View Full Version : Kerr you are a disgrace to the Uniform!

09-22-2011, 02:07 PM
Kerr, I am calling you out because you were disrespectful to Armando & Jr. at last nite's FOP meeting. Your attempt at portraying yourself as wanting to "clean-up the union" is very thinly veiled as you wanting to take over FOP. God help us all.

09-22-2011, 03:19 PM
Kerr, I am calling you out because you were disrespectful to Armando & Jr. at last nite's FOP meeting. Your attempt at portraying yourself as wanting to "clean-up the union" is very thinly veiled as you wanting to take over FOP. God help us all.


09-22-2011, 03:22 PM
Kerr, I am calling you out because you were disrespectful to Armando & Jr. at last nite's FOP meeting. Your attempt at portraying yourself as wanting to "clean-up the union" is very thinly veiled as you wanting to take over FOP. God help us all.
I totally disagree. Kerr was just speaking his mind and saying what others too coward to speak did not say. Disrespectful? It is disrespectful not to keep the union members informed on whats really going on with the contract negotiations including the under the table issues.

09-22-2011, 03:29 PM
Kerr get off this site. Unfortunately the silent majority do not tell it to your face, but most realize what you are all about..."what is in it for Kerr?"
You make me sick.

09-22-2011, 04:23 PM
Kerr has more balls then the 300 members left in the fop. Go get them Kerr and explore the corruption within the fop. Armando sr n jr and the whole board needs to go.

09-22-2011, 05:28 PM
Whenever the Union cannot defend the undefendable, the union resorts to the only tactic it knows which is to attack Lt Kerr.

I heard a lot of discontent people *****ing last night whose name wasn't Kerr.

From Aramando's inability to grasp that we don't want a 3yr contract, to Frank not allowing discussion about a bylaw change request, but then giving us his own opinions. They even tried to stack the meeting with non-FOP 20 lodge members.

I could only laugh whenever Armando said they met with Assistant City Manager Cabrera to discuss the contract. How can you negotiate a contract with somebody who is still a Deputy Chief of Police and who is returning back to the Department in a few weeks.

Did they ensure that we get screwed in exchange for promotions or great assignments? Only time will tell.

The Union is broken, maybe beyond repair.

09-22-2011, 08:18 PM
You are transparent with your "quinta columna" tactics. That is what the communists would do to undermine legitimate elected governments. Instead of attempting to undermine your elected FOP officials, run for office and make a difference in a legitimate way. Your tacticts are a disgrace to the MPD. What goes around comes around. Karma is a *****.
Be careful what you wish for...

09-22-2011, 09:01 PM
Kerr, you are a LOSER.
Give it up!

09-22-2011, 09:27 PM
Lt. Kerr, why are you so loathed in this Department?
Is it because your superior intellect gets in the way of common sense & doing the right thing? There are some of us that can distinguish "the forest from the trees."
We know what you are up to.

09-22-2011, 09:33 PM
no the losers are those who think that a 3 yr contract is the best for the dept. It was also hilarious that jr. was so upset at kerr that I thought he was going to pass out after the scream match that night.

09-22-2011, 10:32 PM
You are transparent with your "quinta columna" tactics. That is what the communists would do to undermine legitimate elected governments. Instead of attempting to undermine your elected FOP officials, run for office and make a difference in a legitimate way. Your tacticts are a disgrace to the MPD. What goes around comes around. Karma is a *****.
Be careful what you wish for...

The operative phrase here is "legitimate elected government." I question, as many others do, the legitimacy of the fop board elections. You're the pot calling the kettle black. it's your "tactics" that are a disgrace. Kerr is a "legitimately" concerned member of our union asking pertinent and valid questions and you resort to the usual intimidation tactics and berating him. Just like you so eloquently stated, a "Quinta columna" tactic of coercing opposition and slamming the door on free speech. So you, board member, remember when you point your finger at someone, there are three pointing right back at you.

09-22-2011, 10:41 PM
Kerr, I am calling you out because you were disrespectful to Armando & Jr. at last nite's FOP meeting. Your attempt at portraying yourself as wanting to "clean-up the union" is very thinly veiled as you wanting to take over FOP. God help us all.

