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11-15-2011, 09:56 PM
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Select Poll: Select Poll from the list Who Do You Support For Sheriff In 2012?

Who Do You Support For Sheriff In 2012?
Scott Israel

Al Lamberti

John Rodstrom

Louis Granteed

None of the Above


11-15-2011, 11:17 PM
Who Do You Support For Sheriff In 2012?

Scott Israel


Al Lamberti


Louis Granteed


John Rodstrom


None of the Above




11-16-2011, 12:05 AM
Wow. Israel is leading in the Elgin poll. This is shocking (not). If Ron C and Scott keep casting votes they could win this one - not that it matters!

11-16-2011, 12:47 AM
I tried to vote twice and it wouldn't let me , it said I already voted

11-16-2011, 01:07 AM
A voter this is the real Ron C. Suck my co--.

Ron, I see it took you 17 minutes to respond to my post. I didn't think you ever left LEO Affairs for that long. You must have been casting lots of votes in the all important Elgin poll. Nice comeback, by the way.

11-16-2011, 01:45 AM
Scott Israel

Louis Granteed

Al Lamberti

John odstrom


None of the Above


11-16-2011, 06:40 PM
Scott Israel 49.8%

Louis Granteed 45.6%

Al Lamberti 4.3%

John Rodstrom 0.1%

None of the Above 0.1%

Undecided 0.1%

It seems to me that if Scott Israel and Louis Granteed could put aside thier egos and work together for the good of the party they could take on any and all on comers and make BSO what it should be!!!

11-16-2011, 08:28 PM
Very true statement

11-16-2011, 10:35 PM
Just like the last election Israel was projected to win with his early large lead but he didn't, Poles don't mean anything.

11-17-2011, 02:40 AM
Just like the last election Israel was projected to win with his early large lead but he didn't, Poles don't mean anything.

This poll really doesn't mean anything, considering that it's being conducted by Israel's pawn Elgin.

11-17-2011, 03:14 AM
Just like the last election Israel was projected to win with his early large lead but he didn't, Poles don't mean anything.

This poll really doesn't mean anything, considering that it's being conducted by Israel's pawn Elgin.

SI/RC are starring as the Puppetmasters, and Elgin as the Puppet....

Yes, the poll is highly scientific. ha

11-17-2011, 03:53 AM
I just chekced the stupid poll and Granteed is way ahead right now! Israel gets his troll Elgin to set up this bogus poll and now Granteed has his supporters casting votes faster than Israel. Elgin! Wake up and fix this! Scott is supposed to be winning!

11-17-2011, 11:41 AM
This shows that Lamberti's supporters have a lack of enthusiasm and they don't read much.

11-17-2011, 02:37 PM
This shows that Lamberti's supporters have a lack of enthusiasm and they don't read much.

No, It shows that Lamberti's supporters don't read slanted, opinionated, racist, subjective, inaccurate fishwrappers like the South Florida Times. It's the only media that will pay Scott any attention so he has to point his supporters to it.

11-17-2011, 03:49 PM
This shows that Lamberti's supporters have a lack of enthusiasm and they don't read much.

No, It shows that Lamberti's supporters don't read slanted, opinionated, racist, subjective, inaccurate fishwrappers like the South Florida Times. It's the only media that will pay Scott any attention so he has to point his supporters to it.

lameberti has supporters? Who? Failures that could not hold a job without being gifted?

11-17-2011, 04:30 PM
This shows that Lamberti's supporters have a lack of enthusiasm and they don't read much.

No, It shows that Lamberti's supporters don't read slanted, opinionated, racist, subjective, inaccurate fishwrappers like the South Florida Times. It's the only media that will pay Scott any attention so he has to point his supporters to it.

Wow, that is a very bigoted statement. True colors showing through?

11-17-2011, 06:06 PM
This shows that Lamberti's supporters have a lack of enthusiasm and they don't read much.

No, It shows that Lamberti's supporters don't read slanted, opinionated, racist, subjective, inaccurate fishwrappers like the South Florida Times. It's the only media that will pay Scott any attention so he has to point his supporters to it.

Wow, that is a very bigoted statement. True colors showing through?

If you are referring to the mention of "racist," it's not bigoted, it's just a fact. Racism is the act of favoring one race over another. The SFT is primarily intended for black people, so is BET, NAACP, etc. That doesn't make SFT good or bad. Their slanted coverage and biased reporting make it bad.

11-17-2011, 06:46 PM
This shows that Lamberti's supporters have a lack of enthusiasm and they don't read much.

No, It shows that Lamberti's supporters don't read slanted, opinionated, racist, subjective, inaccurate fishwrappers like the South Florida Times. It's the only media that will pay Scott any attention so he has to point his supporters to it.

Wow, that is a very bigoted statement. True colors showing through?

