View Full Version : Are you kidding me AL

11-05-2011, 07:27 PM
"If I was a road deputy, my first reaction if I saw a cruiser going that fast would be, 'Somebody stole a police car,' " said Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti. He said Watts' approach with a gun was appropriate.

Are you kidding me, once she saw he was in uniform she should holstered that gun immediately......Al you have gone to far and I will do what ever I have to to get you out of office............and I am not an Israel guy or a Granturd guy, I am just someone who is anti-YOU

11-05-2011, 08:28 PM
That's funny because when a marked BSO unit drove by him at "Warp Speed" (his words) his reaction was to put out an agency wide e mail to be read at all roll calls to remind us to slow down and obey all traffic laws. NOT a Bologna for a stolen police car.

11-05-2011, 08:43 PM
That's funny because when a marked BSO unit drove by him at "Warp Speed" (his words) his reaction was to put out an agency wide e mail to be read at all roll calls to remind us to slow down and obey all traffic laws. NOT a Bologna for a stolen police car. meant BOLO not Bologna.

11-05-2011, 08:55 PM
I wonder if Sheriff Lamberti would feel the same if Trooper Watts were to stop him in uniform, point a gun at him, then hand cuff him and place him in the back of her car. I also guess that if a BSO deputy were to disregard two direct orders to break off a persuit then disobey another dirext order tp get a name and let him go, all of which resulting in a national incident, that the sheriff would back him too.

11-05-2011, 09:23 PM
Wow, way to throw the City of Miami under the bus to make Mike Mayo at the Sentinel happy...Yikes, don't expect a Christmas card from Miami cops this year Sheriff. Why you even got involved in this is beyond me...How about this one instead "Well I wish cooler heads had prevailed before a uniformed officer had to be handcuffed and had a gun pointed at his head"...or better yet "No COMMENT!"

No you have boldly taken sides with one agency over another...I hate the Scott Isrealites on here and have been a staunch supporter of you ..but your politics lately has me shaking my head. Speaking of which..whats with all the Gay Lesbian Transgender parades in Wilton Manors lately?? You DO realize your a REPUBLICAN Sheriff? What are you thinking..burning one support base to chase stray votes in another that always vote "D" down the line.

11-05-2011, 10:07 PM
You guys are looking at this all wrong. The Sheriff has just publicly okayed hos deputies to perform high speed persuits for simple traffic and has given hos deputies the ability to Yank any violator out of their car at gunpoint, cuffed and frisked and thrown on the back of the squad car foe the duration of the traffic stop. I'm sure that quite a few deputies productivity. Will sky rocket because of this.

11-05-2011, 10:08 PM
Well, now you for sure lost my vote pal

11-05-2011, 10:21 PM
Lamberti is an idiot. He disgusts me.

11-05-2011, 11:08 PM
Awe my little LEO Sheriff has grown to be a big boy politician. You have publicly taken the side of the popular public opinion in spite of the flagrant misconduct of Trooper Watts on her own dash cam video. I'm so proud of you. Enforcing the law in Broward County....but not at the expense of votes.

11-05-2011, 11:48 PM
Hello BSO. Long long time Miami cop here, also 35 year plus Broward homeowner. Honestly always liked you guys, even over other Broward agencies. You guys were always great to work with cop to cop and I always felt a true feeling of brotherhood existed with your dept. What convoluted thought/reasoning process caused Lamberti to make such a misguided opinion public? Did he watch the same video footage and listen to the same radio transmission tapes as everyone else? Why did he have to even open his mouth at all except to say something neutral like "Let's just wait and see how the investigation plays out" etc? Was this guy ever a real cop for any decent amount of time? Is he so worried about votes that he has to shamelessly prostitute himself like this. I mean I know that unlike in Miami it's an elected position and all but please, go kiss babies and hob nob with the bagel crowd etc...don't throw the Miami guy under the bus. I have to tell you that I'm more than a little disappointed. So much for this Miami guy Lopez trying to get a fair, unbiased shake from BSO if he attempts to have some kind of criminal charges brought (ag assault, false imprisonment etc) against that moronic trooper. Even if the original investigator who catches the complaint feels the pursuit of charges might be warranted I'm certain the upper brass will be inclined to go along with the sheriff's misguided view. What say you guys?

