View Full Version : Off duty deputy accused of punching motorist

02-07-2012, 01:52 PM

Few questions.
1. How did the drivers face get swollen?
2. Did the driver previously know the Deputy? Did the Deputy arrest the driver for
something in the past? Is there any reason why this driver would pick this Deputy out
of the blue?
3. Why did the deputy get out of his vehicle?
4. Did the Deputy call the incident in?
5. The driver alleges the Deputy reach into his vehicle and committed a battery. Isn't
that a burglary?
6. How did the driver know this guy was a Deputy? Was he in uniform or had something
on to identify he worked for LCSO?

02-07-2012, 11:14 PM
I do not care if he is innocent because he is guilty. At least that is how it is obviously being played. If no criminal charges will be brought against the Deputy, thank you by the way Fox 4 news for using the word alleged not once in your article, then there will be a civil suit and that is where the bucks are. This scary punk sure knew what to do when he went to the hospital and then took a photo of his brutal injury. I also like how they released the name of the deputy so it can be played out in the social court system.

02-08-2012, 12:18 AM
I do not care if he is innocent because he is guilty. At least that is how it is obviously being played. If no criminal charges will be brought against the Deputy, thank you by the way Fox 4 news for using the word alleged not once in your article, then there will be a civil suit and that is where the bucks are. This scary punk sure knew what to do when he went to the hospital and then took a photo of his brutal injury. I also like how they released the name of the deputy so it can be played out in the social court system.

I know the young man that reported the incident and he is not a punk. He has never been in trouble with law enforcement and he works for Lee County. He was a good teammate and I do not think he would make a false allegation against a Deputy. What reason does he have to make this up? I know this is an allegation and everyone has a right to due process but this should be looked into. Maybe this warrant some anger management counseling or less. If your Deputy lied to CCPD and said this never happen, and it is proven that it did happen, then how can you trust your Deputy to testify in court again?

02-08-2012, 01:15 AM
I do not care if he is innocent because he is guilty. At least that is how it is obviously being played. If no criminal charges will be brought against the Deputy, thank you by the way Fox 4 news for using the word alleged not once in your article, then there will be a civil suit and that is where the bucks are. This scary punk sure knew what to do when he went to the hospital and then took a photo of his brutal injury. I also like how they released the name of the deputy so it can be played out in the social court system.

I know the young man that reported the incident and he is not a punk. He has never been in trouble with law enforcement and he works for Lee County. He was a good teammate and I do not think he would make a false allegation against a Deputy. What reason does he have to make this up? I know this is an allegation and everyone has a right to due process but this should be looked into. Maybe this warrant some anger management counseling or less. If your Deputy lied to CCPD and said this never happen, and it is proven that it did happen, then how can you trust your Deputy to testify in court again?

You sure? This is your boy, right?

Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 06-TR-081427 Closed 1
Feb 7 2007
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 06-CT-506097 8/30/2006 Closed 1
Nov 9 2006
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 09-TR-015075 Closed 1
Mar 5 2009
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 09-TR-019139 Closed 1
Mar 30 2009
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 09-TR-016631 Closed 1
May 5 2009
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 09-TR-019060 Closed 1
May 5 2009
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 10-TR-058611 Closed 1
Sep 22 2010
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 10-TR-036817 Closed 1
Jul 13 2010
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 10-TR-036816 Closed 1
Jul 19 2010
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 11-TR-044488 Closed 1
Sep 13 2011

02-08-2012, 01:20 AM
Oh he's a class act :snicker:

Eddron Thompson
"Man who got some kids i can file for income tax!"
Share · December 28, 2011 at 12:34pm via mobile ·

Eddron Thompson Call me negro. 239-745-0282

Eddron Thompson
Fort myers we need to get together to stop this black on black crime shit! REAL TALK.

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id ... 53&sk=wall (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001432201453&sk=wall)

02-08-2012, 02:23 AM
What swelling. I looked at the photo 20 times, and I dont see it. If its the Deputy I'm thinking about he's not a small guy. If he punched you from an elevated position (standing outside of the car) you would see it. And what a cry baby, "I still have headaches" get over it. I wish every time one of these drains on society caused one of us to get hurt we cold file suit against them. :evil:

02-09-2012, 03:30 AM
It's unfortunate we wont see any bruising in the photo! :lol:

02-09-2012, 01:22 PM

02-09-2012, 08:39 PM
Isnt this a normal claim against LEO? No basis...

