re: FOP exposing

Unread postby Guest » 03/27/10 12:58:12
The FOP President Armando Aguliar and the entire FOP Executive Board are NOW saying they never said, "IT"S A DONE DEAL". I clearly remember them saying it repeatedly. BEST CONTRACT EVER!, WE WON!, ITS A DONE DEAL!, BY DECEMBER!, ITS SITTING ON HECTORS MARIBLES DESK SIGNED! Can you guys believe that? Just stop them and ask! Hear the denials for yourself. Don't take it from me.


Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:43 AM
I was promised!

Unread postby Promises Broken » 03/29/10 14:33:07
I was promised the FOP would update and attend roll calls but it never happened

I was promised it was a done deal but it never happened

I was promised a chance to become captain but it never happened

I was promised unbiased FOP meetings but it never happened.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:44 AM
Re: I was promised!

Unread postby Guest » 03/29/10 19:51:23
The entire FOP Executive Board needs to be tossed out.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:46 AM
Re: FOP exposing

Unread postby Guest » 03/29/10 23:09:29

see Mod deleted the original post once again....... Now what rule was violated this time? HUH?

You Violated The FOP Lodge 20 Union rules. Don't talk negatively about the Miami FOP Lodge 20 Executive Board members if you do we will delete your post.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:49 AM
Re: Sgt. Test

Unread postby Guest » 03/22/10 15:06:51
Kill the list! hahaha It hasn't even started.. Boy you are on crack! 2014 is just around the corner. Relax! If your mad that you have to wait blame Armando Aguilar with the scam he tried to pull.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:56 AM
FOP Traffic Cameras

Unread postby Red Light Runner » 06/07/10 09:45:51
Hey Mr. FOP Armando Aguilar, WTF is going on with the traffic cameras that you said would solve all of our contract problems with the city? Please let us know and stop using the puppy Ortiz to do what you are suppose to, educate the masses.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 03:59 AM
Re: Armando wins

Unread postby Guest » 06/18/10 20:46:48

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:02 AM
Re: Raquelita Regalado

Unread postby Forrest Dump » 08/02/10 18:58:21
Stupid idea to support her. Chock this one up to Armando and his stupidity of trying to please Papi Regalado.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:03 AM
Re: Raquelita Regalado

Unread postby Guest » 08/09/10 14:42:51
Sorry dumbo. The FOP wrote a check to her campaign, not the state lodge. The FOP leadership should not be deciding that they will write checks to whatever candidate they want without membership approval. How can the FOP negotiate with the mayor while at the same time give his kid 500 bucks? We need a new FOP executive board.

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:03 AM
Impeachment of Armando

Unread postby We Need in Change » 08/03/10 17:15:49
We need new leadership in the FOP.. Armando has sold us down the road to get all his buddies promoted. What is your comments??? LETS MAKE A CHANGE THAT IS NOT IN THE MAYOR'S BACK POCKET...

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:04 AM
Re: Impeachment of Armando

Unread postby Guest » 08/03/10 17:38:08
I will vote him out, what percent of the membership do we need to get him out??

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:04 AM
Re: Impeachment of Armando

Unread postby Guest » 08/03/10 19:21:56
We need Armando and Javi out!!! New Blood in Dec 2010

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:07 AM
Re: Impeachment of Armando

Postby Guest » 08/03/10 23:49:06
I think the majority of the Dept believes and agrees is time for change. Yes Armando and Carlos Avila have sold us out with empty promises and right out lies. Done Deal Pension stabilization that never came costing us thousand of dollars. They never stood up admitting responsibility for a bad written contract. They made back door deals with Manny Orosa and Expo to over throw T$ to benefit a few. They kept us in the dark for years with more promises of attending roll calls. Now they are demanding salary and pension cuts. I say you want to save money start with closing the north end, south end, SOS office and IA. make one centralized station and have the community create and donate sub stations like we did in the past. We have computers and net areas...so no need to waste time in centralize roll calls. Why should we be the ones to pay. Better yet lets meet at the motor pool!! You want to save gas. Ride two man units. More and more from employees while commissioners waste millions in kick back deals.


Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:07 AM
Re: Impeachment of Armando

Postby Guest » 08/04/10 09:33:01
Armando should be impeached he has done nothing for us!!! Lets find out the procress and the percentage of votes needed and get him OUT. Im sure that over 50% of the membership want him gone. Armando go work at City Hall so you can start backstabbing them over there. Why dont you just step down like an honorable man would do?? (OH I FORGOT YOU ARE NOT A MAN AND HAVE NO HONOR)...

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:10 AM
Re: Vote for New FOP President in Dec 2010

Unread postby Guest » 08/07/10 12:41:49
Armando caused this problem by backing the Mayor, so all is buddies could be promoted. WAKE UP WE NEED A CHANGE NOW!!! I agree Nestor is not the answer..

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:13 AM
Re: Removal of Armando as Prez

Unread postby Guest » 08/10/10 02:02:21
I vote for an impeachment of Armando he needs to go...brother and sisters 09/30/10 we need to impeach the dictador Armando and Ortiz...a vote of no confidence...its only clear they are incompetent and total disgrace to the once proud union of this department...politics has no room in the union especially when the union officers are all beig taken care off and leaving the rest to hang....

Mod 100
04-25-2012, 04:15 AM
Re: Vote for New FOP President in Dec 2010

Unread postby Guest » 08/17/10 21:35:12

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:02 AM
Re: Vote for New FOP President in Dec 2010

Postby Guest » 08/05/10 20:08:16
I believe we need to make a change. How much are we going to keep giving? Armando needs to go like Timoney!!

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:09 AM
Re: What wrong with the F.O.P. Our money!

Unread postby Guest » 08/06/10 14:44:06
Armando had every member in the FOP give a month of dues to the Mayor for his campaign!!! WE NEED A CHANGE NOW!!! Step down and let us be COPS not puppets...

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:11 AM
Re: What wrong with the F.O.P. Our money!

Unread postby Guest » 08/10/10 09:41:28
We need a new Executive Board that doesnt have ties to the mayor and a president with a clean background to return some credibility to the FOP.

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:11 AM
Re: What wrong with the F.O.P. Our money!

Unread postby Guest » 08/10/10 17:23:07
I agree... We need some who is going to protect all of not just a small percentage of famalies and friend..

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:12 AM
Two Faces of Armando!!!!

