View Full Version : Robert Daniels

04-07-2012, 11:58 PM
Your Department dodged the bullet (more accurately, “A Bomb”) when you didn’t hire this IDIOT. I’ve contacted some residents in North Bay Village and they are beside themselves for hiring him as the Chief of Police.
Below is an excerpt of some of things the residents are not aware of. Behind the scenes, in the police department but not known to the City Commissioners and City Manager are all of the lawsuits facing the City in the next couple months. I’ve been informed of four major lawsuits that are going to be filed against the actions of the Police Chief. The City Commissioners were not very diligent in vetting him. In the last three jobs he’s shown a total lack of integrity and leaves before the bill on his actions come due. As you can see, he is trying to leave his current police department after destroying morale, running up huge legal bills and falsely terminating and harassing many officers.
At least your commissioners seem to have done an accurate job in assessing his bad behavior and inabilities to be an honest leader, much less a Police Chief.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Ides of March

Sometimes, you just have to shake your head. In my last posting, I put up my letter of resignation from the Budget Oversight Board. The commission in its wisdom decided that the problem was not that the budget meetings happened during the workday when most residents can't attend, but that members should be people who are not busy at that time. Kind of narrows the pool.

Other things happened at the meeting. There is a proposal to take out the oak trees on Treasure Island at some cost to the city. I think it would be much better to fix the problem. The trees should be beautiful.

The city planner resigned. Word has it that the resignation was not amicable. There is a great deal of lingering bitterness over the cavalier way he treated the strip club application, never reviewing or applying the conditions specified in the city ordinance, and apparently there were many complaints that business permits were handled randomly.

We need serious zoning and coding revision. Many of our problems stem from poor zoning and I hope this will be an opportunity for a top to bottom review of the whole city plan.

Speaking of strip clubs, apparently the plans were resubmitted and rejected as incomplete. Word on the street has it that Scott Greenwald is very angry at the commission he bought and paid for. Who could have known that these people were unreliable? Just kidding, we all knew.

Dr. Vogel continues to be absent and Mrs. Vogel is still ducking the bill collectors who would like her to pay back the seven years of personal phone service paid for by the city.

The police department lost a court case and now has to reinstate a wrongly fired officer at great cost to the city. They are poised to lose another. And Tuesday, they took another $100,000 out of the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to pay for routine overtime. It's a lucky thing there are no community policing programs in place, Crime Watch, Outreach to the Elderly, PAL, or they might have to be cut. I wonder if an individual department can declare bankruptcy or if the whole city will have to? I'll check that out.

The meeting droned on until about 12:40 AM. Eddie Lim, now the only elected commissioner, was visibly impatient and Connie Lim-Kreps, lawsuit winner, got terribly confused over which items on the agenda were being covered.

We really need to do something different in November.

Kevin Vericker
March 15, 2012

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Friday, March 16, 2012

The Police Department and the Budget
What does the budget tell us our priorities are?

The biggest single discretionary expense has been the ongoing arbitration and court battles with two officers. In one case, the results are in and we are now on the hook for wrongful termination with a yet to be determined amount of money to reinstate the officer. It will probably be a hit well over $200,000 for back pay and benefits, plus the legal bills for an additonal $200,000.

In another case, there is an ongoing legal battle over what seems to be a union battle. Former CFD president and current appointed commissioner Richard Chervony was subpoenaed on Friday in the case over his involvement. Apparently he instigated the complaint over a Facebook posting two years ago where the officer posted that he believed North Bay Village needed "new blood" on the commission. This one too has all the earmarks of a losing case.

The police chief was brought in to resolve the conflicts in the police department but he hasn't succeeded. If anything they are worse. And we're footing the bill. Reduced or nonexistent services and unnecessary lawsuits of over $500,000 while the city is going broke.

The cherry on the sundae is that mismanaging the police takes so much effort, that there is now a posting for an "Assistant Chief" to help in it. Where does it stop?

Kevin Vericker
March 18, 2012

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Monday, March 19, 2012

NBV Police Chief Applies to Port St. Lucie

Police chief Bob Daniels applied for the job as Chief of Police in Port St. Lucie. The article is in the Treasure Coast Palm. Check the list of applicants at the bottom and there he is:

Robert Daniels: Chief of Police city of North Bay Village Police Department, 7/2010 — present

Kevin Vericker
March 19, 2012
Posted by North Bay Village Reality Base at 7:19 AM
Labels: Police Chief

06-02-2012, 10:35 PM
If they get the guy from NYPD Jerry ******** the will really have a great time in the department. But, the guys over qualified and I never know ???

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr3sC_xb ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr3sC_xbYMI&feature=related) My Tip

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgm3urP ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgm3urPwLQ&feature=related) Sheriff

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NtmEUSXJTM Commercial