11-06-2011, 12:54 AM
Hello BSO. Long long time Miami cop here, also 35 year plus Broward homeowner. Honestly always liked you guys, even over other Broward agencies. You guys were always great to work with cop to cop and I always felt a true feeling of brotherhood existed with your dept. What convoluted thought/reasoning process caused Lamberti to make such a misguided opinion public? Did he watch the same video footage and listen to the same radio transmission tapes as everyone else? Why did he have to even open his mouth at all except to say something neutral like "Let's just wait and see how the investigation plays out" etc? Was this guy ever a real cop for any decent amount of time? Is he so worried about votes that he has to shamelessly prostitute himself like this. I mean I know that unlike in Miami it's an elected position and all but please, go kiss babies and hob nob with the bagel crowd etc...don't throw the Miami guy under the bus. I have to tell you that I'm more than a little disappointed. So much for this Miami guy Lopez trying to get a fair, unbiased shake from BSO if he attempts to have some kind of criminal charges brought (ag assault, false imprisonment etc) against that moronic trooper. Even if the original investigator who catches the complaint feels the pursuit of charges might be warranted I'm certain the upper brass will be inclined to go along with the sheriff's misguided view. What say you guys?
We're just as dumbfounded as everyone else...But if Officer Lopez wishes to file a complaint, there's always FDLE.

11-06-2011, 01:05 AM
Is this the Sheriff Lamberti who was investigated for getting his 15 yr old police I D so the kid could see the Superbowl for free ? The Lamberti who FDLE investigated for the stunt? And the tickets to the Superbowl were $400 or $500 ? And whatever happened to the FDLE investigation anyway ? Did he write himself a reprimand? Did he make restitution? Suspension? And he calls anyone arrogant?

11-06-2011, 01:53 AM
Way to go Sheriff Al. First off the trooper made the comment"Yall guys Miami P.D. always speed and we never catch you". Does that sound like someone who thought the police car was stolen? NOT, and more like over zealous cop trying to make a name for herself and set an example. Sheriff Al why don't you think before opening your mouth.

On the bright side Sheriff Al, you just lost some COP votes in broward. Keep up the good work.....

11-06-2011, 02:02 AM
Way to go Sheriff Al. First off the trooper made the comment"Yall guys Miami P.D. always speed and we never catch you". Does that sound like someone who thought the police car was stolen? NOT, and more like over zealous cop trying to make a name for herself and set an example. Sheriff Al why don't you think before opening your mouth.

On the bright side Sheriff Al, you just lost some COP votes in broward. Keep up the good work.....

I sure he's woory about votes from cops.

11-06-2011, 09:50 AM
Lamberti should stop listening to his iMedia Relations staff. He has not commented on the Super Bowl vip detail or Braswell having a secret po box, but he has an opinion of officer Lopez. He did not want to offend his GLBT friends, this is clear.

11-06-2011, 09:53 AM
That's what Navarro said too before he got beat in the primary. I quote him -"Cops don't vote". Yes we do and influence many others. Can't tell you how many people asked me who to vote for in past sheriff's races.

11-06-2011, 10:57 AM
Let's face it..its cops vs the rest of the nation and now our own boss on this freak incident where one idiot from MPD unfortunatley ran into a bigger idiot from FHP. Thanks Sheriff, WTF were you thinking taking sides in this as the highest ranking cop in Broward County where the incident occurred??? You have now damaged our relationship with the 3rd largest police force in South Florida (Miami PD)....possibly for a long time

The fact is, most of the general public, including Sun Sentinels Mike Mayo are like the pelicans in the Finding Nemo movie when it comes to tactics, officer safety, comradarie, and how we conduct ourselves. I can care less what Mr Mayo, or Susie homemaker on You Tube thinks about any of this. But to the media from here to Hong Kong covering this, lets get some facts straight. Mr Mayo, first of all your article incorrectly states the MPD officer was heading to an off duty job in Coconut Creek??..Umm no, he lives in Creek, and is a City of Miami officer headed to a off duty police job in his jurisdiction of Miami. That should show how sloppy you right...but I digress..

From all the posts I've read on FHPs board and the ones from Troop K I know and have spoken too...Trooper "DJ" Watts is not exactly Bruce Willis in the bravery department, who has been fired from Sarasota and let go and then rehired by FHP twice. This does not ring a some sort of coincidence that she is not embroiled in this mess. She would never dare attempt to get involved with "real" violence felons according to her peers, so spare me the excuse that she thought the City of Miami patrol car was "stolen". If it was even the bravest members of BSOs SWAT team, would not take it down at gunpoint alone..so spare me...she knew it was a City of Miami cop..and for some reason she harbors deep resentment of that agency, or maybey all non FHP cops. ..Not sure what makes her tick that way but based on her tone and calling him a criminal and handcuffing him in UNIFORM ..she looks like she has issues. Her own Sgt tried to call her off, and she ignored his order..and endangered others in driving 100 plus chasing a cop she couldn't even see for over 7 miles.

