View Full Version : its funny

01-22-2012, 04:30 AM
I read all these stupid posts(mostly from fired idiots) bashing admin, bashing each other, sparking fights, and all with the agenda for personal gain while pretending to have the agency's best interest in mind. U guys are losers beyond compare. U really need to reach deep down inside and pull out a thing called a life.

01-22-2012, 09:03 AM
Someone sounds kind of nervous and for your information your doing the same thing that the so called fired idiots are doing, coming on here and bashing people so what does that make you hmmmm????

01-22-2012, 11:04 AM
Hi sheriff. How's the weather?

01-22-2012, 04:04 PM
"Someone sounds kind of nervous and for your information your doing the same thing that the so called fired idiots are doing, coming on here and bashing people so what does that make you hmmmm????"

The above one, I love it! I love the logic the comment it has! Great!

It's just call human nature by the eye of police officers. When time passes people in the LEO profession become desensitized, because of all the stuff that they see. They try their best to make sense out of the misery that they see. It's not normal for a human being to see so many bad things in a day, a month, a year, in 25 years or 30 years. It's only sad when they don't have a bigger NORTH in life. They forget, they call "corny" helping others and that by helping others can really fill a little bit that existential void and help them make a little bit more sense of the misery. Helping your peers, your friends, even your "enemies", or anyone. Every person that you help to pull out of their misery, you climb yourself out of that misery too. Then your life makes a little bit of sense.

"A good man protect himself, the greater man protect himself and others."

01-22-2012, 04:14 PM
I read all these stupid posts(mostly from fired idiots) bashing admin, bashing each other, sparking fights, and all with the agenda for personal gain while pretending to have the agency's best interest in mind. U guys are losers beyond compare. U really need to reach deep down inside and pull out a thing called a life.

It's easy. Notice my name "Guest". Now that makes me anonymous. Now I can say anything I want. It does not necessarily have to be true, although it is better if it has SOME element of truth to it. But it really doesn't matter because I am ANONYMOUS. So now I can say anything that I want whether it is true or not because there is no expectation of truth because I am ANONYMOUS.

Now here is the best part, get some of the most gullible idiots around and they will believe the stuff, and wait it gets better. This is where the element of partial truths comes into play. For example "It was a dark and rainy night". If it was neither dark nor rainy, no one will believe you but if you have one out of the two, you can write a BOOK.

The truth to the matter is these idiots are so stuck on their hatred band wagon that they will spew any kind of crap to see if it will stick. Truth is irrelevant. They could care less about this agency or anybody that works for it. You hit it right on the head. Their agenda is personal plain and simple.

01-22-2012, 04:15 PM
Well said, Brother.

01-22-2012, 05:26 PM
I read all these stupid posts(mostly from fired idiots) bashing admin, bashing each other, sparking fights, and all with the agenda for personal gain while pretending to have the agency's best interest in mind. U guys are losers beyond compare. U really need to reach deep down inside and pull out a thing called a life.

It's easy. Notice my name "Guest". Now that makes me anonymous. Now I can say anything I want. It does not necessarily have to be true, although it is better if it has SOME element of truth to it. But it really doesn't matter because I am ANONYMOUS. So now I can say anything that I want whether it is true or not because there is no expectation of truth because I am ANONYMOUS.

Now here is the best part, get some of the most gullible idiots around and they will believe the stuff, and wait it gets better. This is where the element of partial truths comes into play. For example "It was a dark and rainy night". If it was neither dark nor rainy, no one will believe you but if you have one out of the two, you can write a BOOK.

The truth to the matter is these idiots are so stuck on their hatred band wagon that they will spew any kind of crap to see if it will stick. Truth is irrelevant. They could care less about this agency or anybody that works for it. You hit it right on the head. Their agenda is personal plain and simple.
What happens when story after story is published, from multiple media outlets, are we to believe that none of it is true? When the members actually witness these dirty deeds, does that make them gullible. You my friend are hoping non of this corruption is true, because if it is it will disturb your way of life. If lamberti was an effective Sheriff, the book, the people behind it, and everyone else you made reference to would be irrelevant. The fact of the matter is this goes way beyond a few on a band wagon, it goes to the heart of the problem, and that's you and your cronies who will do anything to maintain their privileges and will subvert the law to do it.

