View Full Version : Detective

01-10-2012, 12:44 PM
Who is the best and worst Detectives at LCSO? Serious posts only please!

01-10-2012, 05:03 PM
What is the purpose of this post? It can only bring about slamming and trolls. Please do not respond to this drivel

01-11-2012, 02:52 AM
What is the purpose of this post? It can only bring about slamming and trolls. Please do not respond to this drivel

So are you saying there are only bad Detectives with our Agency? I know several good ones and like anything else several lazy and crappy ones!

Bring on the names if you are not ashamed!

01-11-2012, 07:30 PM
John Long is the best we have.

01-11-2012, 09:53 PM
[quote="bestofthebunch"]John Long is the best we have

Well said John Long.. :snicker:

01-11-2012, 09:54 PM
I think the SRO detective is the best :devil:

01-11-2012, 11:23 PM
I would have to say Jeff Brown, Dan Bray, Rob Smith, Tony G, Brian G, Matt Sands, Dave Lebid, George Mingione, are the main ones in MCU. As for the rest of the agency I dont really know. The guys I mention have a high closing rate and make alot of arrests at LCSO.

01-12-2012, 03:02 AM
I think the SRO detective is the best :devil:

Which one, we have a couple? Dave Lebid is a stand up guy, I can see why he is listed as a good one. His ethics and morales show in his cases. Keep up the good work. :P

01-12-2012, 04:08 AM
I would have to say Jeff Brown, Dan Bray, Rob Smith, Tony G, Brian G, Matt Sands, Dave Lebid, George Mingione, are the main ones in MCU. As for the rest of the agency I dont really know. The guys I mention have a high closing rate and make alot of arrests at LCSO.

Janet Rincon is our best. She matches experience and talent and gets the job done!

01-12-2012, 07:02 AM
Who is the best and worst Detectives at LCSO? Serious posts only please!

We have detectives? I thought that it was just a bunch of deputies being rotated in and out. I'm sure MS knows talent from all of those things he learned at the FBI academy.

01-17-2012, 03:56 AM
I would say that the best detectives are the ones that are not allowed to have the title or wage or cushy hours and bennies, that would be each and every road deputy out there that goes the extra mile on their call.

Here is a perfect example of what I mean:

Deputy goes 97 on a potential dangerous call. Deputy subdues the suspect either by force or using verbal judo or other inventive tactics. Deputy may have to go on a foot or vehicle pursuit. Deputy initiates any medical assistance and then calls for Lee Control for any serious injuries. Deputy calls their Sgt. Deputy interviews witnesses. Deputy takes written statements. Deputy processes the entire scene for latent prints when necessary for the perp that might have gotten away. Deputy canvasses the area interviewing any and all neighbors. Deputy handcuffs and places suspect in back seat of squad car. Deputy calls family members or child services to care for any children on scene. Deputy acts as counselor for any victims on the scene. Deputy writes very long report of all that they witnessed and acted upon according to statues. Deputy has to listen to the perp in the backseat yelling obscenties because they feel they have been wronged. Deputy might get spit on, yelled at, asked for a smoke, asked to be released, asked to call a mother or father, asked what will happen next, asked how that they could do this to them, told that they are a piece of crap pig, told that when they get out of jail that they will find them and make good on any promises of violence, told that they will track the deputy down and harm their family, etc. Deputy's back seat is suspect to the relieving of the bladder or other bodily function. Deputy's windows could be kicked and smashed. All while writing this long incident report that will be demanded of them. The Deputy is told that they have to sit there for what could be hours with the suspect. The Deputy could be told that they are to transport the suspect to the station, where this Deputy will sit with the suspect for who knows how long. Nothing less than babysitting someone that despises you.

This is all done while the detective is showering at home, choosing which bright colored oxford and silk tie to wear to the scene.

Detective shows up either on scene or at the district. Detective asks the frustrated Deputy at this point if they could email the incident report to them. Deputy forwards the report. Detective copies and pastes the sections he or she needs and adds up to a few sentences. Deputy takes the whining suspect to the bathroom four times during this time. Detective takes hours upon hours doing this all while chatting with his pals at the district all while the Deputy is sitting there waiting and babysitting.

Hours later, Deputy is told that they can NOW transport the suspect to the jail for booking. Detective hands Deputy a booking sheet that is almost identical to their incident report. Detective is listed as the arresting officer. Detective gets the credit for the entire arrest.

Deputy is wondering how this is fair and how much of a waste of time this is for a highly trained officer of the law to be babysitting this suspect for hours when they could be out on the street catching another bad person or backing up another deputy. Deputy does not get the credit for all the work they did.