This reminds me of when Pres Obama called the Cambridge MA police Sgt "stupid" in arresting the Professor for DOC...only to look foolish and have to retract and hold a beer summit" to smooth things over...Sheriff please retract this statement and order a keg..ASAP because YOUR troops are stunned by what you waded into.

11-06-2011, 11:09 AM
Yes, Sheriff, because we all know that approaching stolen police cars all by your lonesome is standard operator procedure. Watts knew or was at least reasonably certain that a police officer was operating that vehicle. Her actions and statements more than make that clear.

What a gutless PC thing to say by our fearless leader. Makes me want to puke.


11-06-2011, 11:48 AM
Al.. this one fight you should have stayed far away from...very bad judgement.. from an ex nighthawk! What the hell were you thinking.. both parties were wrong and should have been handled internally through chain of command.. not the spectacle WATTS did.. she is one dangerous person... like Lopez and thats why we have policies and IA's to safeguard all.

11-06-2011, 02:08 PM
He was only going 96 MPH, Watts lied about everything. On the audio she is heard telling the Officer after she was ordered to release the him; she said she thought is was a stolen vehicle. Later she is heard on the same audio, I have been trying to catch that Miami cruiser for the longest time, he is alsways speeding down this road. Which is is Watts? Come on, a Miami cruiser going 120 MPH plus....that thing would have broken into pieces.

11-06-2011, 02:49 PM
If the officer was following the speed limit none of this would have happen. You have to use better judgement when driving especially when driving a marked unit which is visible by all. There is no excuse for going so fast period, grow up and act like a professional when driving.

The FHP officer was very very wrong in the way she handled the incident and her actions will have a negative impact for a long time.

Al should not have made any judgement unless he was there and was aware of all the facts. Why would he respond to Mayo (Sun Sentinel) who has always had a hatred for law enforcement.

11-06-2011, 03:53 PM
You guys kill me. Al Lamberti is the top cop in Broward County. This incident occurred in Broward County. Mike Mayo asked him his expert opinion and he gave it. I'm sure a lot of what Lamberti said was edited out of the article too. He is entitled to his opnion and he should share it with the people he serves.

If Al Lamberti had told Mayo no comment how many of you would complain about that?

11-06-2011, 04:56 PM
You guys kill me. Al Lamberti is the top cop in Broward County. This incident occurred in Broward County. Mike Mayo asked him his expert opinion and he gave it. I'm sure a lot of what Lamberti said was edited out of the article too. He is entitled to his opnion and he should share it with the people he serves.

If Al Lamberti had told Mayo no comment how many of you would complain about that?

What he should of said was that out of respect for an on-going investigation, he had NO comment.

You kill me Al. Even your supporters are left shacking their heads. Remember being a cop Al...do you?

11-06-2011, 05:37 PM
I wonder if since this incident occurred in the sheriff's jurisdiction and he approved publicly of Trooper Watts behavior if this does noactually open him up for some vicarious liability on Amy future similar event. I'm sure that the next deputy who wrecks his car in a high speed chase for simple traffic after disobeying orders to break it off, is gonna cite Trooper Watts 'approved' behavior as his reasoning.

11-06-2011, 06:39 PM
Sheriff Lamberti,

If your reading these posts, and I know you are, I think your time would be better served writing policy instead of talking to the press.

Let me paint you a different story: I'm one of your employees in full uniform in a marked car, and I'm driving like an A** hole for whatever reason, maybe I don't even realize it. Suddenly I see blue lights in my rear view. I think "uh oh Someone's trying to get to an emergency let me get out of their way" I begin to switch lanes through traffic. The blue lights follow. Now I think "okay this unit is following me through traffic I'm sort of running point for them." so now I begin to drive faster opening up traffic lanes through the traffic. Now we hit a patch of open road. I think "great this unit can now go around me." It does not. Now I think "Is this unit trying to pull me over?" I don't think so because if a rational LEO had a problem with my driving that LEO would have taken down my vehicle information and forwarded it to my agency. Now I think "well this unit might need my assistance with something, I better stop and see what they want."

