View Full Version : Petition to have union removed?

03-28-2012, 10:44 PM
What female sergeant, assigned to a special task force, is obtaining signatures from sergeants to have the union cancelled by Perc? I may not be using the right words but she's calling and meeting with sergeants and convincing them to sign her form. From what I hear, she has quite a few signatures. Interesting, huh? I'm willing to bet she's not even a dues paying union member, either. She's doing it to gain favor in the eyes of the Command Staff. She could care less about the union. Can you guess her name?

03-28-2012, 11:01 PM
I hear there are more signatures than the Union is hoping for. I'd sign. Where is it at?

03-29-2012, 01:51 AM
If the union leaves, it would be the death of LCSO and the agency would go back to year 1978. The union is the best thing that happened to LCSO. It will bring the agency into the new age of policing where cops will be paid like cops!

You have the have a check-and-balance system that looks out for the deputies, otherwise the Sheriff can do whatever he pleases.

03-29-2012, 01:54 AM
If the union leaves, it would be the death of LCSO and the agency would go back to year 1978. The union is the best thing that happened to LCSO. It will bring the agency into the new age of policing where cops will be paid like cops!

You have the have a check-and-balance system that looks out for the deputies, otherwise the Sheriff can do whatever he pleases.
You must have a check-and-balance system

03-29-2012, 03:01 AM
Go ahead and you will continue to get what you get, not having anyone looking out for you. The one thing I observed from the Sheriffs email was he didn't adress the lowest paid statement thats because It's true. Did you no Lee County ,not LCSO, does a comparative study with all job assignments making sure the pay is competive to retain employees. That's why there are so many leaving. Ask a union elected officer they will show you documents sent to John Albion showing were the lowest paid. That was dated 2008, in case you were wondering has your pay changed. Sign a petition no thanks, try selling that Mike Scott bs some where else.

03-29-2012, 07:53 AM
I try not to be a grammar Nazi. I'm not immune to the occasional typo mysellf, but how do you graduate high school and make it through FTO without KNOWing the difference between NO and KNOW? Before you hit submit, ask yourself if Mike will use your post to justify low wages with the impression that we are all illiterate apes.

03-29-2012, 09:38 AM
I hear there are more signatures than the Union is hoping for. I'd sign. Where is it at?

And what is your name? You go and tell the deputies on food stamps out there that you want to take away their only hope for a fair wage.

03-29-2012, 10:14 AM
I hear there are more signatures than the Union is hoping for. I'd sign. Where is it at?

I heard there were over 25. She may also have help from a Narc sergeant.

03-29-2012, 11:41 AM
What female sergeant, assigned to a special task force, is obtaining signatures from sergeants to have the union cancelled by Perc? I may not be using the right words but she's calling and meeting with sergeants and convincing them to sign her form. From what I hear, she has quite a few signatures. Interesting, huh? I'm willing to bet she's not even a dues paying union member, either. She's doing it to gain favor in the eyes of the Command Staff. She could care less about the union. Can you guess her name?

During world war II members of the Hitler Youth Corps (junior nazis) were encouraged to inform on members of their community that acted or spoke out against the regime, this often included their neighbors, friends, family and even their parents. They did this to gain favor with Hitler and his commanders. In return they got to wear uniforms and were given special favors and privileges. "If we fail to learn from our history we are doomed to repeat it."

03-29-2012, 11:48 AM
There are only 80 sgts which means you only need 24 to take it to a vote. That's 30% same amout it took to take it to a vote. It amazes me how uniformed people are. Vote the Union out how about after we get a new sheriff. Sorry that the Union is holding administration accountable to those silly things we call Laws, just remember those silly Laws protect you and me from bullies like M.S. The guy I hung signs for, this is not the same person from 2004 period.

03-29-2012, 11:52 AM
I hope this Sergeant knows what she's doing. She already has the most ridiculous SGT job in the state! This just seems like a desperate attempt by MS to oust the union. And she doesn't need the union because she gets overtime, perminate details, creates her own details all through her position

Question: to oust the union do the signatures have to be union members?

03-29-2012, 12:40 PM
[quote="Sgt. Oh Ya":egoqrofd]I hear there are more signatures than the Union is hoping for. I'd sign. Where is it at?

And what is your name? You go and tell the deputies on food stamps out there that you want to take away their only hope for a fair wage.[/quote:egoqrofd]

Explain to me how the Sergeant's Union affects the deputies? Don't they have their own Union.

03-29-2012, 05:17 PM
It will not affect the deputies but it makes the group stronger as a whole. As for DD I hear her and robin can see how many they can stab in the back to get that 5%. DD just keep running around in those two size to small pants looking so busy telling all how you should be Lt. at all those off duty details. But hey no problem the bankruptcy should be ok with $10,000 in details :devil: s.

