View Full Version : politics at play

01-08-2012, 08:32 AM
It's sickening what ms has done. Between his campaign donations and the forfeiture money he's using, he's got about $400k in his chest.
To me, that equals bought and paid for. How else would a cocaine lackey get so much?
Let me say this - we are not of any relevence to mike scott. He doen't care about anyone but himself.
Fisher is obviously a MS plant to pull votes from Bushong. Why? Scott is worried.
I've known Bshong for a long time. He's headstrong and eats and breathes Marine Corps. But I have always known him to be fair and never a liar.
I can't take anothet 4 with the embarrassment in office. Of all the candidates, I think Bushong is best. He has balls of steel and gave us his word on important issues. Like i said, i have never known him to lie.
Bushong has my vote.

01-09-2012, 02:10 PM
It's sickening what ms has done. Between his campaign donations and the forfeiture money he's using, he's got about $400k in his chest.
To me, that equals bought and paid for. How else would a cocaine lackey get so much?
Let me say this - we are not of any relevence to mike scott. He doen't care about anyone but himself.
Fisher is obviously a MS plant to pull votes from Bushong. Why? Scott is worried.
I've known Bshong for a long time. He's headstrong and eats and breathes Marine Corps. But I have always known him to be fair and never a liar.
I can't take anothet 4 with the embarrassment in office. Of all the candidates, I think Bushong is best. He has balls of steel and gave us his word on important issues. Like i said, i have never known him to lie.
Bushong has my vote.

I do not agree with the Tim Fisher thing. But you are right o n every other point. Embarassment...yes...lackey to the Cali Cartel guy...yes...using forfeiture funds for his own personal gain...yes...absolutley and embarassment. Shame on him and all of his command staff for allowing this to occur.

01-09-2012, 03:58 PM
Mike Scott has most definitely set the tone for his administration, he started the very next day he was elected by the republican party in 04. His first act was to allow and direct Charlie to be his henchmen and when even Charlie began to challenge Mike's actions (regarding **** Spence) he got rid of him. This tone is what the present administration now work under and have totally accepted this environment.

01-09-2012, 05:26 PM
He eats sleeps and breathes Marine Corps? He has been out of the Marines for at least 14 damn years! Get over it! Every time he opens his mouth or sits in front of a keyboard he embarrasses himself. From his rambling stream of blather in the News-Press after he got fired to his press release after his house was "burglarized". Neither of them is any better than the other.

01-09-2012, 09:31 PM
He eats sleeps and breathes Marine Corps? He has been out of the Marines for at least 14 damn years! Get over it! Every time he opens his mouth or sits in front of a keyboard he embarrasses himself. From his rambling stream of blather in the News-Press after he got fired to his press release after his house was "burglarized". Neither of them is any better than the other.

You may friend fear Bushong, it is so evident that you know nothing about the Marine Corps. Like Mike, how many times did you have your lunch money taken in high school?

01-10-2012, 12:35 AM
He eats sleeps and breathes Marine Corps? He has been out of the Marines for at least 14 damn years! Get over it! Every time he opens his mouth or sits in front of a keyboard he embarrasses himself. From his rambling stream of blather in the News-Press after he got fired to his press release after his house was "burglarized". Neither of them is any better than the other.

You may friend fear Bushong, it is so evident that you know nothing about the Marine Corps. Like Mike, how many times did you have your lunch money taken in high school?Dare I say this? The Marine Corps is a fine fighting force with a specialization in vertical envelopment amphibious operations. But the Marines are no better and no worse than soldiers in the Army who eat the same dirt, fire the same weapons, and kill the same bad guys. I understand the pride of having served and all that but Marines constantly preening about how wonderful and special they are can begin to grate on a lot of Army "dogs" (as we are called by them) who have fought just as hard, took plenty of casualties, and won plenty of battles. The last time I looked we were on the same side. Quit strutting, guys. You know I'm right.

01-10-2012, 11:00 AM
There is no relationship between being a good marine, soldier, airman, seaman and being a good cop. Two different things altogether. Plus, we are talking about electing an administrator. Being a good grunt does not mean that you can lead an agency….as we can plainly see by electing a traffic cop for Sheriff. How stupid were we?

01-10-2012, 12:43 PM
Fisher is obviously a MS plant to pull votes from Bushong. Why? Scott is worried.
I've known Bshong for a long time. He's headstrong and eats and breathes Marine Corps. But I have always known him to be fair and never a liar.
I can't take anothet 4 with the embarrassment in office. Of all the candidates, I think Bushong is best. He has balls of steel and gave us his word on important issues. Like i said, i have never known him to lie.
Bushong has my vote.[/quote]

I do not agree with the Tim Fisher thing. But you are right o n every other point. Embarassment...yes...lackey to the Cali Cartel guy...yes...using forfeiture funds for his own personal gain...yes...absolutley and embarassment. Shame on him and all of his command staff for allowing this to occur.[/quote]

Who is the idiot driving around with a Tim Fisher for Sheriff across his whole back window? It's a red Toyota corolla that has what looks like a high schoolers driving it! Sounds like Mom or Dad works for Sheriff's Office!

