View Full Version : Morale

11-09-2011, 03:44 PM
So just out fishing for information.

Besides the top 10 people at this department that don't care about it any more, and are on their way out the door and think this is still an amazing place to work, I would like to see what the other 90% think would make this a better work enviornment, and boost morale since I am seeing it at an all time low. I have never walked in this building to see so many heads hanging low, and the disappointmant of having to show up for another 10 hour shift.

If you wan't to leave sarcastic remarks feel free, but try and keep it real with what you think could seriously help the real workers of the deprtment being the street cops that have to deal with the endless B.S. every day.

Maybe if we get enough people onboard for once, and stick up for some change we can break through the upstairs ice, and make our days more enjoyable.

Lets all stay safe out there, and look out for each other, since we are all we got on the street, even more so now since we can't seem to work with more the 5 or 6 people every day.

11-11-2011, 03:38 AM
No one has the energy. The top faves will soon be the top and the cycle goes on. I don't think there is any hope and the economy is bad. They expect more and more and give less and less. The Admin feels we are lucky just to be working, meanwhile they gobble up all the training so they can get high paying jobs when they retire. Someone who is leaving gets to pad his resume at the expense of us and the taxpayers? This wouldn't be allowed for us foot soldiers. Eh....

11-13-2011, 12:44 AM
If you go on the web sites for surrounding police departments you see worse comments than this, so is it better elsewhere? There are not many city police departments that allow take home cars, Clw & Largo you have to live in the city, only SPPD and us allow take home vehicles countywide, that is something, as far as droopy faces and heads hanging low in the PD, I don't know what you are talking about, everyplace has good & bad, but I like it here and people I talk to like it also, so I disagree.

11-13-2011, 12:11 PM
To say that everyone has a "droopy face" is just like saying everyone has a "happy face". I am a fellow road cop, not a boss, it sounds like you are upset, to say all of the admin doesn't care is as silly as saying all officers don't care. I must say that one poison apple tries to get everyone aboard, doesn't sound like everyone agrees with you. "Droopy faces" ? Are you serious? Some are happy at the workplace, some are not, but to try to convince everyone that "droopy faces and heads hanging low"? sounds like you want to have everyone believe it is true. Did you ever stop to think the droopy faces are made at you directly? I mostly, not always, see smiles & joking, but good luck to you, I hope things get better for you and remember SMILE!! You might get one back! If you are a whiner, and known for whining, you will get a "droopy face" so they hope you just pass by without complaining! Stay safe!

11-18-2011, 05:30 PM
If you have some ideas to boost morale, please share!

11-19-2011, 12:04 AM
It's all what you make it. Right now are the lean times....everywhere.....lets just circle the wagons, look out and be there for each other, have as much fun as we can, count the blessings we have, do the best the we can, and just know things will get better again someday. The rest is out of our Admins control....really anybodys. Just be nice, and set aside petty squabbles for now.

11-19-2011, 04:09 AM
A little algebra if I may....


11-21-2011, 12:20 PM
Its called working for a living gentlemen. You guys have been immune to it for a very long time but now its creeping into the public sector.
The bosses dont care about you? Waaaaaa! They arent paid to care about you. They are paid to make sure the machine runs as smoothly as possible and you are paid to do as youre told.
Welcome to the real world!

11-23-2011, 12:38 AM
Its called working for a living gentlemen. You guys have been immune to it for a very long time but now its creeping into the public sector.
The bosses dont care about you? Waaaaaa! They arent paid to care about you. They are paid to make sure the machine runs as smoothly as possible and you are paid to do as youre told.
Welcome to the real world!

Thanks for the pep talk sir. How’s the air up where you’re working? Sure stinks down here with all that shiz rolling downhill.

11-23-2011, 12:46 PM
Whats wrong? Not use to having to actually WORK?

11-23-2011, 04:01 PM
F*ck you azzholio! I've been a patrol officer for 10 years! I've done more work in a week than you admin sheetz do in a year! It's not the work, it's the bullshizz we are told to add/perform on top of our regular duties, while being told to do so by arrogant admin that haven't work the road in so long, they don't have a clue what it's like out here any more! Then, condemn us for a drop in productivity! :twisted:

11-23-2011, 04:13 PM
I agree!!! Not to mention the admin don't have enough to do to justify their existence! They have time not only to do their "work" (Hahahahaha!!!!) But have enough time to micro-manage us by following our every "bread crumb" move, AND scrutinize EACH AND EVERY SINGLE CALL AND REPORT WE DO!!!!!!! Way to lead us fearless, over-educated leaders! What a miserable joke! Morale problem?!?!? NOOOOOOO, no problem here "head-in-the-sand" superiors! And, I know, "If I am not happy, leave". Pizz off!

11-24-2011, 12:46 AM
You are all so correct. If they didn't have to deal with the sleeping, peeing, lying and cheating they could focus more time on dealing with lazy, sorry and disrespectful officers that should never have been hired in the first place. But keep blasting the admin. Could be worse though, your not holding a sign to feed your family.

11-24-2011, 12:59 PM
You are all so correct. If they didn't have to deal with the sleeping, peeing, lying and cheating they could focus more time on dealing with lazy, sorry and disrespectful officers that should never have been hired in the first place. But keep blasting the admin. Could be worse though, your not holding a sign to feed your family.

They might be soon.
Yep, the squeaking wheel gets the grease...its also the wheel that gets replaced first.

11-24-2011, 01:12 PM
Out of the three recently in trouble one of them is a really good cop. I let you decide about the other too.

11-26-2011, 11:48 PM
I must be out of the loop. I heard of sleeping wilber, but not a wizzzard or a cheating-lying ofc. Can anyone give info without identifying the accused?

11-27-2011, 03:30 AM

11-27-2011, 03:33 AM
Really people, I would rather sleep in my patrol car (b/c we all have done it before lets not act surprised) than pee in a parking lot and potentionally lose my job. Well look at it in a positive light, us on Mids won't have to stay for shift coverage when he calls in every week. Plus in my book :) Come on now people.

11-28-2011, 01:44 AM
Calling in sick, going home early all the time and now this??? Terrible.

11-28-2011, 02:16 AM
Its called working for a living gentlemen. You guys have been immune to it for a very long time but now its creeping into the public sector.
The bosses dont care about you? Waaaaaa! They arent paid to care about you. They are paid to make sure the machine runs as smoothly as possible and you are paid to do as youre told.
Welcome to the real world!

Thanks for the pep talk sir. How’s the air up where you’re working? Sure stinks down here with all that shiz rolling downhill.

Most hate the backstabbing admin fron cappys on up. They sit in their ivory towers collecting the $$$ while we who don't sit under the old shade tree take care of business. Talk about stagnet. Can you say enima?

11-28-2011, 02:32 AM
They do a decent job. They are being attentive to reports because they want the new system to be consistent, they have actually gotten some ideas on how to do things by reading the reports.....I like that there are Captains reading my reports and seeing the work I do. I think you are all being hard on everyone, times are tough and this is no time to be sniping. I used to get a little miffed when times were good and the cash and prizes were concentrated into a small group...and yes there are some things I don't agree with, but all I can do is voice my opposition by suggesting something better in a positive way....before you can attack an idea or way of doing things you better have a better one.