Unread postby Guest » 08/13/10 16:45:39
Tells the membership one thing and then was his people promoted!!! He needs to get out of Miami PD, and go work for you know who!!!! :snicker:

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:14 AM
Re: Police Shootings May Revive Oversight Board

Unread postby Guest » 08/23/10 23:00:58
Once again the FOP has let us down and failed to disclose last month important court decision. I attended last several union meeting as well as the last one, nothing was mentioned by the board, president,nor even our union attorney. The CIP has a annual budget of approx 2 million dollars a year. Money that could go to balance our budget instead of salary cuts and layoff. And just for information the County is getting a 5% salary increase next month, 3 % in June of next year and 5% the following year. What do we get just more lies from Armando. Oh yeah, he didn't lie.. cause he just never said anything in the first place.

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:15 AM
Re: CIP Being Revived

Unread postby Guest » 08/24/10 14:00:03
Why did Armando and our Union Attorney failed to inform us on this important court decision. More lies and dropping of the ball. FOP Armando you guys are dirty and got to go. Why did Mod deleted thread. I think we all know that answer!

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:17 AM
Re: Forced contract?

Unread postby Guest » 08/24/10 18:27:50
Sorry to inform you but as a public sector employee, you cannot strike. We should be pissed that our union sold us out. I am glad to see that Armando Aguilar gave $500 of FOP money to Raquelita Regalado so that in turn our mayor can turn around and screw the whole city. I wonder what good ole Armando got out of the donation

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:21 AM

Unread postby Guest » 08/27/10 10:47:02
Really! I guess you just woke up! They being scamming for years. With unlimited free cell phone, monthly allowance, and special bonuses. Im not even going to mention the conference's or the scamming of the college scholarships. Armando got to go!!!!

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:21 AM
Re: FOP -Are we going to meeting ?

Unread postby Guest » 08/27/10 14:35:30
Armando and the FOP will not take any action against Regalado and the Commission. Don't you morons get it; Armando, Ortiz, Avila, and thr rest of the gang are close personnal friends of the mayor and his family. The FOP will not demonstrate against this adminstration regardless of the contract that is imposed. Get used to it losers.

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:23 AM
Re: Javi or Armando

Unread postby Maricon de playa » 08/29/10 16:51:21
Armando has a deal worked out with the mayor and will screw us over just to make the mayor happy. Watch and see, Armando will not mention the mayor when complaining about what is happening to us. He will blame everyone, but not his padrino tomasito. Manny Diaz was the biggest SOB on earth but he never tried to do this to us. Watch how the FOP asks us to kiss tomasitos culo. Que mierda! As you can see Armando is hiding in the shadows, quietly letting the mayor screw all our officers.

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:27 AM

Unread postby Guest » 08/31/10 16:53:06
Armando has played the membership for his own benefit. Now we are screwed.

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:29 AM
Re: FOP Prez on Fox News

Unread postby Guest » 09/04/10 12:17:16
The money numbers and benefits are all wrong!! Overtime is not pensionable! We dont get paid health care and yes the Fire Dept pension cost is Killing the City! Which was approved by the Previous City Manager and two current sitting commission members including Mr Regalado himself Armando you sounded like your were asleep! lets start attacking redalado and the commisioners! What are we waiting for?

Arent we at WAR? I guess we are just waiting for Oct 1, 2011 for another pay cut! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:32 AM
Fop forgot to mention rookies will be laid off

Unread postby Crystal ball1 » 09/05/10 22:56:10
Attn All Rookies!!!

Please start asking the FOP what they plan to do if they beat the City in court and get our benifits back. They forgot to mention the city will start laying to balance the sheets. We all took a pay cut and don't think the city doesn't have a backup plan and that includes mass layoffs of up to 30% of city employees.

This is confirmed information take it for what it is because I've already asked Mr. Armando. Speak your mind and be prepared to face layoffs that won't be a buff this time. Also Armando stated he will offer other things to the city to help reduce the layoff hit but unfortunately they take month to implement and layoffs will be the only option.

God bless and good luck,
A vested brother
Looking out

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:33 AM
Re: September 14th Commission Meeting

Unread postby Guest » 09/08/10 14:48:35
When does the FOP go after Regalado like they did Diaz? Never, Armando and Regalado are to tight. Dump the Executive Board before it is too late to save anything.

Demonstrate by quiting SWAT, NRO, FTO, CIT, Bomb Squad, Divers, etc. Everyone who is losing their incentive pay and keeps doing the job they are no longer getting paid for are nothing but the adminstrations arse wipe.

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:34 AM
New City Manager Yolanda Aguilar

Unread postby migoya » 09/10/10 11:36:53
According the the Miami For Change blog. Armando is working on a deal with Tomasito to make Armando's wife Yolanda the new City Manager when Migoya leaves next month. QUe mierda. We get sold old by the fop again!! When are we going to learn?

http://miamiforchange.blogspot.com/2010 ... ers-i.html

Mod 100
04-26-2012, 04:36 AM
Re: Our Fight against False information!

Unread postby Guest » 09/11/10 08:52:58
Our FOP is in bed with city hall. We endorsed this guy and then he immediately rapes us big time. Then as u said we don't even put up a fight. Armando will retire with everything he's entitled to so his sense if uregency is not like others who have to be here 5 years or more. It looks very suspicious to me......

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 04:55 PM
Re: New City Manager Yolanda Aguilar

Postby timba » 09/12/10 21:15:26
This incestuous cronyism is sickening. The saddest part is that it is so "in your face" obvious that its hard to believe. Tomasito and Armando are the pimps and we are all their b!tches.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 04:57 PM
Re: Where are the Cars and Physicals

Unread postby Guest » 10/05/10 19:31:37
The FOP gave up both last year to help get daddy Regalado elected. So now he has taken everything we had for the last twenty years. Good job Armando

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 04:57 PM
Re: Where are the Cars and Physicals

Unread postby Guest » 10/05/10 19:33:30
What have we lost so far?

-Annual Medical Exam

-New Cars


-Step raises

-Education pay


-1% fund

-9% pay

-Specialized unit pay

-We have to work more years adding stress to our lives, family and health

Take away my dignity, pride and add corrupt politicians giving their buddies cake jobs with sweet pay.

WOW whats left??????????

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 05:04 PM

Unread postby Guest » 10/18/10 22:58:09
Once armando is retired his son will have to pay for his dad mistake. I heard once armando said before he leaves he is going to leave Armandito in a well staff position.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 05:06 PM
Re: Large Rally in the City this Saturday!!!!!

