View Full Version : Love strikes in the taxi lane of life

02-25-2012, 05:34 PM
http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/pulp/ ... _story.php (http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/pulp/2012/02/this_american_life_marijuana_love_story.php)

?Last year, Palm Beach County school district police sent rookie officers into schools to pose as students, eventually busting 30 kids, mostly for selling small amounts of drugs. The kids faced expulsion, and most were over 18 and would be charged as adults. There go the hopes and dreams. Thanks, drug war and questionable policing ethics!

The cops' deceptions had some real human fallout -- 25-year-olds posing as high school kids is a dangerous proposition.

Atlanta-based reporter Robbie Brown, working for the public radio show This American Life, found a love story in the chaos.

Yesterday's show featured the theme of "What I did for love," and one of them told the story of a Park Vista Community High School student named Justin, who was a senior on the honor roll with no criminal record.

"And Justin could hardly believe his luck when a very pretty new girl -- everyone had noticed her -- showed up in not just one but two of his classes."

Her fake name was Naomi Rodriguez, says Justin. She said she was from New York. So was he.

"She was Puerto Rican and Dominican, and that caught me even more," says Justin, who began speaking and flirting with her in Spanish.

Eventually, after passively rejecting Justin's invitation to the prom, Naomi begged and pleaded with him to get her some marijuana. When he finally slipped some into her purse, she insisted on giving him cash. Then the crime was complete.

"She would sleep in class, she wouldn't do her homework," he recalls. "I would have to wake her up all the time." He let her copy his homework too.

She spoke with the program as well and said that she didn't remember leading him on about the prom and that she stands behind the police work because kids need to learn a lesson.

Listen to the 13-minute program here.

Stefan Kamph: Twitter | Facebook | Email
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Cannabis, drug bust, drugs, Palm Beach County Schools, This American Life

02-26-2012, 12:32 PM
It never ceases to amaze me, one of our own posting a fabricated article to discredit our agency and jeopardize an officer’s identity. Is this just stupidity or corruption, needs to be investigated.

02-27-2012, 10:47 PM
It never ceases to amaze me, one of our own posting a fabricated article to discredit our agency and jeopardize an officer’s identity. Is this just stupidity or corruption, needs to be investigated. I heard it is being investigated, stupid cop should have looked at the PC sheet for the truth before posting this crap.

02-28-2012, 12:02 AM
So the article is written by a newspaper and the person who posted it on this blog is being investigated? That sounds about right?? Yeah ok!!! We need to focus on other areas of productivity and not targeting eachother....nobody is being investigated, lets be real people and stop with the fear mongering... if it was a TOS violation this blog would remove it.....and even then I saw much worse posted then some person posting what some bafoon author for some newspaper wrote.....

02-28-2012, 11:14 PM
And you call yourself cops, well let me teach you a lesson in investigations. The only people who read the New Times are lonely people looking for escort services. This article was in the back of the paper next to a transgender escort advertisement. The investigation is to identify the cop shopping for love in the New Times; it will be a great Valentines story for next years NPR radio show. And much more factual then this years.