Detective struts around the district a few more hours chatting it up with friends. Deputy waits in line at the jail all the while listening to the suspect complain about how long it took the Deputy at the district. Suspect threatens to file a complaint against the deputy.


P.S. A credit to a very few detectives that do not partake in this type of activity that I have seen. Kudos to you, perhaps you can set an example to the other high and mighty, forgetting who the heck they were once detectives out there.

01-17-2012, 05:54 AM
I would say that the best detectives are the ones that are not allowed to have the title or wage or cushy hours and bennies, that would be each and every road deputy out there that goes the extra mile on their call.

Here is a perfect example of what I mean:

Deputy goes 97 on a potential dangerous call. Deputy subdues the suspect either by force or using verbal judo or other inventive tactics. Deputy may have to go on a foot or vehicle pursuit. Deputy initiates any medical assistance and then calls for Lee Control for any serious injuries. Deputy calls their Sgt. Deputy interviews witnesses. Deputy takes written statements. Deputy processes the entire scene for latent prints when necessary for the perp that might have gotten away. Deputy canvasses the area interviewing any and all neighbors. Deputy handcuffs and places suspect in back seat of squad car. Deputy calls family members or child services to care for any children on scene. Deputy acts as counselor for any victims on the scene. Deputy writes very long report of all that they witnessed and acted upon according to statues. Deputy has to listen to the perp in the backseat yelling obscenties because they feel they have been wronged. Deputy might get spit on, yelled at, asked for a smoke, asked to be released, asked to call a mother or father, asked what will happen next, asked how that they could do this to them, told that they are a piece of crap pig, told that when they get out of jail that they will find them and make good on any promises of violence, told that they will track the deputy down and harm their family, etc. Deputy's back seat is suspect to the relieving of the bladder or other bodily function. Deputy's windows could be kicked and smashed. All while writing this long incident report that will be demanded of them. The Deputy is told that they have to sit there for what could be hours with the suspect. The Deputy could be told that they are to transport the suspect to the station, where this Deputy will sit with the suspect for who knows how long. Nothing less than babysitting someone that despises you.

This is all done while the detective is showering at home, choosing which bright colored oxford and silk tie to wear to the scene.

Detective shows up either on scene or at the district. Detective asks the frustrated Deputy at this point if they could email the incident report to them. Deputy forwards the report. Detective copies and pastes the sections he or she needs and adds up to a few sentences. Deputy takes the whining suspect to the bathroom four times during this time. Detective takes hours upon hours doing this all while chatting with his pals at the district all while the Deputy is sitting there waiting and babysitting.

Hours later, Deputy is told that they can NOW transport the suspect to the jail for booking. Detective hands Deputy a booking sheet that is almost identical to their incident report. Detective is listed as the arresting officer. Detective gets the credit for the entire arrest.

Deputy is wondering how this is fair and how much of a waste of time this is for a highly trained officer of the law to be babysitting this suspect for hours when they could be out on the street catching another bad person or backing up another deputy. Deputy does not get the credit for all the work they did.

Detective struts around the district a few more hours chatting it up with friends. Deputy waits in line at the jail all the while listening to the suspect complain about how long it took the Deputy at the district. Suspect threatens to file a complaint against the deputy.


P.S. A credit to a very few detectives that do not partake in this type of activity that I have seen. Kudos to you, perhaps you can set an example to the other high and mighty, forgetting who the heck they were once detectives out there.

This is what happens with a backwards led police agency. Some of the things that you mention have to be done by patrol officers all over the United States, but in a real Detective Squad the arrest report will look this way...Arresting Officer...Deputy X, Investigating Detective...Detective Z. Arresting Officer can attest to following...arresting defendant, recovering stolen property (or whatever the crime), spontaneous statements made by defendant etc.. Detective can attest to, obtaining written or recorded confession from defendant, etc.. That's how a real detective squad works.

01-19-2012, 03:38 PM
I would say that the best detectives are the ones that are not allowed to have the title or wage or cushy hours and bennies, that would be each and every road deputy out there that goes the extra mile on their call.

