11-09-2011, 05:03 AM
Why would we drive fast to a call?
Take a chance of dying for one of these good ole boys?
Do your job and get in a IA?
Solve a crime?
Write a ticket to one of them so they can complain about me?
Or die for this trash in Fort Myers?
Stop speeders on Mcgregor?

You all can burn in your crime getto CITY!

11-09-2011, 05:27 AM
Dont worry they ALL will be victims sooner than later in this City. If they want Baker this bad they can have him and the scum bags that I will NOT arrest.

11-09-2011, 01:20 PM
Why would we drive fast to a call?
Take a chance of dying for one of these good ole boys?
Do your job and get in a IA?
Solve a crime?
Write a ticket to one of them so they can complain about me?
Or die for this trash in Fort Myers?
Stop speeders on Mcgregor?

You all can burn in your crime getto CITY!

Sounds like your done at FMPD. Don't need this attitude dressed in duty colors. Man move on with your attitude. Burn that !

11-10-2011, 02:07 AM
We need to get rid of Baker now and these dumb voters can pay for his retirement and a new Chief.
I hope they like what they got"""" they will pay out the ass for this.
Let their City waste into a getto. And I am not leaving. I will be here to draw my Pension and then run north to Tenneseee to fu'' with Baker when I retire.

11-10-2011, 02:45 AM
I agree with the VOTE of no confidence with Baker" What are we waiting for? He has violated out rights, our contract and our civil rights! Time to stand up together.

01-11-2012, 02:11 AM
I bet the city residents regreat their vote now with the crime off McGregor. Let their neighborhoods go to hell. They want Baker then they get crime.

01-19-2012, 04:19 AM
I bet the voter or victims what ever you want to call them wish they could do a recall vote on the Police Chief "NOW"