View Full Version : Teamsters = 256 PO position loss and desk jockeys

03-02-2012, 11:55 PM
Teamsters = 256 PO position loss and desk jockeys :wink:

03-03-2012, 12:58 AM
Yea, but look at all the jobs saved by the Teamsters when the private prison bill failed. Face it Gil, we are all sick of your pba crap. You lost! The people did not want your failed leadership. Now go back into your dark room and pout... :lol:

03-03-2012, 01:02 AM
Yea, but look at all the jobs saved by the Teamsters when the private prison bill failed. Face it Gil, we are all sick of your pba crap. You lost! The people did not want your failed leadership. Now go back into your dark room and pout... :lol:

:lol: It was never a reality in the first place. The Teamsters = with results like this they must be henchmen of Rick Scott or something.

Thanks Teamsters for this great session and only 256 PO position losses and time to get my desk real clean while living in my cubicle now. :cry:

03-03-2012, 01:04 AM
No Gil, you are just a poor loser. Gee, are you having trouble paying that child support to the two ex-wifes now that your pba check is gone? :roll:

03-03-2012, 01:18 AM
No Gil, you are just a poor loser. Gee, are you having trouble paying that child support to the two ex-wifes now that your pba check is gone? :roll:

So that gives you satisfaction Phil even though Officers are being destroyed this session under the Teamsters ?

03-03-2012, 01:28 AM
No, what makes many of us happy is the fact we have a real union and real leadership with the Teamsters! Your name does not have to be Phil to see that many are glad Gil and pba was booted out. You are fixed on one person and this fight is so much more. While you have focused on Phil, your whole union was crushed. You kept pointing the finger at Phil and the rest of us just walked by and voted you out. The only thing Phil did was piss you off to the point that you became fixed with him. Can you say DUH! :roll:

03-03-2012, 01:31 AM

03-03-2012, 01:33 AM
No, what makes many of us happy is the fact we have a real union and real leadership with the Teamsters! Your name does not have to be Phil to see that many are glad Gil and pba was booted out. You are fixed on one person and this fight is so much more. While you have focused on Phil, your whole union was crushed. You kept pointing the finger at Phil and the rest of us just walked by and voted you out. The only thing Phil did was piss you off to the point that you became fixed with him. Can you say DUH! :roll:

You are a joke Phil.

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03-03-2012, 01:36 AM
Keep pointing your finger at this guy! Just look where it has gotten you to this point? You are just a poor loser and you need to face the fact that pba is a thing of the past. That would be a failed past on their part. That is why the people voted them out. And again, your name does not have to be Phil to see this fact. :roll:

03-03-2012, 01:40 AM
Keep pointing your finger at this guy! Just look where it has gotten you to this point? You are just a poor loser and you need to face the fact that pba is a thing of the past. That would be a failed past on their part. That is why the people voted them out. And again, your name does not have to be Phil to see this fact. :roll:

Where its gotten me ? Chained to my desk and 256 PO position cuts. Should I sit around until we get 500 more next year ? Until I can never leave the office again / Till the state erodes almost all officer rights ? The Teamsters are failure period it appears.

03-03-2012, 01:48 AM
You need to seek help. You have lost it. Why would you think one person (Phil) has all this power? Why would you want to focus all your time on one person when our battle is being fought by many people. Why don't use your "fight" for trips to the capital? Why don't you focus on the people who are voting for these changes? You seem to think Phil has all this power? WHY?????

03-03-2012, 01:51 AM
You need to seek help. You have lost it. Why would you think one person (Phil) has all this power? Why would you want to focus all your time on one person when our battle is being fought by many people. Why don't use your "fight" for trips to the capital? Why don't you focus on the people who are voting for these changes? You seem to think Phil has all this power? WHY?????

He helped bring this Trojan Horse here and his name will be associated with it years after the damage that is done probably. Just pointing out his predictions and claims are bogus as usual.

03-03-2012, 01:55 AM
No, you have focused on one person while many have voted. I did not see Phil on the house or Senate floor! These are the people we need to focus on right now. You are fixed on Phil for a reason. I really do not care why! Your focus is not healthy. You may need to seek some help.

03-03-2012, 02:00 AM
No, you have focused on one person while many have voted. I did not see Phil on the house or Senate floor! These are the people we need to focus on right now. You are fixed on Phil for a reason. I really do not care why! Your focus is not healthy. You may need to seek some help.

:roll: You may need help if you don't see what has happened here. The first results are over 1,000 CO position losses in one year and 256 PO position losses in just one year and probation being chained to their desks. The sooner they are ousted the better imo.

03-03-2012, 02:06 AM
Why would you think one person had the power to do this task? You are saying that (Phil) alone booted out pba and brought in the Teamsters! Think about your thought process here. You stand here and blame one?

03-03-2012, 02:08 AM
Why would you think one person had the power to do this task? You are saying that (Phil) alone booted out pba and brought in the Teamsters! Think about your thought process here. You stand here and blame one?

