View Full Version : NYPD Killers Arrested.

12-14-2011, 03:32 AM
Simple and to the point. Every investigative unit on the case until every subject was arrested. DONE, OVER. And that's the end of that. Hey Al, why don't you go up there for some training. How to catch a cop killer 101.

12-14-2011, 02:58 PM
The Chris Reyka murder will never be solved. Lamberti hasn’t had one meeting in the past year with the Homicide Lt, nor his Sgt’s to obtain an update and this is a fact. The detectives originally assigned are no longer working the case and the Sgt’s have moved on to other units. Absolutely no line of attack or strategy plan exists because the current CID administration is plainly, not motivated. Sheriff, it is your job to motivate or as some say, kick them in the ass and make this a priority during your term. They want the remembrance decals off the vehicles so everyone will forget. The agency is watching and we will not forget our fallen family member!

12-14-2011, 03:19 PM
He just wants to sit back and wait until the killer turns himself in. Disgusting.

12-14-2011, 03:54 PM
They have the killer in custody. "Back arms" will NEVER give it up, he gets life in prison to keep his mouth shut and if he talks he gets the chair. They should have had all of SID and CID on the streets when this first happened, instead of answering phones on overtime and when the overtime was gone. So were all of the specialized units, where is the love? Chris you will be missed and what ever happened to the guy the Sheriff brought in to divert attention away from the Superbowl fiasco. Funny as soon as the Superbowl thing surfaced, he got in the paper about bringing in some new eyes to solve the Reyka murder. Hey, Sheriff, how's that one working out for you?

12-18-2011, 01:57 PM
Here you lowlifes go again.....you don't give a crap about Reyka or his family, you prove this every time you bring his name up to further your political agenda.

The person who bailed out of that car had nothing to do with it, that is a total fabrication to make your friend, who got fired look good. And if he did what would your friend have accomplished by battering him? I am sure he would have solved the case... Right?

Since NYPD is so great, let me ask you would the great NYPD detectives anonymously bash fellow cops on a website?

Probably why a person like you couldn't hack it there, your cowardliness is proven again revealing that you are the worst rat in the bunch.

12-18-2011, 02:07 PM
This political nonsense and attacks on other cops is bull----t on this thread.

I am on the fence for who I will be voting for in the Sheriff election, but if these are the kind of people surrounding Israel it makes my decision much easier.

Good Job, NYPD, we are all very happy your homicide is solved, God bless you and the family of the Fallen officer. Be Safe.

12-18-2011, 02:23 PM
If NYPD was so great why did J.B. and R.D. leave. Please go back.

12-18-2011, 04:27 PM
Another Post deleted by BSO PIO...truth hurts I guess. Hey Al call Chris Hansen from NBC and get on one of those "To catch a killer" episodes . Maybe they can catch Reyka's killer

12-18-2011, 04:36 PM
Actually numbnuts the deputy in question was cleared by the SAO of any wrongdoing. The reason he was fired because he was friends with SI. The "political" termination was orchestrated by your friend, the Sheriff. You know the least political guy in Broward County

12-18-2011, 06:41 PM
Actually numbnuts...The SAO works under the pretense of liklihood of conviction, but I am sure someone who has never made an arrest wouldn't know that. Just because they "cleared" him doesn't mean he didn't do it. He lost his arbitration when many others won theirs in the past. You can't say that was political, Your friend Reynolds won his.

Your use of the word "cleared" is misleading......he was never cleared of anything, they just did not file charges. The word cleared implies that they investigated and found no wrongdoing. That is not the case, Numbnuts!!!

12-18-2011, 11:59 PM
Actually numbnuts the deputy in question was cleared by the SAO of any wrongdoing. The reason he was fired because he was friends with SI. The "political" termination was orchestrated by your friend, the Sheriff. You know the least political guy in Broward County

Are the NYPD triplet rejects blaming everyone except the idiot that couldn't control himself again?

12-19-2011, 12:57 AM
Yeah that's it jerkoff...

12-19-2011, 03:00 AM
Silence from the NY retards........I love it.....shut down....I guess you guys are learning as idiots you will never win a game of wits....

12-19-2011, 03:44 PM
Silence from the NY retards........I love it.....shut down....I guess you guys are learning as idiots you will never win a game of wits....
Maybe if BSO stopped playing the game of got ya, Chris R"s killer would be behind bars.

12-19-2011, 07:22 PM
This political nonsense and attacks on other cops is bull----t on this thread.

I am on the fence for who I will be voting for in the Sheriff election, but if these are the kind of people surrounding Israel it makes my decision much easier.

Good Job, NYPD, we are all very happy your homicide is solved, God bless you and the family of the Fallen officer. Be Safe.

Did you ever think that maybe this and many other post have been posted by Lamberti's payed PIO's so you would think just what your thinking. Think about that for one minuet.

12-19-2011, 09:18 PM
This political nonsense and attacks on other cops is bull----t on this thread.

I am on the fence for who I will be voting for in the Sheriff election, but if these are the kind of people surrounding Israel it makes my decision much easier.

Good Job, NYPD, we are all very happy your homicide is solved, God bless you and the family of the Fallen officer. Be Safe.

Did you ever think that maybe this and many other post have been posted by Lamberti's payed PIO's so you would think just what your thinking. Think about that for one minuet.

First of all, "payed" is spelled "p-a-i-d." I keep reading your posts where you try to blame comments on "Lamberti's payed PIOs". As opposed to "Lamberti's unpaid PIOs?" WTF is your point? Regardless, these dumb remarks are not being posted by any PIOs. You have to be an Israelite.

12-19-2011, 11:17 PM
The Lamidiots will point the finger at everyone but themselves. Lameo has failed the Reyka family and his memory in not getting this case solved. So the hard at work people from the PIO office will blame everyone else for Al's failure.