03-29-2012, 06:30 PM
The story behind attempts to oust the union is that MS doesn't want any unions, no news on that front, he wants to say that the union was ousted because he is so good to the sergeants and they know it. The other part is that when the union refuses to support MS, he can say it was because they were ousted.

03-29-2012, 06:53 PM
[quote="Ramblin MAn":3clt81v7][quote="Sgt. Oh Ya":3clt81v7]I hear there are more signatures than the Union is hoping for. I'd sign. Where is it at?

And what is your name? You go and tell the deputies on food stamps out there that you want to take away their only hope for a fair wage.[/quote:3clt81v7]

Explain to me how the Sergeant's Union affects the deputies? Don't they have their own Union.[/quote:3clt81v7]
We are in this together and we all want better pay and working conditions.

03-29-2012, 10:30 PM
What female sergeant, assigned to a special task force, is obtaining signatures from sergeants to have the union cancelled by Perc? I may not be using the right words but she's calling and meeting with sergeants and convincing them to sign her form. From what I hear, she has quite a few signatures. Interesting, huh? I'm willing to bet she's not even a dues paying union member, either. She's doing it to gain favor in the eyes of the Command Staff. She could care less about the union. Can you guess her name?

I hope that she is not doing this while on duty and/or in uniform, if so this is a direct violation of the Lee County Civil Service Act prohibiting taking part in political activity while on duty and/or while wearing a uniform or any part of a uniform. The Civil Service Board has independant power to investigate this persons actions, they don't even need a complaint from anyone they can investigate it on their own.

03-29-2012, 11:06 PM
Well, well, well... Mr or Mrs "5%4bars"...

HAHA! I love this! A forum for people who have 0 testicles to voice their personal opinions to the world and hide behind a computer screen. Makes me laugh tremendously. And I can understand to have your politcal views, however, to attack some ones personal affairs is a little different and I believe a violation of LCSO's Standard operating procedures if someone were to find out who you are :D

Get your story straight and maybe you shouldn't be so jealous of someone else's success and hardwork. (FYI i think she is lookinnn mighty fine in them sexy pants, maybe we should vote next for hottest female SGT at LCSO, she has my vote hands down!)

In retrospect, I think it would be WONDERFUL for you to advise who you are and speak your opinion to the individual who you have a problem with. And keep karma in mind when you decide to attack someone again, because what you give out you will reap 10 fold! :evil:

03-29-2012, 11:32 PM
If this is true, she needs to be very careful. She can’t get herself in a lot of trouble if she is doing this on duty and in uniform, all there needs to be is a valid complainant and someone to come forward to the union and they will have a field day, not to mention IA.

I have already noticed small changes with the Union as of overtime and details opening up little more. They are taking small steps, which are working; all the problems through the years will not be changed tomorrow. So far good job from what I noticed IUPA. We can only hope that our command staff and Car One will start to work with them and not fight them on everything.

03-29-2012, 11:35 PM
I ment CAN not Cant. Sorry

03-30-2012, 01:59 AM
Once again, the lazy complaining about details. Get off your lazy ass and quit being picky about what and where you work. There were tons of OT hospital details the other day and Stella had to basically beg for coverage. Way to take personal shots at a fellow deputy and their appearance. This agency is a joke anymore because of losers who talk behind each others backs as on this site. Got a problem, bring it to the person and not on a web page like a coward.

03-30-2012, 02:10 AM
Once again, the lazy complaining about details. Get off your lazy ass and quit being picky about what and where you work. There were tons of OT hospital details the other day and Stella had to basically beg for coverage. Way to take personal shots at a fellow deputy and their appearance. This agency is a joke anymore because of losers who talk behind each others backs as on this site. Got a problem, bring it to the person and not on a web page like a coward.

I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name.

Friggin hypocrite.

03-30-2012, 02:26 AM
Once again, the lazy complaining about details. Get off your lazy ass and quit being picky about what and where you work. There were tons of OT hospital details the other day and Stella had to basically beg for coverage. Way to take personal shots at a fellow deputy and their appearance. This agency is a joke anymore because of losers who talk behind each others backs as on this site. Got a problem, bring it to the person and not on a web page like a coward.

I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name.

Friggin hypocrite.

I'd be a hypocrite if I was singling out a specific person. My post was to the general reading public and those who single deputies out behind a computer. I have no problems with anyone, therefore, I need not provide a name. But, if you are so interested I'd gladly make an appointment with you to discuss the issues within our agency.

