View Full Version : Former Chaplain's Private PO Box Raise New Questions

11-02-2011, 10:23 PM
Former Chaplain's Private PO Box Discovered

11-03-2011, 01:31 AM
This is the best his staff can do??? Somebody gave him a gift for coming out at midnight, doing services on Sundays, etc etc????
PLEASE! As the lady who was quoted said, if something was given, it was from the heart. With everything going on, if this is the best his illustrious, useless, staff can comeup with, I feel sorry for them.

11-03-2011, 01:46 AM
Mail fraud? How much has he collected over the years? Why wasn't he publicly condemned? Because he has info on a lot of people. More is coming. FRS will not pay his pension.

11-03-2011, 08:16 AM
Hang in there chap. This is another IA attack job. I don't believe he had his own mail box, but if he did, it probably was approved. There is nothing wrong with tips. We get them all the time like a free cup of coffee, or a bottle of water. They used this petty stuff to push him out.

11-03-2011, 10:07 AM
Its common knowledge that gift card and gift certificates were preferred, so what's the big deal? As more things come out about this, Braswell will be compelled to start talking and if he does, it could bring down the entire administration.

11-03-2011, 10:31 AM
Hang in there chap. This is another IA attack job. I don't believe he had his own mail box, but if he did, it probably was approved. There is nothing wrong with tips. We get them all the time like a free cup of coffee, or a bottle of water. They used this petty stuff to push him out.

The Chaplain is a good man. BSO has bad and evil people , so for Rick I pray:

"Father, in the name of Jesus, I now plead the Blood of Jesus over every inch of my physical body, over every inch my soul, and over ever inch of my spirit. I now plead the Blood of Jesus against any demons who may try and come against me. I now Plead the Blood of Jesus against any bad and evil people who may try and come against me.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now have full faith and belief that the Blood of Jesus will now fully protect me against all of the things that I have just Pled His Blood on.

Thank you Father.

Thank you Jesus.”

11-03-2011, 10:54 AM
Hang in there chap. This is another IA attack job. I don't believe he had his own mail box, but if he did, it probably was approved. There is nothing wrong with tips. We get them all the time like a free cup of coffee, or a bottle of water. They used this petty stuff to push him out.

The Chaplain is a good man. BSO has bad and evil people , so for Rick I pray:

"Father, in the name of Jesus, I now plead the Blood of Jesus over every inch of my physical body, over every inch my soul, and over ever inch of my spirit. I now plead the Blood of Jesus against any demons who may try and come against me. I now Plead the Blood of Jesus against any bad and evil people who may try and come against me.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now have full faith and belief that the Blood of Jesus will now fully protect me against all of the things that I have just Pled His Blood on.

Thank you Father.

Thank you Jesus.”

Chaplain, I too thought you were a decent man, but are you now asking Jesus to condone your obvious violations of agency policy or charging gift cards for services? Yes, you do need prayer. Why was a the bogus "Chaplain's Office" post office box set up? People who you solicited gift card from will be coming forward because they thought this was a sheriff's office address. I'm sure many other people who fell for scam this will be posting their experiences here too. Disappointed, but I will still say a private prayer for you. Again, very disappointed.

11-03-2011, 12:30 PM
Oh the HORROR....a PO box. Ask Lamberti how many PO boxes he has for his political slush funds like the Sheriff Foundation. Even Finklestein is wise to that scam.

11-03-2011, 12:57 PM
This is the best his staff can do??? Somebody gave him a gift for coming out at midnight, doing services on Sundays, etc etc????
PLEASE! As the lady who was quoted said, if something was given, it was from the heart. With everything going on, if this is the best his illustrious, useless, staff can comeup with, I feel sorry for them.

Leave the propagandizing to media relations. This is a sorry post. I remember a deputy at the port being fired for over a bottle of wine one Xmas. This double standards and cover-up is out. Talk, chaplain, talk. Tell everything you know. P.S. If I sure can use a Bass Pro Shops gift card that a Coast Guard seaman sent for the prayer session in 2009.

11-03-2011, 01:40 PM
Oh the HORROR....a PO box. Ask Lamberti how many PO boxes he has for his political slush funds like the Sheriff Foundation. Even Finklestein is wise to that scam.

Will this be emailed tomorrow's "Fraud 411" in another misinformation campaign about Braswell?