01-22-2012, 08:43 PM
It's not so much that I succeed, but that everyone else fails mentality.

01-22-2012, 10:10 PM
I read all these stupid posts(mostly from fired idiots) bashing admin, bashing each other, sparking fights, and all with the agenda for personal gain while pretending to have the agency's best interest in mind. U guys are losers beyond compare. U really need to reach deep down inside and pull out a thing called a life.

It's easy. Notice my name "Guest". Now that makes me anonymous. Now I can say anything I want. It does not necessarily have to be true, although it is better if it has SOME element of truth to it. But it really doesn't matter because I am ANONYMOUS. So now I can say anything that I want whether it is true or not because there is no expectation of truth because I am ANONYMOUS.

Now here is the best part, get some of the most gullible idiots around and they will believe the stuff, and wait it gets better. This is where the element of partial truths comes into play. For example "It was a dark and rainy night". If it was neither dark nor rainy, no one will believe you but if you have one out of the two, you can write a BOOK.

The truth to the matter is these idiots are so stuck on their hatred band wagon that they will spew any kind of crap to see if it will stick. Truth is irrelevant. They could care less about this agency or anybody that works for it. You hit it right on the head. Their agenda is personal plain and simple.

Your absolutely right. I know it is for personal gain, but not sure what their angle is so to speak. I laugh when these commenters get upset and start typing to other commenters stuff like "Ok Sheriff", or, "Someone's getting nervous", or nonsense like that. I personally am not political or care for any particular party. I see that the past few Sheriff's have had good qualities and bad ones. I see that there will always be a handful of people looking and digging to find any dirt they can and then slap the "corruption" label on it. It comes with the territory. This will always be.

So the question remains as to why? Lets say hypothetically that Lamberti got ousted out of office for whatever. Then what? Is a new Sheriff gonna come in and start raising our money and benefits and everything is gonna be a bright sun shiney day? No. These people know that. Maybe they think they will get their job back or whatever. That probably wont happen either. Im just curious why every other post is about some admin corruption nonsense. I mean who cares??? Why is the average deputy or Sgt worried about that? This Leo affairs site needs to be shut down in my mind. Or at least BSO's thread deleted. This is more of an embarrassment then anything Ive seen any admin guy do. The posts are never really informative. It doesn't promote the "voice of BSO". All it does is serve as a blog for about the same 15 people to come and embarrass the agency further. Im sure other departments come on here and laugh at this crap as well as the public. But hey, maybe that is what they want. To try and bring down BSO or further help smear its name. Regardless, these people are pretty lame. There is nothing of interest to me on this site. Im out.

01-22-2012, 11:11 PM
The embarrassment to this agency has been caused by Sheriff lamberti. to blame a fired employee is sure giving that person a lot of credit. Are you saying they are responsible for every media report, football scandals, Scott Rothstein,Dave Benjamin giving back 30,000 dollars,Braswell,want me to keep going? Yea lets, FBI investigations, State Attorney investigations,IA sgt admitting she was told to lie. Are you saying this goes on in all law enforcement agencies? I can say with certainty it does not, and every agency has their share of bitter,out-spoken employees and ones who have been terminated. If all these systemic problems didn't exist,then the fired employee would not have a leg to stand on. Welcome to one of the most corrupt agencies in the country, caused by the sheriff himself, Sheriff Al Lamberti.

01-23-2012, 05:42 PM
The embarrassment to this agency has been caused by Sheriff lamberti. to blame a fired employee is sure giving that person a lot of credit. Are you saying they are responsible for every media report, football scandals, Scott Rothstein,Dave Benjamin giving back 30,000 dollars,Braswell,want me to keep going? Yea lets, FBI investigations, State Attorney investigations,IA sgt admitting she was told to lie. Are you saying this goes on in all law enforcement agencies? I can say with certainty it does not, and every agency has their share of bitter,out-spoken employees and ones who have been terminated. If all these systemic problems didn't exist,then the fired employee would not have a leg to stand on. Welcome to one of the most corrupt agencies in the country, caused by the sheriff himself, Sheriff Al Lamberti.