03-30-2012, 03:41 AM
It will not affect the deputies but it makes the group stronger as a whole. As for DD I hear her and robin can see how many they can stab in the back to get that 5%. DD just keep running around in those two size to small pants looking so busy telling all how you should be Lt. at all those off duty details. But hey no problem the bankruptcy should be ok with $10,000 in details :devil: s.
Uhm ok 1st off get off your computer and be a real cop and 2nd those pants look great on her if you wanna be jelous because your a obese lonely lozer who has to rant on the computer go for it just saying it dosnt make you any Skinner or beautiful in fact it makes you ugly from your hatred for a beautiful sweet hearted woman who honestly cares about the the whole department so go back to the hole you crawled out of and don't worry we all know who you are and yes we all know you have no life :evil:

03-30-2012, 12:31 PM
Once again, the lazy complaining about details. Get off your lazy ass and quit being picky about what and where you work. There were tons of OT hospital details the other day and Stella had to basically beg for coverage. Way to take personal shots at a fellow deputy and their appearance. This agency is a joke anymore because of losers who talk behind each others backs as on this site. Got a problem, bring it to the person and not on a web page like a coward.
So true I like what you said

03-30-2012, 02:15 PM
Once again, the lazy complaining about details. Get off your lazy ass and quit being picky about what and where you work. There were tons of OT hospital details the other day and Stella had to basically beg for coverage. Way to take personal shots at a fellow deputy and their appearance. This agency is a joke anymore because of losers who talk behind each others backs as on this site. Got a problem, bring it to the person and not on a web page like a coward.

I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name.

Friggin hypocrite.

We didn't catch yours either, hypocrite.

03-30-2012, 06:14 PM
Once again, the lazy complaining about details. Get off your lazy ass and quit being picky about what and where you work. There were tons of OT hospital details the other day and Stella had to basically beg for coverage. Way to take personal shots at a fellow deputy and their appearance. This agency is a joke anymore because of losers who talk behind each others backs as on this site. Got a problem, bring it to the person and not on a web page like a coward.

I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name.

Friggin hypocrite.

We didn't catch yours either, hypocrite.

Hahahahahaha, silence is the sweet sound of defeat.

03-30-2012, 08:43 PM
I hope this Sergeant knows what she's doing. She already has the most ridiculous SGT job in the state! This just seems like a desperate attempt by MS to oust the union. And she doesn't need the union because she gets overtime, perminate details, creates her own details all through her position

Question: to oust the union do the signatures have to be union members?

I'm not sure we're talking about the same sergeant. The one I was referring to was married to the recently ousted FMB fire chief (Becker).

03-30-2012, 08:45 PM
It will not affect the deputies but it makes the group stronger as a whole. As for DD I hear her and robin can see how many they can stab in the back to get that 5%. DD just keep running around in those two size to small pants looking so busy telling all how you should be Lt. at all those off duty details. But hey no problem the bankruptcy should be ok with $10,000 in details :devil: s.

Guys...I'm pretty sure Jody isn't a DD. She's at least an XL2.

03-30-2012, 08:46 PM
I hope this Sergeant knows what she's doing. She already has the most ridiculous SGT job in the state! This just seems like a desperate attempt by MS to oust the union. And she doesn't need the union because she gets overtime, perminate details, creates her own details all through her position

Question: to oust the union do the signatures have to be union members?

I don't think you got who the female sergeant is. It's the one whose ex-husband was a FMB fire chief. Her initials now are JP

03-30-2012, 08:49 PM
What female sergeant, assigned to a special task force, is obtaining signatures from sergeants to have the union cancelled by Perc? I may not be using the right words but she's calling and meeting with sergeants and convincing them to sign her form. From what I hear, she has quite a few signatures. Interesting, huh? I'm willing to bet she's not even a dues paying union member, either. She's doing it to gain favor in the eyes of the Command Staff. She could care less about the union. Can you guess her name?

I hope that she is not doing this while on duty and/or in uniform, if so this is a direct violation of the Lee County Civil Service Act prohibiting taking part in political activity while on duty and/or while wearing a uniform or any part of a uniform. The Civil Service Board has independant power to investigate this persons actions, they don't even need a complaint from anyone they can investigate it on their own.

She doesn't wear a uniform. She's in plain clothes and works out with the FBI.

03-30-2012, 08:55 PM
Anyone else remember the emails? "It's not about the money, we just want fair and equal work conditions. It's unfair how the administration just hands people specialty assignments." (Paraphrased)

It's not about money - Apparently it is. If you wanted to have a say in the proposed contract, guess what, better come off some money. That proposed contract, the one not about money, asks for a huge pay increase.

Special assignment handouts - Shortly after the election of 'our' representatives, who was the recipient of an unposted specialty assignment? None other than our union president. If he were legitimately looking out for our best interests, shouldn't he have declined the position and insist that it be posted allowing any with an interest an opportunity?

So, other than make us look like self-interested, greedy *******s and swifty drive a wedge deeper between us than any administrator could hope to, what has the union really done for us? If 'we' weren't being represented by the people with the biggest chips on their shoulders, this might have had a chance of legitimacy.

