View Full Version : Payroll

03-08-2012, 01:34 PM
Why with today computer technologically we do not get a copy of our payroll slips on line nor on paper? We never exactly know what overtime we get paid for during the pay period. City is making thousands on lost overtime when we overlooked unpaid overtime.

Overtime lost
Court Slips
Manpower shortage slips
Special Detail slips
Late Arrest
Special grants

Or just as simple as a payroll clerk over looking a slip costing you lots of money.

03-12-2012, 07:27 PM
That's why you should keep copies of what you submit!

03-13-2012, 05:13 AM
That's why you should keep copies of what you submit!

Ok you keep copys of what you submit and then what? It doesnt reflect on your pay check what date your getting pay for. We dont get copies of what admin turns to payroll which reflects dates overtime earned and number of hours. Sometimes an overtime slip sits on a Sgt, Lt, and Commanders desk for weeks. Not to mention a kick back or lost inter office mail.

03-13-2012, 02:47 PM
I agree its hard to catch every nickle mistake thats done and man there are a lot of mistakes that go on with our payroll system.

03-14-2012, 12:34 AM
That's why you should keep copies of what you submit!

Ok you keep copys of what you submit and then what? It doesnt reflect on your pay check what date your getting pay for. We dont get copies of what admin turns to payroll which reflects dates overtime earned and number of hours. Sometimes an overtime slip sits on a Sgt, Lt, and Commanders desk for weeks. Not to mention a kick back or lost inter office mail.

Why doesn't the union protest these lazy administrative females not doing their job. They are supposed to give you a copy of your time slip they turn in. What gives?

03-14-2012, 11:59 PM
Tomorrow we play the guessing game trying to figure out what we got or didnt get paid for.

03-15-2012, 09:32 AM
I know what I get paid minus 200 bucks as the FOP makes an extra 500 to 800 a month off my back in stipend money while they work other off duties! FOP has you back! Ask frank and javee as they continue to stixk knvess in your back! Aa and aaJr love you too! The whole board are in on it and only because cquazy MOTO got kicked out he says what goes on! Fuxx them all