Here is a perfect example of what I mean:

Deputy goes 97 on a potential dangerous call. Deputy subdues the suspect either by force or using verbal judo or other inventive tactics. Deputy may have to go on a foot or vehicle pursuit. Deputy initiates any medical assistance and then calls for Lee Control for any serious injuries. Deputy calls their Sgt. Deputy interviews witnesses. Deputy takes written statements. Deputy processes the entire scene for latent prints when necessary for the perp that might have gotten away. Deputy canvasses the area interviewing any and all neighbors. Deputy handcuffs and places suspect in back seat of squad car. Deputy calls family members or child services to care for any children on scene. Deputy acts as counselor for any victims on the scene. Deputy writes very long report of all that they witnessed and acted upon according to statues. Deputy has to listen to the perp in the backseat yelling obscenties because they feel they have been wronged. Deputy might get spit on, yelled at, asked for a smoke, asked to be released, asked to call a mother or father, asked what will happen next, asked how that they could do this to them, told that they are a piece of crap pig, told that when they get out of jail that they will find them and make good on any promises of violence, told that they will track the deputy down and harm their family, etc. Deputy's back seat is suspect to the relieving of the bladder or other bodily function. Deputy's windows could be kicked and smashed. All while writing this long incident report that will be demanded of them. The Deputy is told that they have to sit there for what could be hours with the suspect. The Deputy could be told that they are to transport the suspect to the station, where this Deputy will sit with the suspect for who knows how long. Nothing less than babysitting someone that despises you.

This is all done while the detective is showering at home, choosing which bright colored oxford and silk tie to wear to the scene.

Detective shows up either on scene or at the district. Detective asks the frustrated Deputy at this point if they could email the incident report to them. Deputy forwards the report. Detective copies and pastes the sections he or she needs and adds up to a few sentences. Deputy takes the whining suspect to the bathroom four times during this time. Detective takes hours upon hours doing this all while chatting with his pals at the district all while the Deputy is sitting there waiting and babysitting.

Hours later, Deputy is told that they can NOW transport the suspect to the jail for booking. Detective hands Deputy a booking sheet that is almost identical to their incident report. Detective is listed as the arresting officer. Detective gets the credit for the entire arrest.

Deputy is wondering how this is fair and how much of a waste of time this is for a highly trained officer of the law to be babysitting this suspect for hours when they could be out on the street catching another bad person or backing up another deputy. Deputy does not get the credit for all the work they did.

Detective struts around the district a few more hours chatting it up with friends. Deputy waits in line at the jail all the while listening to the suspect complain about how long it took the Deputy at the district. Suspect threatens to file a complaint against the deputy.


P.S. A credit to a very few detectives that do not partake in this type of activity that I have seen. Kudos to you, perhaps you can set an example to the other high and mighty, forgetting who the heck they were once detectives out there.

Then detective, who was awaken at 2:00 a.m. to come into work, finds that a deputy of lesser caliber than the superhero described above did not think that he needed to secure the scene fully. After all, calls were holding plus he hadn't had a chance to get to Perkins for a half-priced meal. We can try to fix that crime scene business later. Let's go talk to our suspect.

Oh, wow. The deputy who was tired of babysitting has been talking just as much shit back to the suspect as the suspect was talking to the deputy. Now he doesn't want to cooperate with the detective and the first 40 minutes of the interview can be spent undoing the damage and establishing rapport instead of getting the confession.

What about the witness? Surely the witness can help. Oh, darn, the deputy just took the address off the license without asking if it was current. What about their workplace? Maybe the detective can meet the witness or victim there. What? The deputy didn't ask? Oh right, current workplace isn't on the DL. My bad.

OK, we found him. Whew. That was close. Let's talk about the ID. What? The deputy just pulled up a copy of the suspect's DAVID photo and showed his laptop to the witness and asked if this was the guy? Awesome! That's much simpler than a photo array conducted in accordance with case law.

We're not lost yet, kids, there's always the depo, right? What? The deputy didn't review his paperwork beforehand and answer the attorney's questions accurately and completely? What was he doing? Oh, right, he was *****ing about how much he hates attorneys and how this is his day off anyway, so screw it.

The deputy's statement and Status 8 are helpful. Well, the statement never arrived as requested and the long and detailed report is detailed with gems like, "While on routine patrol in my designated patrol zone area, I was dispatched to the above referenced aforementioned location in reference to an alleged allegation of _______ by the listed suspect on the alleged listed victim as listed on page one of said report by myself. Upon being dispatched by the dispatcher myself activated the radio police communications handset apparatus and initiated a response to said aforementioned dispatch communications personnel and initiated my vehicle towards the aforementioned dispatch location operating in fully marked fashion with all appropriate safety equipment engaged and while wearing full police uniform clearly identifying myself as a law enforcement officer and member of the agency to which as listed aforesaid in this report. Met with alleged aforementioned possible victim and obtained pertinent information. Suspect identified by his expired Florida driver license and detained. Myself notified myself's supervisor upon which time the listed aforementioned supervisor did notify his supervisor and requested that a district detective be initiated to the above listed location. Area canvass provided negative results. This ends the involvement of myself in this incident."

01-19-2012, 11:52 PM

Fair enough, I guess there are "those types" of deputies and "those types" of detectives.

