View Full Version : Deputy Accused of Molesting Autistic Girl

12-28-2011, 09:41 PM
Deputy Accused of Molesting Autistic Girl

12-29-2011, 02:50 AM
If these allegations are true, the named Deputy should be hung out to Dry! I am surprised the victim's father showed the restraint he did. My heart goes out to the victim and her family. Talk about betrayal!

12-29-2011, 03:09 AM
BSO is a cest pool...

12-29-2011, 05:30 AM
BSO is a cest pool...

That would be CESS POOl moron, I mean Major!

12-29-2011, 08:31 AM
LOL.... You got me

12-29-2011, 01:12 PM
Sad and if its true, its even more sad. Why wasn't the troops informed of this? If we are a family, this is outrageous, but we should have been told. Everyone is innocent until the facts are in, but this should have been in Friday 411. This family need, and deserve our support and prayer for the child. The father has to be commended for the way he is handling this, because I know it would have been different if it were me or many others in the same situation. This is disgusting and sad.

12-29-2011, 02:00 PM
Sad and if its true, its even more sad. Why wasn't the troops informed of this? If we are a family, this is outrageous, but we should have been told. Everyone is innocent until the facts are in, but this should have been in Friday 411. This family need, and deserve our support and prayer for the child. The father has to be commended for the way he is handling this, because I know it would have been different if it were me or many others in the same situation. This is disgusting and sad.

So let's get this straight. Anytime any agency anywhere starts an investigation of one of our deputies you want the sheriff to announce it on Friday? No need to wait until the investigation is completed, just put it all out there ASAP. I consider Carlos a friend. If the allegations are true I'll have no sympathy for him. If not, I hope he sues the media who jumped the gun. It's a shame that we have rats who would call Elgin Jones with this just to make BSO look bad.

12-29-2011, 02:35 PM
Sad and if its true, its even more sad. Why wasn't the troops informed of this? If we are a family, this is outrageous, but we should have been told. Everyone is innocent until the facts are in, but this should have been in Friday 411. This family need, and deserve our support and prayer for the child. The father has to be commended for the way he is handling this, because I know it would have been different if it were me or many others in the same situation. This is disgusting and sad.

So let's get this straight. Anytime any agency anywhere starts an investigation of one of our deputies you want the sheriff to announce it on Friday? No need to wait until the investigation is completed, just put it all out there ASAP. I consider Carlos a friend. If the allegations are true I'll have no sympathy for him. If not, I hope he sues the media who jumped the gun. It's a shame that we have rats who would call Elgin Jones with this just to make BSO look bad.
FACT, it was not someone from BSO who called Elgin, it was someone from Coral Springs PD. There is a lot more to this story than Elgin wrote about, and it has nothing to do with Carlos. The local politicians are all scrambling to use this for their own gain, and that part of the story you will never read about, it is so disgusting.

12-29-2011, 04:20 PM
Sad and if its true, its even more sad. Why wasn't the troops informed of this? If we are a family, this is outrageous, but we should have been told. Everyone is innocent until the facts are in, but this should have been in Friday 411. This family need, and deserve our support and prayer for the child. The father has to be commended for the way he is handling this, because I know it would have been different if it were me or many others in the same situation. This is disgusting and sad.

So let's get this straight. Anytime any agency anywhere starts an investigation of one of our deputies you want the sheriff to announce it on Friday? No need to wait until the investigation is completed, just put it all out there ASAP. I consider Carlos a friend. If the allegations are true I'll have no sympathy for him. If not, I hope he sues the media who jumped the gun. It's a shame that we have rats who would call Elgin Jones with this just to make BSO look bad.

Dr. Know, I feel sorry for you. Lets just hope its not your daughter or child who is ever involved in something like this. Using terms like "rats" to describe your fellow employees who may have contacted the media about this is pathetic. BSO is not Russia and its employees are human beings. This father and his daughter is whats important not your brainwashed view of what is supposed to say to the media. Have some compassion. What if Elgin Jones had not reported this? You have your priorities confused from reading all those 411 Fraudays.

12-29-2011, 04:54 PM
Sad and if its true, its even more sad. Why wasn't the troops informed of this? If we are a family, this is outrageous, but we should have been told. Everyone is innocent until the facts are in, but this should have been in Friday 411. This family need, and deserve our support and prayer for the child. The father has to be commended for the way he is handling this, because I know it would have been different if it were me or many others in the same situation. This is disgusting and sad.