If you are referring to the mention of "racist," it's not bigoted, it's just a fact. Racism is the act of favoring one race over another. The SFT is primarily intended for black people, so is BET, NAACP, etc. That doesn't make SFT good or bad. Their slanted coverage and biased reporting make it bad.

That is a pretty lame excuse. They should be reading it because the people that they are sworn to serve are entitled to their opinion and they should know what that opinion is, if they actually cared. But you already know that Lamberti could care less about "those people".

11-17-2011, 07:12 PM
Israel and Lamberrti are both behind the true leader Louis granteed. Say what you want, any poll matters, every candidate wants to lead in every poll.

11-17-2011, 07:48 PM
This shows that Lamberti's supporters have a lack of enthusiasm and they don't read much.

No, It shows that Lamberti's supporters don't read slanted, opinionated, racist, subjective, inaccurate fishwrappers like the South Florida Times. It's the only media that will pay Scott any attention so he has to point his supporters to it.

Wow, that is a very bigoted statement. True colors showing through?

If you are referring to the mention of "racist," it's not bigoted, it's just a fact. Racism is the act of favoring one race over another. The SFT is primarily intended for black people, so is BET, NAACP, etc. That doesn't make SFT good or bad. Their slanted coverage and biased reporting make it bad.

That is a pretty lame excuse. They should be reading it because the people that they are sworn to serve are entitled to their opinion and they should know what that opinion is, if they actually cared. But you already know that Lamberti could care less about "those people".

"Those people?" Wow, that is a very bigoted statement. True colors showing through?

11-17-2011, 08:37 PM
I will vote for whatever candidate that will bring back Humana healthcare. Coventry SUUUUCKS!!!!!!!!

11-17-2011, 08:58 PM
Thanks for your vote!
Select Poll:

Who Do You Support For Sheriff In 2012?
Louis Granteed

Scott Israel

Al Lamberti

None of the Above


John Rodstrom


11-18-2011, 02:11 AM
I voted twice. After 24 hours you can re-cast your vote. So, how valid is this poll? Also, the criteria for these polls is, the accuracy declines after the first couple of hours of the posting. I don't know what the results were at that point in time, but that's the most accurate. I know Lamberti had been doing very well when it was first posted, which says alot for that blog. lamberti will be tough to beat.

11-18-2011, 02:37 AM
Report this postReply with quoteRe: Israel leading
by Guest » 11/16/11 22:14:00

Guest wrote:
Guest wrote:
Just like the last election Israel was projected to win with his early large lead but he didn't, Poles don't mean anything.

This poll really doesn't mean anything, considering that it's being conducted by Israel's pawn Elgin.

SI/RC are starring as the Puppetmasters, and Elgin as the Puppet....

Yes, the poll is highly scientific. haGuest

11-18-2011, 01:25 PM
This shows that Lamberti's supporters have a lack of enthusiasm and they don't read much.

No, It shows that Lamberti's supporters don't read slanted, opinionated, racist, subjective, inaccurate fishwrappers like the South Florida Times. It's the only media that will pay Scott any attention so he has to point his supporters to it.

Sheriff, give it a break. I no longer have any faith in the agency. It was these same type of statements that got me reading this publication. Remember what you said about it in your Friday 411? Since that time I have been reading it, and it seems to have a pretty good track record. Its too bad we have to get information from a newspaper, instead of our own sheriff.

11-18-2011, 02:21 PM
Just like the last election Israel was projected to win with his early large lead but he didn't, Poles don't mean anything.

You are correct, for this debate "...Poles don't mean anything.". Polls do mean something, that the SF Times readers support Israel for Sheriff - does that surprise anybody? Israel has ZERO chance, get over it.

11-20-2011, 01:53 PM
I voted twice. After 24 hours you can re-cast your vote. So, how valid is this poll? Also, the criteria for these polls is, the accuracy declines after the first couple of hours of the posting. I don't know what the results were at that point in time, but that's the most accurate. I know Lamberti had been doing very well when it was first posted, which says alot for that blog. lamberti will be tough to beat.

Spoken like a true apologist. That is like saying because the dolphins were leading the broncos for 55 minutes they won the game. As most of us know, the broncos won the fat game after it was over.

As of right now, Granteed is way ahead of Lamberti and Israel with 75% of the votes. We will see who is ahead at the end.

Try to cash in a ticket at the track when your horse comes in last by saying, " but it was ahead at the beginning"

11-20-2011, 02:45 PM
I voted twice. After 24 hours you can re-cast your vote. So, how valid is this poll? Also, the criteria for these polls is, the accuracy declines after the first couple of hours of the posting. I don't know what the results were at that point in time, but that's the most accurate. I know Lamberti had been doing very well when it was first posted, which says alot for that blog. lamberti will be tough to beat.

