View Full Version : Look beyond your hate

10-10-2011, 10:36 PM
Guys you have to look beyond your hate here. People and thier families survival may hanging on this vote. Do the math for yourself I know I stand to lose more by turning this down than passing it. I have heard so many false rumors it's crazy. Deal with one issue and don't mix the two together or let your hate and rage cloud your decision. We are in this together there will always be the have and have nots But as long as someone has it means it there for taking in the future. Think before you vote and let's move on and beat the f-----g city.

10-10-2011, 11:22 PM
Someone made some sense thank god

10-10-2011, 11:42 PM
Originally i said i was going to vote NO, but I have 3 kids one in college and cant afford a bigger paycut just to make a point. Its BS that Armando's son will be Staff but he was never a street cop. We can still fight the City and make changes to the FOP. Armando doesnt give a crap about us but I gotta vote YES. The TIDE will change. I will do only what I am required to do ONLY. We are the best Police Department out there. FU Armando and Javi.

10-11-2011, 12:19 AM
I thought water-boarding was stopped. I guess not, the brainwashing keeps going for a few. Keep paying dues then, go ahead and support the scams and retire at 65 while the rest of the chosen few earn more and keep all perks.Jr. thanks you for his new salary. Now go work off duties and enjoy the cuts....

10-11-2011, 02:08 AM
we need armando out not the fop.

armando leave

10-11-2011, 02:15 AM
as it is my paycheck is not enough to support my family without off duties and I do not live beyoned my means in any way. I have a wife and small kids that rely on my paycheck.

that said I cannot afford any paycut, the FOP's or the city's but I'm tired of being pushed around by the city. that's why I'm voting no for this contract

the city has put me in my own finacial urgency with the cuts I've taken over the last few years and now they are going to push me into financial emergency with this new contract...imposed or not

It's time to take a stand and push back. voting no on the contract is just the start. with or without the FOP we have got to get the public on our side and show them what these politicians are doing.

on another note... I don't like what the FOP is doing either but I don't think running to the PBA is the answer. But I do think the real answer is replace the board with people who will run the FOP as it should be and as the members want it to be.

10-11-2011, 02:29 AM
Lessen the blow to your paycuts by doing away with all these high paid luxuries/expenses to cmdrs, sgt at arms, ex assistants. But no, these are their personal perks they keep hush hush about. That is not and will never be negotiable, New car to vice president, ex assistant jr new rental and no veh fees,no holidays taken away and you keep paying, so i guess go find another off duty then, they say thanks for your support, especially for the upcoming holidays. :shock:

10-11-2011, 04:12 AM
:lol: this place is the best we thrive on hate yippee!!!!!