Unread postby Guest » 10/20/10 01:40:40
Stop fukn protected tomasito, Armando. Youre gonna make me puke. Get your nose out of his ass. JAVI, wake up and start running this organization!! Armando is going to run us into the ground. NO MAS TOMAS

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 05:07 PM
Re: Retirement Party

Unread postby Guest » 10/23/10 09:43:23
A plaque! Are you kidding me!!! We stop giving plaques at the Officers of the month and year Awards you think u going to get one when u retired? I personally blame the union and the Dept for not providing a plaque for its serving retiring members. You might say here they go again blaming the union for everything. Remember, We the members are the union. Not just a small group of thugs that called themself the executive board. Bother Frank castillo didn't even get even a simple $10 plaque from us but President Armando on the other hand will get a $300 dollar one and a check from us for over $10,000. Also backstabber Carlos Avila got a $2,500 check and a nice plaque...Maybe when people around here \wake up things will change. Sorry folks but blame yourself. Oh! by the way They have no problem waisting your money!!!

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 05:15 PM
Re: Why Was This Removed???

Unread postby Two Cents » 11/01/10 21:13:00
From day one, the FOP sold us on Regalado..........In return; the FOP wanted the old administration out, thus the payback. In Regalados' mind, he has paid the FOP back for their support (the end of the honeymoon phase). We the rank and file who had NO ties to the old administration and/or the FOP paid the ultimate price. (Thank you Armando)

Way to go FOP way to go. Bring on the PBA or the Teamsters say goodbye to the good old days of the Armando politics and corruption.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 05:17 PM
Re: Chief's Salary is a DISGRACE & OUTRAGEOUS

Unread postby Guest » 11/10/10 08:41:41
I'm Cuban and i don't agree with that comment. Warshaw was a great and nice guy! Timoney was and asss o when he got here but he brought with him a high standard to the Dept. (weather you like it or not) Now if you want to look for corruption look within the fop. Do i have to say further after that last AAA Arena demonstration. Armando didn't even wear a protest shirt...

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 05:48 PM
Re: Election results

Unread postby Guest » 12/11/10 19:37:32
Armando you should be ashamed of what you have made our union a total joke!!!

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 05:52 PM
Re: Superstar NRO goes down

Unread postby Guest » 12/17/10 20:06:16
Are you sure? At the last FOP meeting, Armando said he was coming back to work. Did the FOP lie? Or did the FOP get duped again?

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 05:54 PM
Re: Exposito attacks Expo!

Unread postby Guest » 12/31/10 10:35:43
By proxy, so was the FOP. Armando, my family really enjoyed our light Christmas this year! Thanks again for the paycuts.


Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:08 PM

Unread postby Guest » 01/03/11 10:13:20
Isnt that incredible they found and waisted another 6 million dollars! Armando, javi, lugo and bill you guys are shit!

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:13 PM
Re: Miami FOP Union will not support chief

Unread postby Guest » 01/06/11 12:26:58
Since when do our dues go to protect the Mayor??? This is Bullsh**! Thanks Armando!

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:14 PM

Unread postby Guest » 01/06/11 12:34:11
Nope, sorry Mr. FOP. Can't deflect the attention that easily. The FOP is not allowed to use the current turmoil to lay back and do nothing about my salary reductions.

I am not a staff member or a demoted lieutenant. I am simply a dues paying member and you work for me!

It is Day 97 and what have you done? Why have Javi and Armando been silent about the imposed contract since the FOP elections?

What is the status of the litigation? Before the FOP elections we were getting constant updates, now nothing.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:16 PM
Re: Herald Story XII

Unread postby Juan Tanamatoe » 01/07/11 03:23:57
Negative on the Department??? Read it again fool. The article shows what a wacko the mayor is and nothing else. I'm not a fan of Expo by any stretch, but I'm proud of the fact that he is standing up against the psycho Mayor Regalado. Where the F is the union? Armando is obviously backing City Hall and not us!

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:18 PM
Re: Thank You Chief Exposito

Unread postby MORIAMA » 01/07/11 23:22:36

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:19 PM

Unread postby Guest » 01/08/11 09:23:07
Nope. We are all in dire need to get our pay and benefits restored. We are in dire need of the FOP to remember that they work for the membership. We are in dire need for Armando & Javi to show some leadership.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:21 PM
Re: Dear Fop, (A few questions we members have)

Unread postby Board Member » 01/09/11 17:19:09
Listen Dude. The elections are over and neither I nor any other board members need to hear your complaints. Armando is trying to get some things done that will help him personally and he needs the Mayors support to do it. Let me tell you that the pay in West Miami is horrible.What you fail to realize is that no matter how badly me and the other board members treat the rank and file you people always seem to rally for us and/or do anything else we ask. So why should I give a crap about you.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:25 PM
Re: Regalado's Son MPD Show Executive Producer

Unread postby Guest » 01/15/11 21:56:42
What about Armando Aguilar and Ortiz what field aré they playing on this week? They sure werent on Exposito last week. Did they change back this week again?

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:27 PM
Re: 31 people quit Union

Unread postby Plum » 01/17/11 23:48:18
I agree with new better representation and the only way is to take these cronies out. Armando, Javier Ortiz, Francisco "bully" Casanova are all an embarrasement to the members who have been loyal to the organization.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:28 PM
Re: Ms. Rundle Gets Slammed by the Chief

Unread postby Crayolas » 01/18/11 23:43:33
Don't even think the FOP is going to do anything for the troops. Armando is trying to get fed by the Mayor and JAVI is Javi "A FOLLOWER". GUARANTEED.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:32 PM
Re: Dunn & Regalado instigated cop's murder

Unread postby Cleter » 01/21/11 21:53:06
When these clowns attacked the chief for his "aggressive tactics" they sent a loud message to the thugs in the community letting them know that they card more about them then the police. When Rundlle referred to the cops in her e mail as DEFENDANTS and the thugs as victims she too sent a message of non-support as well. When Armando and Javi sat in silence on the sidelines when the chief stood up for the rank and file, that as well sent a message of non-support. All these people help contribute to making our jobs a more dangerous one. Remember that the next time see them.