We pull off the road. Suddenly someone jumps out of the car screaming and pointing a gun at me. I think "this is not the rational behavior for a police officer. Could that vehicle and uniform have been stolen? and now could this person be seeking to kill a police officer? Or could this be a real cop who has snapped under the pressure of life and now seeks to kill whomever, starting with me?"

What do you suggest I do under those conditions boss?
I know what policy and training say I should do.

What do I do if after it is confirmed that I am a LEO and is this is a Trooper, this trooper attempts to hand cuff and disarm me without an arrest charge?

This Trooper is still out there so it's safe to assume this type of incident will happen again. You need to address this because eventually someone's gonna get hurt.

11-06-2011, 07:24 PM
Sheriff, please explain yourself. Your own agency has a lot of scandals, which the Sentinel refuse to cover, but you won't "comment" on those. Why get involved in this issue at all? Whoever is advising you need to stop. A 'no comment' on this because you don't have all the facts and will wait until the investigations are completed before passing judgement would have been okay. With all the missteps, I wonder if you really want to reelected at all? Will you be issuing an apology or did Mayo misquote you? your remarks show a lack of judgement and leadership.

11-06-2011, 08:42 PM
Lamberti won't ever talk to the media to answer the tough questions. The buck doesn't stop with him remember that. It's always somebody else's fault no matter what. This guy will pull the wool over everybody's eyes again, public and employees. The stupid jailers are backing him. Wait until after the election. He will turn his back on you idiots again.

11-06-2011, 10:11 PM

11-07-2011, 01:16 AM

Hold on there. The fifth floor is laughing at the contract that was approved. They even talked about how certain union stewards agreed not to criticized the sheriff or the agency over the next year. How does it feel to be a flunky?

11-07-2011, 01:21 PM

Hold on there. The fifth floor is laughing at the contract that was approved. They even talked about how certain union stewards agreed not to criticized the sheriff or the agency over the next year. How does it feel to be a flunky?

I usually don’t wade into this mess called “Leo Affairs” but this comment is just too good to pass up.

You freekin corn hole recipient ! PBA not only endorsed Lamberti in 2008 but they handed him the Crisco for the butt servitude!

Did you happen to notice the expiration date of the FOPE contract? What a douche bag you are! You should be ashamed of yourself for drawing free air from this planet!

FOPE CONTRACT IS IN EFFECT UNTIL THE LAST DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2012 … and what comes soon AFTER September 2012? November 2012. Choke on your ignorance you douche! God I hate stupid people! Good job FOPE! :lol:

11-07-2011, 01:33 PM
How do these Jail union issues keep coming up in threads that have nothing to do with the jail??? Take this crap to the Corrections thread

11-07-2011, 05:20 PM
How do these Jail union issues keep coming up in threads that have nothing to do with the jail??? Take this crap to the Corrections thread

Go whine about real cops giving you tickets Biotch! I'll go on any thread I want.

11-07-2011, 06:40 PM
How do these Jail union issues keep coming up in threads that have nothing to do with the jail??? Take this crap to the Corrections thread

Let me answer that for you, you Crisco recipient. :shock: Scroll back a page and look at what a DLE "Guest" wrote:

"The stupid jailers are backing him. Wait until after the election. He will turn his back on you idiots again." :roll:

Does that answer your question JackWagon? :lol:

11-07-2011, 07:04 PM
DOD will always be third class looooisers under Lamberti.....HaHa Look at your pay scale! It's feeding time, go feed your friends.. Lamberti 2012. :snicker:

11-07-2011, 07:15 PM
90% of the jail look and act like inmates. Way to go Al save all the money for DLE, I enjoy my new green and white free car, gas and off duty. I heard the reason why the jail is switching to green shirts is because the sheriff was tired of seeing DOD in yellow dirty shirts.

11-07-2011, 09:53 PM
Sheriff, do a retraction, quick. Then stop listening to media relations, Stay out of Wilton Manors, yes they vote, but they have their own department and will never come to BSO. Then start listening to reason, learn to take advice and then after careful consideration of all sides, and only then should you make statements. This is a real blunder. A mistake was made and now its time to retract it. You have critical issues to attend to and does not benefit from making PC remarks.

11-08-2011, 02:50 PM
I see you guys are eating tacos outside Bills office...Don't you think that's something I would've liked to have known? I like Tacos..

