View Full Version : Think About This???

02-01-2012, 02:02 AM
Say goodbye to car 2 &3 say hello to the new car 2 (TG) and the new car 3 (RC) Bye Bye Gill. More Shoap coming!!! Way to bring them back Mike.

02-01-2012, 03:00 AM
That's what $ 500.00 buys--- also a photo of you with the sheriff posted on facebook. :D

02-01-2012, 07:01 AM
Who's next George Mitar? Mike will never suprise most of us with what he implements. He just doesn't care in the least for any of us. When was your last raise? Why do you work in constant fear of being demoted, fired simply for any reason what soever? Pretty sad.

02-01-2012, 06:32 PM
Here is the best in the Crystal Palace of Mickey, there is a mole among the group, luv to know which one of them it is!

02-01-2012, 10:36 PM
Well lets see no raises from Mike for years. We now contibute more money (loss of 3% of pay) for retirement. We have not even got a cost of living raise so we haven't even kept up with the rate of inflation. But yes Mike expects you to contribute to his campain to show your loyalty for all the wonderful things he has done for you. WTF...

02-02-2012, 01:51 AM
You have to love the Mickey's House of terror, unfairness, chillin w/ criminals, sellout command staff, living outside OUR NO Raise NO Support, No Respect all about MS himself making 150,000 a year while others are at 34,000 on food stamps for this no good ungratfull SOB means!

02-02-2012, 02:35 AM
The first year we weren't receiving raises, our dear corporal sheriff told all of us that we were in this together, okay, what happened next. He gave selective raises of thousands of dollars to civilians, mostly upper command staffers and their secretaries. Next, he promoted those who were close to him or supporters of his, into newly established positions or better yet, doing the same job they were doing before being promoted. Over the next five years did he ever, ever try to get us a raise, NOPE. Getting back to the corporal sheriff's statement, we are all in this together, why didn't he not except his annual raise, that really would have been a statement of support on his part, NOPE, he wanted to make payments on his home in TN.

02-02-2012, 11:22 PM
I hope everyone remembers that MS will promise whatever it takes to "look" good. He will promise raises, no change in insurance coverage, ect(we all know what he says)... But he always fails to uphold his end.
He takes away longevity pay, changes our insurance, makes whatever promotions or moves he wants with no concern for the people under him.
The elections are coming, just don't fall for another round of lies from this guy ( or any other candidate) if it's sounds to goo, it probably is

02-03-2012, 04:06 AM
ohyeahhhh, Dude why would you mention someones name ,thought this was a free country were people could vote for who ever they wanted.

02-03-2012, 12:40 PM
Remember during the 04 election MS stated that he was going to surround himself with experienced personnel, both present and past members who knew what to do, seeing how he lacked the knowledge. Then, he gave us Charlie and Scott C (corporal to major), Louie St. Laurent and his mentor Dave Wilson, not to mention bring back Agt. Dommick (to captain), and giving upper command staff 20K raises, day one.

02-03-2012, 09:47 PM
Mike has had money all this time to give raises. He brags how he has slashed the budget, but only on the backs of his employees. Yes his employees. He thinks little or even less about us since he has been sheriff. Even Shoap got us raises. We have lost income under Mike. Factor in no raises, increased medical and retirement cost and inflation. Yet Mike who automatically gets a raise every year does nothing for us. Yes Mike is in a Union himself, but bashes any other concept of a Union for us. Mike has stated he does not need our vote and has sold his soul for political gain. Just look at his list of donors. Mike is a horrible sheriff with not an ounce of morals or honor.

02-04-2012, 01:36 AM
It is funny on how Franklin the Turtle (MS) when he was younger was caught driving while he knew his DL was suspend yet he wants to throw stones at others. Be careful there Franklin the crystal palace is made out of smokin Mirrors that are beginning to become very clear to all.

02-05-2012, 10:48 PM
I heard from people that Franklin the Turtle made a reference at the Indian Festival that pissed the majority of those there in reference to costumes. Plus he left there beyond pisses after seeing the success that Fisher was having at his table. Mickey is feeling and can't handle the fire!!!

02-08-2012, 12:54 AM
:devil: Is someone off their meds?

Fisher can't get past 10g's, Mikes on his way to 200g's
Facts are facts. He's gonna win.
You fools trying to cauze upset need to move along, maybe Ferrante circus
has room :devil:

02-08-2012, 02:23 AM
Need to be careful Jiggs - you share your opinion with about 4 other people. YOU are the minority which makes it easy to figure out who you are...August 15th cant come soon enough!

02-08-2012, 02:37 AM
:devil: Is someone off their meds?

Fisher can't get past 10g's, Mikes on his way to 200g's
Facts are facts. He's gonna win.
You fools trying to cauze upset need to move along, maybe Ferrante circus
has room :devil:

You must be one of our high paid civilian employees! The ones who make more than a deputy risking his/her life so you can sit behind a desk gain 100 pounds and go home at 4pm even though your shift ends at 5pm. Folks with GED's making more than a deputy with a Masters degree. Why, well that's the million dollar question. Why does a civilian who coordinates details needs to make $90,000 a year. Civilian process servers at $77,000, and records clerks at $60,000, not to mention a civilian supervisor who answers phones for $120,000.
Maybe your command staff sitting behind your desk with our IPads, and IPhone provided be the LCSO at the expense of our raises. Taking away our longevity pay to pay for your bloated paycheck! Or so that your overpaid secretaries can drive corvettes, and and make $80,000 a year
Kinda a rant I know, but I'm tiered of these people acting like we don't have a valid reason for wanting MS out.

02-08-2012, 03:01 PM
I do believe I like the title of this subject "Think About This", and I did. My thought process directed me to look at national salary levels for various civilian functions as compared to civilians within the agency. I was not shocked to learn that our agency far out distances the national average, even with years of service at these selected positions. The national average did take into consideration, college and years of experience, even then our agency civilians were among the top 5% in the country and in many cases were thousands of dollars above their private counterparts, and they surely didn't have the retirement and health benefits as these compared counterparts. Our benefits and retirement amount to 25K plus for civilians, so you can add this to the total amount for their civilian counterparts when looking at their true salary levels. Please remember this, as even their total salary is more than the national average, which pay for their own retirement and health benefits.

Lawyer 110K, HR Administrator 51K, Payroll Administrator 48K, Office Manager 48K, Legal Sec. 43K, Office Administrator 41K, Bookkeeper 39K, Accounting Assist. 39K, Administrative Assist. 36K, IT Corr. 54K, Network Admin. 55K. Senior Accountant 60K.

These were just a few, and to think we have secretaries and various forms of assistants and directors and managers who make as a base salary 80-115K, plus their benefits added on. Tough job, very risky and life threatening.

02-08-2012, 08:50 PM
Don't forget that many of these highly paid civilians also have agency vehicles, another savings.

08-24-2012, 08:36 PM
Don't forget that many of these highly paid civilians also have agency vehicles, another savings.

All of you certifieds who ***** about civilians can kiss our civilian princess asses......


08-25-2012, 12:13 AM
Don't forget that many of these highly paid civilians also have agency vehicles, another savings.

All of you certifieds who ***** about civilians can kiss our civilian princess asses......


08-25-2012, 01:47 AM
Do you mean dikes on mics. Don't have a problem with civilians until they try to grow a set. *****es I have been shot, run over, stabbed in a domestic, and faught until I thought I wouldn't see my family again. You helped, but you sure didn't pull me out of the fire. Appreciate the road warriors for their sacrifices!!!!!

08-28-2012, 09:47 AM
Don't forget that many of these highly paid civilians also have agency vehicles, another savings.

All of you certifieds who ***** about civilians can kiss our civilian princess asses......


Too bad the only thing you will get is in your hand. You are just jealous because you can't have any of the princesses................

No Lesbians maybe BI because it is difficult to find a good HARD man in your group so we have to resort to other measures.