So let's get this straight. Anytime any agency anywhere starts an investigation of one of our deputies you want the sheriff to announce it on Friday? No need to wait until the investigation is completed, just put it all out there ASAP. I consider Carlos a friend. If the allegations are true I'll have no sympathy for him. If not, I hope he sues the media who jumped the gun. It's a shame that we have rats who would call Elgin Jones with this just to make BSO look bad.

Dr. Know, I feel sorry for you. Lets just hope its not your daughter or child who is ever involved in something like this. Using terms like "rats" to describe your fellow employees who may have contacted the media about this is pathetic. BSO is not Russia and its employees are human beings. This father and his daughter is whats important not your brainwashed view of what is supposed to say to the media. Have some compassion. What if Elgin Jones had not reported this? You have your priorities confused from reading all those 411 Fraudays.

If Elgin Jones had not reported this it would have waited until CSPD finished their investigation. If there are charges the news media will get the info by checking the jail booking log and calling CSPD. What makes you think that the victim's family wants this to go public? If you know Carlos and the other deputy and you know who has an autistic daughter and lives in Coral Springs, then BINGO. If it was my family I would prefer that Elgin Jones, and you, stop broadcasting our situation to everyone.

12-29-2011, 05:09 PM
Mod do the right thing delete this posting

12-29-2011, 05:40 PM
[quote=Guest]Sad and if its true, its even more sad. Why wasn't the troops informed of this? If we are a family, this is outrageous, but we should have been told. Everyone is innocent until the facts are in, but this should have been in Friday 411. This family need, and deserve our support and prayer for the child. The father has to be commended for the way he is handling this, because I know it would have been different if it were me or many others in the same situation. This is disgusting and sad.

So let's get this straight. Anytime any agency anywhere starts an investigation of one of our deputies you want the sheriff to announce it on Friday? No need to wait until the investigation is completed, just put it all out there ASAP. I consider Carlos a friend. If the allegations are true I'll have no sympathy for him. If not, I hope he sues the media who jumped the gun. It's a shame that we have rats who would call Elgin Jones with this just to make BSO look bad.

Dr. Know, I feel sorry for you. Lets just hope its not your daughter or child who is ever involved in something like this. Using terms like "rats" to describe your fellow employees who may have contacted the media about this is pathetic. BSO is not Russia and its employees are human beings. This father and his daughter is whats important not your brainwashed view of what is supposed to say to the media. Have some compassion. What if Elgin Jones had not reported this? You have your priorities confused from reading all those 411 Fraudays.

If Elgin Jones had not reported this it would have waited until CSPD finished their investigation. If there are charges the news media will get the info by checking the jail booking log and calling CSPD. What makes you think that the victim's family wants this to go public? If you know Carlos and the other deputy and you know who has an autistic daughter and lives in Coral Springs, then BINGO. If it was my family I would prefer that Elgin Jones, and you, stop broadcasting our situation to everyone.[/quote:22936p3n]

Dr. Knitwit,

According to the article, the accused lives in Coral Springs, not the victim. Remedial reading classes don't cost much you know. The other media are all over this and its good that we know. Why do you want this covered up? What are you hiding?

12-29-2011, 06:28 PM
[quote=Guest]Sad and if its true, its even more sad. Why wasn't the troops informed of this? If we are a family, this is outrageous, but we should have been told. Everyone is innocent until the facts are in, but this should have been in Friday 411. This family need, and deserve our support and prayer for the child. The father has to be commended for the way he is handling this, because I know it would have been different if it were me or many others in the same situation. This is disgusting and sad.

So let's get this straight. Anytime any agency anywhere starts an investigation of one of our deputies you want the sheriff to announce it on Friday? No need to wait until the investigation is completed, just put it all out there ASAP. I consider Carlos a friend. If the allegations are true I'll have no sympathy for him. If not, I hope he sues the media who jumped the gun. It's a shame that we have rats who would call Elgin Jones with this just to make BSO look bad.