Your calling him out???????? I dont see your name anywhere in your quote. How can you call anyone out, using a guest name? Please dont call anyone out unless we know who you are

09-23-2011, 12:15 AM
It's time to post Lugo's IA file. Mr. Crespo do a public records request and look at one of Miami's finest so called officers. I think you will pass out laughing when you see his file.

09-23-2011, 01:44 AM
Sorry to dissapoint you Kerr. I am not a board member.
You are a "wannabe." And I do call you out because you are a big mouth with "0" credentials. What did you when you were on the previous Board that made a difference for the current Union Members? Nothing. You have nothing constructive to contribute except throwing dirt on persons that want to make a difference. I would have a lot more respect for you if you really had the best interest of the membership instead of your personal vendettas against some of the current Board member.
Grow a pair & go back to work.

09-23-2011, 02:30 AM
"Please dont call anyone out unless we know who you are"

Who is we????
Inquiring minds want to know.

09-23-2011, 02:37 AM
Guess he could not stand that they got the Captians issue resolved and he couldnt. BUt that okay sure he will f==k it up again and vote it all down. By the way been through Tallahassee lately you cheese eater.

09-23-2011, 03:50 AM
I do enjoy getting my own thread. Please MODs keep it up.

I won't get riled up by Guest posts, like I've said in the past, it is your right to post anonymously, it isn't really brave, but it's your right. The beauty of this board is that anyone can post and express their opinions or ignorance. The one thing that I will reiterate is that I have always posted on my registered account. I will always standup and say what I think and I will always sign my name to my post, which is more that most (all?) posters can say. Its ok though, the FOP is boycotting this site so we don't have to worry about Javi's children coming on posting pictures :)

I do not necessarily oppose the signing of a contract but I can not comprehend why we would sign a three year. Under financial urgency they can open and impose the contracts at will. The board was never able to adequately explain their intense desire to have a three year contract. The bottom line is the membership doesn't trust the city OR the union.*

One day they claim to have no desire to oust the chief, the next day we see them working with the city manager during his hearing. One day they claim to have never sat in a promotional appeals meeting, the next day a member produces paperwork showing otherwise. I'm a skeptical guy but I'm especially skeptical the third Wednesday of every month, around 6:32 (I believe the prayer). Our union has serious legitimacy problems. They do not allow civil discourse, their elections are incredibly suspect, and if we judged them my their actions over their words, we would have all fled years ago.*

Can they survive? Who can tell. All I know is that they have proven incredibly inept as of late and they are so woefully out of touch with the rank and file that they won't see the exodus until it's too late.*

As far as being a disgrace to the uniform, this unfortunately is true. I've put on about 20 pounds since going upstairs. My shirt's getting tight.*
Carry on with your flame on's. *

09-23-2011, 04:00 AM
Hey Lt Kerr, can you post the contract details that our onion( I call it an onion because of it's foul smell) has failed to advise the rank and file of. You see, I wanted to go to the meeting but I was stuck on a report call. Thanks again for standing up to these thugs, it's a little easier for you because your a Lt. The standard officer has to worry about promotions or eventually working for one of these clowns once they are ousted when the fop is abolished.

09-23-2011, 04:40 AM
Hey Lt Kerr, can you post the contract details that our onion( I call it an onion because of it's foul smell) has failed to advise the rank and file of. You see, I wanted to go to the meeting but I was stuck on a report call. Thanks again for standing up to these thugs, it's a little easier for you because your a Lt. The standard officer has to worry about promotions or eventually working for one of these clowns once they are ousted when the fop is abolished.
They only discussed what is being discussed. We don't have an actual contract so everything is still up in the air. As soon as a contract is available you will have 10 days to read and digest it before the vote. I encourage you to read it from beginning to end and understand it. If anything is confusing, and it usually is, ask a board member or someone you can trust.*

09-23-2011, 05:48 AM
U go Lt. Kerr! At least someone has our backs! :devil:

09-23-2011, 07:07 AM
Thank you Kerr! Dont worry Kerr they will eventually fall and when they do people will realize what a shitty, dishonest job they did.

FOP executives will be demoted.