03-31-2012, 01:07 AM
Anyone else remember the emails? "It's not about the money, we just want fair and equal work conditions. It's unfair how the administration just hands people specialty assignments." (Paraphrased)

It's not about money - Apparently it is. If you wanted to have a say in the proposed contract, guess what, better come off some money. That proposed contract, the one not about money, asks for a huge pay increase.

Special assignment handouts - Shortly after the election of 'our' representatives, who was the recipient of an unposted specialty assignment? None other than our union president. If he were legitimately looking out for our best interests, shouldn't he have declined the position and insist that it be posted allowing any with an interest an opportunity?

So, other than make us look like self-interested, greedy *******s and swifty drive a wedge deeper between us than any administrator could hope to, what has the union really done for us? If 'we' weren't being represented by the people with the biggest chips on their shoulders, this might have had a chance of legitimacy.

Who is going to look out for you when the administration decides you are no longer a "good ol' boy"? As far as the union president, good for him! Best thing about it, if the union president doesn't have support of his troops, a new one will be elected. See, it is all about checks and balances.

03-31-2012, 03:23 AM
One thing we can all agree about is that your best interest may not be the sheriffs best interest remember he's is a politician and quit frankly you can't blame him on certain things. With that said who looks out for your best interest all the time??? Everyone is going to need help someday, even a Sgt who climbs in an attic handing down a mobile meth lab then has it transported to a substation by a rookie deputy, which later forces the substation to be evacuated. Yes he may even be the one who stored a Meth lab in a closet. The same one who may be starting a petition to remove the union. Yes everyone messes up.

03-31-2012, 12:21 PM
I have not seen these cards. Has anyone else had them in their hand? What about PERC? Has anyone checked with them? Is this urban legend?

03-31-2012, 08:21 PM
I heard the petition's was in regards to certain Sgt's not backing TF for sheriff. That in it's self is ridiculous. I think all this is just hype and just not happening. There are two things we can count on for sure. The Sgt's union isn't going anywhere and TF will be the next Sheriff of Lee County. Let's not feed into MS's B/S and keep moving forward. Positive change is coming!!!

04-01-2012, 10:40 PM
I have not seen these cards. Has anyone else had them in their hand? What about PERC? Has anyone checked with them? Is this urban legend?

Go ask Jodie if you can sign one of her petitions - that is..if you can get into the FBI where she works.

04-09-2012, 12:28 AM
So how did the sergeant's meeting go recently? You know, the one to have the union removed? I have to ask, isn't that in violation of the Sunshine Laws? Question - were any of the sergeant's union staff there - the president, v.p., secretary, treasurer?

04-15-2012, 06:29 PM
We the Deputies should follow the Sgt. and Vote out the IUPA.

04-16-2012, 12:03 AM
We the Deputies should follow the Sgt. and Vote out the IUPA.

If we dump IUPA should we go with PBA or FOP?

04-16-2012, 12:49 AM
FOP all the way or form our own Lee County Deputies Guild.

04-17-2012, 01:55 AM

06-08-2012, 10:23 AM

06-11-2012, 11:06 AM

06-12-2012, 08:42 PM
Hope you all get your promotion to Lt. DeDe P, DP, RS, MR, JB, and RM you all are just tools and fools. MS has fooled all of you.

I heard the petition's was in regards to certain Sgt's not backing TF for sheriff. That in it's self is ridiculous. I think all this is just hype and just not happening. There are two things we can count on for sure. The Sgt's union isn't going anywhere and TF will be the next Sheriff of Lee County. Let's not feed into MS's B/S and keep moving forward. Positive change is coming!!!

06-13-2012, 12:24 AM
And when you talk to any of these jokers about it, they all point the finger and say, "It was him, I only supplied the pens". Or some crazy shizznit. When the union stays it's going to be really hard for these punks because the admin won't be happy and neither will the Sgts. Should have thought ahead.

06-13-2012, 02:10 AM
If we don't like what we have, what should we do? Trust are futures to disgruntled employees? We all agree on the same facts, let's hope we will start to see some good changes to the economy. That is truly our only help!!!

06-13-2012, 02:42 AM
I agree there is no money for raises, but there is money for a baseball stadium, a casino, 200 palm trees on 41 and raises for everyone else. I know most of these anti union anti Fisher/Bushong posts are from the admin trying to disrupt us. It won't happen, keep your resume current A holes.

06-13-2012, 06:17 AM
I agree there is no money for raises, but there is money for a baseball stadium, a casino, 200 palm trees on 41 and raises for everyone else. I know most of these anti union anti Fisher/Bushong posts are from the admin trying to disrupt us. It won't happen, keep your resume current A holes.

Bushong's step-plan is almost finished and will be released soon. Lee is just crunching some final #'s so that when baldy tries to challenge him he will get shot down like the bag of rocks that he is. Finally, a truly competitive salary is coming your way. As Lee would say, hang tough and keep the union together and don't let the evil one distract you!