11-03-2011, 04:03 PM
That's it. I'm done. The agency is falling apart. This entire episode should have been addressed and then let the chips fall, no matter who is at fault. this was kept quiet and they let the chaplain go quietly with his nest egg. No credibility is left and get out while you can. I'm done.

11-03-2011, 04:17 PM
That's it. I'm done. The agency is falling apart. This entire episode should have been addressed and then let the chips fall, no matter who is at fault. this was kept quiet and they let the chaplain go quietly with his nest egg. No credibility is left and get out while you can. I'm done.

Gee, we're going to miss you. People shouldn't take this bogus story so seriously. I have a P.O. box too. I hope the South Florida Times doesn't find out!

11-03-2011, 06:38 PM
That's it. I'm done. The agency is falling apart. This entire episode should have been addressed and then let the chips fall, no matter who is at fault. this was kept quiet and they let the chaplain go quietly with his nest egg. No credibility is left and get out while you can. I'm done.

Gee, we're going to miss you. People shouldn't take this bogus story so seriously. I have a P.O. box too. I hope the South Florida Times doesn't find out!

Too late. The feds are now on the case.

11-03-2011, 07:47 PM
That's it. I'm done. The agency is falling apart. This entire episode should have been addressed and then let the chips fall, no matter who is at fault. this was kept quiet and they let the chaplain go quietly with his nest egg. No credibility is left and get out while you can. I'm done.

Gee, we're going to miss you. People shouldn't take this bogus story so seriously. I have a P.O. box too. I hope the South Florida Times doesn't find out!

Too late. The feds are now on the case.

Oh yeah, probably the FBI or maybe the CIA!! They have nothing better to do than to see whether the police chaplain got a $300 gift card as a gratuity for performing a wedding on a Sunday afternoon! You Israelites crack me up!! Now tell me they're still after Dave Benjamin!

11-03-2011, 08:04 PM
[quote=Guest]That's it. I'm done. The agency is falling apart. This entire episode should have been addressed and then let the chips fall, no matter who is at fault. this was kept quiet and they let the chaplain go quietly with his nest egg. No credibility is left and get out while you can. I'm done.

Gee, we're going to miss you. People shouldn't take this bogus story so seriously. I have a P.O. box too. I hope the South Florida Times doesn't find out!

Too late. The feds are now on the case.

Oh yeah, probably the FBI or maybe the CIA!! They have nothing better to do than to see whether the police chaplain got a $300 gift card as a gratuity for performing a wedding on a Sunday afternoon! You Israelites crack me up!! Now tell me they're still after Dave Benjamin![/quote:2275x1ff]

I agree. It was Israel. Ease off that of Frauday 411 cool aid. Try several million and then you're close, not $300.

11-03-2011, 09:17 PM
New Chaplain Bombshell Coming and its a dewsy!

11-04-2011, 10:58 AM
New Chaplain Bombshell Coming and its a dewsy!

No bombshell is coming. There is no "Dewsy". The Chaplain is retired. He's not getting involved in any campaign. The "Feds" are not talking to him. The CIA, NSA, DOD, and FDLE have no interest in this either.

A good man was run out and like many others who were forced to resign, he will fade away. You can't fight BSO or their lawyers. It's better to go away and live your life. I wish Rick Braswell the best. He's a great man who helped me several times. I wish him the best.

11-04-2011, 12:17 PM
New Chaplain Bombshell Coming and its a dewsy!

No bombshell is coming. There is no "Dewsy". The Chaplain is retired. He's not getting involved in any campaign. The "Feds" are not talking to him. The CIA, NSA, DOD, and FDLE have no interest in this either.

A good man was run out and like many others who were forced to resign, he will fade away. You can't fight BSO or their lawyers. It's better to go away and live your life. I wish Rick Braswell the best. He's a great man who helped me several times. I wish him the best.

Diverting BSO mail is a crime and worse. You have no clue and are an embarrassment to SID.

11-04-2011, 12:36 PM
Should this be true (secret PO Box diverting "gifts") then I would think a criminal investigation would be in order. Nothing surprises me with the clergy. They've always been a bunch of deviants cloaking their misdeeds in the name of the Lord.