02-10-2012, 02:17 AM
When did deputies start getting incentive pay for good evaluations. It's been years since deputies received a cost-of-living increase. Sounds like someone slipped something into this deputy's personnel file but then again, this is the LCSO way under MS reign. Business as usual trying to make deputies look bad in the public eye. :twisted:

02-10-2012, 03:52 AM
Just wondering, along with the mention of loss of incentive pay due to poor performance, does the ccpd usually move misdemeanor cases over to major crimes? if so is that because it is a major crime for the cape or is it because he is a deputy? or is it just more lousy reporting?

02-11-2012, 03:12 AM

Few questions.
1. How did the drivers face get swollen?
2. Did the driver previously know the Deputy? Did the Deputy arrest the driver for
something in the past? Is there any reason why this driver would pick this Deputy out
of the blue?
3. Why did the deputy get out of his vehicle?
4. Did the Deputy call the incident in?
5. The driver alleges the Deputy reach into his vehicle and committed a battery. Isn't
that a burglary?
6. How did the driver know this guy was a Deputy? Was he in uniform or had something
on to identify he worked for LCSO?Not Deputy...Corrections Officer. Big difference. Nuff said.

02-12-2012, 03:49 PM

Few questions.
1. How did the drivers face get swollen?
2. Did the driver previously know the Deputy? Did the Deputy arrest the driver for
something in the past? Is there any reason why this driver would pick this Deputy out
of the blue?
3. Why did the deputy get out of his vehicle?
4. Did the Deputy call the incident in?
5. The driver alleges the Deputy reach into his vehicle and committed a battery. Isn't
that a burglary?
6. How did the driver know this guy was a Deputy? Was he in uniform or had something
on to identify he worked for LCSO?Not Deputy...Corrections Officer. Big difference. Nuff said.

The Newspress should clarify their report and state the guy works in the jail. If its true, MS will send him packing!

02-13-2012, 12:57 AM
Why do you Sh@@ bags keep harping on the fact that he is a corrections officer. Most corrections officers are dual certified and are more then capable of working the road. in fact they are prolly waiting to get on the road. I'm glad to see that most of you so called L.E. guys are still segregating corrections officers. Most, I say most of you are only on the road because you got your luch money stolen from you in high school.

Not to mention, most of the guys on the road at Lee County are former corrections officers and are very good L.E. officers. So, if you drive a car all day and never have worked corrections. Quit passing judgment.

I know many L.E. guys who would have punched someone for much less. Besides, we do not know the events that unfolded that day.Its the P.O.S word against the deputies. I cant believe you guys sh@@ on one of your own. Im not saying that what he may have done was right but damn, dont cast stones if you live in a glass house. :evil:

02-13-2012, 12:42 PM
Why do you Sh@@ bags keep harping on the fact that he is a corrections officer. Most corrections officers are dual certified and are more then capable of working the road. in fact they are prolly waiting to get on the road. I'm glad to see that most of you so called L.E. guys are still segregating corrections officers. Most, I say most of you are only on the road because you got your luch money stolen from you in high school.

Not to mention, most of the guys on the road at Lee County are former corrections officers and are very good L.E. officers. So, if you drive a car all day and never have worked corrections. Quit passing judgment.

I know many L.E. guys who would have punched someone for much less. Besides, we do not know the events that unfolded that day.Its the P.O.S word against the deputies. I cant believe you guys sh@@ on one of your own. Im not saying that what he may have done was right but damn, dont cast stones if you live in a glass house. :evil:

And you think that referring to cops as sh@@ bags will somehow close the divide? Simply brilliant. Exactly why things are how they are. I hope that you are able to find your center before you make it out. Best of luck.

02-14-2012, 03:49 AM
Trypto,I understand what you are saying but you have to understand that we do have sh@@ bags in all facets of this business.I am just a firm believer that one job is no more important then the other. I will "MAN UP" and apologize if i offended you. Maybe my choice of words was a little harsh but come on. It is what it is. Either way! If you are on the road, stay safe!! :snicker:

02-16-2012, 05:44 AM
MS is not like FMPD's leader. MS will fire him in a heartbeat. The CO lied on CCPD police report. The bank across the street had cameras and the stop light might have an active unit. You know how MS is about truthfullness! I hope MS approaches the City of FM about taking over police funtions in the city.

