View Full Version : The Future of Negotiations in the city of miami

10-10-2011, 06:40 PM
I'd rather fight the abuse the roll over and take it up the A$$.... First off the CIty will use this tactic from now on against you. They will say if you DON'T AGREE THEN HERE IS YOUR IMPOSED CONTRACT. If you roll over and take it each time then they will continue the abuse. The FOP is setting us up for a future of strong arm tactics from the City for years to come.

Can you remember a year where the City didn't fight from every angle to cause us to forfeit benefits? I can't! This is the time to stand and fight not quiver and take it. If you vote yes, your essentially allowing the city to use this tactic for years to come.

How can anyone make this assertion? Just look at the cities past practices and you'll see the answer.

Did you know some officials got raises? Oh I forget the FOP failed to tell you that.

Did you know are chance of winning without proving abuse is slim? Well, the fop will beg to differ.

Guys stand united and let's fight! Let's not take the crap anymore and let's vote no! it's for the best interest in the long run.

Brothers and Sisters,

We are once again experiencing the results that come from having an incompetent Mayor and a selfish City Commission. For the past three years, they have managed to close each year with enormous deficits, thus declaring financial urgency and stealing our hard earned salaries and benefits.

You have every right to be upset. I’ve had to negotiate a contract that I don't agree with. Unlike last year, we have been able to give every member a choice. Unlike the city's imposed contract, the FOP has negotiated a tentative agreement that saves an additional 3 million dollars from every Police Officer's pocket without affecting our lawsuits. If the City's imposes their contract, you are looking at an additional $3,000 taken from your paycheck this year. Given the choices we face, the FOP agreement is the better of two evils. Attached to this email is a comparison of how the average Police Officer will be affected by both choices.

There are those that think that the grass is greener on the other side and are advocating for other unions.

The reason that the Fraternal Order of Police is the oldest and largest law enforcement organization in the world, with over 325,000 members, is because it is a member driven organization that is ran from within. Any other union will look at us as a business investment looking to profit from our dues. In order to combat the attack we are having on our pay and benefits, your FOP is doing the following:
We are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawsuits and grievances to protect your rights.
While other unions decided that protecting your 1% money wasn't a priority, the Miami Fraternal Order of Police took the lead and joined a coalition in Tallahassee to protect your interests.
The Miami Fraternal Order of Police is taking a proactive approach by submitting an amendment this legislative session to stop the abuses of cities using the financial urgency statute to break union contracts.

The Fraternal Order of Police is the only union in the State of Florida that is fighting the abuses of financial urgency from local government to the state capitol. Other unions that represent cities that have been affected by financial urgency haven't done ANYTHING to stop these abuses.

The city is extremely worried that our lawsuits and grievances are moving forward and would love nothing more than to separate us in order to succeed. The Miami FOP was formed January 24, 1954 by a group of brave Miami Police Officers who risked their jobs in order to fight for better working conditions.

Focus your energy in staying united; for it is at times such as these that the weak crumble and the strong survive. The Miami FOP will survive these challenges as we have survived many others in our 57 year history.



Sergeant Armando Aguilar, President

Miami Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #20

10-10-2011, 07:06 PM
The only thing I have seen is back door deals, family members getting promote, lies and the members being kept in the dark. We tired and have had enough!!!! Time for change, wether the grass is greener or not its dead and filled with snakes on this side.

10-10-2011, 07:17 PM
Change is needed in the fop, not my paycheck by losing an additinal $3,000.

I'm voting yes

10-10-2011, 07:56 PM
I saw the graph and putting all the BS aside it 3000 dollars and I have kids to feed and a sick wife. We might lose the lawsuits especially with the Rick Scott appointed judges in the appeals courts. Voting yes IA better than layoffs and cuts like the county

10-11-2011, 04:13 AM
This post is brought to you by the FOP. F@ck other policemen union. If you are buying into this crap, I have some prime real estate to sell you. Just the gas alone is going to cost between alone will cost you close to $3000.00 bucks. You pay for gas from all of your paychecks, even the months when we get paid three times. Reference the loss of holiday pay, an officer that makes $30.00hr will lose $780 for not making holiday pay (10 hours of time and half plus eight hours of straight pay for working the ten hour shift. The same officer will also see a loss of $72.00 biweekly/$1672 yearly.(52 weeks in a year multiplied by $36.00 weekly). That adds to $5,452. This is a lenient figure. Ironically it comes close to the$7000.00 the city wanted each,member to contribute from the 1%. Who is playing who?

10-11-2011, 04:29 AM
The $1672 loss that the officer will incur, is from the loss of take home pay, from the 3% contribution to the pension. Like I wrote earlier, these are lenient numbers because I chose to error on a,lower figure than a higher one. No scare tactics are necessary.

10-11-2011, 04:31 AM

10-11-2011, 05:23 AM
I saw the graph and putting all the BS aside it 3000 dollars and I have kids to feed and a sick wife. We might lose the lawsuits especially with the Rick Scott appointed judges in the appeals courts. Voting yes IA better than layoffs and cuts like the county


10-11-2011, 05:31 AM
I want you to think about something, first off the surcharge only affects patrol officers. k9 was the first to whine that they needed to keep the cars in order to transport thier partners, then was the bomb squad, then certain swat members. And since the sgt at arms and staff are also not affected by this who is left in the picture? hmmmm, i would enture to say patrol. So why would i say yes to the fop when I know that the rules only affect a select few and the rest have to bear the pain. I say HELL NO!!!!!!!

10-11-2011, 05:33 AM
Cause it was a scam to screw all the young Officers....Yes we will prevail but without Armando the piece of shit! Change is coming. Lets see how Aguilar is going to explain to the fop national lodge that he lost bargaining rights to the PBA and millions of dollars especially during his campaign to run for state fop president. Its all about money in the end>