Mod 100
04-27-2012, 06:33 PM

Unread postby Manfred » 01/22/11 01:30:17
You'll be smart to get away form Armando and Javi. They don't support cops. They support the politicians that hate us. They really need to lose the badge. Both of those guys are a disgrace to our officers who put their lives on the line everyday.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:30 PM
Re: Joe Carollo and Panel Blast Regalado

Unread postby Guest » 01/23/11 23:53:32
We should be sending our FOP dues to Frank Carolo. He has been defending us in the media relentlessly for weeks while javi and armando have been hiding from the press and snow skiiing. Thank god we are going to have a really nice FOP party soon.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:31 PM
Re: Joe Carollo and Panel Blast Regalado

Unread postby reisten » 01/23/11 23:59:37
It's when times get tough is when you find out who the real friends of the troops are and who really supports them. Commissioner Carollo has proven to be a supporter of law enforcement. He used to be a cop and apparently has not forgotten it. Javi and Armando did not support the rank and file when things got hot. The used to be cops but have turned their backs on the badge. It's better we find out now then when it's too late.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:33 PM
Re: Turn on channel 7 at 10 pm ref. Chief

Unread postby Guest » 01/29/11 00:20:53
Armando must be bucking for a Staff position.

On Channel 23, he sided with the good mayor over the Chief, who has done nothing but supported us.

The chief must be our union rep and the other guy just another Bozo kissing the Mayor's butt.

What a sell-out.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:35 PM
Re: Turn on channel 7 at 10 pm ref. Chief

Unread postby Judas » 01/29/11 09:44:17
The previous post is correct, but after watching Channel 23 last night, our union president isn't much better.

I think he's trying to take the job away from the Mayor's spokesman.

Way to go Armando. Let's back the guy who cut our salaries.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:36 PM
How was the FOP Party Last Night?

Unread postby Guest » 01/29/11 12:38:46
How was the FOP Installment Dinner last night? Did everyone enjoy their free food, drink, and entertainment?

I hope the FOP sends thank you letters to those other lodges who donated to our "legal defense fund" for covering the cost of our party.

I would have loved to be there, but I had to work an Off Duty job last night. Still trying to make ends meet after losing all of my pay and benefits.

Why should Armando care, he is in the drop and his pension is secure. I guess he did have a reason to celebrate.

Not sure about the rest of us.

I'm just glad that our $500,000 a year is being put to good use. Don't worry, you don't have to provide us detailed expense reports, we trust you guys.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:38 PM

Unread postby operator » 01/31/11 21:04:43
This is so embarrassing, we are all professional law enforcement from the City, to have this FBI guy over us. And because Armando and the FOP supported Regalado all the way, we should be ashamed but we get what we deserve.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:40 PM

Unread postby paposteen » 01/31/11 22:51:26
When will we all realize that politics and a$$ kissing is more important than loyalty and duty and honor. Armando supported Regalado and his daughter because Regalado told Armando that his wife would become city manager. So Armando supported Regalado instead of a former police officer. Make no mistake, the FOP will sell each and every one of us out if it is in the best interest of Armando. He already did.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:42 PM
Armando Sold us out

Unread postby Linz » 02/01/11 22:05:25
I was not surprised to hear that Armando Aguilar went on channel 7 this evening and said that the chief should step down. The chief has supported the troops and this is how we support him? I suspected all along that he was in bed with the Mayor and is looking for a staff position if only he can get the chief out. I am ashamed and embarrassed, to be associated with this dirtbag who obviously doesn't care about the rank and file. This butt plug speaks only for himself and not the rank and file.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:43 PM
Re: Armando Sold us out

Unread postby Guest » 02/01/11 22:52:38
The Mayor spent $65,000 of the City's budget for the Three Kings Parade, in order to get support from Univision Radio (WQBA, Radio Mambi, etc.).

This money was used without Commission approval, as required. Our salaries were reduced and our benefits cut, yet this lowlife mayor we have is quick to give away the money they took fom us to a bllionaire business in exchange for these favors.

Armando knows this happened over a month ago, and he was informed by our guys in the Special Events office. But he has not said one peep because he doesn't want to hand-up or upset the good mayor.If you guys had any doubt about Aguilar being in bed with the Mayor, those doubts should be erased.

I'm sure the salary for the City Manager's consultant will come out of our pay cuts this coming year.

Armando is looking for a Staff position.

Armando, you are repulsive.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:44 PM
Re: Armando Sold us out

Unread postby Guest » 02/01/11 22:58:13
Armando, as hated as you are by the membership, you should be the one stepping down for the good of our fraternal organization.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:45 PM
Re: Armando Sold us out

Unread postby campeon » 02/01/11 23:24:52
Armando supported Regalado because Regalado promised that Armando's wife would be city manager.

I would lay my life on the line for a fellow police officer and I know that my brothers would too. But Armando backed Regalado over Joe Sanchez who was a former law enforcement officer too. The LEAST he could have done is for the FOP not to take sides. But my dues are still paying for the "Regalado for Mayor" campaign signs.

Armando only cares about Armando, and protecting Regalado's a$$.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:45 PM
Re: Armando Sold us out

Unread postby Guest52 » 02/01/11 23:26:11
Armando, is going to sell us out for a 6 % pay cut. He's in bed with the Mayor.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:46 PM
Re: Armando Sold us out

Unread postby Guest » 02/01/11 23:30:16
Armando everyday there are less FOP members because u have failed to deliver.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:47 PM
Re: Armando Sold us out

Unread postby Guest » 02/01/11 23:46:56
Didnt he come to the union members when he donated our money to Regalado and his daughter??? oh, thats right he didnt, do we work for him?? Im confused

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:49 PM
Re: Armando Sold us out

Unread postby Guest93 » 02/02/11 07:30:51
Let's not forget that the State Attorney called our Officers Defendants when they were defending their lives and Armando doesn't even file a complaint or support his officers. Thank u Mr. President. I think that the Chief is doing a better job at representing the troops, while Armando continues to blow our money away with parties , unnecessary trips and to help the Mayor.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:50 PM
Re: Armando Sold us out

Unread postby Guest84 » 02/02/11 07:37:47
Why would a union President continue to support a Mayor who has done nothing for us. Armando what's in it for you , because we haven't receive Jack .

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:52 PM
Re: Armando Attacks our Chief

Unread postby Guest » 02/03/11 00:06:11
Armando has divided the FOP membership. It's time for him to step down.

Mod 100
04-28-2012, 04:52 PM
Re: Armando Attacks our Chief

Unread postby You guys are wrong! » 02/03/11 00:31:35
You guys think Armando divided the membership, but in reality he doesn't care about the membership.he only cares about himself and keeping jr in a nice cozy position lmfao!!!!