He was saying for years he would get the former union out one way or another and failed in his first attempt with another union after losing running for office in the past union then told everyone all the big talk on the Teamsters getting everyone raises - full pay for GPS and a bunch of other nonsense and instead we just get a ton of officer cuts and a full attack on officer rights and chained to our desk.Guest

03-03-2012, 02:14 AM
So, how many people have said that the world is about to end? Did this person work to get pba replaced? If he did, then it worked. But, he was not the only person who wanted this change. You seem to just focus on him. That is not healthy! There has to be some other reason you focus on him and only him? Once again, why?

03-03-2012, 02:17 AM
So, how many people have said that the world is about to end? Did this person work to get pba replaced? If he did, then it worked. But, he was not the only person who wanted this change. You seem to just focus on him. That is not healthy! There has to be some other reason you focus on him and only him? Once again, why?

Well he constantly attacked PBA on here so maybe the Teamsters will be gone sooner rather than later with their terrible results since they took over.

03-03-2012, 02:22 AM
Let talk the truth here. Can you show me a post where this Phil guy promised the world if the Teamsters became the new union? I have looked all over and have not found a post where "Phil" has made these promises? I could not find it anywhere that he spoke of getting raises, full pay for gps. Where are you getting these facts?

03-03-2012, 02:41 AM
Let talk the truth here. Can you show me a post where this Phil guy promised the world if the Teamsters became the new union? I have looked all over and have not found a post where "Phil" has made these promises? I could not find it anywhere that he spoke of getting raises, full pay for gps. Where are you getting these facts?

:lol: better look a little harder. I guess he didnt non stop bash the past union either.

03-03-2012, 02:51 AM
So when it comes to backing your statements, you post trash. Again, if you are going to bash (cyber bully) someone like Phil, at least have facts to prove your point. When you are asked to back your statements, you come back with nothing but trash. That is real adult of you?

03-03-2012, 02:55 AM
So when it comes to backing your statements, you post trash. Again, if you are going to bash (cyber bully) someone like Phil, at least have facts to prove your point. When you are asked to back your statements, you come back with nothing but trash. That is real adult of you?

No you post trash and accuse someone of just making up things with nothing but - show me this, show me this and the rest. Go get it yourself you have an issue with Phil's mess being pointed out My guess would be because you are with the teamsters and don't like the truth coming out. Well the truth is we are losing over a 1,000 CO positions and over 256 PO positions besides all the other mess happening and this after the teamsters people that Phil pushed on us talked all the big talk of raises and the rest in the parking lots and the rest. The Teamsters are showing they are useless.

03-03-2012, 02:58 AM
Here you go again. Do not change the subject. A statement was made that "Phil" promised raises and full time pay for gps. So, where is this Phil statement? Hey, it may be out there somewhere? But, if not, then stop with the bashing. It is getting old.

03-03-2012, 03:01 AM
Here you go again. Do not change the subject. A statement was made that "Phil" promised raises and full time pay for gps. So, where is this Phil statement? Hey, it may be out there somewhere? But, if not, then stop with the bashing. It is getting old.

:roll: Its on their website and on the tons of pages here. I am not your personal search engine. You are probably from the teamsters it should be easy for you to find. Thats right it was only ok to bash the past union not the Teamsters when we literally are getting torn apart this session.

03-03-2012, 03:04 AM
What a cop-out statement that is bud. You came out with a lie and now you can't prove your point. If it is everywhere, then show us all. Show us the statement that "Phil" promised raises and full time pay for gps? I do not want you to be a do boy! I am just like Sgt Friday, just show me the facts?

03-03-2012, 03:09 AM
What a cop-out statement that is bud. You came out with a lie and now you can't prove your point. If it is everywhere, then show us all. Show us the statement that "Phil" promised raises and full time pay for gps? I do not want you to be a do boy! I am just like Sgt Friday, just show me the facts?

I am not your search engine and the teamsters had their flunkies in the parking lots talking all that mess also besides Phil who was one of their primary pushers. The teamsters are a failure in Florida - sorry.

03-03-2012, 03:15 AM
Again, you were caught in a lie. How sad can you be? We do not know why you have such hate for one person? You have come to this site and trashed, bashed and cyber bullied Phil for years. Since pba has been booted out, you have added more bashing. This lead us to the theory that you must be a pba loser who has not taken the loss very well. Pissst, get on with life. PBA is no more.

03-03-2012, 03:27 AM
Again, you were caught in a lie. How sad can you be? We do not know why you have such hate for one person? You have come to this site and trashed, bashed and cyber bullied Phil for years. Since pba has been booted out, you have added more bashing. This lead us to the theory that you must be a pba loser who has not taken the loss very well. Pissst, get on with life. PBA is no more.

Teamster, you guys are a failure period. Look at your results everone can see - look at what your results are compared to your official proposals = failure of great magnitude. Maybr Phil can help you out again :snicker: