View Full Version : It's a farce

01-27-2012, 07:39 PM
The writing is on the wall my fellow officers. If you think your job is safe think again. Our politicians that are supposed to be looking out for us has bit the hand that supports them and Florida will never bee the same again. Instead of looking at the issue and saying okay with a little bit of money we can start looking at self sustaining options for DOC instead of just killing jobs.

Going Private has seemed to be a huge issue in Florida with report of fraud, over spending and Facilities that are out of control with contraband of all sort being brought in. In addition to this it's clear the the California warehousing of Inmates is a fail situation but here we go warehousing Inmates.

I think this Govt is obsessed with doing the "easy thing" instead of the right thing. I feel that no ones job is safe and in the future FRS is going to be a looted to save the State as it falls into a hole of debit. So obsessed they back door dealt everything and inflated budgets to prove a point the lies are rolling out in articles everyday in a attempt to spin these fictitious and hypothetical cost savings.

The solution to saving Florida is to be attractive to businesses and the tourist trade. We also need to bring in off shore drilling to save the State. More jobs, more income, more people moving into the State more taxes paid, house bought and built and a economy hat will recover in a acceptable period of time. The Gov needs to pull his head out his brown eye and open up these options instead of killing jobs.

Without jobs people stop paying bills and taxes. With home ownership at a all time low and jobs paying an average of $10.00 an hours there’s not much hope to grow Florida on the failed system that it chooses to keep chasing after.
Instead of a seamless transition to a private prison they are making you go to another facility that is most likely going to close in the near future or so far out of the way the the cost of Gas will make it pointless to drive there.
If someone had their shit together they would have had the facility under contract and gave employees a choice.

1. Work for GEO/CCA if so, apply while still working and pass the screening test and stay at your facility. ( If not you stick with the State or get fired )

2. If you stay with the Facility those employees help in the transition ( movement of inmates, equipment, repair or Inmate work squads ) thus keeping their jobs and being more familiar with GEO/CCA and keep paying the bills.

3. Or; Stick with the State and transfer at the specified date and time.

I predict that in Five years the Privatized Prisons will be a failure costing the same or more than what the State pays now. If not financial issues, or lack of proper treatment and lack of programs, warehousing or security and other criminal related issues that will bring embarrassment to the State. Crime is not going away and with a failing economy crime will be on the rise.

01-27-2012, 10:46 PM
Just wondering if anyone wood take a 7 percent pay cut to stay a state employe?

01-28-2012, 01:35 PM
Just wondering if anyone wood take a 7 percent pay cut to stay a state employe?

They wouldn't have to if the state was allowed to ship out the high cost inmates like the privates do - the ones with high medical costs and behavior issues.

01-28-2012, 03:09 PM
Just wondering if anyone wood take a 7 percent pay cut to stay a state employe?

They wouldn't have to if the state was allowed to ship out the high cost inmates like the privates do - the ones with high medical costs and behavior issues.

And you think this is new news ? That practice has been going on for years. The private prisons have NEVER had behavioral or medical problem inmates. They also get to hire the dregs of society that we fired or that resigned while under investigation. The real fun will begin when GEO and CCA start complaining that they need more inmates to maintain their profit level. You'll see more and more empty bed space it the remaining "state" prisons in order to keep the private prisons fully stocked with profitable convicts.

The current privatization push is merely the tip of the iceberg. When the legislature and baldy are done, the only "state" prisons will be FSP, RMC, the reception centers and two or three close custody prisons for problem inmates. After that, probation will be split from FL DOC and most likely merged with the FPC.

01-28-2012, 04:34 PM
All I can say please let me know where you want to be laid to rest. We are all done I hope you all have 25 plus years so they have to pay you for the rest of your life thanks a dieing bread RIP :oops:

01-28-2012, 07:36 PM
I'm currently planning my exit from this thankless job and criminal governor! I'm sick of being treated like garbage and a second class citizen. Once I leave this state Im never coming back. I hope I live until Im 100 years old so these *******s have to pay me for another 50 years! LMAO!!!!!!!!!

01-28-2012, 07:58 PM
Just wondering if anyone wood take a 7 percent pay cut to stay a state employe?

Lets see, no pay raise in 6 years plus, 18% behind in cost of living expensis, paying $70 for FRS, untold amount of medical, dental and if Teamsters were even worth while $30 for them. It does not leave much after taxes

So taking another hit I don't f'n think so. I'll take a pay reduction when EVERY politician in Florida takes a larger cut.

01-30-2012, 08:04 AM
If you don't like it quit. There are many unemployed people willing to do the work.

01-30-2012, 10:34 PM
If you don't like it quit. There are many unemployed people willing to do the work.

Problem is most of them quit very soon also. Most aren't willing to do coorrections work once they see what it really entails. The turnover is pretty high even in times of high unemployment.

01-31-2012, 01:25 AM
You all need to stop complaining about no pay raises, can't wear jeans, baseball and such. This makes us look like fools. They want us gone, and you are worried about stupid stuff like that. You all need to get out there and contact your representatives and try to hold on to your job and stop complaining like children. Probation officers don't think you are safe, with just one change in law, you can be privatized too. Get off your rear ends and start calling your representatives to save your jobs.

02-03-2012, 05:48 PM
If you don't like it quit. There are many unemployed people willing to do the work.

Hey stuck on Stupid

Dear Asshat, I got a job, sounds like you need one, maybe one that pays minimum wage?

The problem with DOC and our glorious State Politicians is all the f'n retards that make the job hell. I like what I do and do it well but getting screwed every year by the man is not going to work in any job.

But maybe you like taking it up tha ass by the man. So why dont you take your lame assed "Quit" comment you can go suck a tail pipe.