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 02:31 PM
Re: Armando Attacks our Chief

Postby Guest » 02/02/11 23:52:35
Aguilar only speaks for himself not the 1000 members how ironic that he was asked last week by the members what his stance was and he said he will stay out of that and now he gives this statement? and herald shame on you for not noting that Aguilar donated union funds to regalados campaign and had a huge bill board on the union building.


Mod 100
04-29-2012, 02:36 PM
Al Crespo, blogs and media

Unread postby truth be told » 02/03/11 05:43:02
"At the other end of the spectrum, there are police officers out on the street, often putting their lives on the line, who are just tired of the craziness that passes for leadership with the current Chief and his cadre, and who wonder aloud how all this bullshit came to pass."

Those police officers out on the street putting their lives on the line are NOT represented by Ortiz, Armando or any "board" member that have their own personal agenda.

Meeting after meeting WE the members are lied to and kept in the dark about these media comments, donations and political moves. We the members largely support out Chief and not the corrupt Mayor THAT IS A FACT thats why you are not seeing news conference with members in the background nor, will you see a vote of no confidence as you saw in the Timoney administration.

The only people represented by attacks on the chief and officers are political prostitutes who will do anything for power position.

I dare any media to attend the next FOP meeting and I guarantee there will be no negative comments towards the chief only the Mayor and the union board.

I GUARANTEE!!!!!!!!!!

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 02:39 PM
Re: Legal Battle Update

Unread postby Guest » 02/03/11 16:09:28
WHy is armando and supercop javi hiding this from us.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 02:40 PM
o confidence vote for the FOP Prez

Unread postby Guest81 » 02/03/11 23:24:52
For the betterment of the FOP , Armando u should resign.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 02:41 PM
Re: No confidence vote for the FOP Prez

Unread postby Rawley » 02/03/11 23:35:29
He won't but we should impeach him and Javi too. These guys make it dangerous for cops to be on the street.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 02:41 PM
Re: No confidence vote for the FOP Prez

Unread postby Guest51 » 02/03/11 23:55:17
Papo, doing Armando's tenure all we have done is given money and benefits back to the City. You be the judge.

We pay for Oil Changes
No settlement of the Sgt 's 1994 lawsuit
Higher medical insurance cost
New police cars when they drop dead or every 100 years
Pay cuts/ no step raises
Pension benefits reduced
No Education or incentives pay
No new uniforms
Members leaving the union
Higher dues
No opened financial disclosure
Money wasted on Parties
Our money given to the Mayor to screw us more

It's time for a change for the betterment of the department.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 02:44 PM
Re: No confidence vote for the FOP Prez

Unread postby Guest72 » 02/04/11 07:32:51
The question here is not if Armando is good guy or not, but ask yourselves are you better off today then 8 year ago. I answer, Not even if I worked 40 hours of off duty at AAA.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 02:57 PM
Finally some truth about the FOP

Unread postby downtown flea market » 02/05/11 15:45:46
Removing Exposito will not stop the divide in our department and the hand of Regalado under the FOP's skirt. The state department should take a serious look at the corruption here.

Police departments are strange organizations. You’ve got a lot of people with very strong personality needs, close knit groupings of individuals who put their lives and trust in each other’s hands, a lot of testosterone, and a need for strong leadership.

It doesn’t take long - and there are numerous case-histories and studios of what happens to big city police departments who spin out of control - when the leadership at the top is ineffective, corrupt or just plain stupid.

On Thursday I posted a letter from Sgt. Javier Ortiz, the Vice President of the Miami Fraternal Order Of Police. Tonight, I am posting another newsletter from another faction within the police department that demonstrates that inside the Miami Police Department there are not only unhappy cops, but more importantly cops who are beginning to openly question the leadership of the department AND it’s own police union leadership.

This is not a good thing for the Police Department, the City of Miami, nor the citizens of this community.

This is as clear an illustration of what a failure of leadership can do to a police department, and the ultimate people responsible for what is happening is the Mayor and his hand-picked, but wussy City Manager.

The longer this embarrassing failure to act decisively continues, the more damage will occur to the police department, and the harder it will be for a new chief to come in and try to clean things up.

When a police force fractures, like the Miami Police Department is in the process of doing, it will be sooner rather than later that there will be hell to pay.

This isn’t Egypt, but the principles that apply to what is going on in Egypt can be applied to what’s going on in Miami. When an obstinate and unpopular leader digs in his heels and refuses to face the reality in front of him, and there is no one with the power or courage to face him down and do what needs to be done to remove him, a lot of people can get hurt while the inevitable works its way into reality

Someone - no, the City Manager - has to step up to the plate and end this mess, or the City Manager needs to go.

It’s that simple, Tony Crapp, put up, or get out of the way.

Armando we want accountability with our money and union we should have a monthly itemized list of where our money goes and what the board is doing..PEROIOD

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 03:02 PM
Re: FOP Security Breach

Unread postby Guest » 02/07/11 11:17:19
Who cares how they got our information from you guys. Thats irrelevant!!! The Bottom line is that our private information is our own!!!! At no time did Armando or Ortiz informed us that it was going to be available for others to accessibly view.

Oh and i love the part how Armando once again lied to us saying he was going to remain neutral between Regalado and Exposito! Not that i care but enough with this Exposito War! Retire Already!

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 03:04 PM
Re: F.O.P. Prez Armando is doing his best

Unread postby GIVE IT UP » 02/07/11 13:23:31

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 03:05 PM
Re: F.O.P. Prez Armando is doing his best

Unread postby yeah rght » 02/07/11 18:59:37
SAYS WHO....................I stand in favor of Chief Exposito, who has backed up his Officers in the recent justified shootings......Armando is looking after his well being only he is not looking after the Officers well being anymore.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 03:11 PM
Re: F.O.P. Prez Armando is doing his best

Unread postby Guest » 02/08/11 18:34:47
it is hard to find that armando has done for the members. the disguting show of his two faces is very aparant when he is seen at the dept and then the media. wtf is that all about? since when does he have to play the politician? it was a joke to see him say that the chief should leave, then we are all scratching our heads as to our benefits doing a disappearing act. i keep hearing that if we want to know what is going on then to attend th meetings. but i say is when an important issue is at stake the union should make themselves available to come to roll calls to address issues from its members. i know that there are multiple members on the exec board but since the elections not one person has come to any roll call to say squat. this fop is a joke, and i wont be a bit surprised that more members jump ship.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 03:15 PM
No more questionable elections

Unread postby Guest91 » 02/07/11 18:46:23
We need to attend the next FOP Meeting and Telk Armando that all elections need to be handled by a third party. No more in house personnel collecting votes.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 03:26 PM
Re: The truth about truthfortroops geek

Unread postby Guest » 02/24/11 23:26:38
Hey Armando one day your are going to pay for all the wrong you have done. Every time I see more and more new rookies attending the meetings and guess what one day they are going to turn against you and your board.

