View Full Version : Blom The Back Stabber

09-17-2011, 01:36 PM
What a piece of scum. Blom has cut deal with brain dead Corollo to keep his job. He and moffitt was seen meeting with corollo Friday. He denies being on Exposito's team and wants to remain over FOD. Will sell his soul.

09-17-2011, 03:15 PM
What a turn coat! Chief Expo brought him in when he was ousted and the chief get thrown out unjustly and this guy decides to just stay and keep working in the department after others loyal to the chief resigned and left with the chief. WOW, that is loyalty for you. Or it could be that he will stay to play double agent and try to do a reverse Valkyrie, lol.

09-18-2011, 07:19 AM

09-19-2011, 09:49 PM
First the fat piece of crap Exposito wasn't thrown out unjustly. He was a dismal failure as a chief. He was a political hack who didnt have the skills to be a chief of police. He got to be chief based on politics and the promise to make Cabrera the DC so one day lil louie could become chief. He backed out of that promise and went against the politician that made him chief. So he should never had been chief and was removed because he was such a dumbass.

Blom is only being the same piece of crap he has always been. He used Exposito, his life long friend, to become chief. Now when Exposito is fired, Blom doesnt have the self pride to leave with him. Blom has no pride, no loyalty and no back bone. He is only here for the money now and took the money over his friend. Blom you are nothing but scum.

09-19-2011, 10:01 PM
Blom is probably one of the few guys that can actually run this place. Especially after what I saw at the commission hearings. Manny was hooting like an Owl although I hear he sings better when he's in front of the FEDS. Brown is definitely brain dead. Roque and Perez were speaking but there was not way to understand either one of them. What a bunch of losers. Blom came up defended the department, TOS and even neighboring departments. He did it articulately and with class. I have to say that I much rather have the Big Guy representing me and the department than the clowns I saw in Luisito's camp. LOL

09-19-2011, 11:37 PM
OPEN LETTER TO IA..........................RICHIE IS A JUDAS............................................. ..........IN ACCORD WITH AL, FORGET EXPO, AL IS TTHE CORRUPTOR......................................... ..........EXPO MAY BE A VICTIM AS WELL.......................RICHIE CANNOT RUN THIS PLACE BECAUSE HE COMMANDS NO RESPECT...................PLS LEAVE....................

09-20-2011, 12:06 AM
Blom is probably one of the few guys that can actually run this place. Especially after what I saw at the commission hearings. Manny was hooting like an Owl although I hear he sings better when he's in front of the FEDS. Brown is definitely brain dead. Roque and Perez were speaking but there was not way to understand either one of them. What a bunch of losers. Blom came up defended the department, TOS and even neighboring departments. He did it articulately and with class. I have to say that I much rather have the Big Guy representing me and the department than the clowns I saw in Luisito's camp. LOL

I agree. Even the dumbest commissioners can see that the Luisito crowd are a bunch of illiterate yes men clowns. LOL.

09-20-2011, 12:23 AM
OPEN LETTER TO IA..........................RICHIE IS A JUDAS............................................. ..........IN ACCORD WITH AL, FORGET EXPO, AL IS TTHE CORRUPTOR......................................... ..........EXPO MAY BE A VICTIM AS WELL.......................RICHIE CANNOT RUN THIS PLACE BECAUSE HE COMMANDS NO RESPECT...................PLS LEAVE....................

Hey dip shit, T$ and BK had respect? And you think Orosa will "command respect" when he, the jump out boys sergeant, said at the hearing that the unit caused the scum bags to grab guns? NO ONE WHO "TESTIFIED" against expo, will EVER have anyone respect except those who lost when the change in power came about. When your top dog, they don't have to respect you. They have to fear you.

09-20-2011, 12:31 PM
Blom leave already

09-20-2011, 05:53 PM
Blom couldnt run Recors or EOM as a captain. He has been a disaster as an asst chief. He should follow his friends and leave. PS Richie, take Moffett with you.