09-23-2011, 08:24 AM
Kerr your'e right: not only are you grossly overweight; but your'e ugly as well. But that ain't your fault. What is your fault is your arsenic laced underhanded method of operation. Instead of you being part of the problem, I wish you were part of the solution.
You certainly have the ability & smarts to work for the better of the department. I pray that you see the light soon.

09-23-2011, 11:26 AM
I'm a skeptical guy but I'm especially skeptical the third Wednesday of every month, around 6:32 (I believe the prayer).

Glad you dont believe in the pledge either shows to me what an aZZ wipe you really are.

09-23-2011, 12:26 PM
I'm a skeptical guy but I'm especially skeptical the third Wednesday of every month, around 6:32 (I believe the prayer).

Glad you dont believe in the pledge either shows to me what an aZZ wipe you really are.
What he politely was insinuating was that the $hit executive board has no idea what is means to be a patriotic American and show allegiance to what they are sworn to do!

09-23-2011, 12:39 PM
No read his statement he said he was skeptical of everything else but did say he believed the prayer. Maybe his good friend Longueria and Green will like that remember one did fight for your rights over seas.

MOD 634
09-23-2011, 01:18 PM
Please keep the personal slams/attacks to yourselves.

Keep the discussions civil guys,

09-23-2011, 02:00 PM


Ortiz talking to Manager or Cabrera behind him



09-23-2011, 02:35 PM
...try to take away from the attention to yourself kerr.
"tira la piedra y esconde la mano."
Google it braniac

09-23-2011, 03:10 PM
Thanks for your post Kerr when are the next elections for the board or can we do anything before that? How can we unite the members and do whats right? And how can we insure there is no flim flam voting process that got javis boy toy voted in?

09-23-2011, 03:28 PM
Please keep the personal slams/attacks to yourselves.

Keep the discussions civil guys,

Mod really? This while post is a personal attack on kerr. Just the name on the post alone is enough. And I disagree kerr you do not have the right to post anonoumously and slander another person. The first amendment has never been read to do so. These inflammatory post are nothing more than personal attacks by cowards who are the true enemy of our profession and that of free speech.

09-23-2011, 03:33 PM
Can you nerds please learn how to use your d1cks already so you can stop talking this non-sence. You know the little thing bewteen your legs you use to take a piss? You can use that on women. Please guys, you are all grown men in a mans department, act like it. man up.

09-23-2011, 04:11 PM
Can you nerds please learn how to use your d1cks already so you can stop talking this non-sence. You know the little thing bewteen your legs you use to take a piss? You can use that on women. Please guys, you are all grown men in a mans department, act like it. man up.

I see being a man is posting under an anonymous name and slandering kerr, ok I got you I missed that part in fto.I guess then we are truly lost continue posting anonoumously ( being a man) and let's pray that the families of those who have given there life in the line of duty don't come on here. That way they don't have to see what the sacrifice that there loved one made wasn't in vain for a ( manly) profession. Thank you for clearing that up for us , you make prefect sense.

09-23-2011, 06:10 PM
[quote="MOD 634":25motnus]Please keep the personal slams/attacks to yourselves.

Keep the discussions civil guys,

Mod really? This while post is a personal attack on kerr. Just the name on the post alone is enough. And I disagree kerr you do not have the right to post anonoumously and slander another person. The first amendment has never been read to do so. These inflammatory post are nothing more than personal attacks by cowards who are the true enemy of our profession and that of free speech.[/quote:25motnus]

I have asked them to leave the thread up. If any of the posts violate the TOU I’m sure they will take it down. For now I think it is the best method of showing the members their true colors. It is the same reason I don’t yell and scream and jump out of my chair in the meetings. Their actions show the true content of their character. Calling me a disgrace, a loudmouth, drunk a$$hole, etc isn’t slander. It is just childish schoolyard name calling that the uneducated resort to when they cannot articulate their side of the argument.

I will never resort to name calling or personal attacks. Lord knows I have files and files of ammunition emailed to me. It’s just not my way. I will fight for the pay and benefits of my brothers and sisters until my last day. It is a commitment to my family, my friends, and to the yet to be hired officers that will take my place when I leave the department. I am not running for any office and I guarantee I will never actively seek a seat on the executive board of our current bargaining unit.