01-24-2012, 01:13 AM
whazzah? your reply just goes to show you how spoiled some of the detectives are in this agency. just woke up at 2:00 am. oh the tears. I have an idea. crime happens where a detective is needed, secure scene, gather all people involved without mixing victims, suspects ect, hold scene till super detective arrives and saves the day. nuff said... no status 8, no interviewing witnesses for addresses, no talking to suspects, no giving rides to the man zoo, no nothing except the basics. blah blah. but then again, i do not really care about all that stuff, just your supposed first world problem when it comes to police work. nevermind, i wanted to say more but american idol is on. peace out ya'll..

02-04-2012, 08:59 AM
I think the SRO detective is the best :devil:

I thought LCSO only had 1 Detective :devil: the way C.G in SRO talks she is the only one with this agency. She was in the office a few weeks ago biotching yet again. Here is a thought C.G go find another job or go back to the streets. Oh yeah you never worked the streets. :evil:

02-11-2012, 05:41 PM
I think the SRO detective is the best :devil:

I thought LCSO only had 1 Detective :devil: the way C.G in SRO talks she is the only one with this agency. She was in the office a few weeks ago biotching yet again. Here is a thought C.G go find another job or go back to the streets. Oh yeah you never worked the streets. :evil:

Still can't get over it, eh? Sad. Have you ever thought of just moving on with your life?

02-11-2012, 06:35 PM
[quote="Well, if your asking":39mmb86e]I think the SRO detective is the best :devil:

I thought LCSO only had 1 Detective :devil: the way C.G in SRO talks she is the only one with this agency. She was in the office a few weeks ago biotching yet again. Here is a thought C.G go find another job or go back to the streets. Oh yeah you never worked the streets. :evil:

Still can't get over it, eh? Sad. Have you ever thought of just moving on with your life?[/quote:39mmb86e]

Just get tired of the ***** *****ing! :devil:

02-11-2012, 11:51 PM
[quote="Well, if your asking":2rmu1sg9]I think the SRO detective is the best :devil:

I thought LCSO only had 1 Detective :devil: the way C.G in SRO talks she is the only one with this agency. She was in the office a few weeks ago biotching yet again. Here is a thought C.G go find another job or go back to the streets. Oh yeah you never worked the streets. :evil:

Still can't get over it, eh? Sad. Have you ever thought of just moving on with your life?

Just get tired of the ***** *****ing! :devil:[/quote:2rmu1sg9]

You miss her. We see that.

02-12-2012, 03:03 AM
[quote=onesmartones][quote="Well, if your asking":1wyhf8s8]I think the SRO detective is the best :devil:

I thought LCSO only had 1 Detective :devil: the way C.G in SRO talks she is the only one with this agency. She was in the office a few weeks ago biotching yet again. Here is a thought C.G go find another job or go back to the streets. Oh yeah you never worked the streets. :evil:

Still can't get over it, eh? Sad. Have you ever thought of just moving on with your life?

Just get tired of the ***** *****ing! :devil:[/quote:1wyhf8s8]

You miss her. We see that.[/quote:1wyhf8s8]

Hardly! I miss her like the shiatzz at the bottom of my shoe from dog in a yard I'm doing the area check for! I worked with her in the jail. One piece of work that one.

02-12-2012, 03:44 PM
[quote=onesmartones][quote="Well, if your asking":3tertj0u]I think the SRO detective is the best :devil:

I thought LCSO only had 1 Detective :devil: the way C.G in SRO talks she is the only one with this agency. She was in the office a few weeks ago biotching yet again. Here is a thought C.G go find another job or go back to the streets. Oh yeah you never worked the streets. :evil:

Still can't get over it, eh? Sad. Have you ever thought of just moving on with your life?

Just get tired of the ***** *****ing! :devil:

You miss her. We see that.[/quote:3tertj0u]

Hardly! I miss her like the shiatzz at the bottom of my shoe from dog in a yard I'm doing the area check for! I worked with her in the jail. One piece of work that one.[/quote:3tertj0u]

They way you keep talking about her, it is obvious that you are hurt. We all go through this at some point in our lives. Usually during junior high or high school, but some people learn those lessons later in life and that's OK. I encourage you to go forward and enjoy your life without obsessing about others who HAVE moved on. It's sad and pathetic and makes you look like a child.

02-17-2012, 03:56 PM
Your jealousy and pain shine through like rays of filthy sunshine. You can't even articulate a reason why you don't like her, except for name calling and rumor spreading. WTF? Shut up already. OK, we get it, you don't like her, you miss her, she turned you down at some point. We get it. Now shut up already, OK? Thanks. :devil: