View Full Version : FOP or PBA

03-20-2012, 04:42 AM
Help me decide which way I should vote.
The fOP is controlled by us we vote the candidates in for the whole 12 member board.
The PBA is controlled by the county and we would only have one voting member on the board.
That's a hard one. I think PBA would look after all our needs first make us fall in line with how the county operates. They are right we don't need the 1% and should not waste time and money fighting to keep it. The PBA has better insurance at much better rates and benefits. We should also go along with them and get rid of our pension and join in FRS with them. It would be great to have all of the same benefits as they have. Think of all the money the city could save by us doing just that. So you don't leave with the 1% and you will have to pay more for insurance get less ot for going to court and have to work more years to retire under FRS. I think it's a great Idea to help our brothers in brown and show them all we are the same. All of this independce has made the city broke. We have too many benifets that cost the city too much money. Get rid of the 1%, get rid of our pension, get rid of our health insurance and all our othe benifets.
Think of how great you will feel working all those extra years know that what you gave up would help the city with its bonds and it would allow them to build more stadiums and trolleys. You would also help the citizens with lower taxes and help those politicians get re elected.
Thanks for the help I have made up my mind I am going to join the PBA it is the right thing to do for the city and it's great politicians. Thanks again I am PBA all the way.

03-20-2012, 12:28 PM
I understand your post was an attempt at sarcasm.

Staying with the FOP just because they have been the bargaining unit for many years is insanity.

Insanity is doing the same stupid sh1t over and over expecting a different result.

The FOP is broken and they refuse to fix themselves.

If Armando made half the effort fighting this administration as he did Manny Diaz and Timoney, then it would at least seem like he was doing something.

You have Javi sitting with the Mayor while Exposito was being fired. You have Javi attending the Marlins game with the Mayor. The failed Miami Heat protest where we were expected to protest anywhere but near the Arena. Armando's son becoming Staff. Refusal to even acknowledge the issues with the elections. Refusal to move the meeting locations when there is even a possibility of a large turnout and forcing due paying members to stand throughout a meeting. Frank the Thug allowed to pick fights with the membership. Less than transparent book keeping. You endorsed the Mayor and helped his campaign. You allowed him to promote political cronies whose only accomplishments were driving politicians around.

Nobody expects the PBA to be any better, but it sure can't be any worse.

Instead of focusing on why there is a movement to go to the PBA, the FOP is attacking the PBA and members like Kerr. I ask that the board look at themselves first before casting stones.

If the board cares about keeping the FOP, do something about it.

For starters, Frank, Bill, and Armando resign! You have done enough damage. Let us give Javi a chance to run the Union for awhile. Let somebody like Sergio help him out.

If you refuse to change, then I am afraid the FOP will be replaced.

03-20-2012, 01:19 PM
Yes let's get rid of those gangsters at the Flop. I don't care if I lose more money or benefits at least those *******s would be gone.

03-20-2012, 02:05 PM
I don't think that neither union would be effective and I am offering you guys and gals a real life time opporturnity for change. I am the great great god son of the great Don Corleone . I can assure all of you immediate results. Me and brothers if selected , will set up an emergency meeting with Armando Guiterrez , Luista and the Mayor to get all your benefits back. This should not be a problem since our family has extensive experience in handling these types of complex negotiations and thugs.

Your, Truly
Michael Corleone II

Remember, you need to know how to talk to these people.

03-20-2012, 03:30 PM
Attend a meeting with the PBA and see the professionalism. Look the the blogs for the county and the departments then come back to the city's and you will see who is in a sht hole. The purpose of a union is to unite not use their powers to help friends and family.

03-20-2012, 03:40 PM
Help me decide which way I should vote.
The fOP is controlled by us we vote the candidates in for the whole 12 member board.
The PBA is controlled by the county and we would only have one voting member on the board.
That's a hard one. I think PBA would look after all our needs first make us fall in line with how the county operates. They are right we don't need the 1% and should not waste time and money fighting to keep it. The PBA has better insurance at much better rates and benefits. We should also go along with them and get rid of our pension and join in FRS with them. It would be great to have all of the same benefits as they have. Think of all the money the city could save by us doing just that. So you don't leave with the 1% and you will have to pay more for insurance get less ot for going to court and have to work more years to retire under FRS. I think it's a great Idea to help our brothers in brown and show them all we are the same. All of this independce has made the city broke. We have too many benifets that cost the city too much money. Get rid of the 1%, get rid of our pension, get rid of our health insurance and all our othe benifets.
Think of how great you will feel working all those extra years know that what you gave up would help the city with its bonds and it would allow them to build more stadiums and trolleys. You would also help the citizens with lower taxes and help those politicians get re elected.
Thanks for the help I have made up my mind I am going to join the PBA it is the right thing to do for the city and it's great politicians. Thanks again I am PBA all the way.
did the FOP supply a lawyer for officer lpoez?

03-20-2012, 09:13 PM
Real intelligent statement on your post flopbuster. While I feel exactly as you do, let's use a little common sense and also not screw the entire rank and file in the process. Come up with another solution!!! Like a new board

03-22-2012, 01:01 AM
Yes let's vote for the PBA. I don't need my 1% fund and I want to pay a lot more for health insurance. This place has gone to shitz.

03-22-2012, 01:06 AM
I am a retiree and on a limited budget. If I can't afford to pay for my health insurance because of this dumbass move I will sue the persons responsible for this individually. Mark my word so help me God I will.

03-22-2012, 04:38 AM
I am a retiree and on a limited budget. If I can't afford to pay for my health insurance because of this dumbass move I will sue the persons responsible for this individually. Mark my word so help me God I will.
Good luck you dumbass! Remember you are in a budget. How are you going to retain a lawyer and what is the grounds for your baseless suit. Shut your goddamn mouth or we will take your COLA away.

03-22-2012, 05:14 AM
I am a retiree and on a limited budget. If I can't afford to pay for my health insurance because of this dumbass move I will sue the persons responsible for this individually. Mark my word so help me God I will.
Good luck you dumbass! Remember you are in a budget. How are you going to retain a lawyer and what is the grounds for your baseless suit. Shut your goddamn mouth or we will take your COLA away.

You will be in his shoes one day and I hope you get treated the same way. It's attitudes like yours that are sinking this place. This is supposed to be a brotherhood. In a way I hope the PBA does take over. When you are crying over the loss of the one percent, paying three times as much for health insurance with reduced benifits, and loss of the FIPO pension and getting moved into that crappy FRS with more years added before you can retire I will be standing behind you laughing at your sorry ass and saying I TOLD YOU SO :snicker:
But then it will be too late to put things back the way they were. The city will be laughing at you also because they well now be getting the 1% money and laughing all they to the bank or to the next stadium they will build. BECARFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT. I will be the one standing behind you laughing my ass off at what a dumbass you are. :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: :snicker:

03-22-2012, 05:37 AM
The PBA does not want to take away your benefits stop spreading lies. You will have control over your union in the PBA by having real elections not absentee scams. You will have a say in what happens with the union and the PBA board will have representation VOTED IN BY YOU. For every certain amount of officers in a department you will be represented on the PBA board. Next to the county, we are the second largest department which means you will have several board seats.

Dont listen to gossip and people who want to keep there meal ticket attend a PBA meeting and ask questions

03-22-2012, 06:05 AM
Miami is a major police dept, If you're going to go ditch the FOP to be represented by the PBA why not have your own independent chapter, your own president, board etc. Why allow us to play second fiddle to Dade County and their interests with our own influence diluted by their people and their agendas. Dade PBA's history is pretty clear along these lines....M-DPD union business gets top priority with them, joining them in their union just doesn't seem like a smart move.

03-22-2012, 06:34 AM
One thing is for sure. The attorney has said that the health trust would be dissolved and we would have to return to the pice of crap city insurance and pay more for less. It is a fact that the PBA has never defended the 1% fund in Tallahassee. The city has been trying for years to get those monies. So again I ask why would we give up those benefits to become second fiddle in an organization that does not give a damn about us only because they don't like Armando. So we will all lose hard fought for benifets to gain what I still don't see it. We lose a bunch of stuff to join a outside group that will have control over us. What is the Bennefit there. From the questions I have asked at the other departments that they represent all of the decision bennifit the county all the other departments are lucky to get a bone. I have also found that a large group have left and started their own FOP lodges and are doing much better. So again I want to know what is the Bennefit to me to lose so much for what a pipe dream. This is the most illogical thing I have ever heard my whole life. Give up everything and get nothing in return. This sounds like a plan from the mayors office, they are the only ones stupid enough to make this up.

03-22-2012, 06:43 AM
The PBA does not want to take away your benefits stop spreading lies.

You will have control over your union in the PBA by having real elections not absentee scams. You will have a say in what happens with the union and the PBA board will have representation VOTED IN BY YOU.

For every certain amount of officers in a department you will be represented on the PBA board. Next to the county, we are the second largest department which means you will have several board seats.

We will still be second class citizens in a county run shop. So again I ask why have an outside group dictate terms to us. This is bullshit.

Dont listen to gossip and people who want to keep there meal ticket attend a PBA meeting and ask questions