Mod 100
04-29-2012, 03:29 PM
Re: Our FOP President Makes it Clear

Unread postby JUNERS » 02/25/11 01:09:26
I am glad that Armando at least made his feelings known that he doesn't care for the troops and is trying to work out a deal for himself and his family at the expense of the rank and file. Personally I think we should impeach him for he is a rue Judas.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 04:43 PM
Re: Our FOP President Makes it Clear

Postby Money 101 » 03/01/11 01:53:54
I believe back in the 80's we had a FOP president impeached for doing the same thing Armando has been doing.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 04:45 PM
Re: Leadership: Ortiz & Armando more pay cuts coming

Unread postby Carlos » 03/05/11 01:23:01
I used to work with Armando,. That guy is a snake.Now as for Javi, he's just a follower.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 04:45 PM
Re: Leadership: Ortiz & Armando more pay cuts coming

Unread postby Guest » 03/05/11 01:57:35
Javi is a big time follower and Armando is always to busy running for state president. Armando first you got to worry about us before you start taking more responsibilities.


Mod 100
05-02-2012, 04:49 PM

Unread postby Guest » 03/07/11 03:24:52
It is a suggestion echoed by Armando Aguilar, President of Miami's Fraternal Order of Police. On Tuesday he said, "I think for the betterment of the department, it might be the right thing to do," he said.

Funny Armando same thing we are thinking of you and the board........

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 04:52 PM
Re: Did you guys Read the Al Crespo Gram Report!

Unread postby Guest » 03/11/11 14:15:11
Thanks god the city has a hiring freeze! So please tell me again why did they freeze our longevity pay? Armando / Javi please resign.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 04:54 PM

Unread postby kdka610 » 03/16/11 12:33:05
When was the last time our distinguished President of the FOP Sgt Armando Aguillar addressed the troops in email or in person at roll call? I understand we have monthly meetings, but many have to work and can not attend. Why is it that the V Pres does ALL the communicating? Lack of communication is ALWAYS a sure sign of problems. With all due respect Mr President many of us feel a disconnect because of your lack of communication.
Have you lost interest? Do not become offended, it's just business. We need to hear more from you and less from your subordinates.

Otherwise perhaps you should resign.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 04:55 PM
Is the Union negotiating in "GOOD FAITH"

Unread postby two Hour till sleepy time » 03/17/11 05:46:29
Is the union really negotiating on what us as a collective bargaining group are asking for. Sources say "NO". They are looking into more consessions and paycuts in hopes they mayor will in turn return them after the financial crisis.

remember folks once you give to the city your never getting it back

Thank you
Armando & Ortiz for deceiving some of our members when asked about the books.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 04:56 PM
Re: Is the Union negotiating in "GOOD FAITH"

Unread postby kdka610 » 03/17/11 12:06:17
I don't think there is anything funny about Kerr. I don't find him to be a joke. I think he is much more credible than someone like Ofc. Lugo. Who is this Lugo guy except Sgt Ortiz personal friend.
Many have become tired of the FOP leadership and their deafening silence. The Prersident is all but lost in space. Houston we have a problem. Where have you gone Armando? Has anyone seen him?

I and many others would vote for Lt Kerr for FOP President. You don't believe it? Then you have lost touch with the street soldiers.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:10 PM
Re: More Insubordination by the Chief!

Unread postby Guest » 03/26/11 15:24:39
Armando must have started this thread, because in today's Nuevo Herald he is quoted by Bernadete Pardo as slamming the chief for being insubordinate.

It's almost that time when we have to start considering the recall of the union president.

The chief defends us more than Armando does.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:13 PM
Chief Expo has our support

Unread postby Soldier » 03/30/11 20:26:39
I think it's time we stop playing games and get behind our Chief.
F.O.P.,WTF? The union has to stop playing to this old man who has lost it and support our Chief!
This is the first time in many years that we have a Chief who supports the troops,yes,even the cops involved in shootings and nothing but silence from the FOP.......Crikets.....!!!

Chief,we support you all the way and you know it. Our union has stabbed us in the back!
Keep fighting the good fight that we have your back. Armando,Javi,etc,shame on you guys.


Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:14 PM
Re: FOP ???? Our Lawsuits Pending

Unread postby Guest » 04/28/11 21:55:10
Armando doesn't care about our lawsuit. His number one concern is running for state president so he could make money.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:31 PM
Re: City Faces $40Mil Shortfall in 2012

Unread postby Guest » 06/16/11 15:39:54
Armando, I can't believe that after 2 years of kissing Mayor Regalado's butt supposedly so we would not get shafted, you first allowed the administration to lower our salaries and benefits, and now you let the mayor bring in Jose Garcia-Pedrosa as Tony Crap's replacement.

You and the rest of your cronies in the FOP cannot be trusted. I expect to get taken again in October.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:34 PM
Re: Now its -$54 Million!

Unread postby Guest » 06/25/11 08:46:15
and where is the fop? where is javi and armando raising a storm about this? why isnt there any word about what the unions are doing to remedy this and prevent more cuts and possible layoffs? where are those that need to voice thier concerns for the members? where? where?


Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:35 PM
Re: Now its -$54 Million!

Unread postby Guest93 » 06/25/11 09:06:12
The City will lose another 10 million as all the senior guys start checking out this year. If the Chief cashes out he will break the bank even more. God help us. Armando needs to push for a 10 drop so no one will cash out there chips and increase the debt by other 10 millions and the City starts lay off cops. If not, watch your pay check take 3rd hit.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:37 PM
Re: Al Crespo breaking story Mayors special position for ?

Unread postby Guest » 06/25/11 11:33:12

Why doesnt the Herald write a story on these positions created for friends and family after a hiring freeze?

Better yet why doesn't the FOP due or say anything about that. We took pay cuts for Christ!!!!! Ortiz and Armando are bunch of crooks!