02-16-2012, 12:42 PM
MS is not like FMPD's leader. MS will fire him in a heartbeat. The CO lied on CCPD police report. The bank across the street had cameras and the stop light might have an active unit. You know how MS is about truthfullness! I hope MS approaches the City of FM about taking over police funtions in the city.

"You know how MS is about truthfullness" Yes we all know that it applies to everyone BUT him. As for taking over FMPD, DB may not be the greatest chief they ever had but he is miles ahead of MS in formal education, vocational training and up-throught-the-ranks leadership experience. It is much more difficult to be chosen for your knowledge skills and ability than it is to be elected for your popularity and good-ol-boy connections!!

02-16-2012, 01:16 PM
MS is not like FMPD's leader. MS will fire him in a heartbeat. The CO lied on CCPD police report. The bank across the street had cameras and the stop light might have an active unit. You know how MS is about truthfullness! I hope MS approaches the City of FM about taking over police funtions in the city.

"You know how MS is about truthfullness" Yes we all know that it applies to everyone BUT him. As for taking over FMPD, DB may not be the greatest chief they ever had but he is miles ahead of MS in formal education, vocational training and up-throught-the-ranks leadership experience. It is much more difficult to be chosen for your knowledge skills and ability than it is to be elected for your popularity and good-ol-boy connections!!

Excellent comment insider! I'm not sure how the moral is at LCSO but its really bad at FMPD. Discpline is definately not fair at FMPD. You can beat up handcuffed prisoners, test positive on the urinalysis, and drive a maked patrol car drunk at FMPD and keep your job. Some officers have been terminated at FMPD for less because they were not liked. It seems like MS is fair and consistant when it comes to discipline. I may be wrong but thats just my outside opinion.

DB spent most of his time in narcotics. He was promoted to SGT and I believe he did not spend alot of time as a supervisor on the road. DB was advanced from SGT to CPT which was very suspect at the time. There were several outstanding canadates that applied for the Chiefs position that should have gotten selected before DB. I think the death of their officer helped DB get selected.

I really think Metro-Lee should be explored. I think some different eyes looking at the homicides cases within the city would help. Not a slam towards FMPD detectives but it never hurts to have a different point of view.

02-19-2012, 10:22 PM
I do not care if he is innocent because he is guilty. At least that is how it is obviously being played. If no criminal charges will be brought against the Deputy, thank you by the way Fox 4 news for using the word alleged not once in your article, then there will be a civil suit and that is where the bucks are. This scary punk sure knew what to do when he went to the hospital and then took a photo of his brutal injury. I also like how they released the name of the deputy so it can be played out in the social court system.

I know the young man that reported the incident and he is not a punk. He has never been in trouble with law enforcement and he works for Lee County. He was a good teammate and I do not think he would make a false allegation against a Deputy. What reason does he have to make this up? I know this is an allegation and everyone has a right to due process but this should be looked into. Maybe this warrant some anger management counseling or less. If your Deputy lied to CCPD and said this never happen, and it is proven that it did happen, then how can you trust your Deputy to testify in court again?

You sure? This is your boy, right?

Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 06-TR-081427 Closed 1
Feb 7 2007
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 06-CT-506097 8/30/2006 Closed 1
Nov 9 2006
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 09-TR-015075 Closed 1
Mar 5 2009
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 09-TR-019139 Closed 1
Mar 30 2009
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 09-TR-016631 Closed 1
May 5 2009
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 09-TR-019060 Closed 1
May 5 2009
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 10-TR-058611 Closed 1
Sep 22 2010
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 10-TR-036817 Closed 1
Jul 13 2010
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 10-TR-036816 Closed 1
Jul 19 2010
Thompson, Eddron D 7/13/1989 11-TR-044488 Closed 1
Sep 13 2011

Dude are you serious? This is his "history" Fail to carry regis/ins, seatbelt, come on get real.

03-11-2012, 09:52 PM
Why did the Deputy get out of his car?
Why did the other guy chase the deputy after the incident?
I personally know the deputy.
If you have EVER met him , then this story is believable.
Every agency has bad apples. Its time to kick them from the tree.