Spoken like a true apologist. That is like saying because the dolphins were leading the broncos for 55 minutes they won the game. As most of us know, the broncos won the fat game after it was over.

As of right now, Granteed is way ahead of Lamberti and Israel with 75% of the votes. We will see who is ahead at the end.

Try to cash in a ticket at the track when your horse comes in last by saying, " but it was ahead at the beginning"
Yo, I voted six times already, are you kidding me. Nobody even knows who Granteed is.

11-20-2011, 05:26 PM
I voted twice. After 24 hours you can re-cast your vote. So, how valid is this poll? Also, the criteria for these polls is, the accuracy declines after the first couple of hours of the posting. I don't know what the results were at that point in time, but that's the most accurate. I know Lamberti had been doing very well when it was first posted, which says alot for that blog. lamberti will be tough to beat.

Spoken like a true apologist. That is like saying because the dolphins were leading the broncos for 55 minutes they won the game. As most of us know, the broncos won the fat game after it was over.

As of right now, Granteed is way ahead of Lamberti and Israel with 75% of the votes. We will see who is ahead at the end.

Try to cash in a ticket at the track when your horse comes in last by saying, " but it was ahead at the beginning"
Yo, I voted six times already, are you kidding me. Nobody even knows who Granteed is.

You corn wipes realize this is not a real vote right? Tell Al he doesn't have to mandate that everyone at BSO must participate in this vote. Good to great blah, blah blah. Trooper Watts did the right thing blah, blah blah. Chill Al, this is only make believe.

11-20-2011, 08:08 PM
Al was telling everybody to vote for LG. Too funny. Al, your getting more and more paranoid .

11-20-2011, 10:04 PM
Al was telling everybody to vote for LG. Too funny. Al, your getting more and more paranoid .
Yes, this is true. Work in CI, boss was telling all of us to vote for LG. Will be pulling a different lever on game day, trust me.

11-20-2011, 11:11 PM
Al was telling everybody to vote for LG. Too funny. Al, your getting more and more paranoid .
Yes, this is true. Work in CI, boss was telling all of us to vote for LG. Will be pulling a different lever on game day, trust me.

Dude, SI has as about much chance of winning this elections as the Janitor at the PSB. Give it a break. He is broke, has no support, and is done.

Its LG against AL, face it.

11-20-2011, 11:21 PM
LOL.....keep believing what you want

11-21-2011, 04:24 AM
Israel and his trusthworty criminal friends just can't get the message it's over for Scotty. No money and no support. Posting more lies about a poll on South Florida Times. Granteed is smashing Israel and Lamberti in the poll. Everyone go to http://www.sfltimes.com and confirm for yourself that Israel and his friends will lie about everything for their own good.

Granteed 75%
Israel 22.9%o
Lamberti 1.8%

The sooner people realize that Scott Israel and his fired friends from the BSO are all compulsive liars the better we wil all be. They are desperate, don't ever trust anything that comes out of their mouths. If there lips are moving, they are lying... I hope everyone votes for Granteed from Hollywood. All my friends at BSO and in Hollywood that know Granteed say he is an excellent Chief and talkes care of his people. He will turn BSO around from top to bottom. Nobody is listening to Israel or his cronnies.

Israel and his friends try to spread the rumor about lamberti and Granteed because they are losers and will try anything because thats what desparate people do. Lost in 2008 and has no chance in 2012....

11-21-2011, 07:37 AM
Ya Ya Ya why keep posting stuff about Israel, let it go already and get a life!!!

11-21-2011, 01:45 PM
Ya Ya Ya why keep posting stuff about Israel, let it go already and get a life!!! IS LATCHFORD THE SEMINOLE CHIEF GOING TO RUN FOR SHERIFF?

11-21-2011, 02:54 PM
Granteed is the best ever, I mean, nobody knows who he is, but he's the best ever. LOL.

11-21-2011, 08:15 PM
The truth is in the poll numbers. I guess the Israelites not only can;t read, but can't count either.

The South Florida Times at http://www.sfltimes.com shows Israel getting smashed, quite the contrary to the bullshit lies posted by him and his friends.

Granteed 75%

Israel 22.9 %

Lamberti 2.1%


11-22-2011, 01:31 AM
Ya Ya Ya why keep posting stuff about Israel, let it go already and get a life!!! IS LATCHFORD THE SEMINOLE CHIEF GOING TO RUN FOR SHERIFF?
Oh I wish!!!!!!

11-22-2011, 02:58 AM
Ya Ya Ya why keep posting stuff about Israel, let it go already and get a life!!! IS LATCHFORD THE SEMINOLE CHIEF GOING TO RUN FOR SHERIFF?

11-22-2011, 03:52 AM
LOL... That's all we need....