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:39 PM

Unread postby Guest » 06/25/11 12:21:27
To View the list of names and salary go to the Al Crespo Gram Report and click under, " Crespo-Gram Documents on-line archive "

Remember Martin Garcia the armed janitor who was hired by the fire dept. for $80,000 after he retired last Sept.
Commissioners aid making over $100,000
Madelin Pacheco Regalados girlfriend $67,000
Larry Springs $61,824 severance payment
etc etc etc

We have $54 million shortfall for next years budget. No raises and a threat of more paycuts.

Why doesn't the FOP do or say anything about this?
We took pay cuts for Christ!!!!!
We and our families are paying the price for this.

Where is our union representation?
Where is the War and protest?

The only thing I've seen the FOP ( Armando and Ortiz ) is donate our money to Regalado and his daughter.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 05:41 PM
Dear Ortiz & Armando

Unread postby Guest » 06/28/11 13:00:43
Dear Ortiz & Armando
The troops can't afford another paycut or layoffs. We are being worked double for less and more are retiring placing extra burdens on our guys in patrol. We've lost to much so far and with the recent downgrade to our bonds we will be losing even more in the future.


This post will be continually updated with what our union is failing to do and address.


- Our union is still taking trips with our money
- Claims we are at WAR with the city yet has stopped it's efforts before starting
- Failed to Notify us members ahead of time of impending future cuts and layoffs.
- Failed to fight at commission meetings to prevent wasteful, unjust, and even corrupt spending habits by city officials. (This effects us too)
- Has failed to challenge the Mayor in any ways similar to the way the challenged Diaz.
- NO boycotts of city
- Failed to address election procedures
- Centralized roll calls or even coming to visit members at roll calls
- No challenges to over 300+ new hires by mayor while in a freeze.

I could list several other things to bring up but for now I'll let this be discussed. Our union has Failed us and continually does each and every day. We need accountability and when future cuts come our way I want a few heads to roll.

As i said the clock is ticking

Please add more to the list we need to put pressure on our union.



Mod 100
05-02-2012, 06:30 PM
Cancel BOLO for FOP (Javi & Armando)

Unread postby larrye » 07/06/11 17:58:27
Armando and Javi have finally come out of hiding. They have been nowhere to be found as of late especially since their guy, "the IMBECILE mayor" has been getting his butt kicked all over the media. This is the mayor that illegally opened up our contract and took money out of our pockets. Yesterday Armando came out of hiding to announce to the media that it was his opinion that the chief has to leave at the end of his drop. Today both these traitors pushed out an e mail detailing a meeting they had with the manager, the chief and Asst. Chief Blom. They say they want to kick cops out of TOS and some other places and put them in Patrol since the department is spending too much on overtime. Since when is that an issue. Just recently there were e mails showing how the mayor let Univision and Lincoln Marti Schools off the hook for the police overtime accumulated for work performed at the 3 kings parade, Jose Marti parade and the MLK Parade. Although the mayors pals were presented with invoices he said they could have it for free. That's real nice however this is over $200K which has been charged to the police overtime budget. The FOP should have been up in Arms but they kept silent on the issue as they are in bed with that imbecile thief of a mayor and did not want to upset hem. All of a sudden today they are concerned about the chief spending overtime in patrol. These two clowns need to crawl back in their holes. Armando will do anything to get a staff position and Javi is the ultimate FOLLOWER.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 06:32 PM
Re: Cancel BOLO for FOP (Javi & Armando)

Postby Guest » 07/06/11 22:04:27
That's real nice Javi and Armando. You bozos can't run a tab at the bar at the FOP, but you're going to tell the chief how to run a police departnent. Rather than giving advice to the chief, why don't you grow some and tell the city administration that they can save money by charging all these for-profit companies for in-kind (free) cops on overtime for parades and other events.

It turns out that these companies that get free services from the city are making money by charging other sponsors to participate. You don't hear a peep from Armando and Javi. You guys have no credibility.

One other question. The budget started in October, and now you're concerned about the budget?

Do you think we're stupid?

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 06:33 PM
Re: Cancel BOLO for FOP (Javi & Armando)

Unread postby Vic » 07/06/11 19:08:02
Javi and Armando turned out to be real traitors.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 06:49 PM
Re: International Union of Police Associations

Unread postby Guest » 07/07/11 12:01:05
My understanding is that union is in bed with our Mayor. Witin the last couple of year we have only been screwed with all contact negotiations. Brother & sister I think is time to stand up for whats right and stop ignoring the promises and lies from (Javi & Armando). At the end of the day its us Rookies who are going to pay with our jobs. Don't let history repeat itself and be handed pink slips. The truth of the matter is the same tactics the were used on us in our last contract and will probably be used on us come September 2011. Don't let our union foul you, the signs are there and the begining to our faith is near. I can guarantee you, no one is going to want a second paycut espeacially (the veterans) during these economic times. We as rookies are the future of the departments so lets stand up and fight along with our veterans brothers for whats right !

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 06:51 PM
Re: New Lackey hired by Mayor.

Unread postby Guest » 07/07/11 14:29:46
Just remember, at the end of the day Armando and Javi have a stronger bond with the Mayor than the one they have with the rank and file.

Promotions are important to these two bozos.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 06:53 PM

Unread postby Guest » 07/08/11 12:06:30
Sir, how can we effectively remove Armando aguilar from the fop and send his a$$ back to patrol, you know since they are short and everything.


Mod 100
05-02-2012, 06:54 PM

Unread postby Patrol guy » 07/08/11 12:51:44
I have seen him in Patrol. We don't need the likes of him on the street. Please keep him away from Patrol.If you value the safety and well being of your fellow officers you'll want him away from the working troops.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 06:55 PM
Recall FOP staff now

Unread postby miembro » 07/10/11 08:37:30
We keep fighting the Mayor here but not where it counts,our union! Let's stop playing games with our future and recall Armando and his staff. So what is the first step we have to take to get these guys out? Oh and don't tell me to attend meetings because I work B-shift in the North,just how can we get the ball rolling?
This is by far,the worse FOP administration in my short history here! Armando was not this bad a few years ago or did he pull the wool over our eyes?

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 07:04 PM
Re: City Hell Commences it's Wrath

Unread postby Vancer » 07/12/11 19:16:12
Armando, Javi and the FOP board have turned into lap dogs for the mayor.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 07:08 PM
Vote "NO" for any contract

Unread postby Observer1 » 07/18/11 23:34:01
Any contract FOP proposes vote "NO"

We are in the middle of litigation regarding the "imposed contract" why on earth would we voluntarily sign a contract that reflects the same agreement as the "imposed contract", plus it will also have further cuts in it. It might be just me but i say F it impose another contract on us and fight the City's absurd and unnecessary spending.