Ok I'll entertain this stupid post........"Caused by the Sheriff himself". So in an agency of 6,000 people, nobody except for Lamberti is responsible for anything relating to corruption??? If there is then are u telling me that we are not accountable for our actions anymore and that the blame falls on the sheriff?? So corruption in BSO didnt exist prior to Lamberti?

Look at what your talking about. "Football scandals". oooohhhh!!! sooo scandolous!! BSO is not one of the most corrupt agencies by any means. It has its problems like every large agency does but you anti lamberti people try to sit there and make it this way and soley blame the sheriff. And I know that not every agency is corrupt. These little small departments with 200 or so people have issues but due to BSO's size the problems will always be more abundant.

The people molesting immigrants in their cars, molesting strippers on traffic stops, stealing money off of drug dealers, sleeping with inmates, sneaking in drugs for them, etc. etc.....this is what embarrassing is. not al lamberti getting tickets to a stupid sporting event. Maybe all you "anonymous authors", and failed law enforcement authors should be more concerned about people in our agency like this rather than complaining about football games, 12 hur shifts and so on and son

01-23-2012, 06:07 PM
The Sheriff sets the example for all to follow. If the Sheriff has the appearance to be corrupt and or surrounds himself with people who appear to be corrupt it breeds corruption within the ranks. If the rank and file believe the Boss to be a no- non sense type with high morals they are less likely to partake in the (criminal) actions we have seen. This being said the problems at BSO are a direct result of it's leader.

01-24-2012, 03:42 AM
It's the same disgruntled handful of people over and over. They can't spell and keep missing words in their sentences. Look at the words they use,,,who the heck talkes like that.. "A DISGRACE" or "TIME TO COME CLEAN" and "EMBARRASSMENT." If you want to laugh, go to the search bar for BSO and type in either of the ones I posted and you will laugh your butt off. Same posters over and over. No one commonly talks like that who can't spell or write a complete sentence... "speek" hahaha.

Bottom line is we don't care about your drama. We have a job. Times are tough. I support our Sheriff and think that he is doing the best that he can do. I don't complain about what I have lost..I and grateful for what I have and that I can take care of my family.

All these MG posts...if a supervisor told her to add the persons demeanor into a report so what, as long as it was true. You never had a Sgt. hand you a report back and Say " you said the victim was visibly shaken and upset" Yes, she was. "Then put it in your report." That is not falsifying a report. That is an attempt to report accurately.

No, I'm not administration. Yes I do my job. For the 3-5 people that stir the pot will now reply making it look like 10 people that want to bash my comments because it does not support their cause. Just to say that they think I am wrong...either way, it's my opinion.

To the readers that don't post...and I rarely do...stay positive and stay safe :)

01-24-2012, 03:57 AM
So let me get this straight....
she's on the Brady list for attempting to report more accurately? That's what you're implying? And we are the idiots?

01-24-2012, 04:36 AM
Reread what I said. Someone commented that because she was told to put in Lt. M's demeanor, that she was falsifying the report...(earlier post). And I didn't call anyone an idiot. There you go reading into things again. :roll:

01-24-2012, 06:57 PM
Reread what I said. Someone commented that because she was told to put in Lt. M's demeanor, that she was falsifying the report...(earlier post). And I didn't call anyone an idiot. There you go reading into things again. :roll:
She is on the Brady list for being accused of falsifying reports/perjury. And she has confessed to the same under oath. The press had used the 'demeanor' statement as a specific example of her testimony, therefore; posters on this website are citing that same example rather than making stuff up. Then you come in and berate the poster and make a rediculous comment about 'trying to make the report more accurate.' I do apologize though for implying that you think we're idiots when the accurate term you used was stupid. And as far as reading into your post well you know I'm just trying to make my rebuttal 'more accurate. '

01-24-2012, 10:14 PM
Yep,,,didn't use the word stupid either. Look, the cases on the Brady list are "accusatkons." Anyone that has done this job long enough know how easy it is for that to happen. I won't assume that someone is guilty from a news article. I have no stake in this, but it seems that you wake up and go to bed with hate. I don't wish bad on anyone....even you...maybe you are one that feels like you got a raw deal. I just don't agree with the way you try to make everything look corrupt. Obviously sour grapes.