11-08-2011, 03:18 PM
DOD will always be third class looooisers under Lamberti.....HaHa Look at your pay scale! It's feeding time, go feed your friends.. Lamberti 2012. :snicker:

spoken like a true jailer turned road patrol POS. Remember where you AND Lamberti came from you arrogant turd :snicker:

11-10-2011, 05:21 PM
If Uncle Al has nothing good to say he should just keep his mouth close. Are u kidding me Sheriff, I know elections are coming up but don't make stupid comments like that in exchange for a few votes.

11-10-2011, 07:36 PM
Wow, way to throw the City of Miami under the bus to make Mike Mayo at the Sentinel happy...Yikes, don't expect a Christmas card from Miami cops this year Sheriff. Why you even got involved in this is beyond me...How about this one instead "Well I wish cooler heads had prevailed before a uniformed officer had to be handcuffed and had a gun pointed at his head"...or better yet "No COMMENT!"

No you have boldly taken sides with one agency over another...I hate the Scott Isrealites on here and have been a staunch supporter of you ..but your politics lately has me shaking my head. Speaking of which..whats with all the Gay Lesbian Transgender parades in Wilton Manors lately?? You DO realize your a REPUBLICAN Sheriff? What are you thinking..burning one support base to chase stray votes in another that always vote "D" down the line.

Ditto. Here is a prime example of forgetting where he came from. Your selling your soul Al.

11-10-2011, 07:47 PM
Sheriff Lamberti,

If your reading these posts, and I know you are, I think your time would be better served writing policy instead of talking to the press.

Let me paint you a different story: I'm one of your employees in full uniform in a marked car, and I'm driving like an A** hole for whatever reason, maybe I don't even realize it. Suddenly I see blue lights in my rear view. I think "uh oh Someone's trying to get to an emergency let me get out of their way" I begin to switch lanes through traffic. The blue lights follow. Now I think "okay this unit is following me through traffic I'm sort of running point for them." so now I begin to drive faster opening up traffic lanes through the traffic. Now we hit a patch of open road. I think "great this unit can now go around me." It does not. Now I think "Is this unit trying to pull me over?" I don't think so because if a rational LEO had a problem with my driving that LEO would have taken down my vehicle information and forwarded it to my agency. Now I think "well this unit might need my assistance with something, I better stop and see what they want."

We pull off the road. Suddenly someone jumps out of the car screaming and pointing a gun at me. I think "this is not the rational behavior for a police officer. Could that vehicle and uniform have been stolen? and now could this person be seeking to kill a police officer? Or could this be a real cop who has snapped under the pressure of life and now seeks to kill whomever, starting with me?"

What do you suggest I do under those conditions boss?
I know what policy and training say I should do.

What do I do if after it is confirmed that I am a LEO and is this is a Trooper, this trooper attempts to hand cuff and disarm me without an arrest charge?

This Trooper is still out there so it's safe to assume this type of incident will happen again. You need to address this because eventually someone's gonna get hurt.

Great post.

11-12-2011, 10:50 AM
Sheriff Lamberti,

If your reading these posts, and I know you are, I think your time would be better served writing policy instead of talking to the press.

Let me paint you a different story: I'm one of your employees in full uniform in a marked car, and I'm driving like an A** hole for whatever reason, maybe I don't even realize it. Suddenly I see blue lights in my rear view. I think "uh oh Someone's trying to get to an emergency let me get out of their way" I begin to switch lanes through traffic. The blue lights follow. Now I think "okay this unit is following me through traffic I'm sort of running point for them." so now I begin to drive faster opening up traffic lanes through the traffic. Now we hit a patch of open road. I think "great this unit can now go around me." It does not. Now I think "Is this unit trying to pull me over?" I don't think so because if a rational LEO had a problem with my driving that LEO would have taken down my vehicle information and forwarded it to my agency. Now I think "well this unit might need my assistance with something, I better stop and see what they want."

We pull off the road. Suddenly someone jumps out of the car screaming and pointing a gun at me. I think "this is not the rational behavior for a police officer. Could that vehicle and uniform have been stolen? and now could this person be seeking to kill a police officer? Or could this be a real cop who has snapped under the pressure of life and now seeks to kill whomever, starting with me?"

What do you suggest I do under those conditions boss?
I know what policy and training say I should do.

What do I do if after it is confirmed that I am a LEO and is this is a Trooper, this trooper attempts to hand cuff and disarm me without an arrest charge?

This Trooper is still out there so it's safe to assume this type of incident will happen again. You need to address this because eventually someone's gonna get hurt.

Great post.

This really is a great post, but I think you just wrote the entire defense case for the MDPD "late for my detail" officer!