WHERE IS OUR WAR!!!! geez we might as well higher the security guards union they even are protesting. I refuse to take any cuts or make changes to our salary, work days, holiday pay, pension, ect. The fop is obviously is in bed with the mayor and doesn't show any fight.

Armando & Ortiz start speaking out against the mayor and stop having lunch with him and his cronies. You've sold us out the least you can do is either pull a 180 or admit your connection with him. Maybe it's time to dump some union board dirt and photos to mr. Crespo. You know what i'm talking about and it will ruin "you".

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 07:11 PM
Re: What did we accomplish today?

Unread postby TOS Guy » 07/21/11 23:13:51

Both you and that a hole Armando are pieces of crap. W e finally have a chief and stafF that support us but you don't like him because he won't promote you to a staff position. I can't wait to kick your arse for backstabbing the rank and file. AND AFTER I kick your arses I will personally take your badges from you and turn them in to property. You are both traitors to law enforcement.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 07:12 PM
Connect the DOTS

Unread postby Tad » 07/22/11 17:13:29
It doesn't matter how many meetings you go to. Javi and Armando have a hidden agenda with the mayor and it doesn't include the rank and file.Wake up and smell the coffee. Your own Pres and VP are only looking out for themselves. Recall these clowns while you still have time.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 07:14 PM
Re: Connect the DOTS

Unread postby Roner » 07/23/11 08:43:24
Most of the Board of the FOP are there because they're screw up and need a life line for all the trouble they get into. Armando (Mercado cop), Javi (bad arrests, especially on the blacks), Cassanova (nuff said). What a bunch of losers.

Mod 100
05-02-2012, 07:16 PM
To Think the Unthinkable

Unread postby guest9 » 07/24/11 10:51:07
As all of us in the Miami Police Department wait to face the October 1, 2011 category 5 hurricane paycuts, we may all need to think the unthinkable. With an impotent FOP leadership entering a "top secret" negotiation with the city like last year, we need to brace ourselves for the unthinkable. Last year under the incompetent leadership of Armando and Javi, the FOP failed us as the city's "urgency" measure raped us with an historic paycut. This year what will it be as the FOP leadership is run over by a bulldozer. Another "urgency" rape or will it be a "furlough" rape for 2012. And guess what? 2013 and 2014 will be worse. Under the leadership of an idiot mayor and a brain dead group of commissioners, Miami unemployment will skyrocket to 20% as property devaluation continues to bleed city finances. We need to think the unthinkable. Maybe Miami Police need to join the Miani-Dade Police. Sounds insane? Yes it does. But no more insane than a police officer making $60,000 in 2010 and then making $38,000 in 2013 while trying to pay for mortgage, rent and feed their children.

Mod 100
05-04-2012, 06:01 AM
Re: To Think the Unthinkable

Postby guest9 » 07/24/11 12:41:15
You are right. No 1% with the County. FRS would be a total nightmare for us....We would get raped going to the County as we are now tolerating FOP carnage, raped by Armando, who is only thinking of State FOP presidency, reckless loose-cannon Javi, hitman thug Frank and pathetic Lugo.......


Mod 100
05-04-2012, 06:06 AM

Unread postby Guest » 08/01/11 15:47:45
Good riddance!!!!
This guy is a joke, he is an embarassment to all cops. It's just a shame Armando doesn't leave the board as well.

Mod 100
05-04-2012, 06:09 AM
Re: Regalados Recall

Unread postby Guest » 08/04/11 13:57:14

Mod 100
05-04-2012, 06:10 AM
Recall FOP board,not Mayor

Unread postby Impeach » 08/03/11 13:03:35
Who are the FOP fooling?
The recall is just a way of off setting our demands to oust the FOP board silly. There is no chance in hell that we could oust our foolish Mayor but we can oust our M.F. FOP board!

Let's work at what we can do and what really matters to us after a year and a half of being screwed,IMPEACH FOP

Btw,Javi and company,There is nothing that you can do now to change the harm you guys have brought upon this department!
Your combined hatred of our Chief and his staff has caused us damage that right now,is beyond repair or understanding so do us a favor and stop the nonsense.
We already look like idiots thanks to you!

Mod 100
05-04-2012, 06:12 AM
Re: Recall FOP board,not Mayor

Unread postby guest9 » 08/04/11 14:40:04
Please, please stop these childish remarks...In the subject of these posts, please put aside children behavior, and talk as adults....

All of us are facing a financial category 5 hurricane with a Criminal Mayor out for blood after the gangster FOP Board turned on him a few days ago....A recall of the Criminal Mayor is unadvisale as a FOP lead recall will not have the finances, the time nor the experienced leaders that led to the recall of the Miami-Dade mayor....

On August 24 FOP meeting all of us must stand together or be incinerated by the Criminal Mayor. At that historic meeting we must turn our attention to the impeachment of the FOP Board gangsters led by Godfather Armando and reckless out of control immature Javi and bring new leadership whomever that may be and bring sanity and order to our future....

The insanity must stop....on August 24, the FOP membership must impeach the FOP Board and bring hope to the mother of all crisis MPD has ever faced in the 100 years of its existence.

Mod 100
05-04-2012, 06:13 AM
FOP Recall

Unread postby Guest » 08/04/11 18:14:07
Gary Nelson and the Channel Four News just made Armando and the police look like a bunch of fools with this recall. Regaturdo and Sarnoff are not worried and neither is billionaire Norman Braman,m who came out supporting Regaturdo. I am ashamed to be a member of the Miami FOP!


Mod 100
05-04-2012, 06:15 AM
Re: FOP Major Recall is a waist of time!

Postby Guest » 08/06/11 11:12:33
You should put Armando picture for the worst union president.

Mod 100
05-06-2012, 05:50 PM
So Now What Armando???

Unread postby Armando & Javi Dopes » 08/09/11 18:06:10
So now what are you doped going to do with this recall crap? Nothing is the answer!

Mod 100
05-06-2012, 05:52 PM
Re: Regalado says cops make 100k a year average

Unread postby Guest » 08/10/11 14:10:13

Where are the flyers?? where are the banners ??? Where is the union??? Javi armando let your personal agendas go for a while focus on your job, what you take our dues for..........