01-10-2012, 01:03 PM
There is no relationship between being a good marine, soldier, airman, seaman and being a good cop. Two different things altogether. Plus, we are talking about electing an administrator. Being a good grunt does not mean that you can lead an agency….as we can plainly see by electing a traffic cop for Sheriff. How stupid were we?

While having a military background does not guarantee that a person will become a successful administrator it does go a long way toward helping a person understand what esprit de corps means in an organization like the Sheriff's Office, something our present administrator doesn't understand. And a military background, regardless of the branch, trains a person to understand the value of working as a team member, supporting your fellow officer, watching each other's back and being willing to put yourself on the line to protect one another. I don't see this concern for others and the greater good in our current administrator, more of generation X'er mindset than a military one.

I think that there is a relatioship between being a good soldier and being a good cop and understanding this is important since law enforcement agencies are most often defined as quasi-military organizations. A good soldier serves his/her Country without the expectation of personal gain or self-aggrandizement, wanting to work for the greater good of the organization and the people who serve in it, I believe that a good cop does likewise. Perhaps we have forgotten that this is why we got into the field of law enforcement in the first place. Lord knows that we have not had a good example of this for the past few years from our current administrator.

01-10-2012, 01:13 PM
Tim is not a MS plant. Let's get real Lee has no chance, with under $300 (according to the news press) for his campaign to Mikes almost $200,000 it's a simple money game. We have to remember that the general public don't know and don't care about our iner squabbling. They don't care about unfair promotions and pay scales. They will only know that MS is on TV, and because of his funds he will be the only one on TV, and they will vote for him.

And I can respect LB's military services, but being a hardcore marine corps veterans does not make a good sheriff. There are thousands of hardcore marines, and we put them in jail daily for drug, battery, and theft charges. I'm not inferring Lee is in any way a criminal, but he has not had the star studded run at the LCSO as you think. He has lied, and been inappropriate. It's fact and on paper.

It's simple numbers boys, and as much as I'm not happy about it Mike has them in his favor

01-13-2012, 01:06 AM
It's simple numbers boys, and as much as I'm not happy about it Mike has them in his favor

So did Rod. :devil:

02-09-2012, 08:38 PM
Never knew this. Wow.

02-10-2012, 02:52 AM
Rod had over $250K in his campaign fund in 2004 - and lost.

TF is not a plant. And if his name is not out there - it is our own fault.

LB is not an option. As I said before: we hire them based on qualifications and fire them based on ethics. Why not 'begin with the end in mind' & hire someone who is not going to embarrass us. Power is like alcohol - it just amplifyies the qualities that you already have. Those of you who know LB - if you were honest - would worry about this.

Unity is the most important factor. The LCSO is something to be proud of. It is 1600 people - with our spheres of influences this is actually fairly significant. The last election was decided by about 26K votes...

I applaud LB for wanting change. But honestly - he had nothing to lose.

You know how you all feel, the apprehension - the fear. Now imagine you called out Goliath. That is what TF has done...

02-10-2012, 11:10 AM
There is no relationship between being a good marine, soldier, airman, seaman and being a good cop. Two different things altogether. Plus, we are talking about electing an administrator. Being a good grunt does not mean that you can lead an agency….as we can plainly see by electing a traffic cop for Sheriff. How stupid were we?

While having a military background does not guarantee that a person will become a successful administrator it does go a long way toward helping a person understand what esprit de corps means in an organization like the Sheriff's Office, something our present administrator doesn't understand. And a military background, regardless of the branch, trains a person to understand the value of working as a team member, supporting your fellow officer, watching each other's back and being willing to put yourself on the line to protect one another. I don't see this concern for others and the greater good in our current administrator, more of generation X'er mindset than a military one.

Again...being in the military has nothing to do with this. First of all theconcept of para or quasi miltary management models in law enforcement are outdated, obsolete, and proven not to work in modern police agencies. Effective leaders are effective leaders. Who do you think would be a better leader of this agency...VP of ibm...known to retiain employees...outstanding compensation packages...95 percent job satisfaction...or a Marine Captain...trained to lead people into battle to kill people...is in an organization that has regular turnover...and has one of the lowest job satisfaction ratings even in non combat positions?

I think that there is a relatioship between being a good soldier and being a good cop and understanding this is important since law enforcement agencies are most often defined as quasi-military organizations. A good soldier serves his/her Country without the expectation of personal gain or self-aggrandizement, wanting to work for the greater good of the organization and the people who serve in it, I believe that a good cop does likewise. Perhaps we have forgotten that this is why we got into the field of law enforcement in the first place. Lord knows that we have not had a good example of this for the past few years from our current administrator.

02-10-2012, 11:55 PM
Bushong has whose back? He was filming deputies on details to show the business owner to steal the details and money out of deputies pockets for the rent a cop business he works for you. That is sticking a knife in your back. what honor Hoo Raa hes nothing but mike wrapped up as a dumb ass jar head