View Full Version : Unions Don't Work or Do They?

03-10-2012, 03:06 AM

Maybe Mikey would have helped us get back our 3%

03-10-2012, 10:20 PM
People can say whatever they want about unions, if you have ever worked a 40 hour workweek, taken a single paid sick day, taken a single paid vacation, been injured at work and paid, had workers compensation, taken a single paid holiday, then, you can thank your lucky stars for unions, they made it happen for all of us.

03-11-2012, 12:34 AM
Republicans all over the State as well as the Nation would like nothing else than to destroy all unions. Our dear Governor is no different, he wanted to have full control over FRS funds and claimed that he wanted to reduce the State and County contributions towards our retirement, and then attack our contributions, all in the name of saving money, while he gave businesses tax breaks. UNIONS STOOD UP AND WERE HEARD, if there was any doubt in anyones mind that unions were just out for themselves, THINK AGAIN!

03-11-2012, 04:39 AM

Maybe Mikey would have helped us get back our 3%

This was talked about for months before the governor took that 3% away, please correct me if I'm wrong but the only email/ message we got from MS was " be lucky you have a job" MS is the first Sheriff that I can remember that has not gone to tallahassee to get more $$$ for his deputies. MS will not stand against the governor, or county commissioners which is why he give millions back to them every year