Dr. Know, I feel sorry for you. Lets just hope its not your daughter or child who is ever involved in something like this. Using terms like "rats" to describe your fellow employees who may have contacted the media about this is pathetic. BSO is not Russia and its employees are human beings. This father and his daughter is whats important not your brainwashed view of what is supposed to say to the media. Have some compassion. What if Elgin Jones had not reported this? You have your priorities confused from reading all those 411 Fraudays.

If Elgin Jones had not reported this it would have waited until CSPD finished their investigation. If there are charges the news media will get the info by checking the jail booking log and calling CSPD. What makes you think that the victim's family wants this to go public? If you know Carlos and the other deputy and you know who has an autistic daughter and lives in Coral Springs, then BINGO. If it was my family I would prefer that Elgin Jones, and you, stop broadcasting our situation to everyone.

Dr. Knitw


According to the article, the accused lives in Coral Springs, not the victim. Remedial reading classes don't cost much you know. The other media are all over this and its good that we know. Why do you want this covered up? What are you hiding?[/quote:2lwmvvnl]

Are you serious, why should this be out there? I am sure it guests the family goin through this..get a life..no cover up stupid

12-29-2011, 07:23 PM
Troubling article and we can only imagine what both of these families are going through right now. They all deserve our support and if and when the facts come out, then we can make our own individual decisions on how we deal with it. But trashing the accused, the reporter, or the agency at this point is foolish. Let us pray.

12-29-2011, 09:25 PM
Trashing the accused, are you kidding Me? I would love to write what I really think :evil: . I am sure this is all a misunderstanding. Yeah Right!

12-29-2011, 10:04 PM
Why pass judgment before the facts are in? Its good this info is out there, but lets be rational.

12-30-2011, 09:58 AM
Where is the sheriff? Why has there been no press conference? Has he made a personal call to the child's family? Will this now be in the 411 Friday?

Where is Jenne when we need him?

01-01-2012, 03:27 AM
Where is the sheriff? Why has there been no press conference? Has he made a personal call to the child's family? Will this now be in the 411 Friday?

Where is Jenne when we need him?
Where's Jenne? Probably putting his legal team together...again, because he's neck deep in this Rothstein mess too. Though admittedly, neck deep for Jenne is not very deep.

01-05-2012, 03:36 AM

01-05-2012, 04:41 AM
I meant 794.11(2)a

01-05-2012, 09:23 AM
I know Carlos and this whole thing sounds like crap to me, he wouldn't do something like this.

01-05-2012, 08:36 PM

01-07-2012, 07:29 PM
This whole lie about an investigation is crap. There is no investigation andorra there was why was he not on the Brady list. You guys are slow.

01-11-2012, 09:53 PM
Mod really no names were said. Way to keep us down.

01-11-2012, 11:30 PM
I saw the post the Mod deleted and I am glad he did. Stop crying Area 2 BOY, I wish I knew who you were so everybody would know you like talking crap about your co-worker's.

Keep using initials on your post and I hope he deletes them all. I guess we are all to stupid to figure out who you are talking crap about.

01-12-2012, 12:25 AM
Area 1 BOY (as you put it), we can cancel the anonymous crap whenever you're ready. Just meet me at the outreach tough guy. You are sad and obliviously not a parent, the deputy involved should get an award for not choking your buddy out. I still pray for this child. Area 1....go kill yourself.

01-12-2012, 02:51 AM
This is for the Area 2 puss, I am a parent and still believe you are innocent until proven guilty. But I guess you believe in something totally different. I will meet you any where you want, tonight at the outreach 2:15 am, I hope you are not on duty because you will look pretty stupid going to NBMC in uniform.

01-12-2012, 11:03 AM
First off. Any parent whose young autistic child came to them and said "Daddy, anybody touched me I appropriately", would be ready to kill. Except for you you'd tell your child that the guy is innocent, go play with him again. this father should get the Life Saving award for having the restraint to not take a life. By the way, I didn't see you on Hammondville Rd at 2:15. Tough guy.

01-22-2012, 12:36 AM
First off. Any parent whose young autistic child came to them and said "Daddy, anybody touched me I appropriately", would be ready to kill. Except for you you'd tell your child that the guy is innocent, go play with him again. this father should get the Life Saving award for having the restraint to not take a life. By the way, I didn't see you on Hammondville Rd at 2:15. Tough guy.