We are a wounded family right now, hurt by internal and external evil, but we will persevere. The department is bigger than any one individual and we will rise out of this. The question will be how you will feel about yourself, with what you have done, when all of this is all over. I know how I will feel.

09-23-2011, 06:18 PM
"I am not running for any office and I guarantee I will never actively seek a seat on the executive board of our current bargaining unit" kerr 09/23/2011

I hope that we don't have to remind in the future of the above quote......


09-23-2011, 10:33 PM
I agree with you Dan,the place is a mess. Our union has proven that it can not be trusted
and they resort to badmouthing you cause that is what children and uneducated people do. That is also what cowards who fear you, not for your physical abilities but due to your rank ,would do.
You see,these people who talk trash here and behind other's backs are pittiful,scared men who think that you will use your rank to crush them if they came out.
You are a better man then that but since that is all they know,they wont reveal themselves!
Whether you seek office or not should not factor into your well expressed views on our unions unforgivable sell out and possible corrupt actions...At the very least,they lack male fortitude when they deal with City hall.

Anyway,I am glad you are not crying to the moderators to delete this like most of these guys do when they see their names in lights,lol
Stay strong and true to your values Dan. The rest of us need to do the same

09-23-2011, 10:53 PM
we don't fear you; we tolerate you.
you keep it up; we will keep it up.
it's your call....

09-23-2011, 11:09 PM
I got your back Kerr, you're the one who stands up and expresses yourself even though this cowards talk crap about you on leo affairs under guest's names. And you are one of the only persons that uses your real name and thats why I got your back.

09-23-2011, 11:21 PM
Yeah, Yeah,Yeah,
So does Ortiz....
I am really impress kerr.

09-24-2011, 02:06 AM
I agree with 2nd amendment, people here fear you Kerr and like 2nd amendment said, it is definately not for you physical ability, but for your knowledge. Unlike me who is feared for my muscles and my penus, you are feared for your brain. :shock:

09-24-2011, 02:36 AM
The reality kerr is that nobody really cares.
Everybody except a few are just part of the peanut gallery.
Keep fighting those windmills.
I hope you don't have a stroke or a heart attack in the process.

09-24-2011, 02:47 AM
The reality kerr is that nobody really cares.
Everybody except a few are just part of the peanut gallery.
Keep fighting those windmills.
I hope you don't have a stroke or a heart attack in the process.
If Kerr is Don Quijote, who is his Sancho Panza?

09-24-2011, 10:27 AM
Question: If Kerr is Don Quijote, who is his Sancho Panza?

Answer: javi

you both need to take a break.....take separate vacations

09-24-2011, 12:14 PM
Kerr to dispel rumors, what happen between you and Aguirre Jr/

09-24-2011, 01:22 PM
I agree with 2nd amendment, people here fear you Kerr and like 2nd amendment said, it is definately not for you physical ability, but for your knowledge. Unlike me who is feared for my muscles and my penus, you are feared for your brain. :shock:
He is feared because of the red fungus on his face :shock:

09-24-2011, 01:29 PM
Kerr to dispel rumors, what happen between you and Aguirre Jr/
Who is Aguirre?

Bottom line is Kerr almost slapped the bejesus out of Armando Aguilar Jr.

09-25-2011, 09:13 PM
Kerr to dispel rumors, what happen between you and Aguirre Jr/
Who is Aguirre?

Bottom line is Kerr almost slapped the bejesus out of Armando Aguilar Jr.

Kerr almost slapped Jr???
In his dreams.....
Kerr, what do you have to say about that?

09-27-2011, 08:15 AM
Its hard to imagine that this thread is still up but when u say anything about javi or that loser lugo (who looks brain dead while sitting at the meeting) it automatically gets removed wtf? I look at it like this, the board is in it for themselves and it looks bad for all the members here.