I'll continue to monitor this with great interest and wonder how he got away with it for so long. Did IRS know and contact BSO? Or did he get caught because he was using the BSO mailroom to instead of the USPS. How stupid and greedy can you get.

11-04-2011, 12:57 PM
The racist rag strikes once again

11-04-2011, 01:22 PM
It's a racist rag because he dares to write about "white people". You are a blaring idiot, the color of the reporter should'nt matter. When the Sun Sentinel prints derogatory stories about BSO employees, it's an example of fine journalism. When a black reporter prints the same story, he is just a racist working for Israel, trying to make the Sheriff look bad. Take all of your Jim Crow theories back to 1960 where they belong, because they no longer fit.

11-04-2011, 03:29 PM
It's a racist rag because he dares to write about "white people". You are a blaring idiot, the color of the reporter should'nt matter. When the Sun Sentinel prints derogatory stories about BSO employees, it's an example of fine journalism. When a black reporter prints the same story, he is just a racist working for Israel, trying to make the Sheriff look bad. Take all of your Jim Crow theories back to 1960 where they belong, because they no longer fit.

David Duke for Sheriff

11-04-2011, 11:02 PM
Diverting BSO mail is a crime and worse. You have no clue and are an embarrassment to SID.[/quote]

WTF? Who's diverting mail? Easy on the caffeine dude. I'm also not in SID.

11-05-2011, 12:38 AM
I don't think there is a story here. He has had a PO box forever. It was on his business cards and on the return address on the 200 cards he sent ou each week.

11-05-2011, 02:13 AM
He without sin cast the first stone!!!!! :!: :!: :!:

11-05-2011, 09:30 AM
I don't think there is a story here. He has had a PO box forever. It was on his business cards and on the return address on the 200 cards he sent ou each week.

There are serious issues here. He has had that box for years and just because he was able to avoid detection for so long does not make it right. There is only one reason to have such a set up, so lets not fool ourselves. Looks as if he pulled this off for years, but so did Rothstein.

11-05-2011, 09:43 AM
Diverting BSO mail is a crime and worse. You have no clue and are an embarrassment to SID.

WTF? Who's diverting mail? Easy on the caffeine dude. I'm also not in SID.[/quote]

Ok, if you say so 10-50. Do you have SID mail going to your personal po box? Face it, this was a smooth operation that is an embarrassment to the agency. Any idea why he was not having his mail come to the PSB? Think long and hard.

11-05-2011, 02:14 PM
You losers never quits. If, and I say that with a big IF, this is true, it might be mail fraud and a few other things. But don't expect much to come of it. Its not like he robbed Fort Knox, but it could put that pension at risk and likely the only thing is going to happen.

11-05-2011, 07:49 PM
Is it me, or is this administration stumbling from scandal-to-scandal? At some point you have own up, take charge and responsibility. This is a law enforcement agency, not a church. If the chaplain has done wrong, why lose credibility over it? Deal with it and move on, unless there is something to hide. Now I don't what that could be, but at the expo in Deerfield today, its all everyone is talking about.

11-05-2011, 11:48 PM
Is it me, or is this administration stumbling from scandal-to-scandal? At some point you have own up, take charge and responsibility. This is a law enforcement agency, not a church. If the chaplain has done wrong, why lose credibility over it? Deal with it and move on, unless there is something to hide. Now I don't what that could be, but at the expo in Deerfield today, its all everyone is talking about.

Stumbling? No ... this agency is proudly forging ahead screwing as many good and decent people it can, and in its wake you will see a pathetic little mustachio weasel who over filled his ego at the polls. Idiot!

Keep on truckin lame O, you and your inept command staff will all serve your time, whether it be behind bars or in God’s big picture. Too late to stop screwin people now, you’ve gone too far already.

May God have mercy on your souls.

11-06-2011, 07:44 PM
"Send me a gift card. I give them to people in need. Send to this address."

11-08-2011, 11:31 AM
If that isn't the agency's post office box, what was he doing getting Chaplain's Office mail there? How could this happen and IA, SID or CID not finding out about it?

Has anyone seen these envelopes? Tell me this is not true.

11-08-2011, 10:13 PM
They will pay him his full value for his leave time. If any of this were true, why would they give him a payout? It sounds more like the IA take down to me.

11-09-2011, 10:55 PM
Chaplain Update