Mmmmm... sounds interesting. I like it when you get romantic! ...Mmmmmmm

01-22-2012, 02:56 PM
Wow...here ye.... Here ye

Area 1 tough guy cop VS Area 2 tough guy cop. Did this Battle of the bums happen?

I want a heads yup next time so I can sell pork rinds. Maybe a Pay per view?

You two should be ashamed of yourselves.

Professional and Police .....what a concept.

01-22-2012, 08:43 PM
I know who they are.
The A1 guy is a rookie and the A2 guy is guy who got kick out of set.

I heard the A2 guy when he went to the outreach. The A1 guy did not show up.

Professionalism is not all lost. Those are single cases of stupidity.

There are some guys out there who are great professionals.

01-26-2012, 12:36 AM
A second agency opened an investigation into your boy and Area 1 is still in denial. I bet you let you kids spend the night at the late Mr Jackson's mansion also.

01-26-2012, 03:23 PM
I know him and the Family. He is not guilty into proven so..Yes I think the victims family is putting him out to dry and notified the press. I also have to ask how functioning is this Autistic Girl? I have known kids to just sit at the window and repeat the same word over and over. Just saying...

If it was true why have they not arrested him yet? It's been a month.

I understand what you all are saying cause we all have kids.

For the two that wanted to meet up at 2:15...really come on..grow a pair and grow up!

How bout I ask the moral compass of the rest of you...yeah I thought so..go home to your wives/husband instead of the side piece.

02-07-2012, 11:50 PM
Mod, I need you to tell me how my last post violated the rules. Come on this is getting crazy.

08-16-2012, 03:29 AM
Duffy* you are absolutely correct about the functioning skill of this young girl are very low. No eye contact, doesn't talk much, as well as the fact that when touched at all (even a touch from a relative, by a pet on the head) the autistic child will scream.
The FACTS have not been released, until then opinions need to be kept to yourselves!!! Please also take into consideration , that BOTH families are going through hell on earth.
And just some food for thought ...... why did it take 3 months for the parents to report this? And if charges have been dropped in Palm Beach County, there must have been either no evidence to support these accusations or it is just not true. EITHER WAY support is needed for both sides.

08-16-2012, 04:38 AM
Sad and if its true, its even more sad. Why wasn't the troops informed of this? If we are a family, this is outrageous, but we should have been told. Everyone is innocent until the facts are in, but this should have been in Friday 411. This family need, and deserve our support and prayer for the child. The father has to be commended for the way he is handling this, because I know it would have been different if it were me or many others in the same situation. This is disgusting and sad.

So let's get this straight. Anytime any agency anywhere starts an investigation of one of our deputies you want the sheriff to announce it on Friday? No need to wait until the investigation is completed, just put it all out there ASAP. I consider Carlos a friend. If the allegations are true I'll have no sympathy for him. If not, I hope he sues the media who jumped the gun. It's a shame that we have rats who would call Elgin Jones with this just to make BSO look bad.

Jump the gun?

Isn't that he did to AP, JM, AB and many other deputies? Everyone should have their day, but considering the accusations, don't you think we should have been told? Are you still leaving your kids around him?

04-02-2013, 12:51 AM
Does anybody know whatever happened in this case? Is CP back to work yet? I still pray for the other deputy's family's.

Mod 647
04-02-2013, 12:56 PM
Mod do the right thing delete this posting

I have not observed anything that violates the TOU thus far. Feel free to report the posts that do and I will take a look.

05-30-2013, 02:21 PM
Why are these posts getting deleted? The PC from PBSO was posted. This is a real concern, should this guy come back to work. We don't have an R Kelly or Michael Jackson Division at BSO.

05-30-2013, 09:26 PM
Wheres the pc posted?

05-30-2013, 10:31 PM
All you jokers posting ShitZ about others are crazy! even dirtbags on the street have more common sense than some of you folks! Keep up trashing others, Who knows maybe your life will depend on their back-up?

05-31-2013, 12:55 AM
If this story is such bulls&it, you should contact CP and his attorney and have him sue the S Florida Times for slander. But, we ALL KNOW, that's not going to happen. Dude, we're talking about a 4th grade little autistic girl, who happens to be the daughter of a deputy. You come on here and defend that dude. You really must have never worked with him. I pray that little girl is not scarred for the rest of her life and I hope he faces this. As for you defending this atrocious act. GFYS

05-31-2013, 01:32 AM
But the deputy, Carlos Periu, 40, is still under investigation in Broward County over the allegation that he molested the child, who is the daughter of his best friend, also a BSO deputy.