09-27-2011, 11:33 AM
We know Expositoe and if you didn't write on every post leoaffairs would be boring

09-27-2011, 06:54 PM
I sit here in amazement of the negativity that this blog represents. If you don't bash kerr, lugo, ortiz etc, you then blame chef exposito. For heaven's sake, the guy is history. Why give him so much power? Instead of bashing each other, we should concentrate on the real problem; the millions of dollars wasted by City Hall in exorbitant salaries & people that sit aroung doing nothing (Botellas). I wish we had real leadership, and that starts by stop bashing each other.

09-29-2011, 04:38 PM
kerr, all those POST bashing FOP elected officers is pathetic.
If you have issues with FOP members go the straight up to them & give up your "beef."
All you cause is dissension & "half-truths" amond the troops. Where did you hear the Ortiz is going to be made "Major?" Has Ortiz confirmed it to you?
Of course not. You are a lying hypocrite trying to confuse the members.

09-29-2011, 05:29 PM
kerr, all those POST bashing FOP elected officers is pathetic.
If you have issues with FOP members go the straight up to them & give up your "beef."
All you cause is dissension & "half-truths" amond the troops. Where did you hear the Ortiz is going to be made "Major?" Has Ortiz confirmed it to you?
Of course not. You are a lying hypocrite trying to confuse the members.

IT's not Just care coward it's everyone come to central R/C everyone is pissed at the union. I can't speak for south or north but the FOP has clearly failed to fight.

Have you seen the contract? I sure haven't it's DAY 2 and no one has a copy.

Want me to post all the video and photo's showing ortiz selling out the members? Or the picture of him at dinner with regalado this month?

Keep on living in a bubble.

09-29-2011, 06:31 PM
kerr, all those POST bashing FOP elected officers is pathetic.
If you have issues with FOP members go the straight up to them & give up your "beef."
All you cause is dissension & "half-truths" amond the troops. Where did you hear the Ortiz is going to be made "Major?" Has Ortiz confirmed it to you?
Of course not. You are a lying hypocrite trying to confuse the members.

Nice try. Again, trying to turn this debacle into an FOP vs KERR issue. Kerr has been out of the Country on a boat this whole week.

I think you should start attending roll calls and hearing what is being said. I know its not a Union Meeting where you can control the conversation, but you need to hear the members anyways.

09-29-2011, 07:25 PM
kerr, all those POST bashing FOP elected officers is pathetic.
If you have issues with FOP members go the straight up to them & give up your "beef."
All you cause is dissension & "half-truths" amond the troops. Where did you hear the Ortiz is going to be made "Major?" Has Ortiz confirmed it to you?
Of course not. You are a lying hypocrite trying to confuse the members.

Nice try. Again, trying to turn this debacle into an FOP vs KERR issue. Kerr has been out of the Country on a boat this whole week.

I think you should start attending roll calls and hearing what is being said. I know its not a Union Meeting where you can control the conversation, but you need to hear the members anyways.

I second that motion!! Many are speaking out and don't worry the FOP is going to have a hard time selling the shit sandwich to the members.

I an't eating any shit sandwich you gotta force it on me first

09-30-2011, 12:29 AM
Instead of talking crap in this blog, contact the FOP & educate yourself before you go half-****ed with less than accurate information. You are a menace to yourself by being uninformed. Dope!

09-30-2011, 12:55 AM
Instead of talking crap in this blog, contact the FOP & educate yourself before you go half-****ed with less than accurate information. You are a menace to yourself by being uninformed. Dope!
F--k You Frank!

09-30-2011, 01:09 AM
Hey Kerr bodyguard,
You are a complete moron.
I pray that you stay out of trouble.
You have a bit of an "anger problem."
Be safe out there.

09-30-2011, 01:40 AM
Hey Kerr bodyguard,
You are a complete moron.
I pray that you stay out of trouble.
You have a bit of an "anger problem."
Be safe out there.

Or what Frank/javi you guys are going to make sure any allegation is reported to your contacts in the media. Like two biatches in high school!!

09-30-2011, 10:07 AM
You live in fantasyland!

10-02-2011, 04:46 PM
Hey kerr, how are voting on the contract & why?

10-03-2011, 01:12 PM
Instead of talking crap in this blog, contact the FOP & educate yourself before you go half-****ed with less than accurate information. You are a menace to yourself by being uninformed. Dope!