The incidents allegedly took place over several months at Periu’s Coral Springs home in Broward County and at the girl’s Boca Raton home in Palm Beach County.

The investigation began after the child spoke about the alleged incidents after her family visited the Perius during the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

Periu denied the allegations several times when questioned by the girl’s parents during phone calls. One of the calls was arranged and monitored by police.

Palm Beach County Sheriff’s detectives completed their investigation on Jan. 19 and submitted a probable cause affidavit to prosecutors. The detectives recommended that sexual battery on a child charges be filed against Periu.

“Based on the information learned in this investigation, probable cause exists to charge defendant Carlos Periu with sexual battery on a child,” Det. Nicole Addazio wrote in her report.

Despite that recommendation, Palm Beach County State Attorney Michael F. McAuliffe’s office declined to file charges against Periu.

“Although probable cause to arrest exist, the state declines to file charges. There is no reasonable likelihood of successful prosecution,” Assistant State Attorney Jessica L. Johnston wrote in her closeout memo.

However, in Broward County, the child was taken to the county’s Sexual Assault Treatment Center where she was examined. Periu’s squad car was seized as evidence and sealed for forensic examination. The child’s teacher told investigators she noticed behavioral changes in her. She said the child became talkative and engaged in pronounced nail biting.

Periu, who could still face charges in Broward County, could not be reached for comment and his attorney, Albert Milian, did not return calls.

South Florida Times first reported on Dec. 9, 2011 , that the Coral Springs police department opened an investigation of Periu. Periu’s family had invited the girl’s family for a visit during the Thanksgiving holiday. Afterwards, the child, who suffers from a form of autism known as Asperger's Syndrome told her parents about a “secret” she and “Uncle Carlos” had, according to police.

This newspaper is not publishing the names of the child and her parents. Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office officials were contacted after the child told investigators in Broward County that some of those “secrets” took place at her Boca Raton home .

According to the closeout memo, investigators used gingerbread drawings and dolls while questioning the child. She placed the male doll on top of the female doll and described in sexually explicit details what allegedly happened. During interviews she alleged that “Uncle Carlos” touched her on her [private parts] but that “he doesn’t do it anymore.”

She also alleged that the incidents occurred several times, including one while she was on the floor of her bedroom and also in an office at Periu’s home.

In addition to his work as a sheriff’s deputy, Periu is the owner of CCC Entertainment, a company that provides music, photography, video, bounce houses and other services at parties and other events. His company has provided services at BSO functions.

Periu joined the BSO in 2001 and is stationed in the Pompano Beach district, earning $69,908 annually. He is on paid leave while the Broward County investigation is completed.

*Pictured above is Broward Sheriff's deputy Carlos Periu.

05-31-2013, 10:24 AM
Why is he still getting paid. Other deputies have done lesser crimes and get cut off within a few months???

06-21-2013, 12:02 AM
I heard that the Broward SAO is declining to prosecute also and he will be back to work soon. I hope he is able to get past this mess.

06-21-2013, 01:42 AM
Yea we all hope he gets back to work, so he can violate more children. I hope IA is not going to let this dude back. If I was the little girls father, I would choke that SOB out. Don't defend him, pray for that little girl and her family.

06-21-2013, 11:43 AM
Didn't realize you are the judge and jury in this case? Hope you don't find yourself in trouble or accused of something one day? Goof

06-21-2013, 03:58 PM
Ok then let him play with your kids and then we'll see what you say. I'm sorry anyone accused of molesting a child is beyond ever being able to be around kids again, in my book. That's just my take on it. If that's not how you see it, I hear he's having a slumber party next week. Show what a great stand up guy you are and drop your kids off for a nice cozy weekend with Uncle Carlos.

06-21-2013, 07:28 PM
Yep, that's what this site is about! Slandering others, as a tough guy sits behind a key board!!. That's why we have courts with real jurors there Perry mason!

08-31-2016, 06:57 PM
Keep this guy away from your kids. I believe he's guilty. He tried inappropriately touching my very young daughter years ago, he's disgusting, and I hope he pays the price someday.